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Carson Wood
Ryder Davis
>there are people who actively pretend that this game isn't luck based Dude just carry the inters Dude just carry the premade shitter botlane Dude just carry the first time kindred Dude just win lane against the challenger smurf Dude just defend the objectives 1v5 Dude just steal the baron
Julian Perry
Crazy is cute Crazy is tight
Henry Young
xth for being a good support
Ryder Foster
>Last promo game to Gold I >Top >Get some autistic riven main that has over 1000 riven games Of course this only happens on my promos
Aiden Evans
>I am a primes specimen of the league of legends meta.
Jack Powell
would you like me on your team, /lolg/?
i'm really worried about how the swain rework will turn out
Christopher Cruz
I want to unironically breed Lulu's against her will! And then abandon her. Years later I return to sell our daughter for a longsword!
Any buyers?
Pentakill Kayle is too expensive for what it does.
Adrian Peterson
How do we fix Jinx? I propose 10% at/speed buffs to the Rev
Vanilla skin best skin
Evan Wright
give her a mini passive proc when she crits to fix her mobility issues a tiny bit
Sebastian Moore
its being done by the same team that handled warwick and Urgod
safe to say he is in good hands.
at the very least he will still resemble Swain and wont be GALIO'd
Jordan Nguyen
let SMD execute/Damage towers reduce Pow Pow As but let it break the AS cap
Josiah Turner
buff her ms by at least 5
Jack Wood
anyone wanna play on NA
add me ign Noise Ramones
Jace Bell
>reduce Pow Pow As Congratz she's even more shit
Dominic Lee
fuck pantheon but that's god-tier skin taste
yeah i hope he turns out okay,his whole theme is amazing i'd main him if his current kit wasn't so boring
Mason Jenkins
>51% winrate What is there to fix
Gavin Richardson
yes but fuck swain panth and vlad
still at least a cool guy with good taste in cancer and great taste in skins
been a while since we POSTED EM
Hudson Garcia
>let SMD execute/Damage towers This would be so bad She already melts towers She doesnt need this Breaking AS cap isnt even that common and qould require suboptimal builds, you'd only barelybreak the cap and only with support synergy will it be noticeable.
Jinx's problem is being immobile in league of dashes
you cant always rely on your passive proccing and even then youre vulnerable to slows
Julian Williams
Have you done your stretches today /lolg/?
Asher Davis
You don't have to fix her, she is pretty much fine as it is
The issue with her is that her passive has so much power that she either doesn't proc it and is sitting duck or does and she pentakills. If they want to buff her more than the E buffs she had they need to nerf the passive and transfer power to the other skills
Jose Myers
you're a big guy
the only darius skin that scares me is woad king, so you have that going on
Caleb Thomas
the only thing I streched today is ur mums cunt xd
Leo Perez
do you think reducing pow pows AS by 5% would make Jinx shit?
Jayden Smith
Would you like me on your team?
Landon Diaz
You know what would be a reasonable nerf to Yasuo? Reducing his movement speed.
Nathan Myers
Yes Ever getting to the point of hitting the attack speed cap is rare even with a fully stacked pow pow
Ryder Jackson
this is when i realized that i want to main teemo
Justin King
>riot reworks low playerbase champs >redditfags play them for the first month cause cool new gimmicky abilities yay! then drop them >old playerbase drops them too >the champ is now even less played than before
>"group" >get aced by the same combo three times in a row I'm never leagint toplane again. The monkeys just don't fucking learn.
Nathan Morales
If we're using agh's to make champions blatantly broken then >agh's heimer let's him replace one ability with its ult version permanently >agh's brand makes his ult bounce indefinitely until it runs out of nearby things and removes blaze cooldown >agh's nunu roots on cast or slows like wither
Andrew Barnes
post splash arts that you consider awesome, regardless if you like the champion or not
Justin Richardson
i'm not sure... in the replay he walked straight to his raptors while i got fb on annie
Asher Edwards
Joshua Wilson
>Not Blinding jax, taking the buff with AA and btofing him with ignite/passive cheese 2/5
Hunter Hill
xth for breast metal waifu
Elijah King
>drowning a chem baron as he watches you get his gang's symbol tattooed on your arm by a mad max tattoo artist
love it
Carter Turner
Okay >Urgot ult now pierces and executes based off the last person it hits So the chain pierces everyone in a line and brings them all in for execution based on the faggot Jinx in the backline
William Anderson
>not starting raptors He deserved it
Carson Phillips
LCS or bust desu
Kevin Morales
>main rumble vlad and akali >got bullied constantly on toplane >learned to play morde >mfw
Caleb Taylor
>starting raptor on a champion that can't you people are a fucking blight
William Phillips
>10 losses in a row >I lost my mind, nihilistic as fuck >on the last game I got jungle >pick shyv, expectations are below zero >try to tilt very hard in chat call out others on feeding, 2/8 nasus, 2/6 twitch, 3/7 cassio. all of them underfarmed as fuck, also got counterjungled nonstop >resist to urge to type in chat and rage at others >end up having better farm than laners, and even enemy team, best KDA on team carrying hard as fuck
I'm so fucking happy right now. Thank you dragon lady for saving me.
Ryan Edwards
It's not hard to start raptors on Jax I've done it before
Christian Morales
I wanna hold Lulu in my arms and NEVER let go!
Wyatt Miller
what if she needs to take a shit you have to let go sometime. And that's when I will take her from you
Liam Clark
Adrian Watson
>lose 3.5k health in about 3 seconds >death recap says 811 in 2 seconds
really makes you think
Levi Brown
Owen Thomas
I forgot his e does more damage the more it blocks sorry
Brody Ortiz
>reducing someones AS by 5% would make them shit
why type this?
atleast that way you will be less transparent
Gabriel Evans
>Can't ever get s ranks on tristana or ahri
Is it even possible
Kevin Phillips
>aram you triple nigger
Camden Smith
> Popular snowball champs
You really have to light it up and solo carry
Kevin Roberts
I was saying she would be made more shit than she is which would be correct
Lincoln Hughes
>tfw stuck in silver
Mason King
yes sir it is lemme br8k it down for you >220+ farm >high kp >BE INVOLVED IN OBJECTIVES >if you're farming for an s then build a liandry's solely for damage padding >OBJECTIVES >switch trink >die no more than twice >farm >o b j boom s+
Samuel Long
Tfw the one or two times I jungle this shit happens to me
Noah Lee
I forgot wards buy a ward nigger place it in high traffic areas and do this often not EVERY TIME but if you back and have enough for an amp time buy boots and a control ward instead if you keep yellow trink which has its merits use that bitch off cooldown
Ethan Wright
I am not a fan of the Urgot rework at all. He's just replaced one set of issues with another. And his weaknesses have remained more or less the same anyway.
James Gomez
said emotion is known to me
Leo Gutierrez
my boy go get gold in twisted treeline
Dominic Morgan
>get at least 1 honor every game >no key fragments in several days >no level 3 honor lolbabs?
Robert Baker
kill all riven players pls
Carson Green
>Get killed under tower by someone melee attacking the tower >They don't take tower aggro
What gives
Elijah Williams
>buying Warmogs on the only fucking champ in the game that has a built-in Warmogs
How does it feel to be mentally retarded?
Connor Cooper
when you put warmog on top of warmog you get better warmog
Nolan Bell
>lose one game at 0 (zero) lp >demoted
Ethan Davis
>would you like me on your team, /lolg/? If I thought you were capable of carrying, sure.
I'd like to have you as top or support, but literally not any other role.
Oh my god yes.
William Gray
>enemy plays vlad >can 1v5 with one item
>I play vlad >need 7 items to take out a half health oom veigar
Colton Price
What champion looks the most like this?
Kevin Ortiz
>trist she's hard as fuck to play, since most adcs will outrade you easily early and mid. Just stick to the standard ADC mentality, stay alive, farm safely, prioritize survival above greed kills. Don't push when you don't need to, denying enemy XP is worth, but look out for the E passive damage because it can fuck up your wave control and put you in a dangerous situation. DON'T FUCKING ENGAGE WITH YOUR W, wait until you got the powerspike from your core. Drop runaan completely, its a shit item, the shiv poke is far superior and phantom dancer is better for kiting and dueling. Also don't forget, firecannon is not as shit as it seems first.
>Ahri are you for real?
Easton Gutierrez
Your mmr was probably terrible compared to the average mmr of whatever rank you were.
Anthony Roberts
>play acension >double the points of everyone else >get flamed regardless >0 honors
yeahh sorry for trying to win
Ian James
Anyone have that meme picture of Mordekaiserfags interrupting a thread with the naruto copypasta?
Lucas Jenkins
>play a meme mode >be a glory whore >get mad no one wants to suck your dick after it's all said and done lol
Hudson Edwards
Not sure, but I'll look
Elijah Nelson
She shares the same voice actor as Riven so there's that.
Christopher Fisher
You have a Project Zed on your team and this is the name of his runepage. What do you do?
>be 4 manning for shiggles >all of us get carried by this nurgot player >give him 4 honors and a nice most honored symbol >he gives his honor to me cute
Evan Long
no Im mad that I get flamed while im the only fucking person actually trying to win while theyre playing ARAM vs a team thats just capturing points
Easton Gomez
>He's just replaced one set of issues with another
extrapolate on what you mean.
Do you think reworks are purely about balance or something?
Gabriel James
>trist >hard to play
Isaac Walker
and I checked back for a reply and I got this ah
Jonathan Thomas
> still in the link list
James Taylor
the only thing that matters is ranked summoners rift, everything else might as well be aram.
Robert Torres
>still a link list
Andrew Nelson
stop complaining about your (you)
Bentley Brooks
Well I still got it, and you can't take it back.
Dominic Young
>trist >hard as fuck she has an escape and good steroids and a good passive. She is babbys first adc and is really strong right now because of the nerfs to other adcs. She also gets the most lucky crits in the game. Just rush crit Can't mess with Big Mama