League of legends general /lolg/

I love Lissandra!

Other urls found in this thread:


this is the weirdest lulu ive ever seen in my life

id still force her though

shit op

Preach, brother

The weirdest lulu is the one ingame

Best first item on Teemo generally?

Gunblade has good sustain, a good active and a nice build path. Frozen mallet feels like shit to buy first and also I feel like trying to play him like Gnar is a recipe for disaster.

>6 posts
>5 yordles
>2 posters
remake thread when?

>Jungler takes Teleport and smite instead of Smite/ghost orflash.

Why do you people do this.

What is the though process behind it?

guardian angel

Were only 5 posts in and everything is about yordles

I Like it.

comfy bfs~

I am GOING to IMPREGNATE Ahricuck's voluptuous wife with MY SUPERIOR SEED in real life.

Why is Elementalist Lux so god damn sexy

>Solo queue EUW
>Most of my game admits they're high and waiting for Game of Thrones torrents to show up


because they needed to sell an expensive skin to a shit champ

ring of repick
blade of install dota 2 and play techies

Love and happiness

Because Zeronis is a man who knows what the shape women are supposed to be.


I only count four

Post b0rdles

>enemy yi bans my janna
>fuck his entire team up with nami instead
lel cucks stay free

le wrong thread face

Best couple in Valoran

>Go 34/10/12 with 50 points
>Veigar goes 13/4/28 with like 20 points
>Solid S
You wanna explain yourselves, lolbabs? If I have 34 kills I think a a few more deaths should be forgiven even if I don't have a 4:1 ratio.

>tryndameme duels me at level 1
>I'm jax

what champ

but they gutted techies a while ago like pic related to Teemo in S5

I was considering it, genuinely.

I'm two of those

Best girl.
Best friend.
Best wife.

>s with 10 deaths
>why doesn't the game think i'm good??

Zeronis is the hero we need

>been playing since I was 20
>I am 25 now

where has time gone?

Free ascension wins the champ

I want to bully Lulu as nobody wants to help her because they all hate her so she eventually develops a stockholm syndrome type of liking towards me as Im the only one thats giving her attention

Lux was popular before the skin though

>been playing since I was twelve
>i'm 20 btw

Depends on the champion, I guess.

What champion lets me beat my opponent to a pulp with little chance of outplay?

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

>another episode of "monkey lee and his adventures"
I want to be off of this wild ride.

do you get meme craft tokens for mastery if you S in this mode


Oh, and Draven.

99% sure that you don't.

panth probably has the least counterplay in the game

I wish he'd take commissions, I'd pay him to do art of Elise and Zyra making out.

I need my fucking hecarim chest already. I've played a trillion games where I went with 20 to 20 kills but it doesn't end

Fuck I wanted to block out that the game was that old


What did he mean by this

>Elise and dragon zyra will never drain you of your seed
why live


I posted a higher resolution one since I saved a thumbnail instead. Is there a problem?

Who do I ban if I want to ensure I don't get my ass plated nicely when I pick Veigar?

Syndra and Ori make my life hell for every single fucking creep, but the amount of times someone's just picked Fizz and ran me over because he can just ignore my only means of stopping champions is unreal.

>20 to 20
20 to 30 I meant

>roll good champions
>teammates dodge
>roll poop
>they dont

why the fuck does she have high heels


and BEST


she's a slut

ring of repick

Back when Riot didn't know how to design females without giving them exaggerated female characteristics

S2-S3 was awful for champ design. Everyone was a titty monster

I was afraid this was the answer

you ban veigar and play something better.

Did you expect to get +23?

>those legs
>that ass
>that back curve
Jesus christ

veiger lane is shit vs any mid, get over it and abuse your scaling


I've been on a huge winstreak with s- every game but the game still decides to give me less because I haven't been here enough time.
I was getting like 26 on silver 2 too

>make a champion that scales idefinetly with ap makes his lane shit vs every single champion because of it to the point he may aswell not scale at all
>while you make a dumb floating bitch that can one shot everyone with a single item just by pressing R

I'd commission more comfy gfs pics


What champions let me experience this dead meme?

fucking mongoloids all day, last time I touch ranked in the fucking weekend. Jesus christ this game just makes me fucking mad

i can ping EXACTLY when and where the enemy will gank and they STILL die to it

took me a week but finally i've unfucked my mmr

The coolest crab on the rift: Urgot

try him bot lane carry friendo

>i can ping EXACTLY when and where the enemy will gank and they STILL die to it

this is the exact reason I stopped playing support and jungle, shit upsets me


He knows the ideal figure women should have, it's why I enjoy this guys work.

That'd be a nice approach, anyone know if he accepts commissions?

>See enemy jungle
>Warning ping where they are
>Our jungler must think that's a sign to go there
>They invade and go die level 3 giving them first blood
I have no clue what's going on in peoples heads at times like this

>elise shows mid (minions) heading top
>care elise top
>ping danger in river
>nasus keeps pushing
>five seconds later
>enemy killing spree
>check, allied nasus burned flash

love it

these hasn't been a decent legendary skin in ages

we used to get colourful, interesting stuff like FB Veigar and SG Rumble. Now we get Ashe with a voice filter, Lee Sin but he glows, Jinx but she's in a schoolgirl outfit and purple Thresh

>Letting Jinx get to full build with a Pocket Janna.

Lee Sin memes aside that was everyone on your team's fault.

>He knows the ideal figure women should have, it's why I enjoy this guys work

This is literally the best Vi pic ever. I love the guy's work.

jinx skin is good as fuck tho
her twintails are are so puffy and marvelous

Regardless, her voice over is quite literally just an expansion pack for the base skin instead of something interesting and thematic.

Gentleman Cho, Brolaf and Nunu bot all had this. They're years old. Why am I paying $20 for slightly flashier animations and voice lines that are barely different from the base skin?

The Yasuo and Riven skins are such bad offenders of this.

What about this
It's a bit old though

thorns because plant, it's cool. is this what you wanted guy? I'll explain it like you didnt know

pulsefire cait is extremely high quality

>The Yasuo and Riven skins are such bad offenders of this
What? All of the voice lines are changed. Their voices sound a lot different, as well. Literally what?
The animations are all drastically different.

>tfw looking through his art
holy fuck this man is the overlord of boners

Opinions on Gurofag?
I was thinking about writing for him

Meh he is good at drawing but his art looks blank and boring

How do I win vs Tryndamere

>I have no imagination

It's kinda cool that he seems not to have any kind of agreement where he can't do art of other games etc.


Riven is so cute! And my wife! And I love her!


> Mfw I get gold 5 promos
> Get an autofilled support
> Runs at them as taric and brown boots
> Spams pings
> Hes level 3 against Braum and Sivir
How do you play ADC in this elo anons?

How the fuck does imagination has ANYTHING to do with art being boring?

most of the artists don't
the dude who made the new gangster twitch splash doesn't even know what fuck twitch is

Thanks for the advice I'll be sure to take stormraiders on gragas next time I play against Tryndamere

>she's free now
>I've been using her

I don't think they can tell him he's not allowed to make and sell his own art, but I think he only does official work for riot

No problem