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Gigantic General #7
Disappointed Squidfu Edition

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Zandora is the best off Tank

1st for breeding tripp

I finally did it lads.

I know 6k isn't great, but it's good to hit the milestone.

So I've been doing some testing with zandora's beam build and I've found something really really interesting.
Even when building everything you can around it, its still beyond shit, come on Gigantic Devs

How do you pronounce Aisling?

ASH ling

Ash-lin, it's in her "The Heir" skin.

>Off tank
>Not being your teams main assassin
I believe its "Ass lick me daddy"

Tripp is not for breeding.

Ramsay feels so busted. Every time I play him he is just so strong.

You build for damage and you get a shit ton of kills by sticking to someone then dipping when they're at like 15% HP because your massive poison and bleed damage just kills them.

He is a lot of fun to play.

>Upgrade that turns your right click into a Burning anal destroyer

Alright, I saw the quote and I wanted to make sure I was pronouncing it correctly.

Go dodge
Dodge build is very fun. Takes a bit to get used too thought but very fucking satisfying when you get it right

>be done with that THOT
It wasn't someone I was crewed with, just a random whore
The people I was actually crewed with changed my name to KS MASTER in their discord
>anyone low health in here?

Best fucking talent path in the game holy fuck, its so satisfying to skate up to some squishy and smack them down.

I don't care if I get mocked because I know I will.
I fucking quit
I'm a new player level 7 and ever single match I've played either has the enemy team with an efficiency of 30+ while my team is scattered all over the place and the matches I do win tend to have one player on our team with all efficiency.

Yes, I'm bad. But the matchmaking in this game is one of the worst I've seen and I don't know how to fucking play the game so I go into the matches and feel focused on when it turns into a game of me being the only one attacking the guardian or the only one defending a point. I've played so many moba's but this one kicks my ass. I love everything about the game, but I need to be matched with players as stupid as me.

get gud.

His RMB (which you always upgrade for the -3 second cool down) is enough of a dodge combined with his base ones. Getting more dodges just seems a little pointless, at least in my opinion.

when this bug gets fixed im gonna rip so much anus

>they are removing the 6 ram requirement

Great. Here come the sub-humans that will shit up games, drag down perfomance and overload the servers without paying a single dime in return.

His dodge attack is actually a straight line aoe that deals 125 damage and if you get the talent also he has a talent that makes his dodge attack reduce the cd of his rmb rush.
You can literally Dash Hit Rush Hit and dance around melee.

Response I expected, but I can't get good when I'm only alive during combat for 4 seconds. I wish bots were a bit harder because they are not a real pvp experience at all.


What character are you playing?

Which heroes are you playing as?

>I'm a new player level 7
so you havent even played for an hour

stop diving or doing things no matter if you die like damaging the guardian

Watch the minimap, pay attention to your team and stick with them. It's not hard.

how can the matchmaking system gauge where you should be by level 7 you prat

Post gameplay pussyboy

-1 extra second cool down per he + slow + 10 energy on rmb hit = infinite dashes
on a character focused on dash attacks
speccing for bleed is a trap

I've played as Tyto, Tripp, HK-206, and now I'm playing as Mozu.
Mozu's really fun and I understand the abilities, but I tend to have difficulties with any and all assassin characters. Last matched I played I was focused by Tyto and had no idea what to do. I would run as soon as he began to attack me but I never could make it away. I think I've done exceptionally with Tripp, but the play style feels dirty and uninteresting for me

Good job guys, shit on the noob for probably running into smurfs. This game is going to die so fast its hilarious.

Which is the better ranged killer, Charnok or HK?


>g-good job guys scaring away the playerbase
he already said he uninstalled, and he didnt even hit level 10. Good fucking riddance

>Go with Dimension Door as a passive with Mozu if you want to play it safe
>right click upgrade for Unlimited amounts of Focus
>Go with interrupt on Right click wait for tyto to spin than activate go with cripple to slow his bird ass down
>You can either go 3rd charge or full charge on spell cast I really like full charge on Spellcast
>Go with E reduces the Cd on your right click door don't be afraid to use your E close to refresh your CD
>Try to use Death ray to finish stragglers or do burst damage full charge works with death ray so go nuts
And number 1 rule don't use your E offensively because your little goblin ass is gonna get slammed

as soon as typo appears you turn around and use teleport into high ground or creature. take extra range talent. its that ez.

I could I suppose, but I'd rather not when I know I'm going to be made fun of for being a tard. I get tilted far too easily once I catch myself making mistakes and it's too late to correct, but I'm really not bad at comp games when I feel under control.

He obviously wouldn't come here to talk about the game if he didn't want to come back and play. But sure, keep pounding those nails into the coffin, god knows it's already being lowered into the grave.

We all play like shit sometimes pal, but if you want some pointers, we gotta see some gameplay. Maybe we can point something out that you didn't notice in your blind fit of rage.

Well here's the thing. Even High MMR players still get paired with retarded teammates. The only thing you can do is not die,summon when needed, and try to stay near someone else (preferably near a creature) You may lose, but at least you'll get better in the process

A friend said I should expect to be around 7k by account level 20. I'm account level 17 now...fuck what do I do? I started Thursday...shouldn't I be higher?

>play 3 matches
>get stomp

That's only if you're making a smurf when you already know what to do and are a good player
4k is below average but don't worry about mmr, it's unranked anyway and higher mmr games are fucking boring most of the time
you'll never escape retards no matter the mmr

I haven't uninstalled. I just don't have a very good footing and it's hard to convince myself to come back, but I'm getting some decent tips and feel it's worth making the effort of trying.
You are right though, I've barely played past an 1 1/2 of gameplay which isn't a fair shot

>A friend said I should expect to be around 7k by account level 20.
Your friend is silly. You are kinda low (for this general) whats your gameplay like? Who do you play?

If you play well enough and still get stomped your MMR will only take a slight hit.

Basically don't give up anons

Maybe add people from the googleplay group to try to teach you are at least drag you out of the dumps with some wins.


>(for this general)
>I'm actually worse than the people in the general
I'm a Beckett main.

neck yourself

well you're probably retarded or have some mental deficiency
left click stuff and don't go into melee range, there you go now you're 6k

>hand holding
Yeah you need to fuck off to reddit

realistically if you cant find any sort of enjoyment without winning like some faggot I play with who stops playing with us after 2-3 losses you obviously dont like the game

the only constant in soloqueue is you. Try out talents in practice mode. I get retarded teammates all the time and im level 60
all these MMR shitposters need to fuck off as well because the system is flawed

try playing with google doc bros or something

>People bad
>In this general
People in the generals is unironically very good

Well your in luck a lot of people in this general play beckett. Not me though but I'm sure someone will help you.

>person playing tripp
>they leave mid-match



Thanks guys, I've chilled out a bit and realized I was being a manbaby. I'll try to expand my knowledge a bit more before throwing my arms up.

Honestly the majority of people in this general are probably 3-4k.

multiple people from here are 6k+ and there's only 22 posters lmao

Aww did I hurt some feelings? Didn't realize you were the reason the game was going to shit? Thought it was all the other players? Nope it's you.

What's the orbs tab for in the scoreboard? The healing orbs accross the map? How many power orb things you've manually picked up?

Is this good? I don't know what this MMR stuff means.

who's the artist

Manual power orb pickups.

Just broke 6k mmr with Voden. Feeling pretty good.

Oh wait, its 6018

Alright fuck this game

kek what
are you stupid or something

>Trippfags are the worst people in the game
>Xenobia fags are either cock blockers are play makers
>Magrave players are based
>Imani players are either elite Faze clan no scoper or feeders
>Ramsay fags die a lot
>Breckett fags go 15/2 and have 0k guardian damage
>Knossos fags feed or dominate
Miss anything

anyone know if refer-a-friend games can be done in bot games or am i cursed to play with these mouth breathers in regulars?

it's low quality bait, don't bother.

I'm a Trippfag who has more kills than the rest of my team combined in 80% of games though

Aww don't worry user, reading comprehension is tough isn't it? Just sound out the words buddy, you'll make it one day.

Gnome no

First several hours are pretty bad since you don't know what to expect and will get shit on for it. It gets better when you start realizing what people are capable of.

So how is asling at the moment?
Also what is her role as a chracter?

aisling lewds where?

she can be a support and is pretty good at peeling if you spec her damage and target the assassin with ghost daddy + smack him yourself

At your local police station. Just tell them what you're looking for in excruciating detail.

W-what about HK mains?
I just wanna beep boop in peace.

>people have zero health
>run towards enemies instead of away to recover

did they somehow bypass the tutorial or are they that stupid

but that's not hard in sub 5k elo though.

rate my taste

im a starterpack fag so I haven't tried ramsay voden pakko zandora vadasi but i have 15k crowns right now

>Have a great game
>Follow it up with a game with a leaver at the start and a tripp (who was bad) who just tried to sit on me the entire game as mozu

>mozu for most of the awards
>charnok most played

this fucking MMR meme needs to stop

If you are SUB level 100 your mmr doesnt mean SHIT

>The HK that when the melee core collapses on them goes into turret mode
Yes you have a 400 health shield Tripp can do 1100 damage (in less then 3 seconds) with crit autos dude just keep running.

>hating based dragon wizard

You can play her for support or damage. I like to go with damage, its the most fun and I tend to do well with it. You want to be fighting with her ghost dad (Cador) most of the time since you get damage bonuses for hitting targets that they other hit. So summon Cador, fight with someone, maybe toss in a Q, keep attacking as they run, and if they're low enough , just let Cador hunt them down (he's relentless).

thats a lot of wus and tripps

>Hard stuck in low 4k
>Just lost 5 games in a row
I think I'm done with Gigantic.
Beckettanon out.

>no fanart of mozu riding on charnok running around having a grand time torching the countryside

Where do you find those stats? Is it on the gigantic website?


just dont be a fucking retard like these idiots thinking their MMR is good/bad when they dont even have 50 wins like this retard

Just play someone else and come back to her later you donut.
>25 wins
>Account Level 17
Man quit your bitching, you're fine.

Last game I was somehow able to summon two Cadors. Was this due to a glitch or because it's 2017 and having two dads is normal now?

>13 hours in the game
>im not above 6k
Its not gonna happen

>people replying to obvious bait
come on niggers

>Everyone says Sassy black thicc sniper is bad.
>Play her

I'm in love with this brown woman