ESA is live.
/srg/ - speedrunning general
I am angry.
Angry about nuggets.
>de hippie spacing
Lol, why do people even care about this shit? Two or three years ago Noobest had a Dark Souls run where he died on the final boss like 10 times, and no one gave a shit. ESA isn't a place to go show how great your speedgame is in an attempt to "boost your viewerbase" or whatever lmao. You go to hang out with people, the speedrun part is just a reason to go.
And the speedrun part was a waste of time for him. What are you arguing about?
which celebrity does Squid look like?
look the profile retard
>I am literally always mad about something
hes just memeing his "e-personality" to gain followers/"fans"
>ESA isn't a place to go to do speedruns
>the speedrun part is just a reason to go
He's saying the speedrun was a waste of time because no one was in awe of how technical his walking sim was when in reality no one would have given a shit in the first place. I'm just wondering what expectation he could have possibly had for ESA when he submitted - a marathon known for being completely forgettable besides the stuff that happens off stream.
ian curtis
This, Succinct "how can you not pronounce my name right you swedish whore" Punchy was being pretty obnoxious.
It's a dick move to bring your food if he specifically asked them beforehand not to do that, but I wouldn't have noticed anything wrong.
People ate all the time during the other runs and had fun.
> But m-muh follower boost
> Pay attention to me
>not posting a picture of any famous monkey
sorry i dont fuel retardedly shit memes
Monkeyposting is the perfect meme, and is directly related to speedrunning.
This is why rules are shit, who gives a fucking what punchy thinks? his game is shit and he's an autistic faggot.
Nuggets were funny, end of story
both wrong buddy and you are not funny. infact you are painfully unfunny
look how triggered you get when someone doesnt confirm to your autistic crusade. get help
Where will you be when Bounceyboy, Clintstevens and Nindiddeh expose XLiquidXEdgeXSquid_X?
Explain yourself.
>you need to net 3 people to even overtake someone who is already in a better position
reaching a bit
Super Mario 64 is objectively the best speedgame with the most depth and highest skill ceiling.
Very true.
Anyone who mains Goldeneye should kill themselves.
So, /srg/, now that the dust has settled:
Is SuccintAndPuncy in the right? Rules: No edgelords allowed.
why did you spoiler?
He's in the right, but he's also being a crybaby faggot about it.
Did you not read the rules?
No he was being an asshole and pretty much forced the whole thing.
Hold on, did you not read the rules either?
How is calling him a crybaby being an edgelord? He's whining like a baby.
Yes, it sucks that this happened to him. He made it through alive and unhurt. Time to move on.
If 70 star is so easy, why does Simply who has a 1:40 in 120 struggles to get a 50?
So are people not allowed to express how they feel about something? That's pretty edgy, dude.
literally grinning from ear to ear that they ruined succincts main goal of advertising himsellf
It's not the fact that he expressed how he felt. It's the degree and manner in which he did so.
The way he talked to the announcer first for just asking if she could say a donation at the start and then mispronouncing his name was pretty bad. And that was before he went full mad over the nuggets.
> "No one told me there were donation readings here"
> "Yeah I did not know about that, no one told me"
> "That news not me, I only watched 2 runs here"
What was anyone in the room supposed to do about that?
He (or someone doing a good job pretending to be him) is apparently on /v/ defending himself now.
punchy thread
>de hippie spacing
>punchy goes to /v/ instead of /srg/ to discuss the run
this place is a fucking joke
Confirmed him.
>wanting that "discussion" here
What discussion do we have here?
who is we?
he knows more people would side with him on there because they wouldn't know his history of being a dickhead as much
What history?
are GDQ cucks usually such fucking faggots?
He's in the right but his reaction was funny enough that I'm glad it happened anyway.
the srg 4 race mostly
Tekkie is still extremely salty that affiliates have sub buttons now.
The stay small comment is gold because even though he is a Twitch Partner, he gets hardly any viewers and some affiliates probably make more money than him. Probably another reason why he is so mad.
id like to see gdq even attempt to run two streams, they barely can run one
tekkies a bit of a retard sometimes but hes cool most of the time despite being a furfag, why you'd tell someone who's having their most successful marathon that they're doing it wrong is very strange
imagine actually thinking that a charity would deny 90 thousand dollars because someone made a hitler joke on a stream watched by 5000 people
>a bit
you have no idea how wrong you are
What's with Silent Hill runners
need to be an extra special blend of autistic to run walking simulators
Silent hill gets grouped a lot with RE when RE is far more popular and mostly a better watch, pretty much just small man syndrome
What the fuck is this faggot trying to say with these tweets?
He's a GDQ nuthugger and a furry SJW by the looks of things. That's all you need to know.
Why does RyuQuezacotl make gargling noises sometimes when he talks?
>tune into diddehs stream
>hes screaming like an autist
every single time
babies respond to that kind of stimulus
/v/ speedrun threads are so much better than this dead, obsessed shithole. Fucking hell.
Their game is so boring and devoid of skill to run that they feel like they have something to prove at all times.
>Stay small
>Coming from the guy who gets maybe 40 viewers a stream and only gets them because he's a furfag who attracts other furfags
This is just too much. How can someone like this have this huge of an ego
NASA is on
Furries are notoriously disconnected from reality and attempt to push themselves on everyone around them and seek chaos to make people notice them.
why did you delete?
the new meta
why did you delete?
>SuccinctandPunchy goes to SGDQ and gets 100k+ people praising him for great commentary and great attitude.
>He now thinks he can leverage the special attention into a career.
>He goes to ESA to do some runs and hang out with old /srg/ friends
>He isn't the center of attention during one of his runs
>Now he is mad because he didn't gain any followers/fame from ESA and is crying on twitter about it
This right here is what is wrong with current speedrunning. You go to these events to have fun, not to impress and make it big. especially when it comes to ESA which takes place after SGDQ. Now you have this guy and others like Caveman all making victim noises about how they aren't the center of attention and how they will never go again because they didn't receive the praise they were expecting.
The speedrunning community really is filled with mentally unstable people.
who are you quoting?
Shut up, idiot. None of what you said is true. Go back to /v/.
hey, punchy
Don't fall for the divide and conquer tactics of the GDJew! We must defend our own, no matter the circumstances!
who is we?
fuck off faggots
it's clear as day, succ wanted to become twitch famous and when no one gives a shit about his walking sims he throws a tantrum and blames the nuggets. then when people call him out saying the nuggets were the best part, he shifts blame to the host.
GDQ culture is a cancer on this hobby. people are only submitting runs to events for exposure now. you can easily tell who the bad weeds are by how much they complain about the second stream or how no one is watching their speedruns. these people need to be bullied more or just need to stick to GDQs.
Back to /v/.
the funny thing is GDQ now has far less impact on someone's ***growth*** than they did in 2014, and probably 2013
it's time to stop, punchy
its obvious now that you're just fishing for (you)'s
GDQs actively try to prevent runners from getting too big now. Once they get big like Witwix, they start demanding money to appear. GDQs want to utilize the free labor as much as possible.
There is a reason why you can't follow the runners' channels from the schedules at GDQs. Just remember, everything has a purpose. Everyone assumes GDQ staff are just ignorant, but they know exactly what they are doing.
i both like and hate it when /v/ comes
why did you delete?
yeah, they're complete retards but at least it's a break from the monotony.
Even in 2015 when I did my run for 100k viewers I only ended up getting like 100 follows.