/mbg/ - Mount & Blade General

Prepare for more disappointment edition



Revealed at E3 2017:

Last blog:


PASTEBIN: pastebin.com/6HGMrkV2

M&B Wiki: mountandblade.wikia.com/wiki/Mount_and_Blade_Wiki

NOOB GUIDE: imgur.com/a/FMAqV

>user's mods and upstab guide:

>/mbg/ Steamgroup

New Modules :
>Modded Hispania 1200
>Custom troop trees
>CTT for Dickplomacy

>"I made a mod recently or updated it. Wat do?"
Link to the OP in your post so that it might be easier to find for the one making the next OP (also for regular people).

First for


Should have just let this garbage general die tbqh

I wonder who could be behind this post...

Any mods that let me fuck the horses? Going for a realistic Khergit build

Check here

don't belive if they reply that you want to fuck Katrin
they don't know shit

whatever steppe waifu poster's favorite mod is

too gloomy shit, why not an hero like a boss?
or like a boss of retards, doesn't matter

stop namefagging

Based 3rd worlder

fug, real trip :^)

I'm not that guy I think (I think you think, I mean)

reminder that talesword WILL reveal the release date on gamescom.

rhodoks are white and based

are you an E3 interviewer?

Rhodocks? More like Rhodorks!

Even if Bannerlord is released in our lifetimes, will the memes even be half as good?


who is the Richard Neville of Mountain Blade?

I know this is a long shot and has proven useless in the past, but I don't suppose any of you cool dudes have ported over the l'Aigle models to Napoleonic Wars? And if you have, could you be so kind as to share it with me?
I tried doing it myself but I have no idea what I'm doing and those faggots on taleworlds forums are no help

>~4 weeks until gamescom

longshot bump

After all the samurai posts I now want to watch a samurai movie, what are some patrician movies?

any of the Akira Kurosawa films

>After all the samurai posts
>literally a single image

Oh cool, which one you like the most?
Glad to know you were in here last thread

7 Samurai
Last Samurai if you can stand T. Cruise
and uh
Samurai Jack mayby?

>pic related "Dyeworks meme in Dickplomacy." (ongoing)

Seven Samurai, Sanjuro and Yojimbo are pretty based

i intentionally dont read european posts

Go microwave your water dumb amerikkkan
t. Not yuropean

so you only read shitposts?

I'd love to live excatly in Asia
it's too far away, tho ( ._.)

Hello my friends, I am looking for a mod set in past times of Northern America. The time period is of no concern to me, ahaha. Just looking for a swell time. Thank you for your help everyone Hahaha! :)

1860s Old America is JUST for you my friend

Inka/Aztec/Mayan shit would do?

why do I have the feeling that enterprises stop yielding profits after a while in 1257AD?

Is there a mod for that other than Caribbean? Not him but Im interested in that.

Kagemusha and Ran

It has a few really bad bugs (anyone else's army get stuck trying to attack richmond?) but I liked it a lot, especially when I found the cheat shotgun.

What did you guys think of Viking Conquest? I like it but it feels like the devs took on way more than they could handle, lots of shit just stuck in.


I think I saw something, but honestly it could be anything, I didn't check, not my area of interest

I'm thinking about stealing it, but I have already wfas, bryrenwalda and 1257 waiting for their turn, so I guess I'll pass
unless it's worth stealing on very shitty connection,
is it worth?

really good mod desu, love how they balanced heavy troops and light troops

but dark age britain is the most boring era of all time, so if you have a boner for vikangz go for it

page 10

This is Rhodok soil


Rhodork HAHA XD!



All I want for Christmas is Bannerlord

I'm posting Cao Cao in honour of the poster who was posting in honour of the original Cao Cao poster until we get a good Romance of the three kingdoms mod.

what about that dynasty warriors mod?


Thanks dad
Caocaoposting? More like cacaposting!
T-that was fast

Did anyone try go HA this much?
What if I'll like horses too much??
How do you even go behind it without getting kicked in the face?

I'll cover you in caca


Am I just imagining things or didn't taleworlds say that your weapons could get stuck in enemies after stabbing them?

where did they say that

Thank you.
>Im going to fucking kill myself if this shit doesnt stop
By this shit do you mean this C A C A?

I think I remember it being said after one of their recent "updates"

and I meant in bannerlord btw

more like bonerlord lmao

More like shut the fuck up you massive faggot

when will a mod that lets you cover your enemies on caca be released?

swedish mayo

But is it good? I dont want to play caca while playing with caca user

Please don't disrespect swedish mayo, it's done nothing wrong


are you playing floris? Now that's something to "lol" about

yeah i am



no problem fellow redditor :))


Nords? More like Turds!

reddit is seriously more retarded than Veeky Forums?
wtf is this place then?
I mean take a look at /v/ or /a/, how do you beat that? Or lmao human poop Xd

>mark my fucking runes.

every time


>Bandit fell unconcious
>Not "knocked unconcious by X"
Does this mean a riderless horse trampled him or something?

must have been

I think its a pretty cool era, its just that it was pretty stagnant and didnt have any really memorable events.

Probably. Some mods add bleedout features where troops and the player will start bleeding out if low enough on health until they die or fall unconcious.

Not him but, what is this mod you speak of?

Am I not supposed to get any attribute points when I level up in VC?

Im him and I also want to know

My understanding is that Crossbows do not gain any damage bonus from proficiency, only gaining accuracy?
Supposing that's true, at how much crossbow proficiency is enough or at what point does a more proficiency become inconsequential?

Lezalit VS Firentis

Who wins?

you get it every 5 levels

Ok, thanks user

he's not me, but he's right, I don't know such mod



>Runic Weapons...

not really my game, but anyway
more or less you are right, but with proficiency you also get more att. speed, so dmg may be the same but dmg/sec is better

I'd say that it's enough, when your rectile is as focused as possibel (in other words, you have full control over the shot). Around 250 is usually ok for Siedge Crossbow iifc (not sure here).

I think that it would not hurt to have 100 more prof. at every moment with every weapon, but proficiency will almost stop rising at some point (depends how much WM do you have)
So if you just want to grind some prof. for tournaments - 200 is gonna be ok, if you want to use it "regular way"- just don't bother, it will rise and stop rising on its own

how the fuck do you survive as an independent faction in this game? After taking my 3rd castle the rhodoks decide to assrape me and take it back and then the khergits and the other sandfucks made an alliance and declared war on me and then the vaegirs fucking declared war on me, im barely making 500 denars a week which isnt enough to raise any sort of army, considering raising a 200 strong army of swadian peasants only works when you are sieging literal retards. ive got multiple dyeworks but all their funds are being conviscatedd because everyone is at war with me, my castles are too far apart so i cant travel back and forth and fill their garrisons with swadian peasants fast enough.no one wants peace because im an upstart faggot with a insurrection i can only fund because i keep taking out loans and never paying them back.

how do i get good?

get rtr you bandit warlord

by not being frog posting retarded cunts

user, are you playing floris?