/elyg/ elysium general

Beware of the DoN shills edition.

>Elysium is a vanilla WoW private server
>Server Homepage


Alliance guild:

Horde guild:

/who "guild name", whisper anyone!

>Vanilla WoW database


>Leveling Guide

>WoD models (Drop the MPQ in your data folder)

Old thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


DoN officer gets blown out by retard

Northcraft will save us.

>MoH got their janny-chan to delete the DoN thread and keep their thread up.
It's over for DoN now. MoH have taken back control and will stop any new players from joining DoN by shitposting. DoN will die out slowly now.

but there's one they fear, in their tongue he is GLASTON;SALTY DOG

>fishing on my hunter
>feeding fish to my cat
is there ANYTHING more comfy than this?

>tfw no one to play with

You'll get used to it after a while.

I'd rather not have to limit my leveling speed to another person. It's more fun to go at my own pace. Also, I'm 99% sure that if I start leveling with someone from level 1, they'll just quit by level 20 anyway.

Kings fucking honor, you peasant.


but what about friends user?

>Trying to level in the 50+ end game zones
>Get ganked every two minutes

Kangs' honor friendos

Friends are for 60.

tfw you spam beg for donations for "better hardware" and the server is lagging the same as nost with 5k less people.

>get dodged 4 times by mob
>mob crits me

Are we still posting dead Dindus?

What class?



>be autistic tranny guild jumping server like you're playing the game on a pogo stick
>Get really autistic about some other guild thats not even for the same faction as you advertising in the thread
>Phone Mommy janitor to delete everything for you

Cut off the serpents head...

Warrior. The struggle is real.

Horde or Alliance if I want to struggle in PvP? Seems like Alliance is really dominant, so I'd have a good time as Horde. I'm not sure which class to pick though. Hunter or Mage; Freedom is going to fuck me either way, so maybe Warlock?

Next tear goes to Yattz

orc hunter or undead shadow priest
just like cobe would of wanted

Shadow Priest's skill cap is pretty low though; I'll have you know I'm an MLG player.

then play druid

>takes 1-3 fully geared lvl 60's to kill a single leveling dindu

Truly we are the masters of the pvp

>be so insecure about your memeguild that you need to make thread 20+ posts earlier just to have some shitty anti-MoH oc in the OP
>get btfo'ed by the janitor
>get exposed by
>go into full damage control mode


Not that MLG.

>fully geared
>yattz playing the same class as manlett
>getting any loot

good one.

i hate everyone of you

but user yattz got mana igniting cord last MC

>being so buttdevestated that you take hours out of your day to camp greys
They'll be 60 soon too, tick tock!

NOWHERE to hide...

But i thought you guys were server 7th best at raids, why do you need 3 people to kill a lvl 40 horde player?

Im no mandate-nerd I just like ganking redditors.

>ganking a leveling guild and boasting about
still better than posting about traps and trannys
keep it up honestly.

why is this allowed? How do we stop this bully?

Handro 'The gay pink spider' is the only thing wrong with DoN

Mocky this has to stop.

>kicking random people from Veeky Forums because they aren't a part of your clique

Ok man

>thread barely has any posters
>no memes being posted
>no one having fun
I have been summoned by my people to save you all

Dubs decide what happens to him.

good job retard, go fucking kill yourself you absolute waste of air

There are no dubs newfag

ahaha epic fail

forgot pic

>get wand upgrade
>wand now does more damage than smiting or mind blasting
is there a better feeling in this game?

Isn't this the guy who ragequit MoH because he lost an argument


Dindu hunting should be a sport.

i really want newfag redditors to leave

>DoN GM literally telling people to raid the thread

pretty pathetic y'all


lol what a faggot orbiter

*leaks paladin discord sperg comments*

neither of them is online

Neither of those people is even an officer kek

you're probably the person who posted it and then screenshoted it nice false flag.

Its time to travel into the great beyond brave dindu.

Yesimret more like Yesimretard

btfo stupid fucking kraut nigger

>want to join horde guild
>don't want to get corpse camped by autistic trannys from Veeky Forums
guess I'm joining

What did he mean by this?

Join MoH instead


>but it's ok when Riceremoval ganks greys
Dindunuffin logic.

>join pre-established guild with no chance of raiding.
n-no ty......

>Joining trannies corpsecamping greys

lol no

By downing all the end game raid bosses.

Theyre also KoS-list, among chinkguilds.

bone here what the fuck are you guys even saying

some of you are okay
don't come to thousand needles today

chinks kill anyone who isn't chink anyway

>want to join alliance guild
>don't want to get corpse camped by dindus that think I'm a tranny
>alliance 60s camping the fuck of the dindus instead

Didnt DoN redditors say they will run premades, why not ask mandate if they play some warsongs against you?

yes its okay because he's friggin based

>"I dont have time to farm consumables, but I do have time to gank DoN and shitpost about it"

I use consumables.

>farming consumables
lol get a load of this tryhard virgin, kid it's a fucking 15 year old game go outside faggot

to gank random shitters in wpvp who are 20 levels below you

wow bone here please stop camping me i literally dindu nuffin

No, in raids and BGs.

just take res sickness and hs out man. these autistic fucks arent going to give up

real bone here, alliance shitters deserve to be holocausted
keep waisting you're time faggots i have all day :^)

>tfw you are the only dindu that hasnt been camped yet

Come at me MoH. Even 3v1 against a person 30 levels below you there is no chance for you.

Post feet and we stop.

Hey Cheevo, fucking kill yourself nigger :^) You're never coming back :^)

what's your name?

>leveling anything other than rogue or druid on a progressed vanilla PvP server with most players at 60
You deserve this

Do you think we dont have someone sitting on the gy already?
Be glad this is anonymous kiddo.



No, you dont.

Why would I want to come back to your cuck guild faggot? :^]
Thanks for the gold, bags and shirt btw. :^]

>guild drama
why even bother anymore

>tfw you get gravestone sceptre after healing BFD at lvl 20


That was a rogue my friend


Why would you get camped by dindus? You do realize there's only like 5 level 60s in that guild, right?