we watch other people play games slow
/srg/ - speedrunning general
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Please reply with positive message for mr speedrun so that he will come back fast!!
clint and his mods are autistic
who is we?
Thanks for the late response!
esa was meh at best, they sold out big time
How does it make you feel that the worst speedgame series has THE BEST community?
Who was the girl reading donations at the Silent Hill run. Does she have a twitter?
Cursed Dolls or something. Check Punchy's Twitter, they were tweeting
The Page 10 Stigma
damn that woman in the front is massive
Is Punchy a literal retard?
If he thought it was a waste of time, why didn't he get up and leave? He voluntarily sat there, nobody forced him to keep going.
Hi P16.
No, just your friendly neighborhood lurker.
Whats the context exactly?
His run at ESA got chibi'd and he is butthurt now.
He's giving this literal who the smackdown. How does this make him retarded? Fuck off Partner16.
Wow, skateboarding on the phone? Saboom is so wacky XD!!!
Panthers or succincts?
end your life or fuck off back to /v/ you degenerate
>complaining about wasting time
>is a speedrunner
pick one lmao
Why are you here? You /v/irgins waste just as much time mindlessly grinding CS:GO or Overwatch or /v/ itself. Out you go.
>the value of time
How can anyone who speedruns and spends hours whining on twitter have anything meaningful to say about the value of time?
I don't play CS:GO or Overwatch, and I don't use /v/, but even if I did, I'm not the one crying about about the "value of time" lmao
t. autistic faggots crying over some guy on Veeky Forums
hey succ what's up
speedrunners dont post on /srg/
yeah they post on /v/ now. they completely abandoned this thread lmao
/v/ speedrun threads are what /srg/ used to be before it became cancerous like every general
>he watches other people play video games "fast" instead of appreciating true visual art at the Twitch Presents Crunchyroll Anime Marathon
Explain yourself.
this is actually pretty accurate
old /srg/ is the reason trannies took over, it was a mistake, Veeky Forums isn't supposed to be a spoonfeeding hugbox
>Veeky Forums isn't supposed to be a spoonfeeding hugbox
giving this a big fat word
>implying that marathon has had anything good since Yuri!!!! on Ice
i'm gay
Why did you delete?
Why didn't you sage?
>implying Fujobait!!! on Ice is good
thanks for the late response!
why did you delete?
wording the fuck out of this, jesus christ
>de hippie spacing
tranny nutters?
why didn't you sage?
why didn't you sage?
why did you delete?
you honestly cant make this shit up
>laughing at someone for sustaining an injury that prevents them from doing what they love.
Have you ever been professionally evaluated for sociopathy or sadistic personality disorders?
t. diddeh the exposed
Did anyone get screencaps? Looks like he deleted them
I dont have the twitter page screencap but this is from my history before he deleted it. It's this tweet.
here's the first tweet
The first one was how he is getting hand pain and can't continue Mario. Basically confirming his own exposure.
>I can't do 70 star. I am forced to play this game
Add Diddeh to the list of people who tried to come to SM64 after playing their meme game and failed miserably.
I actually liked ESA this year
What did (s)he mean by this?
it's too much like GDQs now. they should do the GDQ thing on the main stream and make second stream be like old marathons. just make sure to background check the runners on the second stream to avoid the attention whores like succinctandpunchy who ruin the fun.
>Simply wants to transition into a casual streamer
simply epic
Fat chance lmao.
>Cosmo wants to transition into a female
chibis gf is cute
>subtweeting yourself
i cant fucking believe it
>tfw even autistic chibi can get a cute gf
Just shoot me already
she kind of freaks me out
Lmao this chibi stream
>spikevegeta stream
>running crash trilogy
>everyone talks about crash child memories
>said how my little sister always said "crash bandicoon"
>got banned for 16 hours by his SJW mods
clips.twitch tv/JollyCuteMagpieDogFace
We all know that he does.
this slut is out for fame
like trihex's gf
like witwix's gf
like caleb's gf
like goose and puncay's gf
inb4 she gets partner by showing her vagoo on camera
speedboiz are easy prey.
>diddeh quitting sm64 because he cant handle it
>blames it on the legendary hand pain meme
>makes loads of tweets about how no one cares about his speedrun achievements
>deletes them
Another victim of The Hand Pain Stigma
>de hippie spacing
where the cozy streams at
de hippie spacing stigma
comfy is just a code word for boring desu
so much for diddeh exposing squid LMAO
So what exactly happened to his baby? I can't find any hard evidence on the web.
ask him and report back
So Diddeh didn't even break an extremely high 54 before lowering himself to the classic hand pain excuse? Instead of exposing anyone else, he exposed himself. Absolute gold.
I would rather not, I'd probably get banned. I just find it strange that there isn't some stream out there or some tweet which confirms what happened. I would actually be impressed if he has really been this tight-lid about his baby for this long, that's a mark of maturity.
>mark of maturity
What the fuck? It's common sense to keep your private life private.
Yep. And I'm assuming the end result was death because he hasn't spoken about his kid since (as far as I know), otherwise if his kid survived he would take to social media and state that everything is fine, right?
Well that's nice. He has just been extremely quiet this year, so I didn't know what was going on. I guess I still don't, he could be experiencing other irl issues.
I read this post and thought to myself, "yea, that's probably right"
I opened chibi's stream and she went up to the cam and bent down so all the viewers got a good view of her tits and said "im actually more attracted to girls, but chibi is the exception"
so yeah definitely being used. he's gonna get cucked so hard
>he's gonna get cucked so hard
You got that right. She has 44 people staring at her tits and she even shook her ass a little earlier.
clips.twitch tv/DirtyCleanNarwhalFunRun
Check this out. You can see her panties 6 seconds in. 44 people were watching that. lol
what the fuck man