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World of RogueCraft Edition


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/who "guild name", whisper anyone!

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first for niggers

second for based cobe is back



DoN=Pure reddit cancer

Fuck off Mocky.

is this a female Assassin?

would berry

DoN=Pure non-reddit goodness

Someone explain rogue gameplay to me. What's the appeal? What are the mechanics like? How are they different than other melee classes?

t. fury warrior main since actual vanilla and never had a rogue above level 2 because they disgust me

>played since vanilla
>doesn't understand mechanics of a popular class
i bet you cleared naxx too when you were 12, right

nope never raided before this server

To add, like i get what its like to fight against or alongside them, but its different being the class yourself obviously.

How much time to rogues spend stealthed usually? How is attacking other players different than mobs? How complex is the poison system?

I never investigated stuff like that before, just didn't interest me. I'm curious now though because I'm an actual adult playing the game, I want to know more about all the aspects of this game I still enjoy. Related to that, I started looking up the lore which I didn't really have a chance to explore as a kid.

Do I seem more sincere now? I would really like to hear from rogues about this stuff. I've only ever had a warrior and a mage above 60 but most other classes I've gotten a feel for at least (except for priest).

nice reddit spacing
you should go back and ask there

>reddit spacing
You seem to know a lot of the place, tried going back there yourself?

Fuck off if you're not going to answer the question

Guess you have nothing better to do than shitpost try actually playing the game instead

>reddit spacing
only redditors use this phrase, people have been posting like this forever


>In Barrens
>See Horde scum escorting elf from Theramore fortress
>Kill escort
>Filthy Troll cries like a baby man

>See Troll again in Ratchet a few levels later
>He challenges me to a duel
>Easily stomp his disgusting Horde face
>"3 1 p 13 23"

I noticed someone clip through a wall in WSG the other day. I took a screenshot. Should I report them? I don't know if that's hacking/cheating or a legit WSG bug.

Well played

DoN is full of newfags who think they run the place because they have a decently populated leveling guild after felmyst debacle.
I cant believe I'm actually saying this, but I, OG Tucker, endorse MoH as the true Veeky Forums /elyg/ guild.
Goodnight gamers, I will be sleeping good tonight.

I thought they added an invisible wall so femded couldn't do that anymore

literally no one cares, i wish you actually OD'd you stupid druggie nigger

is that really asscobra in the guild or one of the legions of fanboys pretending to be him

why did you delete your previous posts tranny?

Who cares? If it is him great, we have another really good player in the guild. If it's a fanboy then oh well.

>claims to be tucker
>doesn't post picture of drugs
yeah i don't believe you faggot

How do I join Dindus of Nuffin?
Give me the prerequisites, requirements and admission process, please.

PM Handro ingame for an invite

On the most basic level: you gain 20 energy every 2 seconds (capping at 100), you have abilities which dump energy (Sinister Strike/Hemorrhage/Backstab) and gain you combo points(which cap at 5). With combo points you use finishing moves (Slice and Dice [attack speed increase], Eviscerate [burst damage], Rupture [bleed], Expose Armor [armor reduction], or Kidney Shot [stun]). You also have opening moves which can only be used from stealth these either do burst damage (Ambush), stun (Cheap Shot), or bleed (Garrote) and generate combo points. You also have many utility spells in Sprint, Vanish, Gouge, Blind, Evasion, Sap, Kick, and Stealth.

vs. Mobs you just do as much damage as quickly as you can (as a swords rogue you Sinister strike, use Slice and Dice spam Sinister Strike and then Eviscerate)

vs. Players you stunlock them while dealing damage (almost always) out of necessity because they die very easily (if a hunter feign death-freezing traps you and then aimed shots you, you are almost instantly dead, if a warlock death coils you, you are dead after the dots are done ticking down, if a Shaman windfury RNGs you, you are dead, if a Warrior overpowers you, you are almost instantly dead, if a Paladin reckbombs you, you are almost instantly dead).

The poison system is pretty simple in PvE you use Instant poison, in PvP its situational but you almost always use Crippling poison

Rogues are different from other melee classes because they are viable in PvE (along with Fury Warriors, and Prot Warriors as tanks) and because of their ability to dictate any PvP encounter while being even or favored in their matchup against every class except Paladin. They also offer variety in that Dagger and Not-Dagger(read swords) rogues are played much differently.

The appeal of rogues is that they're the most viable melee class. In PvE they're the topdog DPS with Fury warriors and in PvP they don't just get kited to death or hard countered.

As much as I have always wanted a successful horde Veeky Forums vanilla raiding guild on nost/elysium, DoN will obviously not be it. Which somewhat saddens me seeing as how it had potential at first but the officers and GM are all newfags and powertripping retards

It is the real me, one and only. now im actually going to bed goodnite faggots!

that pic is in the archive and has been posted multiple times now, find something new to falseflag with


Now teach me about the appeal of warriors outside of tanking.

Fucking a, you are lucky i am an insomniac and keep checking thread. now i am actually closing chrome on phone.

>old pic once again

hahaha you're pathetic

he has been on that methadone replacement crap for weeks now.
I think that is actually him just posting old pics since he is clean or whatever his definition of that means. quit telling him to spam thread with needles and hard drugs lots of impressionable teens here who might think it is cool

Why would a rich kid who would never have had to work a day in his life if that's what he wished, ever want to start IVing heroin? There has got to be some kind of mental illness there, at the very least it is more than just him wanting to get high.

>t. someone who has never taken drugs

holy shit thanks for the serious reply! Beautiful!

gonna read it now and then reply in kind with my take on the beauty of being a warrior

>why would someone want to start doing drugs?
>you obviously need to take drugs to know

>rich people never take drugs
are you fucking stupid?
rich people take the most drugs

First I'm going to just give my comments on this, and right smack in my mind is that rogues now seem like they are arguably the squishiest class. Like, if this was a fighting game and you could pick a character that had high damage and high speed but low defence, then that would be the rogue. From this new persective, it seems quite scary that if you fuck up you could easily get stomped on. Similar in a way to when I tried to pvp as a raid specced arcane mage. No ice block or bubble, and you just replace the rogues stuns with a mage's standard slows. You only get like 2 chances with the frost nova/cone of cold though (substitute in this case with what seems like a wide variety of stuns and only 1 long range blind as a last resort.)

I'm sure a couple of the moves you listed are barely used, like Rupture and Expose Armor being similar to Heroic Strike/Cleave/Rend or a mage's fire dots. Barely even mentionable. Also the fact that other weapons like maces (not axes though right?) are basically not used either even in pvp, like how warriors don't get to use 2h swords because they are usually too fast. Could be wrong though.

I can't imagine trying to live so on the edge though, pure and simple. I guess if you're a maximum gank tier rogue it's not like that but if there are fights that you don't get the first shot in it seems more like a done deal. Hard and fast life, I am starting to see the appeal. Like a shot of cocaine or something in WoW form. The feeling that you just made someone rage quit, or possibly you just rage quit yourself.

Am I wrong on that in anyway?

I'll write my reply on warriors now as well.

>mental illness
Addiction is a mental illness but really all it takes is he knows someone who does it that gets him onto it initially then he's addicted.
It's not fucking secret drugs are addictive for all you know he just knows other rich faggots who do alot of drugs or he started with weed and kept looking for more highs.
Maybe he does have demons which I really doubt, but your a faggot if you are implying rich people can't feel insecure or depressed.
its like saying
kurt Cobain was really famous why did he kill himself what an idiot lmao

>you need to know something about drugs
>before you talk about drugs
makes sense to me

>Now teach me about the appeal of warriors outside of tanking.
Well for starts, 2 things come to mind:

#1. You get to hit things REALLY REALLY HARD for a LOT OF DAMAGE.

This simple point can't be underestimated. I think Critline might be my single most favorite addon now besides my PvP sound addons. When you save up rage and get a fat crit and global someone it's lit. No other feeling like being unstoppable and no matter how hard someone weasels or runs or cries or delays or whatever the fuck you can own them with a few choice moves. Similar to being a mage sitting and casting pyroblast on a lame duck stuck in a frost nova, but that's a slightly different feeling because you know what's coming crit or no crit. I'm sure a rogue can attest to the satisfaction of landing an eviscerate I think it is, with full combo points, and critting your opponent and they die. As a warrior it's slightly different, kind of like a Shaman in that it's still random when you can hit hard, but you have to like........earn your big move and you know it will come if you wait. You can either save up your rage through a middle length fight and punish them for leaving you around, or do a charge then bloodrage then berserker rage and you can quickly get a good amount for a burst. Either way it's more like you EARNED that damage output at the end, rather than it being entirely RNG like a Shaman's windfury.

Point the 2nd: The Stance Danceā„¢

Ever since I came back to play this game as an adult it's a revelation. Simply because of stance changing macros. Basically, I press my taunt button (while in Berserker Stance),and first it puts me in defensive stance, and then after pressingit again I actually taunt. In this fashion you can quickly cycle through the stances where some moves can only be done in certain stances. PVP is actually a lot like tanking because of this, basically, I just treat other players like I would any raid boss, just with different mechanics. Cont.

In this fashion it's slightly different in approach and attitude than with other classes I've found. As a hunter or mage or dps shaman etc you approach dungeons/pve levelling in a very very different way than you would pvp, with most of those having pretty simple and straightforward roles in pve. Druid is perhaps the best example of this. In dungeons and levelling you are either auto attacking/RPing as a rogue or mage, or you are healing (which is something completely different obviously). In Pvp, druids become very similar to warriors in that they have to dance around their forms to address the specific situation. It's very engaging and fascinating, there's a million different ways to approach the same situation as a druid. You could do something like charge in as a bear, then switch to cat and get some bleeds or something, then retreat and kite people with moonfire and roots and starfire. That's a more expanded and interesting version of what it's like as a warrior in pvp, minus the hardiness and patience required with a warrior.

Lastly, I think patience is more of a thing with warrior gameplay. With mortal strike while levelling you have to wait like fucking 4-5 seconds sometimes to get the adequate rage to DO anything. You can use racials like war stomp, other moves to increase the rate you get rage, and stuff like that, but being a Warrior is fundamentally different than any other class simply because their ability currency bar STARTS AT ZERO.

Let me repeat that. MANA AND ENERGY START AT THE CAP. 100%. RAGE IS AT 0.000000~~

You get more time to assess what you want to do in a situation. The whole rock paper scissors thing with other classes, like a Shaman making sure to purge casters or something like that, except for interrupting casters like any melee class it's just a lot slower paced everywhere else. Maybe its irrelevant but it reminds me of people calling boxing the "sweet science".