Mute Hottie Edition
League of Legends General - /lolg/
Other urls found in this thread:
xth for rape/mindbreak/impregnation (in that order).
>creating more mutants
best soloq midlaner for mid-diamond elo? i'm thinking xerath
I want to lewdify Lulu
>play taric
>enemy engages on us
>both adc's are low health
>ult my adc
>as soon as my adc becomes invulnerable he flashes AWAY
>invulnerability wears off
>he dies
>"wtf taric no peel"
>yi kayle top cheese episode
This is why I want a true solo queue
Duos are bullshit
I fuck Sej daily
>+1% CDR per level, up to +10% CDR at level 10. Each percent of excess CDR is converted to +2 Ability Power or +1.4 Attack Damage, Adaptive.
Remind me again how this shit isn't going to break the game
xth for The Glorious Evolution
I love Riven!!
comfy bfs~
xth for most fun top laner!
>Lucidity boots on Kass
No wonder this fag lost to Faker.
>Tfw your actions as a jungler directly cause someone to go 13/0
Is there a better feel?
Should I get morde or olaf for toplane? I want to play morde more but I'm pretty sure he's still turboshit. Does he build ad or AP now?
What the fuck do I do against a fucking Olaf as an immobile adc?
Its fucking unfair, no one can help me cuz he can't be cc'd and if he builds off-tank he just leeches back every tiny damage one does to him.
Its fucking disgusting..
Dude just CC him holy shit are you Bronze?
What are you doing in my lane
*melts your chocolate*
Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.
>Loving old hags.
fucking disgusting.
What are YOU doing in MY lane?
>Filter the filenames of every waifu poster
>Thread quality increases tenfold
>all these shitposts and waifuposts and no one responds to a legitimate post
i don't know what i expected
orianna is the jack of all trades for every elo desu
What are you BOTH doing in MY lane
Oh shit I just got the joke, he says he has a thing for legs because he has 8 legs.
Studies have shown that bullying Lulu increases your IQ, say something mean to Lulu to reap the benefits!
>Coming to lolgen for any reason other than waifuposting
>Camille able to fight sion or Mao
Hohohoho Have fun sitting at tower pinging your jungler too death
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
if you dont ask retarded questions you MIGHT get an answer
me two lets swim together Ill bring duct tape
>Posts Jhin pic
Which LoL champion has the most moxie?
Did you guys say something?
yeah, to shitposters and waifuposters, i guess a normal question is retarded
fuck this general, you guys don't actually play this game
N-No, Jayce...
How can it be rape if Xayah wants Rakan's dick?
Objectively false
>Jayce beating Mao
Haha, well memed my friend!
Why should we answer retarded questions
The answer has been the same for fucking years
Because I'd be the one raping her. Also I'm ugly as fuck which just makes it 10 times hotter.
her bod isn't hot or tight
>mao beating anyone
that's what i thought. I'll be going back to my lane, bro.
bork cleaver
You know Stoneplate's active is laughable at best if hes not surrounded by at least 3 champs?
If Cho gets near you, just like, dont stand ass to ass with your teammates. You wouldn't try to CC chain Irelia and then bitch that she literally walks out of all of it because youre trying to 5v2 her when she's fed/has 3+ tank items so dont do it with Stoneplate Cho.
Plus he has to blow his 70 second ult CD, his Stoneplate CD, and probably his flash too just to kill ONE person and only if theyre low/squishy.
If they pick Cho, just take chimps with shields that ARE NOT BLITZCRANK.
oh fuck off you obnoxious faggot
he asked a normal type of question that's commonly asked, except in this general, people think they need to leave a worship symbol for their waifus and dont actually care about discussing this game
you should just uninstall league of legends if your only tie to it is roleplaying and masturbating to its characters, you can do it without the game on your computer
thats Poppy's body
no one looks hot OR tight in pants like those.
Even if you dont use the active you get 80 armor and MR
Shits ok
Should I just ban Janna until she gets fixed
I can stomp her in lane but she just completes ardent censer and presses E on somebody that autoattacks and that is more impact than what I do with a 4 man ult as rakan/braum/nami
Are you like bronze 4?
Mao is one of the best Top Laners of the patch
God this EF/P1 game is so god damn boring. No one will fully commit
>tfw no Shuriman gf to cuddle with on a cold night
Even you can do better user.
>Cait's already falling fast down the ADC tier lists
>gutting her traps until 13
Im fine with that, but I'd like a Q buff, ult mana cost, or maybe a bit of aspeed/level (NOT base, that part is fine) buff in its place. She's been nerfed too hard and I dont want to see Best Girl end up Vayne tier because it took Riot too long to realize what the problem was.
Lowering headshot damage scaling might help too... 5k damage by pressing 2 buttons is kind of retarded.
The only way to beat Janna is super hard engage that a tiny shield won't save. So like Blitz works really well into her. But you'll want an ADC that does damage early.
The other option is beat her at her own game. A game that nami loses. Play soraka/sona instead vs Janna and go full on healslut and you can outscale her.
Did you?
Stream? eyoson streamtracker is borked
Not even a waifufag you obnoxious mongoloid, "best midlaner to play?" is a dumb question to ask without any further personal info attached, you might as well just go check the stats
How bout making her ult not shit.
She will be gutted for a long time most likely.
They are trying to make her an ADC that can only lane bully and place traps and offers nothing besides that.
Her AS is already so fucking low at later levels that she's not worth it anymore imo
I just use twitch
I love Ms. Buvelle.
Do you love someone user? Tell me about them, why do you love them?
xth for breast metal waifu
>not an elise interaction
Shut the fuck up. No one is sad to see your champion get gutted except you.
I bet if she wasn't cute then you wouldn't bully her.
you dont want a cute 15 year old girl learning to control her powers to love and lust after you ??
Traps have always been caits problem. They're too overbearing when ahead and too safe when behind. They can give cait her attack speed back and lower the base damage on her traps headshot and keep the stun duration the same and she would be in a good spot in solo q. I think they'd also have to increase the CD/do things that punish her for poor trap placement too. Probably still cancer in the LCS with team coordination but that's still fine.
These past few months I've had enough caitlyn for several seasons
hey guys best toplaner for a plat 3 lad pls
if you dont awnser youre a faggot waifufag who is killing /b/ xD
i love my wife ahri!
I love (You)
want to start playing some tank support
thinking of nautilus or braum
which one should i pick and against which sups should i take them
Neck yourself
>EF beat P1
same im sick of picking lulu every game
Braum is a big guy! And he's fun to play!
Why doesn't EG have a LoL team anymore?
I love you too user.
Does she eat your soul?
> Everyone here bitching about how busted Cho is
> Nearly every pro game he lanes he lumbers around useless losing lane to everyone
> Doesn't win 1v1s at any stage of the game
Is this place just full of assmad adcs?
>Cho'Gath main since season 2
>Rip and tear through top lane on a regular basis
>Patch 7.14 changes his E
>The crying starts
The 7.15 nerfs were justified and I wouldn't even be mad if they have to touch him again. Having a slow on AA is really nice.
I don't usually go for the stoneplate meme shit anyways.
>Not wanting a qt brown teen gf
If you haven't considered Leona
i implore you to reconsider
>Traps have always been caits problem
I know, like I said it took riot this long to realize they were the problem to begin with.
A 1.5 second root is absurd, the headshot interaction is bullshit.
Honestly I'd be satisfied if they removed that from her W and just gave the double range
I like your changes too, though it does already feel like especially early, getting all of her stacks at once is not too hard but getting even 2 back after dropping them takes longer than most people's ults.
Another body for the gutter
yes as an example of an adequate bod
I must disagree
Naut support is pretty mediocre now
Braum is good but you tend to lose against healsluts
I love Futa Soraka
I love her any way she is but would very much enjoy a large cock on her!
It's like i said. you're in my lane, bro.
Champions in desperate need of a buff? I'll start with the obvious one
The last line of changes made Support nautilus quite a bit stronger, though doing pretty much nothing to Laner Naut.
Why is Jayce so smug?
Smart, good looking, strong, and rich; wouldn't you be smug user?