Previously in the Hinterlands: News: >the BSN now is gone forever (but there's a backup somewhere so it's not really gone) >Tyranny and Andromeda are out >Pillars of Eternity 2 Deadfire announced (romance confirmed) >Cyberpunk 2077 likely out before June 2019 >Bioware's new IP- Anthem, set for fall 2018 >Divinity Original Sin 2 coming out on September 14 >Dragon Age: Knight Errant #3 comic is out
NOTE: >We occasionally discuss other, smaller RPGs that don't have their own generals. This does not mean we are /wrpg/
>How do I import my save into DA:I? > You can use this website to create your own DA World History by bringing over your choices from the previous games. You need an Origin account.
>Where is my Warden? Giving Leliana's Nugs a bath.
Nugs are truly disgusting creatures does it really have little hands like that or is that an edited picture?
Grayson Anderson
They really do.
Oliver Myers
>inb4 nugs were originally humans but were cursed but kept the creepy fingers and feet
Kayden Bailey
Yes, their paws look like human-baby hands with nail polish. I don't find it creepy at all.
William Cooper
>Where is my Warden? >Giving Leliana's Nugs a bath.
They'd end up squeaky clean!
Jayden Brooks
So cuddly!
Aiden King
I guess a nug thread is better than another leliana thread... still those toes freak me out
Anthony Clark
The user who makes Leliana threads is missing today...
Christopher Rivera
We could use some pretty...
Lucas Jackson
Isaiah Evans
>yfw blackwall gives you the good d and ditches town
Jace Russell
Then why don't you post some
Cooper Gutierrez
I just posted one pretty Elf!
Christopher Russell
>2 samefaggers Clean thread:
Zachary Anderson
Xavier Allen
who's same faggin'?
Nolan Hall
Your thread was 41 seconds late.
Zachary Garcia
>Makes some shitty spammer the main OP topic >Thinking that's better
Angel Carter
Isaiah Lee
>female elf >two handed weapon warrior ye ok
Lucas Hall
Did Tyranny have any romance?
John Powell
Quick update anons, I fucked my elven slave girl. Didn't much expect to pass by her taking a bath and it was at that point that she stood up naked! Forgive me, anons.... What next??
Isaiah Powell
No romance. There is a brothel though.
Easton Barnes
enjoy your filthy half breeds
Sebastian Butler
She looks thin and delicate but she is quite strong!
Mages are weak and overrated in Dragon Age games. I am breezing through Nightmare difficulty with my two-handed warrior right now. Same with the mage in Origins, the warrior has more dps/survivability.
Blake Williams
I'm really worried that after all the changes the protagonists keep causing in dragon age, the world will stop being dark and Thedas will become a shitty happy setting where no is oppressed and everyone gets along.
Camden Taylor
People who use bad and triggering words have already been erased from safe bubble Thedas. That one guy at the Winter Palace was the last of his breed.
Landon Sanchez
>Same with the mage in Origins, the warrior has more dps/survivability. excuse me what the fuck
Have we played the same game? Magic is hilariously overpowered and broken in Dragon Age Origins, it's not even up for debate.
Jack Rogers
Um, Leliana became divine, but I didn't do the side quest The Left Hand of the Divine quest.
Is she going to be hardened or not?
Nathan Rivera
No need to feel bad, user. Legally, she is your property and thus it is your RIGHT to do with her as you wish. Unless you are looking to get married, in this case, bestiality is a major turn-off and many fathers will not give their daughter's hand to a deviant.
Thomas Edwards
Don't worry, everything will crumble when the Veil comes down. At the end of the series, only dragons and Elves would be ruling Thedas.
Adam Garcia
Is this is Origins?
Dominic Jones
>That one guy at the Winter Palace Who?
Bentley Fisher
How did she even became the Divine without completing her quest? You get the option to choose her as a Divine candidate after completing her personal quest.
She remains hardened if you didn't stop her from killing Natalie in Valance and that is in her personal quest.
I don't know. Maybe the mage class felt weak to me because it was my first Origins playthrough and I didn't know the useful spells/combinations. I had to lower the difficulty at various points in the game. I had no trouble in my Warrior/Rogue playthroughs.
Asher Powell
>How did she even became the Divine without completing her quest? I dunno, I wanted Cassandra to be divine so I didn't do Leliana's quest. Welp it's too late to unharden her as I asked her to kill the traitor back in Haven.
Owen Jackson
These things are creepy.
Landon Butler
>I asked her to kill the traitor back in Haven. She remains hardened if you screw up even a single option to change her demeanor. Enjoy evil Lilly!
Lucas Gray
How is she evil? Should do Vivienne table top support mission and get her elected Divine? Or should I go back to a previous save I made 30 hours ago and support Cassandra.
Logan Smith
Josephine is best girl.
Carter Flores
They are cute, fat and cuddly!
She starts punching everyone who opposes her. I would say: stick with evil Leliana. Reloading an old save and re-doing all the 30 hours long content is not worth it, and screw Vivienne.
Josiah Campbell
lol to each their own i suppose
Charles Evans
>She starts punching everyone who opposes her. Why does everyone joke about Cassandra doing this?
Wyatt Morales
Just use the save editor and change your divine points manually.
Eli Butler
Nathan Peterson
>They are cute, fat and cuddly! how cuddly is it if you pluck its big ears off?
Kayden Fisher
Why would you do that? It needs them to hear with.
Luis Powell
it doesn't need to hear, all it ever does is squeal annoyingly
Hunter Barnes
And now it will just keep squealing louder all the time because it can't hear itself, like a person with headphones on. You are a meanie.
Isaiah Taylor
Did you ever hear the tragedy of BlackTea the Recluse?
Daniel James
its one third pig, rabbit and human, 100% an abomination. I hope Divine Cassandra orders a genocide on them.
Eli Lee
better break its neck then, at least its meat is edible
Josiah Jones
Cassandra also likes nugs. Only vivienne and sera approve if you kill the nugs in that cave in crestwood, for all their differences, they're both alike in terms of bitchness.
Tyler Evans
>That picture Blackwashing is real. I prefer Josephine over Jo'quandra over here.
Why do people think Vivienne is a bitch? Vivenne is very kind to my Inquisitor and keeps calling him darling and is probably the nicest character to him aside from Cassandra who I am romancing. He is a Human Royal though, I don't know if she treats other races poorly or not.
Christopher Cox
I don't like her arrogant behaviour and her stance on mages. She mistreats Cole which makes me dislike her more.
Ian Nelson
Recommended Mods for DAI?
Anthony Myers
Camping in a haunted ruin is a very bad idea.
Brayden Torres
Mason Brown
Here is a list of all the mods I am using on my current Inquisition playthrough.
Elijah Harris
Jacob Mitchell
is that a transgender dale cooper cosplaying as cassandra? nice!
Julian Roberts
The Evanuris exist but so does the Maker...
Parker Phillips
You have too many mods
Christopher Walker
Nope! There are only 4 mods visible in that screenshot.
Julian Thompson
how many hours do you have in DAI? I have 113, wondering if I am on the high end or not.
Ayden Morgan
Which is better Quanri or Dwarf playthrough?
Does these even get mentioned at all?
Owen Johnson
Qunari, you get a lot of unique dialogue options.
Elijah Flores
Every race gets a lot of unique dialogue options.
Ryan Brooks
Like what?
Elf gets a whole hidden section of story,Quanri isn't even a proper Quanari.
Brody Fisher
I don't really see how they could have made you a proper qunari and still keep the basic inquisitor plotline. Pretty sure the qun wouldn't allow one of them to be the face of the Andrastian Inquisition. Plus, you wouldn't really be able to be anything other than a male warrior too.
Should I make Cass my dedicated tank or spec her into 2h and make her my secondary DPS?
James Evans
If you are playing on Nightmare then make her a tank who draws all the enemy aggression.
Jason Kelly
So, basically just 100% the Vanguard tree and that's it? I was considering making BW my tank, I'd just make Cass a 2h to put her in my party, as she's my favorite. Can she hold her own on NM even without the Champion tree?
Henry Scott
Mostly Vanguard, Champion and some defensive skills from the One-Handed tree for a Tank. You need at least one tank in your team, and Blackwall has the Champion specialization so make him your group's tank.
For Cassandra: put some points in the Guard abilities(though they draw enemy aggression) or enchant her weapon to generate guard-on-hit and she would survive as a Two-Handed Warrior on Nightmare difficulty. Without guard, she would melt.
Brayden Morgan
Gabriel Scott
She's really manipulative and is being nice to get on your good side, at least at first. Personally I think that she genuinely does care for you if you do the wyvern quest for her.
Thanks, user. Wasn't enough Solas in this thread yet.
Lucas Hernandez
10 almost
Hudson Gonzalez
Jace Rivera
Mason Howard
What was your favorite side quest on Inquisition, user? Or just any moment not related to the main quest