Fate/Grand Order General - /fgog/

Previous: >[Fate/Grand Order Fes. 2017 ~2nd Anniversary~]
>There will be a quest named "Memorial Quest" in Chaldea Gate, clearing it will reward the players with their choice of "Heroic Spirit Formal Dress" Craft Essence from the 47 choices.
>Choices of the CEs also depend on the "Clear" status for each Singularity.

>Sherlock Holmes rate-up
>July 30, 2017 (Sunday) 13: 10 ~ Wednesday, August 9 (Wednesday) 12: 59

>Strengthening Quest for 14 Servants.

>Guaranteed SSR Limited gacha

>English FGO has its own general for now, search /fgoalter/ in the catalog
>There are now costume options, Mashu is the only one available now
>Skill interludes for Astolfo and Arjuna, NP interlude for Geronimo, quartz interludes for Cu Alter, Jeanne Alter, David, Billy the Kid and Li Shuwen.
>Swimsuit versions for Nitocris, Nobunaga and Saber Alter have been revealed for the next Summer event


>Farming Guide


>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>Friendlist Spreadsheet (last reset: June 29)
Add yourself docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCq3eZgh3zlUtZ3G6Y-zzv1kaXt4GHuWVBRlV__V3Q3rC2Pg/viewform
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA

>Materials, experience and event AP simulators

>Alternate Servant/CE DB

Other urls found in this thread:


Mafia is fucking disgusting.

Him being a headliner personality is a fucking stain to the game stream. His persona is abrasive as fuck, he's a funny-noise guy which would be fine if he actually good at it, and his whole deal is being loud, inflammatory, and saying awful things. He's not even fucking smart when he says outrageous offensive shit; it's dumb lowest-common-denominator crap.

I'm fine if you like that sort of shit; there is a place for that for that audience. But you don't give a dipshit like that a fucking OFFICIAL platform at the official stream. It's goddamn unprofessional the things that comes out of that man's mouth.

I'm sitting there at FGO stream and this retard is there in an official capacity with zero improve skills and professional conduct. At absolutely no time were you convinced his schtick was an act; he is actually that horrible and for some fucking reason people love him for it. Sex jokes and racism - his repertoire is pathetic.

When are we getting the order quartz again?


When they are implemented, with a new APK.
You need to take them from the mission menu.

Summer Arturia

>it's almost winter again
>still no summer 2017

Buffs for the goddess soon! My faith will be rewarded on 6 Aug!


It's not even anything to compliment them about or be impressed about. It's an increase in """"""free""""" quartz not the paid ones. It's also a absolutely small increase to top it off. They also never run any kind of sale like every other mobage ever does, so again it's nothing impressive.

Best Boy




RemixOS and Emufags: did you remember to set your bind codes?

With a new APK likely coming soon, you never know if the app will stop working again.

How do you guys farm cookies for your servants?

Do you just do the dailies or wait for events and hope for them to drop in it?

>tfw couldn't find his CE

>need four(4) more rider pieces for Holmes
>tfw could have ascended him already if I actually cared about clearing the shop


here servantdex fag

someone have chosen the lancelot, bob emiya, ROME, boudica, blackbeard, asterios, franky, mozart or quetzalcoatl anniversary ce?

these are the ones that I lack to complete the servantdex


Guda looks incredibly sick of her shit

>get summer sluts couple weeks ago
>"it would be nice to have their regular version too"
>now this happens
Dude, I'm not even mad.


Nobu a CUTE.

I want to fuck her brother

>Now here's my best Babbage impression

we're pretty fucking sure that the app is going to stop working because NA's last app update killed emus


The 8/2 announcement is for anniversary costumes but you can only get a costume corresponding to the CE you picked.

Did you make the right choice?

>wake up
>600th day
>expected 130 quartz

Yes i did

are u dumb

>not only get a CE but a costume for my slutfu

God I hate craft essences so much.
Now why is DW making people wait a day for the only thing people care about (quartz)?

>Lancer alter
I would really like to see the sprite

>no fous

I guess, I wish Kiara or Scheherazade had been an option


The announcement is at which hour?

fat nito

I've got a boudica if you want to add me

CE's are the biggest cancer objectively. Other games at least separate the ''support'' items from the gacha so you can roll for that when you want, DW just goes ultra jew and the nips take it up their beta ass

>isn't locked too
Disgusting indeed

that's actually funny

>nurse CE
>no nurse


Can't wait.


>nips whitewashing another leader of color

what is this 80 quartz shit I've been reading recently?


>Sushi wearing proper clothes
Fuck yes

thats not funny

thanks I'm DOA

10 quartz for each order cleared.

Of course.

We get 10 quartz for each story chapter beaten. EoR doesn't count.

>Ishtar with stay night outfit



You think we'll get more CE tickets?



And where're they? They already renewed master missions.

Cake or Rin CE
Help, I can't choose

upload the fight scenes you faggot, those are hype

After the maint.

Wait for the fucking new APK !

What was that shit people were saying about 130 welfare quartz?

>Wu CE
>Don't have Wu

Tomorrow when the maintenance ends.

Is the whole thing somewhere already?

>EoR doesn't count
thank god

>she'll probably have high heels in that outfit
>imagining myself in the enemy's place when she steps on their dick during her extra attack

>force people to watch your shitty, disappointing stream
>shit that's announced takes days to implement
DW is complete garbage.

It's 30 quartz for the campaign and then 80 quartz after the upcoming maintenance. 110 in total. We just got the first 30.

Please understand

Every female servant has heels, it's annoying me.


80 is after maintenance because it's part of the master missions panel

Okita doesn't

No problem just let me know which servant you want the boudica ce on

She does have them.

A bunch don't, he's exaggerating.

>Takahashit began with Zero
>haven't even finished UBW
>doesn't know shit about the VN
>ergo doesn't know shit about Fate
>disgusting secondary bitch always tell people to start with Zero in her radio show because that's how she began
Can't wait for Taneda to come back, at least she isn't a try-hard shill whoring herself to the fans and spreading shit knowledge. Minami is ok.

>wake up
>14 4*s to level
>no 5* because jew gacha gave me NP2 Scat
It's gonna be a long week

Who else got absolute shit from RULE BREAKER quartz?

>Can't wait for Taneda to come back

At least Minami and Nobu are true passionate.

>Can't wait for Taneda to come back

>not saving them for summer 2017

Just wow.

Why wasn't Mordreds VA at the festival, not even the F/A panel. WHY!?

I got NP 2 for my Doggo, so it wasn't so bad. But dammit Sherlock refuses to come to me.

>haven't even finished UBW
wew lad but taneda's favorite fate work is Zero too, you newfag.

They fucked up with this trash paid gacha and Holmes being a terrible support type instead of something cool. I'm just saving these quartz for summer event now, Nito and Alter are way more appealing.

who the fuck would chose Caesar lel


Sawashiro is very busy, please understand.

No deaths. Fuck you Alter, you've been anally dominated.

I got the Servant I really wanted who was Vlad Lancer, getting this dude is good enough to shitpost with.