/wfg/ - Warframe General

Grineer stronk edition
previous thread:
>READ the pastebins BEFORE asking stupid questions
GENERAL FAQ: pastebin.com/wyz3Ye1g
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: pastebin.com/GHStmm22

>How to join Warbros NFA or the Alliance: i.imgur.com/gu5HZxZ.png

>Notable links
/wfg/ Discord: discord.gg/7P8Y63T
Wiki: warframe.wikia.com
Essentials: deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
Farming Prime parts: war.farm/index.php
Droptables by DE (probably rigged): warframe.com/repos/hnfvc0o3jnfvc873njb03enrf56.html
WF news: semlar.com/
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
Warframe Raid Schoolbus: Hide your power lvl and follow the rules: discord.gg/aUTTyWH
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/tag/0.8.2 (not maintained)
DPS calculator and build planner No.2: warframe-builder.com/ (frames, weapons and companions)
Top guns: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mdgJUyNrsHWRMveKwFrpdMJQWyyEGE4Wpo34e8BzE74/edit#gid=157275360
Frames and Modding: pastebin.com/D8Ckdz0c
Tierqueer Filters: git.io/vMhaS

CURRENT UPDATE: Chains of Harrow (Update 21.2.0)
> forums.warframe.com/topic/823165-chains-of-harrow-update-2120-21201/
> forums.warframe.com/topic/801884-oberon-prime-hotfix-2062/

/wfg/ OP pastebin, if it's not like this one report it and make a proper one: pastebin.com/iAgtMahh

Other urls found in this thread:


First for nerf Mag

How can the Grineer be strong if their genes aren't strong

I traded a garbage S&A riven for a garbage Deth Machine Rifle riven because I thought the latter would sell for more because memes. Did I get gypped?

Post captura.

Probably, with the Prime version the S&A is getting used by more people now.

Jews know no memes. I would have sold pic related months ago if they did.


your insecurity is showing.

you couldnt see my description of how things have changed, instead it appears to have irked you that I was using a weapon years before it became popular (not even for killing) and you felt the need to diminish the satisfaction im feeling, which is entirely in your head.

nerfs soon

mfw it will still be my favorite can opener

More like craptura


Its true, the system could be so much better.

This is DE, though.

proper stealth rework never ever, just biyearly feature tack-ons and a steady stream of stealth stealth nerfs

this game hasn't been about ninjas for years man
Spy 2.0 was a mistake

>this game hasn't been about ninjas for years man

thanks man i love kirby

what do you do when you get the stats you want but the base stats are too low, do you just keep on rolling or take it because it probably own't get any higher anyway because disposition

>this game hasn't been about ninjas for years man
it could have been different

guys I got someone from DE to talk to me omg i'm so excited

woah tell him we said hello! :D//

Call him a nerd and to endo his life

disposition will cause riven stats to vary between around +/- 50% of "average" among all weapons (ie 1.0 dispo or 3 pips) before taking into account the number of buffs/debuffs but will always be within the same +/-10% range for a given weapon after that, so keep in mind that unless you can roll a more favorable combination (2 buffs and 1 negative being the highest value) you won't ever get more than ~22% better than the worst possible roll for a single stat

he could be making the game better but instead he's still banning fools, tell him to drown himself in horse semen or RIOT

>try to play index at 3AM
>matched with a frost prime after 10 minutes of waiting
>he's worse than the bots
>he just keeps running at the enemies with his MK-1 Furax and dying

I just want to make some credits before my booster expires. Is that too much to ask?

Go solo, lol.

when's the next double resource weekend DE you hacks

tfw people prefer fieldron over nav coords, I'll never get mesa at this rate

what does what other people prefer matter?

Can people really share a key?

you do realize
you get the rewards no matter what side wins

[spoilers]think slower so your hands can keep up[/spoiler]

play ODD, get butt ton of relics and mesa coordinates. my the Soon™ be with you.

IGN: artyom1024

almost 2 years free
shitter friends start warframe with glee
witness their slow, their weak, i could outclass
realize i must teach them the art of strong and fast
after playing for a bit i notice something missing
that green colored chat i was reminiscing.

i hope you guys aren't shitters nowadays

>when you meet someone on hydron with a fully leveled frame spamming his nuke trying to level his weapon

And then there's the other end of the spectrum, where MR24s don't realize they could level up both their frame and others weapons much faster if they shot at things instead.
I'm genuinely curious as to how the fuck they managed to get to MR24 without knowing simple things like this

They didn't.
I have to doubt every 24 I come across since I don't know if they're a moron who just afk grinded at draco before it's nerf or someone who actually knows how to powerlevel stuff in this

Is there any reason ember prime prices are going down?

>play ODD, get butt ton of relics and mesa coordinates. my the Soon™ be with you.
so it's a 25% chance on the B rotation to get a coord so it takes about 10min for 25% chance at the coords which means it's roughly 40min for 1 coord and you need 3 coords for 1 key which is one attempt at 1 of 3 parts.

You better hope you have 3 other people who are trying to get mesa as well or you're really in the poopie user

>can't follow simple instructions

Where do I find a clan to mooch blueprints off? I'm not jumping through hoops to join Warbros.

>40 minute Ceres dark sector survival with a Nekros
>2300 kills
>Despoil constantly active
>3 orokin cells

DE is a generous god

Literally one of the hundreds of clans that exist purely for that. And yeah, you shouldn't join austism clan.

>I'm not jumping through hoops to join Warbros
complete shitter confirmed

Just fucking do a normal Ceres survival

So is this the best way? Should I just autisticly grind for it or find friends which would be harder

I do the Ceres Extermination/Capture often and I get around 2-4 Cells, using Nekros P of course


Where do you find these clans? Recruit chat didnt help.

post octavia fashion please

What's the most effective crate breaker in the game now after they nerfed the Telos Boltace?

If I finish the last invasion mission after the invasion has ended, do I get any battle pay?

Yeah, you have like a 10 minute window.

after your next mission itll be in your inbox

Maybe he just wants to help.

valkyr's paralysis with max range is pretty good


forums :^)

Bright pink

Infested pink.

>going hydron
>after 5 waves you and other 2 players decide to stay, some useless retard goes in extract column
>when 2-3 seconds are left, this two players leave with retard, so you barely able to not be left alone
WTF with this retards? 3 players can hold up to 20 waves easily. Even 2 can. But no, because some lowmr shit left, they think they would lose immediately, so they leave.

Knell is the stick shift of warframe secondaries
It isn't GOAT, but it's fun to use.

>stick shift of warframe secondaries
>in a world of racing cars

captcha: tyres parking

Someone's on their period

Everyone of this leaving because one retard left leavers? Not that this is impossible, but i'm hella lucky to meet them 8/10 times i went hydron.

Less enemies spawn and so there's less affinity to be gained.

But enemy spawn are only affected by only if it's solo/nonsolo mission. If there are at least two players, it will always go with multiplayer amount of enemies.

People leave, even the best ones. The sooner you accept that, the easier it gets for you to move forward with you life.

I'm going to need a proof for that as it definitely seems like the enemy count is lower if people leave.

That goes against my experience. Two people get WAY fewer spawns than four. Got a source where that is confirmed?

W R O N G. What kind of shilled, Purplefag, DEfag comment is this?

This weapon made me discover how buggy the hitboxes for enemies are in general and how frustrating the AI is. Fuckers have millisecond long attention spans.

It's made for Harrow and any frame with a CC ability that stops them from moving. If you can't get the mobs to sit still, then it's not worth it.

>when the game gives you nothing after a sortie

This is the same with Xini, sometimes people also leave after wave 1. Don't expect anyone here to tell you they are retarded, if anything you'll be the one called a retard, having your period, being a nerd, etc.
But you can also blame it on DE for making 4 waves the absolute maximum you should go for, since there are barely any rewards for playing wave 5+.

Daybreak pink

>But you can also blame it on DE for making 4 waves the absolute maximum
But in defence they leave right after first A rotation. They don't go for 20 waves like AABC. They just do first A, one tard leaves, other leaves too.

Yeah I've had those too, maybe 1 in 4 games people actually ask on wave 1 when everyone should leave, which is either 4, 8 or 12, rarely more, the rest are people shitting in their pants when they see one person extracting. Most of the time I'm the only one on wave 5 of interception or 6 of defense. Doesn't matter since you'll be the host and there won't be as many enemies as when there are 4 people (so ignore what that guy said, it's not true).

You completely missed his fucking point. You're train of thought is exactly how DE thinks.

>Your AI is shit and needs to be fixed
>Well, the gun is meant for Harrow, you should make them not move which will then fix the problem
>Thanks DE!

Fuck you, seriously

>have Nekros Prime baking in the Foundry
>have a strong urge to make him bright and shiny and pink
I don't know if I even want to resist the urge.

Czech rewards and enjoy your 4k endo .

crit meme opticor or not?

If I use dusty carpet red, I won't be edge right

I think not. But then again, who gives a fuck as long as you like it.

just don't use it only on accents with the rest of the colours black.

>Czech rewards
I don't know if that's a reference to something or a pun I don't get, would love to know more. Some guy who was actually eastern European (judging by his engrish) told me it was 4k endo too, which is better than an anus statue.

Also, feels good, only need Rhino Prime BP but never ever probably.

Since I've reinstalled in W10 I've got a lot of "Application has been blocked from accessing graphics hardware" errors, which basically freezes the screen despite the game keeps running in background, and everytime I have to close it.

This is pretty awful so I've been searching a lot for some solution, but most of them are totally useless (updating drivers and firewall shit).

The only one that people seem to agree on as being effective is downclocking the GPU. Now, I didn't really want to cripple my 980ti but at this point I'm willing to try anything, so I've downloaded MSI afterburner. Problem is I have no idea what/how much should I downclock, does anyone here have an idea how does this work?

I guess I have to lower the mhz in core clock and memory clock, but I don't know how much.

"Check" and "Czech" are pronounced nearly identically in most English dialects. Yes, it's a pun.

Jesus I'm dumb, thanks.

afterburner doesn't let you fuck up your CPU, any value will be alright, just experiment

..gasp..something thats not graxx.

Mag when? Will she make it into upcoming batch?

yep, mag/nova/hydroid.

ive been told that they aim for mid august

Who Grofit here?


>When you go from the jewed to being the jew
Poverty today, Grofit tomorrow.

Bought a veiled melee riven for 80p for a Mios riven, did i get fucked?

that's actually pretty cool
shame nezha's _______________________________________________________________gay

mios is a good weapon tho

It's above average but Defiled Snapdragon is just a shitty moveset.

Newer player here. I've ranked up a few war frames. Volt, mag and rhino. Using ember now and I really like it. Should I upgrade the war frame for more slot space? What does that really involve?

I'd like to rank up more guns too but a lot seem like they are locked behind needing a "Tenno lab". Should I join a clan to unlock that or just make my own Tenno lab?

>people unironically enjoy melee in this game

What the fuck.

it's a lot less hassle to join one of the big clans for their equipment, try to find one made just for leeching, there are a lot of them on the forums.
right now just focus on upgrading your mods, upgrade your frames as you see fit, ember is a pretty good starter for clearing the star chart.

You know, I believe that at this point they are just trolling