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I want to value Fernando's wonderful sense of romance!

This is OP here to tell you about my affection for Evie. I adore her profoundly and anything you say about her does not matter. She is simply the most charming girl I have ever met.

All champions in the game and yet Bird is an OP picture.
Not even mad, got a skin for subbing today.

So many champions that it's hard to pick one. I have one prepared for next thread already though.

I wonder if we're around the time when jannies like to delete things.

Have a good day /palg/

Step into the light

You too, user.



Thanks, you too.

Why do Ying's hands look like a robot's?

She's in the process of morphing into Replicant.

is this game as bad as paragon?

Don't know. What's Paragon like?

grindy and boring

>just got enough gold for lian
>banned in every match
That good huh?

Well you got one part right.

Jannies, pls spare Fernandoposter, he even got the trips.

This week's free Champion Rotation includes Drogoz, Ruckus, Lex, and Ying!


It's almost weekend already and now you post it?

blame their slow ass twitter account :^)

No one likes being sniped across the map with some Lian dashing somewhere.

What the fuck? Why don't we get 4 damage dealers?

Aside from it's 5 second cooldown I think the 200-300 damage is pretty balanced

Banning in comp is cancer

>drogoz is a damage dealer
>ruckus is a tanky damage dealer
>lex should have been damage dealer, flanking without vertical mobility is shit
>ying can deal more damage than do healing

Auto aim is annoying as fuck no matter what the damage is.

Lex - vagina
Drogoz - asshole
Ruckus - mouth

Bans in comp are the only reason to play it right now. Tired of some flavor of the month champ? Ban them.

Anybody got any tips for playing from behind? After you've lost area control over the objective.

desu the only constant is the retards I'm paired with. Me, sometimes I play well, sometimes I can;t be arsed but GOD DAMN I'm tired of not being able to 1v9. Viktor is the only champion I can sort of hyper-carry with.

If they gather up on the point, use heavy bombardment and flanking to weaken them before a big push.

>Or die in darkness.

Ok, say whatever you want but we need an ironically edgy as fuck champion. I think League did a great job with with the most recent champion release, he even has a "nothing personnel" line.
>but Maeve
Nah man, Maeve is a fun loli waifu-bait, not an edgy warrior or darkness who uses the powers of shadow to redeem his dark past

>Jenos' ult is just another damage + gimmick ult
Can't they think of some crowd control instead

>who is androxus
>who is zhin

What about Androxus and Zhin?

Not edgy enough.

Evil willo?

How can you possibly be edgier than Andrew Johnson?

you want more seris or dumbo ult?

red color scheme
that's what we need

Doesn't he have a red recolor already?

Andro is edgy as fuck what are you smoking


but he was BORN IN THE DARK

On one hand i'm all characters having different options to their kit, on the other hand CC is fucking cancer

Gather up with the team and only then contest the point. Main mistake i see noobs doing is rushing the point trying to stall it alone and dying one by one miserably. If it's not 3/3 99% situation its better to give it up entirely than feeding opponent more kills for no reason.

We need to go edgier. Most of his VGS isn't edgy at all.

Androxus is a meme and zhin is fun, not edgy. The only edgy thing about androxus is his appearance but he ain't unique, I feel he got inspired by reaper from OW and it only so happened that reaper is an edgy fuck, ya feel me?

I'm just disappointed since Lian's ult kinda works the same way, i expected something different
Like i don't know, they could've make a 4th astral sign that make a teammate immortal or something

What's the best pick to go with a 3damage 1 flank team?

Not really? Androxus was always an edgelord in one form or another.

>what is resiliance

Makoa, agressive mal/grover or another flanker

>Friendly reminder to high elo players who can't enjoy the game because of broken matchmaking

Make a smurf. Only characters you don't play much, especially certain supports and tanks that are hard to carry with at high elo but easy to carry with at low elo.

>tfw forced to smurf to enjoy Skye

They sound similar but they are really different in execution. Lian's perfect 1v1, easy to use counter ult. Jenos's preps forever as area denial but can snipe off Kinessas and oneshots most of the cast.

>other team is humans who know what they're doing
>my team is me and 4 bots because everyone else dc'd
Why do I keep playing?

Because it's fun?

Never heard of a four-man DC before. You must be really unlucky.

I have awful luck with matchmaking recently. Next match had people, and they were a premade who spam VHS while in dead zone.

I really wish the game didn't implement bots when someone DCs. I think it's all about mentality, as I would perform WAY better knowing I play 3v5 or something, than wondering why my team mate is apparently brain-dead.

There's no really good way to do it. Making it actually 3v5 with no boosts would suck (mentality or no, you're still in a bad place), but bots are 90% of the time free credits for the other team, and giving a boost when someone DCs would mean sometimes not playing is a better move than playing.

Just imagine cassie on steroid

insectoid champion when

right after the timestopping vampire :^)

They really need a better indicator of Jenos healing you. I just had a match where I thought Grover was doing it, but Jenos was actually the one really healing me the whole time.

Next game was vs a 5man of pros. Forced 50/50 when?

Is this a jojo reference?


There comes a time when a man's love for someone becomes too immense for him to keep hidden, but I'm afraid to be reprimanded again.
I just love her. I love her so very much. I don't ever want to leave her side.

Well, healing indicators in general have been an issue the devs have to consider. On the one hand, a clear indication that you're getting health back is extremely helpful in knowing whether you can risk re-engaging or not. On the other, you don't want the UI turning into a clusterfuck every time you get a heal.

I don't want to think about it.

your gay



This Nando told me off for not being aggressive enough and he was right to do so. I got top elims by going flanker while throwing out heals every now and then.
He's so god damn versatile!

am i the only one who likes kinessa?
have i found a pure waifu?



I bet you hate Casca too, you tasteless pleb.

Evie is the only pure waifu

>not a pure slut
Ha ha nice try

Her character is literally "annoying shallow bitch".

c'mon, thought we settled who was the purest awhile ago

Binding an ice wraith to your soul doesn't exactly scream "pure" to me.

>oh long johnsen
stop kidding yourself.

You're bad as Kinessa, Please don't play her again
And Yes, I am talking to you.

Is cassie just a bad lian? literally all her abilities are trash, dodge roll attack boost is the only thing she has

>Any of the shitty characters with little to no personality in this game
nah idiots

never played kinessa

>can burst anyone with 2k hp under 2 seconds
>bad lian

Lore coming Soon™!

If you don't understand that her mines are the best part about her don't play kinessa

She's as good as your aim.

>ranked game
>I'm first pick
>dude1: i want willo
>dude2: i want victor
>dude3: im playing bk

Why does barik now have a purple border? It was gold but I'm still on the same level so it shouldn't have changed right?

>tfw throw 6 mines all over the map and kill heal 3
I'm a god.

Should of been first, scrub

You played ranked by any chance?