/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

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>they dont have s.corrin

Dick Micaiah


>he plays gacha shit
loving every laugh

Kagero is my wife.

>wanting a shitty Olwen






>hey look I got a 5* but it's not what I wanted
>I'm so mad!
>here's a picture of the 5* I got and I will post her IVs and ask everyone if the hero is good!

if you do this , kill yourself

I thought Sonya was your wife

what are sink roaches

thats a nice image but julia touching ninian would probably vaporize her

FE4 Remake fucking when? Debating whether or not replaying it or playing TRS.

>falling for the flier team meme
Have fun being objectively worse than horses

Is any FE character dumber than Gonzales?

26 attack

Roaches that evidently frequently frolic in your sink, if I had to guess, wash your dishes?

Wtf? When did this series become anime shit?

I honestly can't believe this. I miss the days when Fire Emblem was on game boy and actually good.

In Heroes,
>Gradivus has Distant Counter, referencing it's 1 ~ 2 Rng (but ignoring how it can be used as item to heal HP, with like Renewal 2 or something)
>Parthia has Darting Blow 2, referencing how it can increase your Res by 7 when used as an item

What the fuck is Assram Mercurius going to have?

It's her tome! She can be friend with Ninian!


2 movement.

Please do not bully. I spent over 200 orbs and only got Lukas and Peri.

>not running both fliers AND horses


Same here. How are you recovering from this suffering.


Draug was a mistake

flier+repo on trees

You must design a good axe user. What do you do?

Can't move over forests, mountains, rivers and other terrain.


Good thing that hardly ever happens.

>not running a +Def Fortress Defense Draug

1/2 movement if theres any trees, water, or mountains involved, results may vary*

Make him Greil or Nolan.


Also, what are some cheap armor/cav/flier teams I can use for next month's quests?

Not him but there aren't a lot of maps filled with terrain that hinders horses.

Turks that die falling into sinkholes.

>Running into a +Speed, Water Boost Draug with Renewal

Was ISIS successful in sucking you dry out of orbs with the Nohrian Summer banner /feg/

Give them DC and a Horse



Autism or simply too much time on his/her/xem hands?

Distant counter and 35/35 offense

>not being a luckshitter
Lmao i got her at the first try

But there are still quite a lot of maps that fuck up cav team movement. That's where you use fliers, or infantry for that matter.

No because I'm not an autistic retard.

Best pairings for the fox and the wolf?

>Fliercucks pretending terrain means anything 99% of the time

Didn't get a single orb out of me. I'm determined to roll my 500 orbs on the Hero Fest banner.

Draug isn't even a very good wall

the whole argument is moot because they arent the same unit type i dont get why retards are still arguing

"lol y would you use ryoma? lissa heals way better"

>rolling for shit units

Post characters that everyone loves.

Pic related, who can say no to that smile?

took 18 to get +atk femui and the rest are shit

so they weren't successful, I spent a lot more on tiki and on lance valor

>made me use 20 orbs outta my stash
feels kinda bad

I didn't have Orbs to start with but I kind of want Femui just because she's a mage flier.
I regret not getting Bunilla.

If they're cruel fucking jokers,Sword EXP 2, to reference it's original effect.
If they want to do the same thing but make it useful, Sword Valor 2.

If they want to reference it's only standout feature besides its MT in later games, the +10 Crit, they could make it Mistletainn.

Finally, if they want to reference Astram's purpose in the story, Obstruct would be a viable choice.

And finally, if they want to do something fun like reference Astram's personality, Brash Assault would work well.

Also they haven't revisited Archanea once outside of the echoes of banner. I bet he's not getting in.


>Levin Sword isn't 1-2 range

For some reason retards started comparing her to Olwen

>desperate for Summer Gaius
>last day to summon him
>bite the bullet, buy 140 orbs
>actually get him
>he's +Atk

Sometimes, dreams do come true.

I don't get it too, but it's fun to see people shitting on each other.
I have both cav and flier teams

Who can say no to that body, though?

>rolling for shit units

Post cute boys!

>blue hair on both Morgans

Anyone that isn't a pedo.


Something ridiculous like +5 attack. Its only point is that it hits really fucking hard.

Do we have an idea of Clive's stats yet? Also, when are they finally going to stop shilling Echoes? I like the game but goddamn.

kill all tripfaggots

Reading the description, they actually did their homework. 7/10 could pretty much be official

Potentially soon given Echoes sold well despite having almost no true marketing budget (besides Heroes shilling) and hefty costs (like full voice acting and multiple animated cutscenes) and FE4 still being a very popular classic game in Japan, but probably a lot later than you'd expect since it's FE4.

Among other problems, integrating supports.

Go kill yourself.


You're right, female Morgan looks the best with red hair.

Who would you have put on the Hero Fest banner?

The only thing we know for sure is that he's better than Berkut

While I understand shes supposed to look like a child I always thought of her like a piper perri kinda gal. Otherwise how can literally anyone justify letting her take the dick from anyone.

post valter stats

Well they're missing out!

Honest question, how good is Olwen on a flying team?

a weaker def xander with no dc weapon

t. redditor

Regardless, I want to fuck Morgan.

Ephraim and Celica

Does Bruno have the lewdest male art?

I want to tease her nipples

I would always run into Sheenas in tempest trials, and was curious to how much of an immovable wall she is outside of the tempest trials' inflated stats. And wow, armor teams really need wary fighter for pretty much everyone but Hector and maybe Draug, huh? My Palla in my flier meme team makes Sheena (and Hector too) look like shit if she can double them.

Never rolled on a herofest before
Is the 5% rate up that good ?

tell me your stories about the previous one

pretty much what they put on the banner except I'd put klien or kagero instead of genny

I'll still probably roll for a genny just so I have access to her b skill at some point down the road

Only Annas and Miriels, Cordelias is too bright and clashes with her clothes. Same with blonde.

t. pedo in denial who calls anyone a redditor

Well I got Ryoma with 40 orbs or so but he was -atk.

>Silas wasn't in from launch
>K A Z E wasn't in from launch

Still baffled.

i like the wolf with effie

Poor guy. I hope no other phone poster has had to suffer the same fate.

Me, but in all seriousness, Linde. Why Ninian instead is beyond me.

Trip back on spic