/dg/ - Destiny General
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First for Titans Lead the Way.
3rd for this nigger
Alpha team is
reminder no bully but bungie bully is ok
As someone who still has concerns about Destiny 2 PvE gameplay, I think bdobbins is a faggot, and I am grateful he's stopped shilling his channel in the thread.
This is the literal opposite of what happened in the last thread.
Holy fucking shit that sword is sick
that's really puffy
>he made of video on COD
How do you usually kick someone who obviously has no idea how to do a raid, when they said they had done it before?
You say it plainly, and then kick them.
Last time I kicked someone, they sent me a message about how I am a mysogonistic white male who hates women and is against girl gamers
What did this guy do to get everyone so riled at him?
Fifth for Barvo Team
Wow how bigoted of you
Delete message, block sender, pic related to raiding.
He kept shilling his videos in the thread. He had some valid complaints about the beta, and a lot of bullshit about the story, which he defended in the comments as "satire". Basically, he's a self-indulgent faggot who tried to advertise on /dg/.
Click baity, even when the smallest little bit of info is released about the game he shits on it to be "the other guy". Then he just goes on a rant about little details and makes huge assumptions. He's basically the kid on the bus that when there's even a small detour he complains he'll be on for hours
anybody up for a Wrath raid with someone with little to no experience?
>She didn't even know to jump on Aksis' back and slam him when she got empowered
caused us to wipe atleast 5 times before she said something
What console?
GT: Gnrl Vagueness
I feel like that's what quite a few people are doing. You either down for it all or you hate every bit of it and there's like no middle ground with the youtube people talking about it. They all kind of suck honestly. I like /dg/ discussion because it's a varied sack of shit opinions.
I would offer my help but I'm at the county fair
I'm kinda mixed right now. I wish they didn't do some things, but hopefully the things they did do outweigh the little annoyances
The beta's not set in stone, and they're obviously paying attention to feedback from the beta, so there's hope some of the little annoyances will be fixed for launch.
melee abilities should be substantially more powerful than grenades because they are not ranged
Grenades are slow projectiles, which makes it a little difficult to land them. I feel like they should be roughly equal in power, combined with melees having some utility on top of damage.
mainly for pve
ok with melee being "utility" slowt, actualyl seems to be that way already to some extent
but energy drain is still shit and i'm pissed
where the ps4 pro new monarchy skins at
New version. Shooped the cabal emblem using this image so now its accurate representation of ALL emblems we know about.
Yeah, energy drain is hilariously undertuned. But some effects are "on-kill", and the weak-ass melee damage just makes that disappointing. It would need some retuning of the "refresh on kill" effects. And yeah, I was referring to PvE too.
I guess I have everything done except for the two clan trophies and the bell ringing one
The on kill effects don't expend the CD though. Overall, I thought everything but the warlock was in a decent place.
What you said had nothing to do with the post you replied to.
I feel like a faggot for having all of this done.
>I feel like a faggot for enjoying a game that I like to its fullest.
Sounds to me like you got influenced just a tad too much by shitposters.
>Hurrrr they didn't address my special snowflake "concerns"
Nobody cares
he's a bit of a fag for (presumably) buying every DLC right away if not before it was released, which is realistically the only way you're going to have every single triumph
I hope no one saves this seal Destiny 2 is as enthralling as the first game.
And here's the shitposter that influenced him.
You cared enough to reply, even across threads.
fuck you and fuck your mother's corpse
come join my Barvo Team! it's a clan i made with a stupid name
also just patrolling and dicking around if anyone needs a warm body to stand on a plate or something
i honestly can decide what class for destiny 2. i kinda like warlock more than titan but god damn, warlocks look like shit in destiny 2. shitty robes and even worse looking bonds surprisingly. what do you think /dg/ ?
>Play all three, pick whichever one you like best once you hit max level and get a chance to see more of the gear that's available.
unless mods are perks coupled with additional points, since I suspect stats will cap at 10
meaning you will need, at least, an additional 7 points to max out 2 stats if we're building on the demo (which gave 13 points to play with)
that'd somewhat diminish the fixed system so long as you grinded for mods (like D1)
I cared about his petulant whining, not of the content thereof
i would, but i dont have time, and i dont like trying to play three classes at once. thoughts on the WOW shoulders on titans now ?
Adding your petulant whining to the mix isn't an improvement.
WoW shoulders are bad, and that makes me sad as a Titan main. Though they do make shoulder charge hit harder...
Release that seal at once!
I'm going to continue as a warlock at least for the main story first run, but I will legit switch to striker titan if stormcaller was cut.
>that chestpiece is exotic thus making that bond legendary
I'm hoping the third subclasses are being kept hidden because they have important story implications. Like, we have to find and rescue and/or recruit the Sunbreakers, track down a Nightstalker, do something regarding Stormcaller (maybe we find Osiris, which later leads into the Osiris expansion?).
should i get d2 on ps4 or pc?
not all of them look bad, but like the NM one in the back is the worst offender. the thing about warlock though is that i have yet to see one set in destiny two other then the vanguard set that looks good and not like some dumb robes.
PS4 if you want exclusives and a better community. PC if you want graphics.
whichever you think is more comfy :)
>let's do ttk again
No, I want to start as a stormcaller. I hope they're being hidden just to leave something unknown for release.
I just want some shoulder like the low level Titan gear in vanilla Destiny. Is that too much to ask for?
this looks so good compared to the new stuff. im really thinking of warlock instead now that i think of it. its not that big shoulders are bad, but it gets to a point where they git so big and angled weird that it makes everything else look small
Alright /dg/ you know the drill.
Post Guardians.
>even Ruin Wings look tame compared to some of the shoulder pads in D2
>Making Ruin Wings take shaders.
Best Veeky Forums patch in all of Destiny.
Remember when we thought Mau'aul's Maulers were huge? Now the starting armor for Titan has shoulder pads that big.
Indeed. Silver is great but that pearly white is god tier.
the way bungo is designing the titan armor is really affirming me going warlock instead of titan. i mean look at pic related. ya the warlock armor does not look "that" good, but i mean look at the titans in the back. what the fuck is going on with there soulders ?
The Titans are trying to maximize their silhouette area so the other classes can use them as cover.
The fur collar one is okay but the one of the left is fucking absurd.
Also they seem to be giving Titan's codpieces on most of the leg armors now too, good to know my junk is secure I guess.
The right Titan armor in that picture looks great
The left Titan armor looks spacey
>Complaining about codpieces
>Not wanting to cave in Thrall skulls with your pelvic thrusts
Oh I wasn't complaining just noting. For pretty much every armor I can think of in D1 it was just black undersuit for crotch protection.
Yeah but if we look at , maybe there will be smaller shoulder pads that have Mobility prioritized over Resilience. Pic related
>wish we could turn back time...to the good old daaays
God damn all those fucking memes, I'd neck myself if I had to be in such a cringy clan.
if there is we have yet to see a single one.
I want to jump through a Vex time gate...
So is this game all grind like 1?
So which one is it exactly? Are you trying to be funny? Do you think you're being clever? Or are you just oblivious to being a retard?
>Getting this assblasted over comparing Destiny 2's much larger Titan shoulders to WoW
>I was only pretending.
leave Frost alone
>WoW has bigger pauldrons than D2
>Therefor any comparison is retarded
Do you have autism? I mean really, not in the Veeky Forums sense? Because this kind of hyper-literalism is straight of DSM.
what im hoping is that we get some sets that look like pic related. smooth with clean lines and looking more like a jacket then a robe.
>Hey guys look at that whale, that whale is huge, that whale is so fucking huge!
>Dude, that's an elephant.
>W-w-well they're s-same. A-autism.
Oh you poor thing, you weren't pretending.
Titans need more midriff armor, not bigger shoulders.
>beer belly titan
>New design has much larger shoulders
>Looks similar to WoW
>WoW's shoulders are bigger
>So its absolutely retarded to compare them to WoW
>They look nothing alike!
Please talk to your psychiatrist, your new meds aren't working properly.
that was one of the problems i have with titan armor in destiny 2. it makes your chest look all puffed up, but your arms and legs still look fucking tiny compered to your shoulders.
Whats the name of the site that scans your account and tells you what grimoire your missing and how to get it?
bonds have always been shit, visually
the not-shit ones have to be pride parade levels of extravagant to actually be noticed which kind of lowers their aesthetic value too
>If I say it enough times it'll be true.
Oh you poor thing, so you're not only retarded but also a liberal.
>not wanting to be an Arc Hammer Smoughtitan