/gsg/ - Grand Strategy General

We don't have an official steam or discord group. If anyone posts in the thread about any "official" or not steam or discord groups, promising MP or not, be sure it's a shitposter group known for organizing raids and shitposting in the thread. They are known for false-flagging.
Report and ignore it.

Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.

How fares your empire, /gsg/?

This day in history, 28th of July:
1794 – French Revolution: Maximilien Robespierre and Louis Antoine de Saint-Just are executed by guillotine in Paris, France.
1808 – Mahmud II became Sultan of the Ottoman Empire and Caliph of Islam
1942 – World War II: Soviet leader Joseph Stalin issues Order No. 227. In response to alarming German advances, all those who retreat or otherwise leave their positions without orders to do so are to be tried in a military court, with punishment ranging from duty in a shtrafbat battalion, imprisonment in a Gulag, or execution
1943 – World War II: Operation Gomorrah: The Royal Air Force bombs Hamburg, Germany causing a firestorm that kills 42,000 German civilians

CK2 DD 55 - Nurture vs Nuisance

EU4 DD 20/06

>Random Country Picker

# Archive (mods only)

#Where to get these games

# Mods

>>[HoI3] - Flavormod 1.1.1

>>[CK2] - After The End

>>[V2] - Historical Project Mod - 18/07/2017

>>[V2] - Napoleon's Legacy v0.3.1.7

>>[V2] Alternative Flag Pack V10

>>[V2]Africa Mod

Old Thread

Other urls found in this thread:

dropbox.com/s/9oooto3fkkom8uc/Brave New World 0.301.zip?dl=0

>pirate HoI4
>look into the new DLC
>it's absolutely nothing interesting
>realize I just robbed Paradox $60 for a game I don't even play

Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.

Reminder that Romanians are NOT slavs

white men

Is that the sexiest A-H you've ever seen or what lads?

Yes they are

No, it's not

I am glad I hired Horse M.D.

That was easy. Now to the harder part - conquering the high-attrition mountainous region around me while having almost no manpower

You didn't rob them of anything. Stop propagating corporate propaganda.

White Men

h8 vic2

i was playing vic2 hpm as Austria, but for some reason the hungerian troops never dissapear and after the Austro-hungerian nation it's formed i am never getting any supply of weapons and artillery.

I'm the guy that got this wrong yesterday. Tell me about this Veeky Forums meme that Romanians are more larping Romans I know fuck all about your corner of the world except that the turks nicked all your kids.


how did you hired the horse? is it a stallion? or your mare wife?

This option is available because you have the lunatic trait

nope, this is

It's not rape if she enjoys it. This mod is shit.

dafuq? what is that

What a shit blob

just like ur mom lol


this is dark world right? Is it any good?

Everything is going flawlessly so far - the Western border is secured due to Dezful being a mountain which then becomes unconquarable if I put a fort on it, while the Sunni state below me which could've potentially allied with everyone around me is eliminated. The only thing I need is to expand the Eastern border so I can reach the mountainous region near Transoxiana and put a fort on it as well, blocking incoming armies from all of my sides and giving me enough time to react in case they do come somehow

On top of that my court is full of inquisitors which basically allows me to spam this once I conquer something new, meaning that all newly-conquered provinces will turn Zoroastrian in about a decade after taking them

i thought you could only hire one of every type at a time?

Yes, but you can replace the guy who died with the others instantly. They're like backup

I plan to play a comfy colonial Brittany. What seems like proper Breton overseas lebensraum?

all of canada desu


Nova Scotia

I second all of Canada

To anyone that plays MEIOU and Taxes, how far can you get before the game crashes? Is there any way to make this mod more stable?

Who's the best GP to ally with to avoid getting buttfucked by UK day 1 and to have them carry the win?



So I just conquered the small country next to me and came up with an alternative strategy - I'm going to make Dezful a fallback fort while extending my actual border to Baghdad, as it seems that it somehow has a fucking THIRD of my current total population in it alone. It's also a trade node, which is even better since I'll get a massive income bonus from holding it. The problem being - I will border the Mamluks, which means that while the Jalayirids will no longer be a threat to me, something even bigger will be. And even if I did defeat the Mamluk 30 doomstack constantly, they'd get weaker and get annexed by the Ottomans, which means that something even BIGGER will become a threat to me.

It's either don't expand westwards at all and stay at Dezful, or do it rapidly and re-establish a new defense line in all of those mountains in the west. I'll try going with expansion for this game. If it doesn't work out and I get blitzed by the Ottomans I'll try staying at Dezful for the next and expanding eastwards instead

No, I'm playing it ironman and I haven't crashed in any of my campaigns. The crashes do happen tho if you sit on Trade mapmode and watch the plague spread, so don't do that if you're doing it. Even without a plague it might still crash

wow they made gypsy land into a real thing

can someone help me identify this game?

>tfw no game where
>losing levies angers your vassals
>losing levies, over-recruiting or keeping levies for too long causes famines (since there are not enough serfs to work the fields)
>losing battles or having large casualties reduces your popularity with the army/generals and makes your soldiers refuse to go on a campaign
>being constantly at war reduces trade and available grain, making people migrate elsewhere and shrink your population
>having bad relations with influential vassals can make them abandon you in battle or coup the government

one of the reasons i liked victoria 2 was how risky war can be at certain occasions. unless there are large areas with accepted pops to be conquered, war with strong nations is rarely worth it.

It's called Command Ops or something like that.
I don't know which episode of the series it is.

So I checked the terrain and this seems to be the optimal way to fortify against the Ottomans. If you build forts on all the F locations you become literally unconquarable as its very hard to siege a high-level fort in those places, especially if you go defensive/engineering ideas and especially if you also put an army there. And you can't just ignore them because there's no other way to enter the country. Even if you did break one of them it would still be impossible to enter deeper without losing half of your forces to attrition and getting slaughtered by the waiting army behind them, because all of this is mountains

The problem is - if the Ottomans do that instead (which is extremely likely since I cant conquer fast enough to reach it before they do), I'll face the exact same issues

CK would be great with a pop mechanic


go play v2 then autist

CK1 has pops, I don't know why they removed that mechanic

Maybe it chugs the game

it was too complex for their normie r”dditor fanbase

Anybody knows where can I download the latest meiou and taxes for eu4?


hi redit

fuck off i want medieval grand strategy. there's a limit to how much you can play a certain videogame without growing to hate it.

You better have a fleet in the Mediterranean to keep them from performing a naval landing.

Persianon, how were you able to do from the game start?



if you are a pedophile like me, copy-paste this to steamworkshopdownloader.com/

Error 503 Service Unavailable

What are some comfy nations to play in Mayo n Texas?

>You better have a fleet in the Mediterranean to keep them from performing a naval landing.
I actually do want them to do that. Alexandria is (or at least will become) a very fat trade node so I need to conquer Alexandria as well as that would greatly boost my income and allow me to field more mercs. If I hold it, that means that I hold the entire desert region around it, which means that I will be able to position forts in such a way to specifically trap an army between them and let them rot from the desert attrition. If they could land half of their army there as you said, I pretty much win the war because the other half can't do shit at the North

Additionally, to build a counter-fleet to their massive fleet I'll have to have both Naval ideas, and I can't afford either because I need Leadership, Defensive and Mercenary ideas first

Main mediafire.com/file/itla5k1and28ofg/M&T_v2.00.7z
Patch you apply over it after you install it mediafire.com/file/mn2oect5c6e1csi/v2.00.05_Patch.7z
And lastly, a submod you install to fix their shit institutions dropbox.com/s/9oooto3fkkom8uc/Brave New World 0.301.zip?dl=0

I edited out the retarded restrictions from the files. You should do that as well, since it's seriously unbalanced

Meyu and 税金 fixed colonization when?


works for me, maybe ur just an idiot


pls buy


where did you find this gem

>Mamluks are about to take Baghdad first

please no


dont ruin my plans

Deep Web

Is it true that there are raceist people there?

Yeah, i buy drugs from this man, he killed over 300 black people.


>not buying base eu4 for really cheap on sale and pirating all DLCs so you can get achievements

and now my army is locked behind the bugged fort while he sieges everything else with a 3k stack

based johan based gigau

This fucking fort mechanic is beyond retarded

nobody forces you to buy those dlc's (but you are a pedophile if you pirate them), we paradrones are voluntarily giving them our money so that they can keep producing even more amazing games (like stellaris or hoi4) :^)

I don't know how to pirate, so "idiot" certainly works

want me to teach you?

Is this redpilled?


Finally, only took about 50 years

>This fucking fort mechanic is beyond retarded
True, I lost the yesterday campaign because of it again. see:

there is a (relatively) trusted russian site (cs.rin.ru) that hosts most of the latest paradox games. you need an account to visit the site.

alternatively, you can use a torrenting host site, like piratebay.
to use it you will need a torrent-program like μ or bit torrent.
simply follow the instructions of the pirate.

Now that Sistan's alone I can unify their territories as well, that is, unless they become a vassal to Transoxiana which is probably what will happen

>Istrian benis

Absolutely not

>Slovenia still exists

Those ancient Teutons are frowning upon you, smfh senpai.

Is there some mod that only lets Western tech group take Exploration? I'm fucking tired of seeing shit like Tunisian Formosa or Ottoman Australia.

tfw putting lucky nations on

agree x 1

Do people not play with lucky nations on? I do think it's bullshit, but I just assumed it's what the game is supposed to be like

I used playing with lucky nations off and normal difficulty because its bullshit otherwise but I decided lucky nations are basically the same concept as national ideas so I put them on... still feel pangs of remorse for not playing VH but it's just too challeging.

lucky nations = cheating

But unless it's MP, if you're a human then you're cheating

I really like playing with my doodie.

how do I play elder kangs? The version on modb isn't up to date

thanks for that post

I just did some gay rp on omegle and I feel weird now

I wanna play Russia in HPM, any tips so I don't get thrashed?


conquer japan first. you can do it and have them as colonies before they westernize.

really oils the boils