/dbg/ - Dragon Ball General

Zamasu Did Nothing Wrong Edition

>DLC 4 included:
- 2 New Playable Characters: Merged Zamasu and SSGSS Vegito
- 3 New Parallel Quests
- A New storyline based on DBS Future Trunks Arc
- Two new costumes: SSJ4 Goku, Resistance Outfit
- New accessory: SSJ4 Goku wig and tail
- 4 New Moves: Holy Wrath, Divinity Unleashed, Blades of Judgement, Divine Wrath

>Free update included:
- 4 New Costumes: Trendy Bikini, Great Ape Suit, Golden Ape Suit, Golden Turtle Hermit Gi
- 4 New Accessories: Saiyan tail buttplug, Great Ape Wig and Tail, Golden Ape Wig and Tail, Golden Scouter
- 4 New Moves: Savage Strike, Spirit Stab, Sword of Hope, Burning Strike
- DBS accurate variants of SSB Goku, Vegeta, Kid Trunks and Future Trunks
>Helpful Xenoverse 2 Data/Links
>1.06 patchnotes
>1.07 patchnotes

>Xenoverse 2 Mods

>No Hud Mod (for beautiful screenshots)

>Xenoverse 2 changes

>new 2D 3vs3 fighter by ARCSYS announced

PC: steamcommunity.com/groups/vfightersXenoverse
PS4: Search "Dragon Ball General"
XBone: account.xbox.com/en-GB/clubs/profile?clubid=3379873991575336
/dbg/ players: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ElJpKAB8F9xw-4oqsOuorggP_Hngdvxm7aduvpY1DIg
/dbg/ discord: discord.gg/wtSsdgv

steam > userdata > [your steam id] > 323470 > remote > DBXV2
DBXV2.sav should be there, which is your savefile
If you wish to delete it to try reimporting or for other reasons, disable steamcloud on both xenoverse 1 and 2 first.

>Xenoverse Booru: Upload all Drawfaggotry here


Other urls found in this thread:


Rate my team

Budokai 3
Tenkaichi 3
Or Xenoverse 2, mostly due to CaCs. Not even kidding.

Budokai and Tenkaichi are there cause Tenkaichi 3 was great for the 3d fighting and stuff while Budokai 3 for the 2d fighting and stuff.

>posting it again


What filler units do you think their banners will have?

I need to put together a decent team.

I like using Goku Black and Rose Black, so an extreme based team is ideal. On top of that, I'll probably also set up a super based team separately, using either Super Gogeta or SS4 Goku as leader.

What should I be pulling for to make a team that could start doing dokkan awakening medal events?

I think my team cap is smothering my effectiveness, so ranking up a large amount is probably integral.

Just pay to win! ;^)

I'm quite poor and would like to spend as little money as possible. I'm willing to buy the $0.99 dragon stone deals, but that's about it.

>I'm poor but I'm spending money on gachashit
You poor, poor whale.

I have dropped a total of $4 on the game so far and don't plan to spend more.

Is it better to use SSR dupes for raising special attack or unlocking new paths in hidden potential?

listening to EUROBEAT increases your skilllevel

You've already got Gogeta and SSJ4 Goku which is the hard part of building a STR team out of the way. Your biggest priority should be STR GT SSJ3 Goku, because he's the best friend of SSJ4 Goku. Now you basically just need a couple of filler units like GT SSJ GT Trunks, SSJ Cell arc STR trunks (the one that passively gives a 25% boost to all allies) and either SSJ2 Father Son Kamehameha Gohan STR or STR SSGSS Vegeta. Later down the line SSJ2 Cell Trunks should be replaced with STR Bardock when hes gets an awakening.

With Black and Rose you've got an alright foundation for an Extreme team, but you're going to need filler units. The catch is most of the good villian units are dokkan exclusive god leads so good luck with that.

Okay, thank you! I'll put together a STR team, since I need to put those units to use anyways.

Depends entirely upon the unit. What unit are you specifically referring too?

Also you should do Gogeta's event first before you tackle any other dokkaneven. With a 100% lead you should have an easy time with his event. Back when he came out the best leader skills we had was ki+3 and Atk+3000 so the powercreep is real.

This one.

Open one of his dupe paths, since he gets a % boost from his passive he benefits a lot from having extra stat boosts from the dupe system.

Now the dupe path you open depends on what you plan on doing with his SA level. If you plan on keeping him at level 1 SA then open his top left path. If you plan on putting kais into him and getting him to SA10 then open up his bottom right dupe path.

Starting XV2 for the first time. Going Namekian. Can I fuck my character up by specializing in the wrong stats?

So I installed the game yesterday and I have no fucking idea what I am doing

They are giving a ton of shit to people who get le goku, right? How do i get him?

Whats the optimal way to raise my cards?


>Can I fuck my character up by specializing in the wrong stats?
you can respec with the dragonballs

This is a shit pull, right?

I rolled that Super Saiyan Goku (Angel) (Super Kaoiken) on my first roll, since he's brand new he should be at least decent, right? I fed him some training items so he's max level and I'm curious if I should Z Awaken him or save these starter medals.

This thread's as dead as Ginger Town.

I don't know about that place, but gingers should be gased, starting with you know who.

Too soon.

He's optimal on a Phy team and he makes a good budget Phy god lead.

>still haven't gotten my 200m tickets

I doubt I'll get lucky enough to have more good phy team, my only other SSRs beyond Bulma are two Paikuhans and Super Saiyan Gohan (Youth), who are STR.

Don't worry
you wouldn't pull anything good anyway

But I got everything I wanted out of both SS4 banners. NA is treating me right at the moment, tickets notwithstanding.

That's fine for story mode, way better than what we had at the time when I did it. Farm up some stones and summon on Gogeta or Omega when they come in a couple weeks, whichever you like better.

Well I've got one more discounted (30 stone) summon left. Should I go for that or just hoard?

I would advise that you save if you have both STR Paikuhan and Phy Goku since the only SSRs in that banner are the otherworld ones specifically. Freeza is alright, but extreme Teq is such a terrible team you shouldn't bother building it unless you're a mega whale looking to run every team.

Sounds good. Thanks for the advice.

I got kaioken goku and have two pulls lefts on the 30 stones banner. Should I go for another one?

Also, how do I ger that lr goku for the free 50 stones?

Just started dokkan battle. Do I save my awakening medals for good chars or will I get enough to power up any unit I like.

>I got kaioken goku and have two pulls lefts on the 30 stones banner. Should I go for another one?

You should just save up for Gogeta. We don't know the details of his banner yet, but if you do roll him you're set probably. Him as a unit is good, but I guess the biggest problem is that we have no clue about his leader skill.

>Also, how do I ger that lr goku for the free 50 stones?

If you're newer then i'd say don't bother with LR Goku. You're missing out on stones by not getting him, but the grind is mind numbing. You have to farm the Super Strike units to SA15 just in preparation for the event. Once you get them all you have to farm the LR Goku stage like 100 times to get what you need.

If you're new then awaken your stronger units first.

W-who? And why?

Don't worry Onion, I tolerate you.

Is this good?

The stage gave me an angel goku.

So I need to get an angel goku to max level, raise his SA to max and then dokkan to Lr goku, right? Is it that hard? What stage I need to run?

Oh no that Angel goku is a completely different unit than the LR Goku. The LR Goku event comes around on Saturdays, but like I said to even do it you need characters specifically from the Super Strike events. Like I really wouldn't suggest doing it and concentrating on something else, because LR Goku is specifically geared towards older players who don't have much else to do with their STA.

I've been playing a year and a half myself and I still haven't gotten him myself since the grind is just such a giant pain in the ass.

Is fake death supposed to be this fucking broken?

Yamcha is too powerful

Yes, so is para para and instant transmission.

I honestly wouldn't even bother desu. LR Goku is even worse than Super Vegito and STR Gogeta. In other words, it's trash in today's meta.

so fake death is staying like this forever, and never being nerfed?

great, game fucked (even more so)

fake death has been broken since day one, but it was a yamcha move and was never featured on the average "most broken build ever" youtube video until recently, so barely anyone used it

Fake death got a buff around DLC2 or 3, and you run into cheap fucks abusing it every now and then. Your best bet is to fish for perfect blocks to make them lose stamina, but it's not really a viable counter.

it used to be fine with the camera moving

Yep. Same for Aura Slide.

But those two are completely fine.

No Aubah, you are so fine, but not the moves.

So then what's wrong with them?

he doesn't use them, therefore anything he doesn't use is either shit or overpowered

Let's discuss Note in great detail.

>best girl
So you mean we're discussing Aubah and her gorgeous physique?

I need more cute webms of her.


She's the best. Filenames don't lie.

>motherfucking jojo reference out of nowhere

You, you cute and perfect being

Nope, doesn't ring a bell, haha.

you're so cute when you act hard to get

I'll show you what's hard!

Taino's foot long schlong?

>the general is not dead because of this shit

Post your CaC though.

what's your favorite xenoverse character to play as that is not your cac ?

What should you use your first wish in dokkan battle on?

Goku... just goku

kid gohan in XV1
yamcha or tien in XV2


Bluku and Hit (woke)

best fridge


Pan, Blueku, Goku (GT), Cabba, Hit (Awoke), Black, Jaco, Cooler


Hi Pars-

Wait, which one of you is Parsa?

Imperfect Cell, Bojack, Dodoria, and Nail.


17, S17, and Turles.

Hey, I play other characters! But is me

I also like Frost

Is it more allies?

Turles, Champ, Pan, Videl, Ginyu, Trunks w/ coat.

superb taste

I'd probably go for more items in battle, but I don't know if it's possible straight away

"I want help in battle!" says it increases quest inventory and item limit? Maybe that's it. I've had no use for items thus far though.

Check these and see what's appealing to you, I think early on it won't matter too much dbz-dokkanbattle.wikia.com/wiki/Shenron_wishes_description

Any of the Buus.

>Super Buu
my nigga

more like Super Broken

Tien, Super 17, Kid Gohan, Zamasu, and Imperfect Cell

Only the best character

What's so broken? I barely play cast anyway so I'm not particularly great with any of them, Fat Cookie Beam Buu seems way more broken.

and who is that right now?

Sorrel if mods count.

Forgot pic

Sledgehammer Backflip Blueku.