>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
would whale for this
Reminder Olwen > Trashmui
Is Frederick a good dager unit? I have a shitty Kagero (-atk+spd) and want to give him her dagger.
S+ tier: Reinhardt
S tier: Linde, Delthea, and SCorrin
A tier: the rest of the trash
Worst unit in the game tier: Odin
>decided to switch back to titty team since it's a fun gimmick team
>got three more defenses overnight
I wonder if those merges and Fury on Sonya helped out.
+atk/-hp or +spd/-hp for Eliwood?
Got a +atk -spd cherche, she wants brave axe + , DB and hit and run right?
What's the best build for buffslutika? I'm guessing triangle adept and swordbreaker like i've seen suggested?
>Xander and Camus
>both powerful GHB horses, but in need of a green horse teammate
>Michalis and Valter
>both powerful GHB fliers, but in need of a red flier teammate
Walhart and Ashnard when?
Reminder that we will be getting
60 (Dailies with Hero Fest orbs) + Voting Gauntlet (10) + 5xArena (20) + Monthly Quests (22)+ some Daily Quests (5) + Sunday Orbs (8) + Bound Hero Battle (2) + Tempest (31+10 reward if we reach a certain amount of points)= 108 Orbs
Still no Summer units though.
She needs drag back not hit and run.
Is there any reason to hold off on rolling for Corrin?
Ayy lmao
She's shit.
Someone convince me not to waste the 9 orbs I have on a YOLO roll because I have a boner for Nohr. I still have story chapters, quests and chain challenges to farm but part of me wants to say fuck it.
hero fest
Are we posting our awesome defenses? Haha
Life and Death or Fury on Corrin on a flier team? I think Fury would be better for easier access to desperation. Fury would also free the support slot for Draw back which is a great skill in flier emblem and make her more usable on a defense team.
Just get those 11 orbs, it will take you only like 5 minutes.
>On a titty team
getting defenses is pure fucking RNG, it's bullshit
I got Corrin on a 9 orb roll like five minutes ago!
You can do it!
There aren't 10 orbs from voting gauntlet dumbass. There are no orbs period.
Elise is for lewd!
Bait with Clarisse at the head of your team
Methman is a surprisingly good unit. Not having any trouble leveling him up for the quest
>tfw they didn't announce CYL
>tfw getting cucked by Clair while rolling for Summer Corrin
Is this what it feels like to be Tobin?
>all those orbs and feathers
Either you're a whale or very patient. Also you're using Reinhardt so maybe you shouldn't get a defense.
You forgot about my wife Mae.
She can always fill her bags with water.
>Ashnard's Axe+
>Walhart gets the Sol sword
Green always delivers.
You do know the second Tempest didn't have 10 reward orbs right?
Shut up Boey
>The swimsuit was made look transparent in the middle and goes from her breasts to her crotch.
T-they know.
>-Atk Summer Elise has 33 Atk and 34 Spd
>neutral Tharja and Katarina have 32 Atk and 34 Spd
Why are red tome users so shit?
I'm giving her Fury 3 once a roll a Hinata who never fucking shows up when I need.
LaD is pretty good too, but I prefer trying go for Desperation
Ashnard: Mad King
43 HP | 34 ATK | 22 SPD | 31 DEF | 24 RES
Weapon: Ashnard's Axe+ (+4 ATK when attacked)
Special: Draconic Aura
Skill A: Earth Boost 3
Skill C: Threaten Def
>One in every three teams has a takumi in high level arena
>Every time, he does hopelessly
>no one falls for his tricksy wiles anymore
Why is he still here?
Just to suffer?
>Leon the tomato boy gets a tomato tome
Takumi summer banner next year with a pineapple axe? Ryoma throwing lobsters?
First link is dead
Jesus christ I didn't know they tried to make the middle strip look transparent.
They're really tempting me to whale.
Who actually wants distant counter, though
Most high res units that seem to appreciate it have garbo attack
Rare image of raul and drill together
That Cherche probably killed the only red he had. People think colors matter for Brave Cherche and Minerva
haha what a nerd
Most mages have garbo defenses, so typically units like Narcian, Titania, and Camilla.
I got Summer Corrin in like 40 orbs. Thank you God. I pledge to lead a better life in exchange.
>Ashnard's Axe
There is no reason for him to not have Gurgurant.
Plus, he'd be the only Wyvern Rider with a sword, which is cool.
17 this week so far. Stop running thundercuck.
Could be worse
You could've been cucked by 10 off-banner shitters.
just build armor team bruh, ez def every week
Girl corn is cute
Sorry Berkukcs, but Valter already destroyed any pretenses of Ashnard's Axe+, with his unique weapon that's also correct for his game instead of another axe
So the only way to make swimsuit corrin a killing machine is having a flier emblem team ready, right?
This means I should give olwen the blade tome, right? because i dont have a hinoka
this also means full SI'd flier teams will be tier 20+ teams, right?
Melee res-tanks do tend to have low attack, because they're expected to take their next turn attacking a mage, which usually have low defense.
Yeah, I got one (1) Hinata left but I think I will use him on Corrin. While waiing for fury fodder I recommend using spare Batres to give units his Fury 2. It is perfectly servicable and doesn't waste SP for the unit you are planning to give Fury 3.
It must be the Effie bait. She doesn't even have DC
I think what happens is people go in expecting easy wins and then they surrender when I kill one of their units using repositioning and dancing shenanigans.
Gotta have that deathless run after all
I like Hana
Welcome back, duckposter
Do they all have distant counter?
Bowbreaker Julia? Why?
I'm seriously considering this, but does he do anything that Fae/Cecilia wouldn't
It's edited. Not as pronounced in the original
>tfw got her as f2p but she's -Atk and I can't afford to try for her again knowing that Ike and Ninian are on the way
Well, at least 33 Atk ain't that bad right haha.
Got a 5* -spd +def Fae, do I keep her for my dragon team? Or Renewal fodder?
Is funny when Cherche kills Ryoma without using a special.
only Hector
Thundercock is a trap
It's rare that people will fully lose now so if a thundercock or cav memes manages to kill a unit, they'll just finish out the battle and reset their chain with a loss to a low point match out of spite
>doesn't even use a bonus unit
(lol, pathetic
There are.
There aren't?
not only is it a unique weapon, its one that wasn't even used in his own game, only referenced in a support convo.
>Duessel: Cormag… I’ve something I want to show you. Here it is. This lance. What do you think of it?
>Cormag: My! It has such power! It sends chills down my spine… I am not nearly strong enough to wield a weapon such as this.
>Duessel: Hm, you think so? Merely holding this lance makes me tremble with dread. Not overly so, but enough to stop me from wielding it in combat. This lance… It can drive its wielder to madness.
>Cormag: Madness, you say?
>Duessel: Yes, Cormag. It’s a magic weapon of dark design that’s been in my family for ages. Legend states that the leader of our house must always carry it, but never use it. We are prohibited from wielding it until such a time as madness itself rules the day. It’s part of my legacy, and yet…I… I made a grave error… I allowed Valter to use this lance.
>Cormag: You let Valter–
>Duessel: Yes… …We were in the middle of a battle. Valter had broken his lance, and when I wasn’t looking he somehow took this one. From that moment, he was changed… He killed everyone–even retreating men. I took the lance from him when I realized what had happened, but it was too late. Madness had awakened within Valter and was coursing through his body. From then on, he hungered only for battle and for blood… It’s not as though Valter was a gentle lamb before, but now his appetite for violence increased many times over. It’s all because of this cursed lance.
Post status screens please
Yes, but she's okay without a full complement of buffs too
If you have a horse emblem, yes
No, they still need an OP red
this, so much this, people hate horses so much that they will waste a dueling crest just to cuck you out of a defense win
Lloyd and Eliwood don't have garbo attack
I have been averaging about 5-10 wins every season
DC is only worth it only Camilla with Emerald Axe really
Do you need glasses user? 580 defense score has already been achieved. Themefagging for __fun__ is a lot more satisfying once you get the obligatory stuff out of the way first
It's funny how true this is
If your team has Rein and you kill a unit you can eat shit. I'll just reset on some T5 beginner
I've never gotten Nino/Eirika to work on defense for whatever reason. My Nino is +Spd and everything, too.
Yeah it's a very nice touch. They still care enough to include something only referenced in support conversations
For the meantime, she does just fine with an Ephraim or Eirika. Corrin has 31/34 offenses at neutral. For comparison, Tharja/Katarina have 32/34 offenses.
What CC maps do you guys use to farm HM/SP?
Does Emerald Axe let her kill anything that Silver Axe wouldn't?
>Berkut gets dogshit stats, water boost, and """""Berkut's lance+"""""
>Valter gets promising stats, darting blow and panic ploy, and a godly 16mt weapon with 2 effects
Was Bercuck made just to suffer? I honestly feel worse for him than I did Tobin
He still has god tier art
>Been playing since release, check the arena almost every other day
>Have only gotten 2 defenses ever, both on the same week over 3 months ago
I get so jealous when everyone starts posting these 4+ defenses, knowing I'll probably never get a total number that high let alone during the same week
I honestly have no idea what IS was thinking with him. What a joke.
I've heard people say this, but I still manage to get defenses every week with the cock.
Seth: Renais's Finest
Blue lance, cavalry
40 HP / 33 Atk / 32 Spd / 31 Def / 20 Res
Weapon: Seth's Lance- 16 mt. Adds total bonuses on unit to damage dealt.
Is Summer Xander any good? How do I run him?
he is OC trash
i used to get like 10+ every week but haven't got a single defense in the past 3 weeks
It's weird with how much they pushed Echoes stuff, only to make most of the rewards/units outright bad or just underwhelming. Makes me pretty sad to be honest