/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

Previous: >[Fate/Grand Order Fes. 2017 ~2nd Anniversary~]
>There will be a quest named "Memorial Quest" in Chaldea Gate, clearing it will reward the players with their choice of "Heroic Spirit Formal Dress" Craft Essence from the 47 choices.
>Choices of the CEs also depend on the "Clear" status for each Singularity.

30 Jul-9 Aug: Sherlock Holmes (in all rate up)
2 Aug: Fuyuki, Orleans
3 Aug: Septem, Okeanos
4 Aug: London, America
5 Aug: Camelot, Babylonia
6 Aug: Shinjuku , Agartha
7 Aug: Da Vinci + 2016 Anniversary CE

>Strengthening Quest for 14 Servants.

>Guaranteed SSR Limited gacha

>English FGO has its own general for now, search /fgoalter/ in the catalog
>There are now costume options, Mashu is the only one available now
>Skill interludes for Astolfo and Arjuna, NP interlude for Geronimo, quartz interludes for Cu Alter, Jeanne Alter, David, Billy the Kid and Li Shuwen.
>Swimsuit versions for Nitocris, Nobunaga and Saber Alter have been revealed for the next Summer event


>Farming Guide


>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>Friendlist Spreadsheet (last reset: June 29)
Add yourself docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCq3eZgh3zlUtZ3G6Y-zzv1kaXt4GHuWVBRlV__V3Q3rC2Pg/viewform
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA

>Materials, experience and event AP simulators

>Alternate Servant/CE DB

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I want to lick her butthole

Fuck off reddit.



Medusa a best

If your custom message isn't ''FUCK OFF REDDIT'' you do not belong here.

>OP is piss fetish garbage
For real? What's wrong with you?

>no Gorgon star rate fix
What were they thinking?

Not your personal army.

Just saw these pop up, so I was assuming things. I was dumb and didn't realise it's just 1 gold Berserker this time round though, so it really must be an interlude.

>spent 90-ish Quartz for just one Holmes
>get Penty to NP4 instead
Guess I am not compatible with Holmes, huh?

What's the problem with her star rate again ?

>appmedia guy says MHXA will be about 6.0 (S-rank)

This makes me happy.

Nothing. She's an Avenger. Avengers' natural crit weight is ass.


Misora your message is censored, fix it


Claim your fatefu or someone else will

Wrong thread.

Did they actually increase how many stars it gives too?

Still 20 maxed

I didn't regret whaling for her during Valentines.

>that feel when I wanted to fuck this snek so bad
>Guaranteed huge tiddies
>Awesome artist

>And then they made her a 4* Avenger not a 5* Berserker
>And to add insult to injury her NP is a goddamn AoE


I wouldn't be surprised if Holmes took over Archimedes' job in Extella 2

This cute banana will be mine.

Never ever

>still 20
It was 14 before

That's 5 or 6 more than before.


She needs a star adsorb up CE to make all that attack actually useful.

Just wait for Summer Gorgon.

It was only 14 maxed before.

>he actually thought literally snek was ever going to be a 5*
Fuck off. Medusa is the definition of reddit.


> This round of strengthening will ne mostly about fixing Arturia.
>Saber will get stars + dodges
>Mhx will get stars + 1turn 100%
>Lancer will get her alter blessing tacked on her NP charge
> Archer heal won't eat np and give stars.

I want to lick her butthole

Wait, since when do you get quartz from leveling up?

How many EXP are you using per upgrade?

I trying to stay around 10-15 until they hit level 80

did they update the apk?



131 onward or something

>feel like a gambling man
>fork over money for the paid gacha
>get fucking Medb
>literally just pulled the superior Ozy 2 minutes beforehand in the free gacha

I should've listened to you /fgog/

Even with a CE her star absorb is shit. Slap a LZO or a victor from the moon on her and give her a team that make 40 to fifty stars.
Being a 4* meant I could roll her several times. Her np is decent at 3

>She needs a star adsorb up CE
Which one would you suggest ? Bazett or Jinako ?


Max ascended Bazett is the only one with enough bonus.

LB Bazett is better, pure damage with none of the drawbacks of Jinako's card.

God damn I'm going to be pissed if the ??? is just swimsuits 2

>Olga CE
Time to fap

I need like 60 gold archer cookies but I can't force myself to farm today's daily for hours

>JETS in 10.0 in NA tierlists
gilcucks btfo once again


>that nobu

>ID during loading screen
But for what purpose.

My husband Gorilla is the most handsome




For that extra layer of panic if you were to somehow lose your account

>Post yfw the gold saber is another useless buff to Sumanai.

Did I claim her or did she claim me?

>level up Atalanta's skills
>level up Demiya skills
>roll Tristan
Fuck yeah!
>roll EMIYA

I really should level up one of my aoe riders

>by the end of the year, Sumanai will have 4 effect on all his skills
>still not any useful one

I swear DW is having fun at this point.

Drake or Blackbeard if you don't have Drake

Are you enjoying all those fox tiddies?

That reminds me of when I rolled for Ozzy back when camelot first came out. Would've rather had NP2 than her.

>Have no Sabers
>Have no Rulers
Next strengthening will be so lame.

One of those isn't like the others.

>Burning an NP2 gold gives you the prisms for 2 servants
Did it always work like this or is this new?

Yeah fortunately i managed to roll Drake in summer part 2 when I was rolling for martha

>30 Jul-9 Aug: Sherlock Holmes (in all rate up)
>2 Aug: Fuyuki, Orleans
>3 Aug: Septem, Okeanos
>4 Aug: London, America
>5 Aug: Camelot, Babylonia
>6 Aug: Shinjuku , Agartha
>7 Aug: Da Vinci + 2016 Anniversary CE
What day is the rate up for Jeanne Alter and Merlin?

Fuck off ungrateful shit, she's the greatest

Anyone else having problem connecting?


Drake or Quetz in Rider Slot? The other one will be in All

Exact same thing happened to me.
Water related servant get a hidden rate up for summer or something?

you're set for life then

Not that I'm complaining, but why did I just get 92 quartz in the new tab of the master mission ?

Kill yourself I don't need (you)s

C-can we be part of speculation too?

How would she get strengthening? 3 turns on Art Buff?

Ozzy with Mona Lisa to help with QP farming

(You) wouldn't post retarded shit if you didn't.

Were you in a fucking coma for the last few days?

Who got strengthen today?

Don't ask, be grateful.

Quetz in all
Drake will get you more for QP farming

>ST NP with Mona Lisa

Would still do shit damage but sure, why not?

>retarded shit
For you

130, 135 and maybe 140

It's a really handy website that shows everything you need to know about new updates.


"Mona Lisa goes on Riders" is the stupidest meme ever because no one actually uses them and just puts them on the back line. At least Ozzy helps your other servants NP so you can clear shit in 3 turns like any sane person.

>Not having your own 3 turn team

Guaranteed crit skill from CCC for 3 turns

I do.

Never heard this site before, thanks

Paid Gatcha Only