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Dreadshift is #1

Dragon players, are you taking out Grimnir? I want those luscious vials, but don't want to regret the decision. I don't need his enhance anymore, another board clear for 10 mana is just bad. I know he has value as a 2/3 ward for 3 pp, but I feel like these days a 2/3 ward just gets rolled over by stuff like BKB and Neutral.

>a 2 drop that trades into 3-drops is still not enough for haven players
>a 2 drop that trades into 3-drops and gives +0/2 and ward to dogs is still not enough for haven players
>a 2 drop that trades into 3-drops, gives +0/2 and ward to dogs, and double trades with x/1s is STILL not enough for haven players

Runebros you ready to Dshift hags and Banish shadow lolis?

This is Luna's meta dayo!

Why the fuck did they nerf snow white? Literally just a legendary fighter now. Only good thing is 3500 vials back.

How do you play a card game against a wolf? Why is luna so shit

>but don't want to regret the decision
It's physically impossible to regret the decision, crafting him costs the same as vialing him so there's literally zero risk to vial him now and then craft him later if you decide you want to run him again.

This is dumb. We were talking about the nerf. Of course Snow White was a good card before. Maybe even too good. But she's a card that becomes pointless if you change her stat values. Who wants to spend their turn 2 playing a 1/2 that becomes a 2/2? It's negative tempo. If you want a slow, negative tempo gameplan as Haven, there's plenty of cards for that.

I just threw in 2 hungering hordes and 3 razor claws.
I deleted the old deck so I don't really know what I had there before.

>muh Grimnir doesn't stop all attack and take two followers down with him anymore

Yeah, and shadow plays lurching corpse and a 3pp 1/1. Cry most, hagfag, even though I don't think snow white needs the nerf.

Show White was balanced.
Teatime is balanced.
All Haven cards are balanced
Shadowlog data is false data
Cygames date is false data
Aegis has 30% winrate. This is real data
Storm has 30% winrate. This is real data
Haven has 4% playrate.
Everyone who disagree is shadownigger

>basics everyone is guaranteed to have saturate the prebuilts
the fuck is this kike shit

Well, eventually that vial period will run out.

>Negative tempo
Who would want to play an amulet on turn 2 that becomes a 4/4 and a 2/1? It's negative tempo

Need a concede, 48732.

>playing a 2 drop that is sticky, has free ping, activates dogs, and can trade into any 3 drop is negative tempo for hagfags

>2PP Destroy almost any single follower
Nerf corpse now

Thanks Magisa.

It's not negative tempo to deny almost any 3-drop right before the turn they play it

That is literally the opposite of negative tempo

Yes? It fucking dies instead of surviving.

>cannot trade into non-ward
>need an activator
She's balanced.

The full vial refund from vialing him will run out, but he'll always cost the same to craft, so if you vial him now you can craft him whenever you want and there's still no risk to it since you'll have spent the exact same 2400 vials you got from throwing him away.

Birdcraft is best craft.
I really need to get Garuda.

That's actually one of the weaknesses of amulets originally, and has been forever. It's slightly slower than aggro, which means it can get blown out by really strong early decks. It's changed somewhat now because Teatime is just so crazy strong, but that was how amulets were balanced from the start.
You meant it as sarcasm, but yes, this is totally correct. Creature amulets ARE negative tempo that become positive tempo if you survive.

Yeah, but if I vial my Grimnirs, I'll have to recraft them later, at full price.

>help my 2pp cannot survive against a 3pp
Hagfags are all the same. Senile and self-emtitled.

>Animated Spawn
I don't want to kill you but, sorry

wait what the fuck why is the game installed on my SSD now?

>mfw I almost got memed
wew lad

But you got their full price in vials when you vialed them, so you don't actually lose any vials if you craft them again

>same vial count
For what purpose?

Post Nep decklist

Remind you, we're looking at cards in a vacuum and in the best possible conditions. It can literally l i t t e r a l l y kill a zeus FOR FREE. Not to mention soulsquasher doing the same for also nearly every card. How is this allowed?

>Cleared previous dragon campaign with Pendant
>Grimnir nerf sinks in
I'M SO SORRY OLD FRIEND... youtube.com/watch?v=-9yYJ6ZAYns

I won't have them if I vial them though, so getting full refund now isn't worth anything if I have to craft them later, at full price. Liquifying a Grimnir should give vials and a 2nd Grimnir to replace the one you vialled, later.

>unless my two drop can survive killing their 3 drop, it sucks and is negative tempo!

Why aren't you watching Satan cat desperately climbing towards GM before the points reset?

why are people mad that a legendary card is better than bronze / silver followers? why aren't people mad that other legendaries are far better than other followers at around the same cost?

Just neutral. bro


>Isabelle has a special taunt emote against Rowen on the story mode
Why can't we have them on PvP too?

Thanks for reminding me bro.

>Throwing away a 8% of 1.5% of 1.35%
What? You'll get 3500 vials in a fair bit of arena runs. You ain't gettin that animated lego back.

Because Fairy Dragon and corpselord exist, hagfag. What? Never had bad legendaries before?

That's Forest playrate.
Haven deck with Aegis is 7.6%, not counting Storm variant which doesnt run Aegis at all.

You should check previous threads
>"2PP legendary supposed to be BROKEN because of 3500 vials"
>"some gold cards are broken! Why 2PP legendary can't be broken?"
Pure gold

>not having bad legendaries
Sometimes you can get so blinded by your hate that you become just as delusional as the people you're shitting on

What is your argument here? Good legendaries shouldn't exist because there are also shit legendaries?

Nice assumption you made there.

But animated lego is just animated lego? That's all. No any bonuses

Nice Ouroboros there dragonfriend.
>tfw on a 6 winstreak with dreadshift

Hey, you assholes are butthurt about a 2pp that can trade into most 3pp. Cry me a river.

I can only buy 5/7 of the prebuilts, which 2 are the worst of the bunch?

>general shitpost

>what is jeanne, skullfane, and eidolon

Thorned anomaly is only good for elf queen which you only need 1x of anyway.

I have an animated Spawn and an animated Ouroborus. I'm not vialing them, and you shouldn't too, unless you REALLY need those vials.

Forest and Rune.

Yup, butthurt/10

Quick, I need a ramp deck to deal with aggro

You literally cannot
If Seraph costed 1pp, they would say that it was balanced

>this late to climb
Is he just waiting for the meta to be ant eater free?

>Fite me
>Was so powerful they had to mutilate him. The first of the legos to be nerfed
>Was absolutely savage within the power curve of the cards when he was being designed and is only bad because the dev team went full retard


>implying I'm butthurt about it
I didn't think Snow was worth it in my Haven decks to begin with, don't take your obvious asspain out on me just because you forgot Haven has some pretty shit legendaries.

>Using a card that got nerfed as proof of bad legendaries

>dshitter emoting after top decking lethal
Can we just put them all in concentration camps already?

stop this meme


>Angelic Noble
>6 mana 6/6 with huge drawback


>6 mana 6/6 with hugely powerful effect


>implying it's not
Post Jannu instead

game ai isnt update their tier list
where the hell should i netdeck then ?

Are you having fun?

What would you call increasing his pp cost then?

>scarlet sabreur

the only people who would be seriously complaining about snow white are neutral aggro shitters that get stopped in their tracks by the card.

Reminder that Snow White was literally balanced and only Shadowniggers and Dragoncucks think that a 2-for-1 lego was broken

>up against shadow
>completely winning board
>they play eachtar into eachtar
yeah, this card is totally fair cygames

Fits perfectly in aggro blood.

Uhhh...Guys I just started up Shadowverse on Steam after downloading the update. Why does it want me to download the whole game again?

>prebuilt legos have different voice acting
ayo hol up

I would call it a beta test
since the beta is for testing things
and you weren't even playing this game

Maybe it's because it was against AI, but Tempo Dragon is fun.

You see, you were winning the board, which means you were losing it all along.

>huuuuur why won't anyone let me "chemo" in peace


why do rune players always have to be such disconnect faggots?

Cygames changed the place files are stored on your computer. Also you don't download most of the files from valve's servers anymore, but cygames's.

>tfw first grimnir play with no burn
>Even pendant boosting its attack doesn't help
Ow.... It's 10pp help your opponent win and all cause people ran low curves and little to no healing. Whew lad


i think you might have brain damage
seek immediate medical attention

Forgot pic related. I was playing it just fine before the maintenance.

Take your meds please

>You need an activator for snow white
They play nothing that you can activate it off of. Which means they made a rather low tempo play, and the hag player considers this not in their favor?
If they play a 1pp/2pp/3pp that you can't trade in to die you're doin' pretty well.

Roost is back, bois.

I hope you not fucking with me and this deck worth it.
But what about Satan Cat Nep deck?

legendaries are supposed to have strong effects, and all snow white did was go 2 for 1 as a stat stick
>its okay that grimnir consistently goes 2 for 1 though

>Nerfs don't count if they were during a beta
It amazes me how far disconnected from reality Haven players are.