/owg/ - Overwatch General

1 post per / 5 mins and 10k Twitch stream viewers. I-It's n-not dead Edition!
t. Jeff Kaplan

Animated: reader.madefire.com/work/OVERWTACH-DOOMFISTMASQUERADE/read

>Doomfist is live

>Latest PC patch notes
PTR: playoverwatch.com/en-us/blog/20861969
Live: playoverwatch.com/en-us/game/patch-notes/pc

>Overwatch dev tracker

>Hero tips, tricks and basics
pastebin.com/Qf2AKa8R (embed)

>Source / Quake mouse sensitivity converter

>Personal stats / leader boards

>eSports info, Contenders League and World Cup 2017


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Friendly remainder

is that a cicada 3301 shirt?

I want to play the Overwatch beta instead desu

Asians put moths on everything.

Here comes T.Racer!

Is there anything more satisfying than playing dropbear as Reaper and Symmatra and ripping a hole in the enemy team?

>he wants both sniper and tankbuster mccree without hero limit

How big of a fart do you rip?

Mercy is for breeding.

>people thought we'd be getting Summer Games on the 1st
>that's tomorrow and we've heard nothing
Blizzard please

Chasing a weak ghost Reapy trying to run away from the battle as Tracey and killing him right before he can grab a healthpack :3 They're cute when they know they're going to die.

She's cute!

>Solo queue
>High Diamond
>Queue with 4-stack
>Gold Elims with Winston, doing work
>Enemy switch to Reaper
>D.Va too incompetent to DM for me after I ask multiple times to follow me
>4-Stack asks me to switch to Rein because "Winston isn't doing anything"
>I grit my teeth and switch
>No idea how to play Rein
>Keep getting farmed by Tracer
>Team doesn't help
>Keep dying
>They ask me to switch off Rein again (they never switch btw)
>Go Zarya
>Haven't played her since S4
>Don't do well
>We lose
>I lose 33 SR

Never switching off my mains again
Why would I be a "team player" when I could have stayed on Winston and lost ~22 SR instead?

A lot of players are leaving OW, they are fucked either way.

I saw you posted this in the other thread and I had hoped you wouldn't retry but yet here you are.

The sooner the eSport scene dies, the sooner OW will be saved.

Big wet ones when I see the kill feed filled with death blossom

what does this have to do with esports?
Esports is dead baby

The playerbase, in order to save it, they need to listen to what the playerbase wants, and not some fatass streamer begging for buffs for his main.

>boring repetitive game
>barely any esports scene
Nothing can save this game, only waifus

at first I thought that ice cream was a pregnancy test, would have been hotter desu

That's why eSports needs to die.
Overwatch needs stuff like mods and user-made content, not muh competitive balance or some shit like that.

Uh... Jeff said he balances the game based on Quick play. That's the main playerbase.

In fact Blizzard does not listen to the pros.
Examples: Horizon map was lauded by pro players as the worst thing to happen as it went against every suggestion or feedback they had given.

Dive meta has been going on for 4 months which is killing ranked and compet so why havent they done anything?

Jeff said he does not want the game revolved around Ranked and does not want to encourage it, stating Golden Guns were the biggest mistake as he realized main playerbase doesnt like ranked.

So instead you have a very casual game which you claimed would save it. Which one is it?

You are right, I hate compet aspect of OW. The game is too casual. I'd rather just have map maker and more freedom just like in TF2. It's not meant for anything competitive as the game is literally a badly balanced version of TF2 randomizer game mode.

mei will soon be my wife!

>gold elims on winston
>meaning anything

nigga monkey farms elims like junkrat charges zaryas

>In fact Blizzard does not listen to the pros.
You know for a fact that's a lie, Jeff is a useless fuck who knows nothing about videogames and only listens to what personalities say, and the changes reflect that.
It's eSports ruining another multiplayer game all over again.

Put down the eSports scene, fire Jeff.
There, I saved Overwatch.

Your statement contradicts itself.

>Game has 6 events in one year used to milk playerbase out of money
>esports is killing it, goy!

>"T-the game is i-impossible to balance ADD PONY SKINS"

Found the TF2 players.

Yes, of course it is the eSport scene, because the balance of the game is made entirely around that due to the fact that Jeff is a talentless hack.
Plus, when it dies, no one is going to miss it but 10 year olds, so who cares.

Pretty much.

1 bn revenue from skins isn't something to laugh at.

Expect pony skins

>Jeff is a useless fuck who knows nothing about videogames
Obviously, you are a newfag and know nothing about Jeff. Stop posting and kys.

I know he has left WoW in a laughable state and then he went on to showing how he has absolutely, fuck all idea about balancing in Overwatch.

>double genji
>double lucio
>double winston
>genji instakill still in the game
>winston barrier unnerfed
Best meta ever.


>Jeff complains about bad design during his LoS years.

>Becomes a quest maker instead for WoW
>Becomes a quest maker for Titan later
>Titan is shit
>Becomes lead developer charged with fixing Titan and making it a FPS.
>Brags later on about how he keeps shutting down other employees balance ideas even though he usually excuses himself from criticism by saying that he's just the face of Overwatch.

This is the definition of being a talentless hack.
He played MMOs, not Quake.

Any proof besides "That guy who streams ovw for a year as a full time job"?


>2nd dps on team says im to hard to carry
>get POTG
>calls me shit
>get 55% elim part card
>still calls me shit
>has over 1200hours in OW and is diamond
>still says hes 100times better then me
>que up for some 1v1s
>get him
>lmao jk just qued for next match and got him on my team again

>giving (you)s to regular shitposters

OWL will save it.

>play after work.
>get matched with kids who start bitching as soon as we lose an egagement
>they can't aim for shit and refuse to think that they might be doing something wrong
>don't understand teamwork
>off sick work one day
>everyone is a bro
>great teamwork
>enjoyable games, even when we lose its fun and everyone is super chill
I just want to be a neet

You should always go Torb at these situations

Hey if it makes you feel better the enemy isn't doing too good in regards to team comp either.

No, hopefully it will finish it off.
They have that Battlegrounds turd to latch on to, so maybe they can go ruin that game instead.

yea neet hours are usually better

Doomfist actual release only had an activity spike for 90 mins then the playerbase went back to normal.
This is highly unusual.

Korean Gametrics showed that OW has almost lost 50% of it's active playerbase since Jan.
From 25% to 16% reign vs Other games in Korea.

Then you have the fact that OW no longer gets exposure from articles. They dont advertise the game anymore so it's just gonna go downhill. Most of the articles written about Overwatch today is about OW League drama or some Hero release every 4 months.

Playoverwatch.com (The main site for logging in or visiting forums) has 200-400k unique visitors a month.



>Useless shit nobody will ever do

I've found after 8pm to be safe enough, anything before then is just too risky

I'd rather be ratboy imo

Would a death match mode make this game better? Add it to the main play menu and change quickplay to competitive practice.

Sudden death is more fun imo.
Deathmatch is just annoying in OW as it feels like visual clutter maxed to extreme.

>6v6 elims style like tf2
>best of 16
>only 2 per category to help stop troll picks
>will auto pick from one of the unchosen category
>offense/defense count as the same category
>release 4 maps to comendate the new game mode
> well have a control point cap to avoid camping for long peroids of time
>1 health pack for both sides
>mega in the middle
Anything else im missing

Post your rare Meis!

Okay, It's teach me! corner time, because apparently I still have no idea what I'm doing.

I found out that I'm pretty useful as D.va so I finally decided to try them rank games.
But I met some people that POLITELY INSISTED that D.va needs to be constantly healed and I'm a huge faggot for flying around like a mosquito, DM'ing teammates that went out too far and potshotting people from high places. My role is supposedly in the team centre, unloading shotguns and eating ults, while getting constant heals.

And I'm fucking confused, because whatever I'm doing It clearly works. I even got into gold!
Then again, If I'm doing It wrong, I'm willing to learn

>playing dva

What's wrong with her?

Bougth the game early this year but I havent played since early May.

Perhaps this was simply not the game for me?

if you are playing D.va now you should minimum end up in Diamond

If not you are playing her wrong

I won a game in masters this morning where we had no tanks and one healer.



You're both right.

D.Va is meant to chase, but she also needs to be able to do her tanking role, this is why her mobility is so simple and effective, it allows her to chase/capitalize and then get back to her team ASAP.

You're doing it wrong as D.Va if you're constantly away from the team, but you're also not making the most of her if you just play her like Reinhardt.

The degree to which you want to be flying around with her will vary based on your team composition as well (namely how constantly you can be healed and what other tanks your team may have).




guys is it a waste of my xim4 if I main Reaper?

user stop, a man's dick can only handle so much.

Sorry, I will stop now.


Reminder that Doomfist is Roadhog 2.0 with a 4 second cooldown instead of a 6/8.

Why must we endure the eternal pain of the fact that Mei will never be real?

Please don't

They're pretty similar for how bullshit 1hko they are. I'd be okay with a bit of a nerf to the punch if they did something with his really weird primary fire.

>melee is the same as ranged
Reminder that you are fucking retarded.

>open up overwatch expecting nice calm menu theme
>loud doomfist coon tunes blares instead

There should really be a developer update addressing the state of the game right now.
The game had an awesome launch and to see it look like a piece of shit right now is just sad.

>rocket punch
>not ranged

>silver healing


Doomfist tends to require a wall for the one-shot, while Hog only needed to aim good.

>An omnic on the moon is not so special
>There are more robots than humans in space

Anyone else find Zenyatta mildly sinister? He doesn't really have many openly hostile lines but it's like the connotations of what he says make it vaguely aggressive

Yes and there are walls everywhere in this game.

>oneshot that brings you to the target
>oneshot that brings target to you

Masters is glorified bronze

>Pain is an excellent teacher.

t.3499 diamond

Methylamine barrel from Breaking Bad

>download highlight on lowest settings
is there a way to make it smaller?

>you will never make slow, sensual love to her
life truly is cruel.

20mb is very small for a video, user. And the only settings in OWs highlight system that would change the filesize of the export is resolution and frame rate. The others you can probably put as high as you want to just make the render quality of the game good for when it's recording.

If you want to post stuff here, you want to take the video file you got from the game and convert it to non-sound webm of filesize less than 3MB. The easiest way to do this is use Webm Converter/Webm for Retards, which will let you set a max filesize and preferred resolution.

>ywn have a cute british lesbian gf

game needs more one shot heroes. come on. wtf are you doing blizz?

Somalian RPG hero when?

>ywn be cuddling her in bed one night, then start to slowly feel her breasts and kiss her, initiating sex that is both amazing and very intimate.

thank you, user.

Characters that are perfectly balanced:
Soldier: 76

Characters that could use a tiny buff:

Characters that need to be nerfed:
D.va (DM)
Mercy (can't res from spawn)
Doomfist (1hko punch)
Hanzo (scatter arrow only)