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Splitpush king edition

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[YouTube] Operation: Rescue Teemo | Omega Squad 2017 Skins Trailer - League of Legends (embed)

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I really like Galio! He's very cute and he's a very big boy!

>failed youtube link
good job

Yasuo players or Riven players.

Who would you rather strangle to death lolg?

>Officialy better than 95% of people here
Feels good

Is plat 5 really the top 5% in NA?

Best couple of Valoran

the people who perpetuate the stereotype because they think its SO FAHNNY meme.

like how many times a day am I going to have to hear LE YASUO AND RIVEN PLAYERS ARE SO SHIT AND RAGERS AMIRITE GUIZ XDD

Its EUW. Anyway isnt globally only like 4% of players in plat? Dia is like 1% right?

>300 games to Plat

Took me like 50~70 on a fresh account

i want to look EXACTLY like kat!

The majority of Yasuo players I play with are the most salty and tilted players I've ever met. Maybe they're so jaded because he's banned every other game.

xth for Syndra

>Getting mad when you hear the truth
Are you a black guy or something?

NIgga... I was silver IV three weeks ago

When I was plat 5 last season It was top 8% in EUW.

>playing supports to get FREE assists
>someone in my team play soraka
>i play rakan
>make awesome engages saves and all
>we win
>they all honor soraka

Just play Hecarim and get 20 kills like me. Free honors just because I have the most kills

Even if you carry hard, people prefer to honor supports and tank in general from what i've seen.
Especially in game modes where no one want to play supports and tanks.
In aram if you're the only tank in your team, you can be sure you'll get at least 2 honors.

>play pantheon
>get 30+ kills
>no honors

Is Plat really that hard? I got to Gold IV after 10 games placement, then i advanced like one tier every week playing roughly 2 games everyday. Sometime if i am lucky then it took only 1,2 days for one tier. Got to Plat V after like one month

Dont understand how people manage to get stuck in Silver? Do you guys have brain problem?

It was opposite day! Lulu didn't know this and now she's been forcefully impregnated.
Threadly reminder to be aware of opposite day. No means yes.

I wasnt stuck in silver? I climbed from silver IV to plat in one months (and had two week pause too) so I think thats pretty fucking fast

How did you climb so fast?

t. hard stuck silver with 550 games played

>thinking being plat is something to be proud about

No its not

just dont be a retard and know your opportunities.

thats it

I want to get high on mushroom juice with Kled and have drunk sex!

>tfw you get autofilled support and have to play veigar because you refuse to play champions that aren't male yordles
i still ended up carrying because omega squad veigar is bae

>picked gp
>got dicked down in lane vs a cho
holy moly, what did they change? He's so strange now. I got knocked up with low HP by his q at level 2, but survived. Then randomly 3 seconds later I just took an auto attack from 3 screens away while backing and died. His damage felt weird as hell.

>Dont understand how people manage to get stuck in Silver?
I get bad teams that feed and go on massive loss streaks because of it.

honestly. Get good. Know when you are actually needed in fight and when is it okay to cs and push. People make mistakes like they get tower and just go mid. They cant get cs this way of course

just because you have a bad experience with one doesn't mean you get to generalize the entire base.

Like be honest how many times have you heard Riven and Yasuo bashing and ask yourself if its honestly that funny? If you want (you)'s or are looking for an excuse to make a post at least pick a non regurgitated subject. I wouldnt eve had mined if you had complained about thier KIT but instead you direct your anger at the players who will obviously vary far and few inbetween

stop being a tool.

good luck on your CLIMB today user!
NEVER give up!

>Enemy team says they're going to remake
>Their missing player comes back just in time before they can remake
>Our adc goes afk
>Right around the same time, our jungle stays at fountain running in circles to avoid being marked as afk

Nigga, i get teams that feed too

If it smells like shit everywhere you go you probaly should check your soles

>playing ranked on a sunday
don't do that

How many of you are at lvl 3 honor already?

I'm really not sure what influence I could have that would make my botlane go 0-15 for 8 games in a row, but ok.

>faker one of the best players of all times, a legend, has a miserable win rate of 52%

>jungler forgot smite
>top laner is annie vs renekton
>i'm in promo so i couldn't dodge
>adc is afk
>cool we gonna remake
>3 minutes in
>adc come back
>lose horribly

why dont you play ad leona top? you can climb to low gold with triforce+hydra+dd if you play it properly




your posts are always so fucking weird it never manages to fail to make me laugh

i love you, bronzetard-user.

>team gets in a fight while I'm splitting top
>multiple pings telling me to tp in
>fuck that
>take tier 2 and inhib turret
>enemy team forced to back to stop me and get no objectives off the teamfight
>"fucking idiot we could have won that fight"
every time

I got it 2 days ago, still no capsule though.

>Urgot permabanned or picked ahead of me
>I am NOT playing blind pick

I'm learning Gnar right now and W E W, he his a strong little shit.
What other champs should I learn, lolg?

How do I Jhin?

Team up with Soraka and silence/root the enemy for eternity.

>Graves 2 shotting my carry at the same lvl
>only builds ad
>infinite dashes
>dies like a tank


>Gnar is strong
Do you have a time machine or something

>watch peanut, dopa and faker games
>whenever their teams are bad theres literally nothing they can do to carry
1v5 is a myth, theres no such thing as carrying in this game, lolbabs?


>being this retarded

>pro player games
>when their team is ahead they're good, when their team is behind they're dogshit


>when you lay down top level bait to keep bronzies on lolg busy

Gee boss you shower this Silver Scrubs!!!

Who is the best ADC in soloque at the moment?


Remember when champions had 400 health at level one?

nice arguments, checkmate lolbabs

Ummm guys???

Does Kled need a buff? WTF that damage??


something with mobility, tristana is solid option

>When they are behind, they are behind instead of being ahead
What brilliant logic here. They must be undeserving of their status as a pro if they can't do well 100% of the time. Surely I, a plat v player am qualified to pass judgement.

Power creep

Congratz that's like D5 in a small wildcard region like NA.

Member when champs could be designed without dashes and they'd be fine?

I member

I recently bought Leona because of how retarded her kit is. Is there any role she can play relatively well outside of support ?

gunblade lichbane mid

Okay, hear me out now lad
Either stop playing now (unless to stop decay) and get your border
Do NOT play regularly in Plat or you'll go insane

>This is only A+


*picks full leth j4*
*kills your adc*
what do?

no CS

I'm plat 5 currently stuggling in silver as a smurf. I'm playing Riven though. First it was because I didn't know how to play top or Riven but now it's because I'm playing like I'm plat and expecting something from these shitters whilst losing games because my caitlyn for example can not stop feeding , bitch died 15 times in 1 game.

I could just play my main champs and climb but there's no point shitting on silvers without getting better at the game.

*exhausts you*

Braum was trying little bit.

cs and ward score are essential for getting an S.
it's also significantly easier to get an S in a quick stomp.

>2 levels below
he deserved it


You stopped farming bro.

*kills your midlaner in lvl 10*
what do?
hes adc check this one

nothing special

I always feel like I can't farm in the midgame. I need to follow my team around and make sure they don't do anything retarded. Everytime I go to a lane to farm past 25 mins my team instantly engages or gets engaged on, loses the 4v5 and spam pings ? on me.

holy shit i just played ascension for the very first time and jesus christ that is one unappealing game mode
the map might be the ugliest thing i've ever seen
and the mode itself is insanely boring fuck
i mean to each their own i guess

your jungler is outfarming you
you have barely more gold than your garbage adc. Did you just ignore turrets?

Urgot any good? I like monsters and I'm bored of cho.

I'm honestly starting to think the bitch isn't worth the time. Some challenger Rivens say you need about 100 ranked games to git gud with her.

Should i buy j4 ?

>be adc
>theres enemy zed or talon
>now im forced to lose 35% attack speed because i have to buy tabis

literally off yourself
like servers are any different in silver where u are stuck at

I know that feel, but you shouldn't focus on babysitting your team. I personally split push top even with tanky frontline champs to keep enemies on their toes.

black market brawlers was the last time we had a good rotating game mode

>wake up
>see this
>Lulu asks for a hug and wants to bake cupcakes with you

wat do
keep in mind you have a bottle of chloroform under your bed at all times

Why don't people play Camille more often?

>tfw have over 120 games with her and still feed out of my mind in half the games I play her

>ascension for the 5th or 6th time in 4 months
>turd king most likely next

what do u think ;3

*pick kayn and goes blue full leth*
*kills ur adc*
*doesnt die in the process*
wat do?

Why do people rush Cleaver on Gnar?
He already has a MS steroid and the bulk of his damage comes from his W which is magic damage. He doesn't really need CDR either because Q resets to like 5 seconds at level one, W is passive and E you won't be spamming anyway; And his ult is obviously on a seperate lockout basically which isn't affected by CDR. You'd be better off rushing Wit's End. Just build armor and mr you faggot.

I farmed champions and turrets,even had to TP in sometimes because my ADC and mid had suicidal behavior

Niw that you mention it, I haven't seen a Camile in long either...

I say let her be forgotten.

the armour shred is great, since hes all physical damage
more MS is never bad, help with kiting, the HP and AD are great on him, and the CDR helps with him other skills and in mega form.

He has high burst damage now but cant engage for shit

You can think of him as a sorta ranged Illaoi, only work if people are willing to get close to you