/mhg/ - Monster Hunter General

>Monster Hunter: World
-MH:World revealed for PS4 and Xbox One early 2018, and eventually PC. youtube.com/watch?v=xe-RAeDfOMM
↳Information with sources: pastebin.com/TRFRGFn1
↳Weapon Intros: youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_ALSpmx2A8sAdeuYKMnrCt0xCpwPyPbC
↳Gameplay 7/24: youtube.com/watch?v=aGMrgDM7Fco#t=26m10s

-Monster Hunter XX Nintendo Switch Ver. confirmed for 8/25 in Japan, region free. youtube.com/watch?v=CvzTD_RYDXs
↳No current plans for XX localization "at this time". twitter.com/monsterhunter/status/875133030326652928
-Monster Hunter Stories due for a 9/8 release in EU, Q4 NA.

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.

Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.

Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Passcode: 7243
In XX, ターグット: Gathering フィールド採集 (page 1, middle right)
In Generations, Objective: Gathering
In 4U, Target: Fishing

Tags: MHWorld, MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, Stories, MHO, MonHun, /mhg/

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Lagombi a cute! CUTE!

what are some good skills to look for swaxe in 4u? i'm currently using the narga set and i'm currently guild hr7 and caravan hr9.

You're better off waiting till G-rank to make your next good armor set instead of wasting time with HR armor.

so just grab the one with the highest AC i can?

Nah. Shit monster, even worse armor.

Yeah that's what I'd recommend. I spent a lot of time farming some HR7 monsters for an armor set I wanted with honed blade and guard+2 for CB and I ended up throwing it away just after I got to G2.

I'd recommend saving a lot of your future grinding/farming for G rank where it really matters.

the only game where power phial isn't the best phial, of course.
status phial is third best, but still pretty good. this SA can almost do 100% uptime poison

>HH is great in multiplayer,

Its a great solo weapon too you fucking memelord. If you're standing around only playing songs you're doing it wrong.


Almost any poison weapon can 100% uptime poison, shitter.


official gw2g shitter list
>unironically likes post-2nd gen weapons
>thinks that more weapon types should be added
>argues that charms are shit because he thinks he has to farm for them
>plays huntresses with high pitched animu voices
>has an unreasonable obsession with a starter or flagship monster
>thinks anything about frontier is remotely good
>hunts online for anything except farming punchbag monsters like dahren
>uses any style that isn't guild
>hates apex but likes hyper

Actually, I think you ]saved yourself some trouble. I don't know how much defense you had, but I'm sitting around 415 with a gore/gore S mix and it really hurts when I get hit. A high-end HR set would hold you over easier in the early G rank, where there's no good sets to make until at least G2.

I tried farming garuga for its armor and weapons, but with HR armor it's just not happening.

with status+2 and for the first 6 minutes of the hunt, maybe
you'll have it active a lot but not literally 100% of the time, diminishing returns and all

No, without Status+2 and with low status high raw.
There's good in Frontier, but the two shitstains in this thread never talk about it.

lets hear it, what do you consider "good" in frontier?

Many of the QoL features like the decoration system, the send all to box, literally anything unrelated to (fighting) monsters.

>Tfw you tick all of these boxes but the last one

>not liking IG in theory
>not wanting more/better weapons
>thinking charms are okay just because you cheat for them, and not recognising that the fact that you're going as far as save editing to circumvent the system means it's a shitty system
>agreed 100%
>agreed 100%
>not liking at least some of the music
>being too autistic to enjoy the social experience of a cooperative game
>still playing XXX in the first place
>agreed 100%
user I think you're probably the shitter

you forgot:
>playing XX
>playing Gen

They should add more gunner weapons, a proper hunting boomerang for example

>has a few melee swings but mostly focused on throwing the damn thing
>can be charged like the GS, locks you into place when charging, very slow weapon and high risk to use.
>can hit the monster twice in one throw if aimed well
>can be caught by the hunter upon return, or can be ignored and picked up later, if caught you can combo into other moves/throws
>hunter becomes unarmed temporarily when they throw the thing.
>can be configured to deal slashing or blunt damage depending on the boomerang being made.

Why are Monoblos and Diablos different monsters again?

same reason lions and lionesses are different

Lions and lionesses are the same species, though

But that's a horrible idea, as evidenced by the fact that the XXX team came up with it
Boomerangs are literally nigger-tier weapons

Originally intended as solo and multi counterparts, the idea continued with Lunastra and Teostra but obviously the former went missing in recent years.

next you're going to say that hold to carve/gather is a horrible idea, too.


Make it a gunner only armor skill that all the gunners can use as a secondary weapon if activated.

sexual dimorphism is a thing you know. like the rathians and rathaloses

Yes, Rathalos and Rathian are also the same species. Monoblos and Diablos aren't.

you already have that in the form of the boomerang item

monoblos is a subspecies of diablos my dude

Isn't black diablos just a female diablos ?

And Ceanataur is a subspecies of Hermitaur?

yes. they look the same in adolescence besides color.

I drew Lagi

What monster should I do next?

basarios, so you can practice drawing rocks

Have you thought about entering that weapon design contest that Capcom is doing?

No I didn't hear about it. Is it going to be one of those "GET DA MOST UPVOTES TO WIN" like with the Dark Souls shield design contest? It was hell. It was nothing but begging for votes and the ecelebs won anyway.

>red horns and shell spikes

How usable is pierce HBG in 4U?
I've been using normal all this time but there's a decent pierce up set that I want to use because my HR set gets me one shot by almost everything.

Yes, but boomerang is trash as it is.The armor skill would turn the existing item into a semi viable one.

Reminder:World will be trash because there won't be a comfy home base town due or guild hall because the guild girl is always travelling with you.

didn't they already say World is gonna have a main town?

it look fucking great dude
draw a lao shan lung sleeping in a giant coloseum like ancient ruins
also try this

I'm not entirely sure.


Hope you guys are ready for egg puns this September!

Please just stop fucking shilling
Everyone's already played the game
Holy fuck you faggot just stop

Hey Aria...

What about those who haven't played the game user? Not everyone has a modded 3DS y'know

Like me :'D


>your waifu's game will never be localized
why live?

The best part of stories is Tub

If you haven't played it, then boy are you in for a shock when you realize you've been shilling molten garbage


How is it that furfag artists can make even a literal metal dragon look fluffy

Careful with those random buzzwords, SJW.

What if I end up liking the game?

Go back to fucking your dog, proto-SJW

Bad shading that makes the scales look soft instead of shiny.

Then you at least have that satisfaction
You're too retarded to hack a 3ds, so you need as much as you can get

"Buzzword" is a buzzword

This is fun. Give me your weapon ideas.

worse, it is, allah forgive me for uttering this word, abbo-tier

Shit, you're right

Are you a girl....?

Scatfag on suicide watch.

That's right, Nintendies. You're only allowed to shill MHWorld, not something that's on Shitch and 3Dshit.


Good night, /mhg/.

It's not nintendo's fault that the games they got were shit

tfw the charge blade was such a travesty it gave iwata terminal cancer


garbage boys like these deserve each other

Reminder to give Milsy-chan all your horn coins!

N was a great villain by pokemon standards you faggot

t. MasterfurryXDDD.
Seriously considering reporting you to the RCMP, you sick fuck

So this is what it's come to.

It's not him. This cunt's daily shitpost predates the Isabelle/Hanako ones.

W has come to


I think the fact that it's also pedoshit means the arbitrary "How furry a thing can I fap to while still denying I am a furfag?" doesn't work in your favour here, m8

It's even worse than furry

>Milsyposting predating Isabelleposting
Fuck off newfag.

It started as Meowstress posting. You first.

I'm not denying anything :^)

newfag on 4u here, when should I play online?

once you get good at not dying too much

And I remember him posting Isabelle as early as 4U. Meowstress is from Gen so get the fuck out, faggot.


The records will reflect the daily isabelle spam starts in October 2016, while the first instance of "I want to impregnate Miss Cat!" appears 10 Dec 2015. There's more than one or two faggots around, that's for sure.

Anybody up for Guild 7 quests in MH4U?
GH: 56-8912-9070-1529
Password = rage


So first it was Milsy, then the Meowstress and now Ms. Cat? Keep moving those goalposts, faggot.

Will World have god tier music?

Stay blind.

Nice photoshop work, faggot

I'll join you in 30 min or so.


Fourteen weapons confirmed.
Sixteen player lobbies.
You direct your movement while mounted.
No separation of guild quests and village quests.