League of Legends General - /lolg/

Best ship edition

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>7.15 Patch Notes


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First for Rekkles is a sexy beast

kassadin buffs to help his lane phasewhen?

I'm going to be the Sona!

i fought a nautilus as urgot and i did negative damage once i bought a bramble vest, did i fuck up or is he a bad tank killer

he's fun as hell though

lol i just played a game where my whole team except me were unranked, and the enemy team were full ranked players


xth for breast metal waifu

secondary xth for self-loathing

>bought a bramble vest vs nautilus



What is EU doing?

*runs away from you*

Kassadin nerfs when

once he bought a bramble vest woops

i swear i took more damage than i dealt

>Akali only got 0.1 ratio buff
I hope somebody 9/11s RIOTs HQ if they leave her like this. She needs much more to be viable at high elos.

riots matchmaking is absolute fucking garbage

>No Orianna one trick I can learn from

take a picture and upload it please

>rank 1 challenger is literally an akali otp with a 65% wr
ye she def gonna need more to be relevant

Akali x Lanaya

Silver shitter here, how the fuck do you play against Tryndamere?

>yet another dipshit akalifag
Akali is perfectly fine. She does exactly what she needs to. She's a strong champion that's REQUIRES practice. Holy shit Akalifags are the biggest retards here next to the lulufag.

She's fucking strong, get good.

Akali otp here

>Kayn mid

dont tell me hes going SA Kayn

Never leave top.

pick a splitpushing duelist with sustain and beat him at his own game
bully him early and get a lead, then always push against him and never leave him alone to group

Always try to push out your lane. Save tp

>high bronze vs low silver

whats wrong here?

xth for Syndra

you're retarded just like your braindead champ

don't let him spin onto you with a full rage bar level 1-2, especially if he has ignite
bramble vest and tabis make him sad
so does anything capable of beating him at his own autistic game, like jax

Indeed, one challenger player means nothing. He might be just insanely good and have 80% WR with a better champ

So why are we ignoring the fact that Riot COMPLETELY GUTTED Ryze and LET HIM ROT IN HELL???!!!!

yeah there's such a huge difference between silver 5 and bronze 3, how can riot let this stand?

injusto y patetico de riot!!

You permanently ban him. In lower elos your top laner does not understand how to play against tryn so they let him farm up and be 18 while you're 13 as the ADC and he is either unstoppable in the split push or one shots you in the team fight.

His only bad match ups in silver like are like nasus, quinn, swain, kled, and pantheon. Just ban him so you never have to deal with him again.

>play aram
>opposing team has Veigar with some gay skin I don't remember
>such skin alters his skills in such a way it blends with the background and is barely visible
>can't see his stuns coming most of the time as a result
why is this allowed

>Akali is braindead
t Lee sin

Nah, she gets fucked by anyone who is half competent

We don't ignore it, we applaud it. Unbalanceable champs belong in the trash can

hi guys

She has a positive winrate in all elos. Jesus Christ akalifag stop being such a damn baby. Practice your champ and learn to get fucking good instead of coming here and spewing your retarded shit.

Stop making all Akali players look like retards.

ryze is cancer he deserves it more than mordekaiser ever did

theyre working secretly in his next rework.

I wanna carry Lulu on my shoulders and show her the world!

Naw, she cant tank. Shes shit

How do I malzahar?



crazy is cute
crazy is tight

You should show Lulu her lewds instead.

Because he deserves to be in the dumpster until further notice. I'm just surprised Akali and Pantheon aren't in there with him.

>just because somebody played a champion to Rank 1 Challenger with a 65% win rate doesn't mean they aren't trash
Shut up, friend.

>crazy is tight
this is true irl btw


akali is braindead though

t. akali player

Lulu is the cutest! THE CUTEST!

there are none.

I wonder if this mid Kayn pick will blow up in people's faces?

>wait for 6
>press all your buttons
>hope their numbers are low enough to die

love it dude, when's she getting buffed man

kill yourself, akali is pretty obnoxious already, i've no idea why they buffed her

I want shadow kayn to blow up in my face

What did he mean by this?

>i've no idea why they buffed her
>Riot buffs nunu and makes him meta for a bit
>Riot buffs Cho'gath and makes him super meta
>Riot buffs Akali and makes her meta

If it isn't obvious they're buffing old shit. Expect Pantheon buffs next patch

Please don't discuss balance if you aren't High Elo (at least Honor 4).

Is Kayne release-Camille busted or is he defetable?

>Pantheon buffs
Just imagine.

Honestly, though, why on earth did they buff Akali and outright force Cho'gath?

Kayn is probably one of the most balanced releases yet.

kayn is nowhere near broken mayne, hes maybe on the strong side with rhaast but nothing WOAH NERF NOW like some cancer around right now

>Pantheon buffs next patch
who in their right mind would allow this?
what was the worst release ever? Was it actually Camille?

>30 more damage at 300 ap
>a buff

is yasuo still cancer?

guys i finally hit gold 3

>what was the worst release ever? Was it actually Camille?
Its Ekko and anyone who says otherwise is fucking stupid.

There's broken at launch, there's absolutely bad at launch, and then there is even disabled at launch...and then there's Ekko.

>making an ability do more damage
>reducing the cd on shroud

Yes, that's what is commonly referred to as a "buff".

Why did everyone suddenly start memeing Akali?
She's still far from top tier.

I swear midlaners just have 0 awareness in all aspects of life smdh desu senpai

> Teemo hits me
> He heals me because Doran's Shield
What did Riot mean by this?


xth for Cute Ashe

nice job user!

>0 mana cost ult
Small indie company.

until they rework his W he will always be cancer

>yet another shitter who doesn't read patch notes

Wait, which champions were disabled at launch?

does urgot ult kill an ulted trynd?

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on EUW 9 slots left

password is vidya

>2 seconds and 0.1 scaling
Truly game-changing!
Stop pretending your streamers are relevant.

he needs an entire rework starting with his passive giving criticism. delete yasuo delete yasuo players


>he wasn't around for release leblanc
>he wasn't around for release xin

thanks user

Hard to say, if picking just one from all of the years then we're going into release Xin territory



Azir and I think Yorick had to be disabled at launch for like a day to make a hotfix due to bugs.

They still pale in comparison to launch Ekko

just got some noxian dic

You weren't around for Yorick's release, were you

Can't wait for the nerfs to that overpowered piece of shit Kanye.


>buy doran's shield and spectre's cowl
>teemo is now a friendly soraka

>why is every doing X?
> because Y
I'm embarrassed to share a board with you.

Why are promos games deliberately made so much difficult? It's pretty clear that the system matches you with inters. Is Riot trying to make the average player slow down their climbing so they won't play less?

I didn't know she play Ori. Is she good?

Yorick's launch was broken due to bugs not being insanely overtuned.


Pick one. He's hyper mobile, possibly the most mobile champion in the game but overpowered is not the word I'd use for Kayn.

I wanna stick my dick in Annie poop hole

Can kayle save someone from it?