someone post the screencap from the Q&A video that shows their internal dashboard
Logan Peterson
Stop being support cuck.
Jonathan Sanders
I love her!
Isaac Long
Decided to play ranked for the very first time even though ive had the game since released
Lost all 10 matches and never touching it again
Jaxon Rogers
so where did you place?
Aiden Lewis
Were you properly communicating in the voice chat?
Tell me more
Jacob Thomas
Reminder that playing comp on the weekend is cruisin for a bruisin
Parker Bailey
esports are on
Colton Ross
Mercy was a mistake.
Alexander Nelson
Dominic Sanchez
Silver >talking to people
Juan Morris
like a typical kang stealing history, doomfist has stolen a native kiwi's history of one-shotting people
Grayson Watson
You talk to people in comp.
Landon Ramirez
Reminder that unless you have a 6 stack or enjoy suffering you shouldn't play comp
Dylan Moore
>You talk to people in comp.
Joshua Flores
roadhog is the laziest kiwi in the world if he is actually one
Nathaniel Jones
Lena Oxton!
Isaiah Edwards
did they delay katowice for apex? i guess they had to with half the korean team playing
Joseph Rivera
>You talk to people in comp.
Camden Smith
Do Tyronefist's abilities pull you in like Junkrat's trap does?
Jack Sanders
>tomboy with tanlines
Landon Reed
I am deeply in love with Angela and want to make her happy!
Zachary Scott
>3 weeks since the last APEX match
Why this schedule? I see they got some outdoor park for this but that can't only be it.
Kayden Butler
>refusing to talk to your team >lose >get placed in silver Well, what did you expect?
Kevin Myers
there has got to be a point to all of his visits to blizz right?
hes playing us like a damn fiddle
Christopher Scott
he mentioned that we 'have something to look forward to soon' or some vague shit like that
Charles Rogers
Okay, did I do something wrong or what >Lucio, Soldier, McCree, Hog, Hanzo and me as >attacking Volskaya B >the whole team just kinda pokes around in a group >the enemy team dances together on the point >figure out I can announce ult, send It in and storm in >the enemy team disperses, I'm going in >jump around for 5second before getting killed by enemies >no one else followed >just poked for the rest of the game
I don't understand
Sebastian Gutierrez
I fucking hope not.
Terry Crews is the epitome of reddit humour. A perfect example of an actor that is heavily marketed to normies with shit taste.
Caleb Parker
hey man, hes nice
loved him in everybody hates chris
Elijah Sullivan
>Terry Crews announcer instead of Athena
Zachary Thompson
It's canon.
Owen Rogers
Rein titties best titties!!! no girls can compare!
Connor Thompson
>hey man, hes nice
That doesn't warrant taking away a job from a VA.
It would also completely ruin Overwatch's characters. You don't want to see a character and be like "Oh that's that one famous actor from X" instead of "Oh, that voice! That is Soldier 76."
Justin Bell
lunatic hai btfo
Grayson Jackson
>1080p60 >its actually 30 why are gooks so scuffed
Justin Adams
does trainning mode still kick you if you're in training mode for too long?
Owen Reed
cant use doomfist in competitive? what the FUCK?
Jackson Flores
Do you feel this way about voice acting in general? This is fucking stupid. Does it completely sour the television or animated show that has VA when a recognized voice is dubbing over a character?
Sebastian Jenkins
>the gauntlet starts talking as Terry Crews >Akande and the gauntlet are having conflicts with one another >cue anime shenanigans
Josiah Lewis
>tfw u will never breed genji's butt
Gavin Nguyen
No. I just don't want such a cancerous, obnoxious piece of shit that is only known for being "funny" by shouting and acting all tough.
He's no different to the mass-marketed cancers of Fast & Furious.
Ryan Bailey
I'm curious when they are going to start offering different announcers - HotS has it
Gabriel Green
who is exactly carrying kdp
Evan Jenkins
if overwatch's dying why is that korean tournament so full of people watching
Michael Cooper
>korean theyre the kind of people still playing starcraft seriously and only begrudgingly moved onto starcraft 2
Justin Campbell
>see low level smurf duo in qp >they play pharmercy >one of them bought an acc just to hold left click
>all these faggots demanding Doomfist nerfs >Muh Genji deflect should work on his fist! >Run around corner, get punched into a wall and die
Joshua Rodriguez
umm..i only see a picture of some kind of depressed panda
Alexander Roberts
>just want to watch ow >meme korean variety show crap
Mason Miller
12 btw
Luis Brooks
Ryder Walker
how tight do you think McCree's butthole is? on a scale of 1 to 10
Austin Foster
Comp is cancer, I just get shouted at for picking the wrong hero or shouted at for not playing like a Korean god or shouted at for not being able to sprint as a Zenyatta
Stupid fucking 3rd world shitstains with their mics shouting in broken english
Nathaniel Cook
>play on PS4 (yeah, I know) >Doomfist arrives >literally every match, the person who picked him runs straight into the enemy group and dies >get bitched at when I don't immediately follow and play personal healer for them I've only been playing OW for a few months now but was it the same when the other characters got added as well?
Robert White
Angela pls. Pls.
Aaron Martin
1 hes made it clear to sombra that he doesnt do buttstuff
Christian Hall
ignore people who tell you to switch unless you're doing jack shit if no one says anything worth hearing in voice chat, just leave if everything is going to shit just try to play with your team and do your best
you can't win them all
Elijah Lee
Will it ever end? This is brutal.
Jack Richardson
Why are they singing karaoke?
Nathaniel Smith
Joshua Barnes
>go take a shit during break >come back to see korean digital gymnast singing ???
Ian Lopez
but 1 means it's the opposite of tight
Carson Young
>korean teams have their own anime-like intros
Sebastian Kelly
Truth be told, I wouldn't mind being able to deflect Doomfist's initial rocket punch but still take damage from crashing into the wall, but I'm always killing Doomfist with Genji while he struggles to even reach me from the ground. He's a pretty big target to hit and kill if you're Genji, truthfully.
Isaiah Cruz
>face-fucking a slut
huh, thats weird. its not me ;)
William Russell
He's a fucking cowboy guy, being fast and loose is his whole goddamn shtick
Joseph Edwards
tfw blizzard will never manage OGN's production quality >Why this schedule? They want the best match possible so they delay to allow lots of practice
Bentley Howard
Evan Butler
>Join ranked >Hit "P" >Leave team chat >Leave match chat >Play whatever you want >Enjoy the game
Once I started doing this, it was like a brand new game, I won a lot more, had much more fun, and just overall the quality of the game went up, went from diamond to master without ever being in any of the chats, try it and tell me what you think.
Aiden Jenkins
Cameron Rogers
Tell me your location and it could be ;)
Jordan Sullivan
Chase Sanchez
I know, but that user gave him 1, which implies "very tight"
Nathaniel Evans
>hanzo / doomfist in the enemy team >alt f4
when will the oneshot fest end?
Robert Phillips
just play on NA desu
Jordan Johnson
>estimated time: 0:44 >elapsed time: 6:50
Adam Myers
>mute all chats >put on some nice music >just do things my role is supposed to do >now i dont feel angry at losses, i'm just having fun For some reason, Homework works best
Luis King
it's hard finding fair matches at 800 sr :^)
Ryder Allen
>how tight I'm taking bait here but a higher value would imply a higher degree of tight
Aiden Nelson
This would be acceptable, if only to quench the thirsty redditors
Jackson Scott
Seoul seems like a nice city.
Zachary Fisher
Glad to see I'm not the only one who does this, just hit diamond and suddenly all my games turned to aids
>Mute all chats >Play what I want >MFW suddenly winning 90% of my games
Does nothing but fuck you up when all you hear is "REEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!" in your headset the entire game because someone is unhappy.
Cameron Diaz
>full of koreans >nice city
Jordan Adams
whos your main and whats their fetish no tame shit like footfaggotry and light bdsm shit the kind they dont talk or even drop hints about.
zarya and scat it all started in her bodybuilding days where she would laugh at lolxd lifting fails 2042(ylyl edition) and at one point she sees someone shit themselves due to exertion. she laughed her guts out, but then the laughter went to silence. and silence went to arousal. something awakened in sweet and innocent alexandra that day.
Angel Powell
never used voice chat ever since beta days, because i already realized what cancer fest it is, now i stopped using text chat altogether, and its waaaaay better
Lincoln Barnes
its fantastic
unironically some of the best food in the world is there
Jonathan Young
>food spotted the murican
Wyatt Edwards
I have eaten authentic korean. It is the worst.
Cameron Foster
I guess it would be? I didn't know you place under 1000 SR