/mhg/ - Monster Hunter General

>Monster Hunter: World
-MH:World revealed for PS4 and Xbox One early 2018, and eventually PC. youtube.com/watch?v=xe-RAeDfOMM
↳Information with sources: pastebin.com/TRFRGFn1
↳Weapon Intros: youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_ALSpmx2A8sAdeuYKMnrCt0xCpwPyPbC
↳Gameplay 7/24: youtube.com/watch?v=aGMrgDM7Fco#t=26m10s

-Monster Hunter XX Nintendo Switch Ver. confirmed for 8/25 in Japan, region free. youtube.com/watch?v=CvzTD_RYDXs
↳No current plans for XX localization "at this time". twitter.com/monsterhunter/status/875133030326652928
-Monster Hunter Stories due for a 9/8 release in EU, Q4 NA.

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.

Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.

Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Passcode: 7243
In XX, ターグット: Gathering フィールド採集 (page 1, middle right)
In Generations, Objective: Gathering
In 4U, Target: Fishing

Tags: MHWorld, MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, Stories, MHO, MonHun, /mhg/

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In all but name, I am the most advanced weapon
>dances in the air

It looks like the HH somewhat has like a combination of both Gen and FU, where there are attacks that play the notes and going into recital plays them, but you can also stay in recital and continue attacking/moving. It could also be the encore attack finally being able to go forwards. Without the HUD I can't tell much. Definitely will be using this support weapon with you guys next year

It's obviously the idle recital with the ability to move while playing, you can clearly see it still plays like P3rd HH.

Are we the prey?
No, we are the hunters!


Daily reminder that MHW will take place on the Aya continent

Freedom Unite!


That's some gay fan made map. It's the western continent.

Does this general have a discord? I need voice chat for hame.

just read the fucking op

Goodnight, /mhg/.
I love you guys.


What monsters not yet showed you think will be coming back on World?
My bet is

>The Realm of Midgard

Only small monsters, they're going for a soft reboot.

>Nostalgia DLC Pack 1,2,3,4,5....

I want to go balls deep in a cute Lagombi huntress.

How new to Monster Hunter are you? It's going to be in Monster Hunter World G

The world can never have enough Raths

It's NuCapcom senpai.

It already does.

And Capcom would leave behind their moneygrubbing tried and tested tradition? I don't think so.

I hope they're not that fucking boring

If Nargacuga returns, I'll flip out and commit matricide

>That one shitmon you hate

Nah the western continent is from MHO

They're just so cute.

I don't feel like sleeping yet.

Are you a toddler?

>what are timezones

go fuck an emu

lagiacrus, hermitaur, kushala, fatalis, volvidon, nerscylla, brachy. that's at least one representative for every element/status except fire/poison(filled by rathalos/rathian). i guess plesioth can replace nerscylla for sleep, but i'd really rather not fight plesioth again.


i just hope my wife (mizutsune) is in it

Vault armor looks and sounds a little too similar to Maccao armor

they're pushing the feathered dinosaur meme

Your wife is a guy.

I just hope we get thongs for females in World

It just wouldn't feel right without them

That's the green narga armor right?

i still love her (him) all the same

No, that's Miralis

>effeminate looking monster
I really hope World gets rid of this homo shit.

did that guy's teeth explode?


Now that's a real Chinese face


i wish there were more dress-like armors

All that clipping. One they bring in the armor with capes, it's going to be a mess.

Dear Lutemis looks so gorgeus in HD

it takes place in "the new world"

literally america


>people will never stop complaining about Frontier
>but Brachydios is okay

His fight is actually designed rather well. Fun even. Therein lies the difference.

Hoping for this design to be the HR version. MHO used this design but dropped the veil for some reason.

Anime is okay if its mainline

The only fun, well designed Brutes are Jho and -ggis

Jaggi is literally shit. Baggi can stay.

>Aya Country (Japanese アヤ国) is a isolated small continent within the southeast of the sea. This place is said to have many generations of kings with absolute power over the country, though very little is actually known about this place. This is mainly from the civilians of this country refusing to exchange or trade anything with other places outside the continent, such as goods or info. Even hunters haven't gotten any requests from the Aya Country.

Also if you look at this mural, there's the outline of a city on the map. It's a new world in the sense that it's foreign to the guild.

MHO takes place in the same place as MHFO, idk where that is geographically but it's Mezeporta and the surrounding area.

they're bird wyverns

>moves around fluidly, has a decent fight, and not particularly offensive

>new frontier monster gets revealed
>generally jank movement and promo video always shows huge AoEs around the battlefield
I laughed my ass off when that new monster using the Zin skeleton had explicit AoE orbs in the reveal video. They just know.

no it takes place in america, it's a collab with the film for maximum western appeal

Forgot pic

Brute skeleton.

it's ok when the main series does it

Paul Anderson is designing the Elder Dragon monster himself for Worlds. This is fact.

That implies that you have venerable knowledge and understanding of the monsters and their fights in Frontier. Brachy's AOE shit is so out of left field, and starkly contrasts most of third-gen's monster design. Maybe I'd agree with you if his enrage wasn't so fucking anime and stupid, but as it stands, it's a pretty good precursor to the current direction of Monster Hunter that everyone seems to love to complain about.
>not Barroth
Fuck you.

Only Tri Barroth was good.

Frontier takes place in the old continent.

>Brachy's AOE shit is so out of left field, and starkly contrasts most of third-gen's monster design.

Nah! That shit made 3G Nephlol, don't be ridiculous.

>made 3G
fuck off

I'm trying to speak in weeb terms you can understand, give me a break.

>it's a pretty good precursor to the current direction of Monster Hunter that everyone seems to love to complain about.
Except Brachydios is AnimalPlanet-core, unlike garbage like Balfark.

If it's using the gen 1 design for the standard set then that probably means the gen 1 hr/G variants are coming back too

I'm glad the metal plates of the skirt seem to be rigid and don't deform with movement.

Absolutely not and it's been hated since day 1, it's just the newfags got accustomed to that trash and now you got idiots claiming Zin, Dios or the Fated Five aren't horrible.

>World is back to using the old designs of Rath armors

They aren't, though


>horrible monsters or fights
Those fights are rather well-designed, though. The only complaints about Zinogre that I could maybe find palpable are about his AOE charge-up and maybe his thunderstorm. Of course, I'm referring mainly to vanilla!Zinogre and not the Stygian variant. Stygian is fucking terrible, anime shit.

It's still a shame that they didn't try to merge blademaster and gunner design into one since now there's only one type of armor

They're both awfully easy fights and only Mizu doesn't make you want to gouge your eyes out.

Jagras armor confirmed

But insane Frontier spammer, /mhg/ always loved Jinouga.

I don't post frontier, I dropped it back when 8.0 released, and no, /mhg/ didn't always love that piece of shit, maybe 140 Zin, as a fight, but that's it.

They're way to god damn easy. Free hits to face with zinogre. Taunt Taunt Taunt with mizu. Stygian Zinogre is a far better fight because he doesn't stand there and take it. That's also why the 140 fights are pretty good because they start out charged and are able to use their feints to their fullest. Until they start fucking around and waste your wystone time. Fuck apex.

>Realistic enough without going into meme Animal Planet territory like 3rdGen
>Well-thought out fights that emphasize on positioning and timing without resorting to animeme like XX
Of course Nintenbabies wouldn't appreciate these masterworks all, they're not memetic enough for their pedestrian tastes.

>140 Zin

That's amazing how you jump all over the place. Now you sound like a 4U fetus.

I'm not jumping anywhere, 140 Zin is Zin's only fun fight. Get some sleep.

Yes user, /mhg/ never said ANYTHING good about Zinogre before 4U came out. You're right.

140 zin actually is interesting compared to the do nothing and take it like a bitch regular zinogre.

Some shit tasted idiots may have.

Yes he was definitely NOT one of the more positively received monsters to date.

That's definitely your imagination, it's ugly as sin and weak as fuck, only its LR armour looks good and all its gear sucks.


Ah yes, and Akantor weapon are great because it's the top HH?

You said ALL its gear sucks.

I'm a little biased towards Mizu's design, but I found it fair and challenging and exhilarating when I first fought it. It wasn't the hardest fight, no, but it has great synergy with the player.