Let's say I want to use a medkit with this type of inventory. Should I make the "use2 button under the image on the right or make the user right click the icon and select "use" from a drop-down menu?
if your game were a broadway rendition of the anime Akira, which famous actor would cameo as the tank that first shoots at Tetsuo?
Logan Allen
A couple distance checks, then toggle "grabbing ledge" on.
When player stops holding, make their ass fall.
Wyatt Perez
distance checks to what?
Michael Cooper
then make it both. having it available under the image make it easier for player to realize if an item is usable or not at the first time they picked it up. but having a right click to select use from the drop-down menu make it faster for the player to use the item.
Carter Walker
The ledge.
You could either hand mark squares as ledges, or constantly scan for nearby walls which don't have anything (ie other walls) above em.
Henry Ramirez
>hand mark too inflexible >scan for walls not very useful if you want a ledge
Christopher Adams
How do we fix /agdg/?
Jack Barnes
Are we talking 2D or 3D anyhow?
>not very useful if you want a ledge *steps into mic* wronnnnnng
That said I meant scan for the ledge, specifically. I thought that much was obvious.
Gabriel Kelly
You can't fix an anonymous place with a constant influx of new people. Sorry.
Good luck trying to fix new people constantly finding the hottest shitpost meme and wanting to try it out on their own.
Lincoln Thomas
a simple thing that unfortunately not everyone can do. >completely ignore shitposting. don't acknowledge it, don't reply to it. >encourage progress posting. always reply to whoever posted progress, even if it's very minor progress. If you like the game, say it. If you don't like the game, say it. If it's too boring, say it.
Nathan Gray
>scan for the ledge >draw the owl
if I find a wall then what? I have no way of knowing anything other than the point of contact.
Ayden Diaz
What no, constructive criticism man. Shitting on a game is useless.
Nicholas Adams
Not even with real moderation? There's nothing wrong with an occasional new meme, but I mean does anyone really want people who obsessively shitpost and bait here every single day and post the same stale memes and obsess over namefags and generally post absolutely nothing of value.
Colton Stewart
1) Find point of contact (looks like you got this?) 2) Check if player is just below it, and close enough to it. 3) If needed for your game, check if they're currently holding a button to ledge grab. Either that or start the process upon hitting a button. 4) mark player as grabbing ledge
Easton Long
The problem is that any one person generally just contributes one shitpost or so. To them, it doesn't seem like a problem, it's just a little joke hehe.
But with 10+ such people it already gets unbearable.
Adrian Ramirez
>2) Check if player is just below it, and close enough to it.
just below what? any point on the wall that may or may not be near the top? not a ledge.
Joshua Hall
how about we do everything for you then? huh? if people shit on your game, then you need to come up with something new. not asks people to finish the game for you instead. Hire a designer instead if you're incapable of it.
Austin Gomez
You thick mate? Or just having a laugh?
The ledge would be the topmost part of the wall (and it would only count as a ledge if there was nothing above it).
If that wall(and sometimes a floor!) was somewhere in the middle, you wouldn't be able to get that close to its edge anyhow.
Again I'm thinking 2D, so I can see how you might be confused if you were thinking 3D this whole time...
Eli Brooks
Ah, and this is the other problem. There's always basic bitches who don't even get a concept as basic as fucking constructive criticism.
You know, that thing they teach you in middle school?
So goddamn antisocial/dumb that you would never be able to push them towards not being a useless sack of shit.
Anthony Flores
I don't see how 2D would make it better
you found the wall, now what? you have no idea of anything that's above or below it.
Aaron Hill
>you have no idea of anything that's above or below it. You do if you know how to use your programming language / engine. If you're actually confused, sorry, but I'm going to stop replying to you.
Noah Brown
>still doesn't give an answer nice.
Chase Gomez
Not that user but here
Ayden Butler
with a box you could find if it is or is not overlapping a wall, but not if's at the top, no more useful than just finding a point
Isaac Baker
>but not if's at the top Well why the fuck not?
box.y+box.height < wall.y && box.y > wall.y
Hudson Jackson
that's very nice if you have a world made entirely out of AABB's
Jace Rogers
Then take the vertex and do literally the same thing faggot.
Joseph Miller
what vertex? where did you find that?
Liam Young
Are you doing 2D or 3D?
Landon Bailey
good idea, thanks
Thomas Morgan
Added ability to add particles without lua calls, so particle creation can work more efficiently. It is more restricted than lua but lua calls were adding too much overhead while creating large number of particles.
Here are the 3 ultimate weapons I added yesterday, rocket barrage, banana bomb and gluon gun. banana bomb looks a little weak compared
Hunter Lee
I'm happy for you user
Alexander James
I've seen games that have climbing on arbitrary geometry. but I have no idea how they did it.
I can imagine how to do it with marking edges with special colliders, but just any ledge? I'm stumped.
only Lazy ass requires others to have "constructive criticism". you should get enough information when you receive more hates than likes. assuming it's not just shitposting.
James Evans
get butthurt if you like but I think I just thought of a way on my own. thanks for nothing.
Daniel Thompson
>3D Ledge grabbing with arbitrary geometry is a pretty complicated problem in 3D. It's simpler in 2D because you can just check the angle of the vector and use one of the 2 vertices as the collision tester.
I don't know any "official" solutions, but you probably have to be very good at math. I imagine you need to manually handle collisions with triangles, and then figure out whether the angle of the triangle makes it viable for grabbing, and using a similar solution to what I mentioned only with fancy vector math shit. Then even if a triangle thinks you can do a wall grab, another incompatible triangle may disable it, thus you can only wall climb if there isn't anything in the way.
Ryder Allen
Nah, but good luck with your crippling depression mate.
Nathaniel Harris
>being so salty about some perceived slight that you pretend to be an idiot who needs help and then fishes for as many (You)s as possible to get revenge Nice.
Evan Rogers
i finally got the super basics of my enemy ai down. took all day because i am bad at code
ill best a webm tomorrow. its like 2am and i need sleep now. night aggy daggy
Justin Jackson
reminder to add multiplayer to your game if you want it to be successful
Robert Robinson
you're imagining things. take your meds
Josiah Wright
Except no one will play it unless it's popular.
But congratulations, now you spent several extra years on your game!
Jason Howard
i'll be replacing this balance system soon because its too janky looking and it interferes with the basic movement way too much. i've thought of a few better ways to do it.
Adam Fisher
>several years for multiplayer you were never going to finish your game anyway
Elijah Taylor
stop bully this is why skynet hates us
Charles Butler
>Not even with real moderation? If you had an special janitor that actually cared about /agdg/ you probably could improve the board's quality, the issue with that is that no one takes moderation seriously on Veeky Forums, we are seen as a containment board for /v/ after all. How many times we talked to mods about this on /qa/ with no result? and the time we asked for code tags? they literally told us to gtfo to /g/ if we needed the so much.
>does anyone really want... Only people that could want that are: - nodevs that want devs to get bored and leave, or have their progress drowned and ignored in a sea of shitposts. - devs or shills that had their games shitted on by /agdg/ and they remain bitter about that - namefags because having people obsessing about them boosts their ego
I'm not even sure if there is that many shitposters, based on the way they write and how they always target the same people they could be 3 or 4 guys, we know some of the samefag a lot.
Hudson Wilson
you're like an enginedev, except you're not using your own engine
Angel Murphy
So because of Unity's weird rotation system this doesn't work. I need to either do the whole thing differently, or find out how to do a cross product without using vectors. It almost works, but not quite.
Jayden Scott
C-can you keep the current balance system ingame for some things that the player doesn't directly control? I really like the way it looks BECAUSE it's janky.
Justin Martin
This looks hilarious It's very impressive how you got such system to work.
Angel Phillips
Post your LD entries, I want to play what you made.
>creating your own game systems makes you an enginedev
this is what unitybabbies have been led to believe
Jason Williams
>enginedev Stuck at wordthinking, are we? Perhaps we should elevate ourselves above this.
Jordan Jackson
This is really nicely done, the graphics are especially crisp. I could easily see this as a mini game in some kind of a zelda-like game.
Noah Walker
>triggered enginedevs remaking your systems over and over again before finishing anything is enginedev 101
Ryder Watson
Thanks! I had plans for an upgrade system (better engine -> more fuel), different fish (harder to catch, worth more to sell), etc. but I'm pleased with the core gameplay at least. Maybe I'll expand on it in the future.
Aiden Johnson
Why does it looks so brown and vomit-y? Not a shitpost insult, just curious why you took this direction.
Brayden Moore
Got it with Mathf.DeltaAngle.
Colton Walker
>tfw got downsized from my old job i hated the job but it still feels bad to be basically a neet now I have now all the time in the world to dev but no drive due to depression because i am no unemployed. How do you neet devs do it? I feel like shit.
Josiah Harris
Is it really a minigame or something? What's your gaem?
Nathaniel Carter
Replying means you're triggered eh? Guess you're triggered too.
Cameron Sullivan
Nah it's my entry for Ludum Dare. Completely standalone for now.
Eli Flores
Oh, cool beans. It looks pretty, user!
Jace Hill
I like it, needs some polishing, but is surprising fun for a somehting that simple. Like the other user said works great as a minigame inside a bigger project, or you could easily turn this into a whole managment sim if you wanted, people eat the shit out of those, specially as mobile games. My only question is, is the amount of fishes you catch random? Because an option to upgrade your baits to get more fish could be a nice thing to add too.
>My only question is, is the amount of fishes you catch random? Because an option to upgrade your baits to get more fish could be a nice thing to add too.
Currently you're guaranteed to catch 1 fish when you reel in a line from a spot that has turned green. I did have a bait system in mind as well as better lines, I just stripped it down to fit the timeframe.
I do think it could work as a neat little mobile game if I fleshed it out more as you suggested.
Leo Clark
They are the first free textures I found while started developing it. I will change background sprites and player sprite.
Kinda hard to find art when you have zero budget
Andrew Torres
>remaking I don't recall such a system ever having existed in the first place
this is literally what an engine is for, take care of all the boring stuff so you can focus on making stuff that's unique to your game
Angel Sanders
boston dynamics?
Nicholas Perry
Just a heads up: I'm on a Mac and it wouldn't run until I ran chmod -R +x on the .app folder.
Neat game though, I really like the art style. Impressive given the timeframe!
Josiah Walker
I don't have a Mac to test it alas so mac export is always crossed fingers. Thanks for playing anyway.
Jace Bell
Yeah I figured. You might want to add that command as a note for any Mac users, it works perfectly after that.
Hudson Evans
Anyone have a good generic human male/female t-pose drawings stashed somewhere? Google images just give awful, or already posed references like these.
Andrew Lee
id like this more if it werent reposted 80 fucking times across 3+ threads
Jaxson Perry
Usually professional books have such reference drawings, Loomis being the obvious choice.
Joshua White
I was waiting for someone to post something like this. My bad for trying to get feedback from other LDers in different timezones though.
Daniel Powell
Thanks, added it to description.
Daniel Gomez
Adam Price
I see, my current hi-score is 5 I just wasn't sure if that was bad or good. Yeah, I think you have a really nice prototype there, user. Great Job.
Another great prototype. If I understand correctly you had last minute issued with the AI right? Because they didn't attack too much and got stuck at the walls a lot. If you fixed that this would be really addictive. A couple of ideas that came to my mind while plating: Have the generator made of 2 or 3 smaller ones, when one of them get's destroyed you can still charge your stuff, but it will be slower. Have bigger robots come once in a while, they target the towers only and takes longer to kill them. Good job too.
Jacob Martinez
Hey guys, I'm looking to get into making music for games. Any tips or people who need help?
Levi Gonzalez
>tips git gud >people who need help if you're not gud people won't want your help, music is oversaturated
Mason Jackson
I'm pretty gud
Caleb Butler
Lucas Scott
Why is learning pixelmeme so hard? I thought learning it would be easy and it kind of is when I constantly see someone elses art as 'reference' instead of starting from zero, is that what everyoen does?
Blake Harris
Why is learning programming so hard? I thought learning it would be easy and it kind of is when I constantly see someone elses code as 'reference' instead of starting from zero, is that what everyoen does?
Brody Kelly
Why is learning shitposting so hard? I thought learning it would be easy and it kind of is when I constantly see someone elses posts as 'reference' instead of starting from zero, is that what everyoen does?
Owen Gray
Why is learning so hard? I thought I could do nothing and get good but after awhile I found out that didn't work.