ETA 5d19h
>Harbinger League
>ES and Life manifesto
>3.0: the Fall of Oriath
>Offline Build Planner
>Helpful links
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ETA 5d19h
>Harbinger League
>ES and Life manifesto
>3.0: the Fall of Oriath
>Offline Build Planner
>Helpful links
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What is everyone thinking of running in 3.0?
what do you think will be the most popular or FOTM builds?
Fuck off Wilson
Reminder that if you didn't play the beta, then you're at a serious disadvantage economically in 3.0. Beta players will have already mapped out the game and atlas, discovered broken interactions and kept them secret for future abuse and market cornering. You will never succeed in 3.0 if all you know about beta was the trickle information you saw on reddit because you will always be at least one week late in the information race and fall behind further and further
>Starting the league with builds that need Kaom's Heart, a +3 chaos six link staff, and a lvl 4 empower
Dark Pact fags, everyone.
>People posting "league starter builds" that require Varunastra
He who drinks like a demon is no better than one.
The Karui who cut himself is the one who bears greatest power.
Storm Burst.
Someone on reddit points out that ES Atziri's splendour now has near the max ES roll a rare can have.
Guess it's not quite a trash drop if you get it instead of axe/gloves now. Vertex is probably still garbo.
It's not like any of those things are hard to get
>play 3.0 beta
>get burnt out
>barely play 3.0
That only applies to regular players. I would burn out so fast on beta that it would hurt my total progression.
yeah i have a kaoms/6l +3/empower4 before cruel. these reddit plebs are just shit laffo hahaha
vertex is over 300 es top rolled a triple t1 hubris is 350ish all uber drops are quite good all shaper drops fucking suck
ive only been playing beta for the past 2 weeks and im already bored of it. the first time doing the new acts is fun since you dont know whats gonna happen but the majority of your time is still maps and its still boring shite. im hoping the new uniques they introduce arent all complete turds like the ones they announced so far. otherwise league is kill one week in for me
You can't evade hits anymore
Now you take your evade chance precentage from the damage and you take the hit as damage over 5 seconds
Which acts will come out with this new patch?
Im just using items that are reasonable to have within the first week. Everything besides the empower isnt that hard to get for someone that plays 12-16 hours a day. The base numbers on DP are so absurd that youll do fine with a 120 life chest and a shitty staff.
The numbers are still good with an IW gem or anything in place of empower and a +2 Chaos staff which is a few chaos at most.
I'll take RMT and JSP for 500 Alex.
also. map bosses are definitely 100% only gonna be killed once by everyone whos not a complete shitter. you could clear another map by the time you kill 3.0 bosses.
You realize they will make map drops so rare from regular mobs you will never sustain yellow maps if you don't kill bosses. This is GGG we are dealing with here they won't buff boss loot at all they will simply remove map drops from regular mobs.
>Evade just lets you burn a portion of damage taken as a DoT
That's actually an interesting "fix" that could work.
How should GGG fix Hierophant?
this is what I propose:
>scrap all the totem talents and the niche talents
>replace them with more talents related to mana manipulation
for example, your skills gain 1 extra projectile for every 1000 maximum mana you possess.
or whenever you lose 1% of your maximum mana, you gain 1% movement speed for 10 seconds. Successive stacks do not refresh the duration.
>someone that plays 12-16 hours a day
is this a meme or do you faglords actually play that much? my bony ass gets sore after 2 hours max then i gotta lie down and watch some daytime dramas
Hierophant is fine. Literally all they need to do is replace the reduced mana cost lines on Sanctuary of Thought with something useful.
I think it's time GGG addressed the 2-handed problem. For a long time 2h shitters have been enjoying both the benefits of a 6-link while at the same time they have available the best form of mitigation in the game, health, in the form of Kaom's. Thus, i propose from now on 2h weapons to be able to roll only two different 3-links
Start of the league im putting in at least 16 hours a day. I sleep for 4-6 hours so that gives me 2-4 hours for eating or more playing.
You feeling alright there retardposter?
for you
maybe they could replace it with the late great arctic armour pre2.0 with the requisite power creep that is needed in our new 3.0 world
Literally the strongest class in 3.0 that will become evident with some time.
New Skill Gem:
Vaal Revive (Pale(only fits in white sockets))
Resurrects a player
Players will still be considered alive if they log out
Then make it rare as a mirror drop and untradeable.
im trying to build around constant immortal call with rt+romiras+conviction of power but ive never played templar much since invasion so i dont know that tree at all. can hierophant go melee to take advantage of rt? im thinking blade flurry for max aps but the fuck do i know? i race witch and thats all i play lel
chance on use to brick the character in the process
You're going about it wrong. If you want the highest potential up-time on IC, you need to be expending those Power Charges too. I've mentioned it here before, but it's very much possible to hit a few hundred times per second using only Spells to take advantage of that shit.
even if it were a good idea(it's not) it would take GGG 6 years to implement it, and then another 6 years to properly balance it
You'll probably be waiting on someone to actually get their masters to 8 if you're putting in that many hours. Softcore crafters have been getting it done in under a week, but I think hardcore crafters still take two. There are just more people feeding crafters their wild masters on softcore.
Its possible, I wont really mind using a +2 for 1-2 weeks though. The +3 really doesnt add much until you get at least a level 2-3 Empower.
protip to Dark Pact users: use this instead of Kaom's Meme
Im... ruler...
Why... wont you... love me...
protip to Dark Pact users: use this instead of Kaom's Meme
80% Increased versus 96 base damage and an additional 1600 Health pool.. Hmm.
Youre losing about 1.5-2K life to pick up 80% chaos damage.
sure, just conveniently ignore the 6 sockets and that it gives you the option to use a weapon other than a 2h staff
also its 10x cheaper than Kaom
>an additional 1600 Health pool.
>Kaom's has 400 more health
>4x health means 300% increased life on the tree
>-25% movement speed (btw kaom has 0 ms penalty)
>more screen clutter
eww no thanks
Its only an average of 1200 chromes to get the colors you need. Its a thought but im not giving up that much life.
And if you check last thread, there's a tree with 299% Life not including the (1) Jewel Socket.
>6 sockets to free up your weapon slots
You're losing out on some base damage and a sizable amount of % More damage not putting it into a +3 staff.
>116 dex
or quit being a logoutcuck and you can use both staff and cherrubim
> there's a tree with 299% Life
ah fuck okay. cbf going through old threads so ill wrack my brain after brekky to see if i can figure out how to go about it lol. i guess power charges are used with discharge but 100s of times per second is baffling lel. food for thought at least ty bb
I'm waiting for ggg to start selling autofolow aurabots before necromancer is nerfed
320% life with jewels with 300% damage from tree. You keep acting like the skills damage doesnt scale with life.
Sorry its 200% from tree, I had my supports in for that.
>Blood magic
>Only life nodes
You can certainly build it without empower or a +3 chaos link staff, user kun.
Can you even get a level 30 gem, highest I can think of is 29
>conveniently ignoring the kaom, which will cost 50ex in 3.0 because everyone is life
New bandits rewards are:
Alira: 5 mana regeneration/sec, 20% critical strike multiplier, 15% all elemental res
Kraityn is 6% increased attack speed /Increased cast speed / 3% attack dodge / 6% Movement speed
Oak is 1% life regeneration/second, 2% physical damage reduction, 20% increased physical damage
Eramir: 2 passive points
Which one does your build choose and why?
Where was the build that did millions of DPS against shaper and had 25000 ES again
Eramir. Mana regen and crit are useless for me, 6% cast speed isnt that great, and life regen is worthless because of VP.
What exactly do you plan on replacing that with? You can get Revenge of the Hunted and end up with the same % of life but less strength.
Here, I'll give you a small hint.
>2% damage reduction
is this a joke
The only options are Kraityn and Eramir. Ill be going with Eramir 99% of the time though.
it's pretty good considering it's passive
like having half an endurance charge that doesn't go away no matter what
It stacks with basalt, endurance charges and other sources. The more you stack the more effective it is. 2% damage reduction at 50% reduction is a 4% reduction in damage taken. 2% reduction at 80% reduction is 10% reduction in damage taken.
It's funny too cause 5 flat Mana Regen is actually useless for most MoM builds since most take very little Mana Regen Rate nodes and just stack a ton of Mana.
it doesn't stack additively
it's always 2%
These bandit rewards are fucking useless
2 jewels + whatever
not sure about this but I'd also cut whole bm branch and get mom cluster + witch aoe cluster
same ehp for better qol
pretty fallacious considering no one really reaches 50% pdr let alone 80% pdr and if they do, then they might as well use the 2 passive points for say 10% extra life
same ehp and lower damage*
Name a build that, at the end of its 110 point tree, has "2 points for 10% extra life"
So its not 2 points for 10% life
It's 2 points for 2 fucking travelling nodes or another 10% increased damage node
I'm not a retard, you're the retarded one
When did you start playing PoE? you can check by logging into your account on the PoE forums
I can see moving around the points once I get the jewels, Its pretty annoying to buy 20% damage 7% life jewels at the start of a league though. I did try out a MoM version of this build, but after playing with it so much in the beta im really not a fan of the node.
around may 2014
but empower drops every 20 maps
ah right didnt think of using that helm.
RF: 20% more damage
Spell shield: 90% more damage
esh's mirror 1000% more damage
Hi, I'm Chris Wilson from Grinding Gear Games.
With the release of the new skill Dark Pact, we're also adding a powerful affix to rare monsters: Chaos Damage Reflection
i hate it coz it means using a mana pot instead of something better and pressing 2 pots when i get bonked
I was building it like pic related
Why is Storm Call even a thing. It has the most pointless gimmick that just makes it tedious to play.
Vaal Storm Call is what regular Storm Call should be, maybe with a cooldown+power charge override, or just a really long cast time, and VSC should be reworked to just be an over the top version of that, with AoE impacts over a much wider area.
So you realize Dark Pact is likely to be a pure int skill right? Youll need about 160 int for it.
>missing out on the easy AoE damage up by the Witch life nodes
>Blood Magic, so you can't use auras
just stop, this is embarassing
>2 passive points
>pretty much funds a jewel socket
yeah no I'd take the jewel
VSC is so fucking good goddamn, I ran a crit arc inquisitor with call of the brotherhood for safety/cc but VSC absolutely saves my ass against bosses
spell echo on it is also super broken because lmao2cast
>auras for a chaos spell
so what auras exactly?