/svg/ - Shadowverse General

Bird and Bunny edition.

Changes to seven cards: Tove; Baphomet; Spawn of the Abyss; Goblin Leader; Grimnir, War Cyclone; Ouroboros; and Princess Snow White

Rewards for top 10k players on August

Leader poll results

Maintenance from 7:00 p.m., Jul 30 – 3:00 a.m., Jul 31 (PT). Details.

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Is neutral shadow gud?


>Having trouble with story mode
t. beginner

I rather have neutral blood meta back than this Dshift meta.

Snow white didn't deserve the nerf just like lightning blast.

They cheat with those decks though. I don't remember the fucker but the guy that was playing sword cards and the suddenly dropped a balanced man can go fuck itself

>Losing to DShift
Spotted the hag

>Do story mode
>Urias even manages to make Eris start to seriously question her own motivations for doing this

Blood's cancer in the meta aside, why is Urias so based?

Also, how come I am starting to respect Rowen after story mode

So what's the current Ramp list?

>not respecting HEAR
he and urias were always the best leaders in the game by fucking far, elfu is cute and the rest can go die in a fire.


>why is Urias so based?
Master morality.

What the actual fuck happened that it lived that long?

There isn't. CForest is a hot mess. Festival cforest can't take the tempo loss. cforest running pixie's-altered fate for its engine can't take the tempo loss.. Wolf-anomalous dragon still gets railed. double anomaly still gets dude removal lmao'd Can't attack has no win con, old cards, and can't value either way to capitalize on it. Tempo elf is frail and inconsistent even after brambles ephemera and fairy driver tried to band-aid their aging backbone. Jungle Wolfbolt is janky and too easily healed out of range for good. Dread Princess-queen gets wrecked before t10 and even then it's still only 15 dmg a turn if you do nothing else and 24 over 2 turns. You don't even have roach to cap off like old rose queen decks. Roach is hurting from more wards and better aggro killing it. ptp elf is too slow and inconsistent. Refuge tempo elf was already a highroll deck before it was gutted by just giving literally everyone 4pp sage commander. Titania-Reina simalacrum forest has too many old cards and can't take the tempo loss of titania. Autoevolve treant mid gets mangled because everyone else doesn't have to kill themselves for +2/+2 that still dies to trades, removal, etc. Making the 0 costs ends you. B&B's not enough unless they're a shit deck and you nut some sweet ETA. Woodland band doesn't function in boardclear verse

Maybe include some substance or don't bother to shitpost

Stop shitting up this thread with Aegis, Elana, Sybil, ramp dragon and stupid newfag things.

Depends. If you want to win against Shadow you need to put cards like Saha, Israfil and Wrath Drake. If you want to win against Dshift you need to put Forte, Genesis and Urd.

What's ther most boring craft in the game and why is it sword?


I've got 38k vials what should I play?

>What the actual fuck happened that it lived that long?
The same thing that happens every time sonic snowballs: wards and rush followers trading everything

Dull people live dull lives

Realistically speaking? None. I have not meet a single dragon player in ranked so far.

Dont play this game.

Play Satan and Queen of the Meme seas with Oz

Is going 2nd is still as bad as before?

Can forest get more than 5% playrate now?

>2-3 Balanced man in row is now pretty common thanks to demon eater


post dick

>that neutral rune deck in story mode

just lightning blast bro, cant recover his shadows if hes banished :^)


>Face Otohime in Story Mode
>Now she's super easily ruined by a Salamander's Breath or just a 2 PP Hungering Horde

Man, times have changed

>T6 almost dead

ETA, Glass?


>Mulligan for B&B
>It's gay-ass roach bounce
>Mulligan for roach
>It's B&B
God fucking

Should I liquefy animated ouroboros?

nah keep it

I won't liquefy any animated lego

You can do it anytime untill next patch

>mfw learning how to use D-Shift
Truly the thinking man's deck. It feels nice being on the other end of this complete bullshit.

Elf Twin's Assault and Through the Looking Glass or whatever the fuck that 2pp card that turns all your cards into neutrals is called.

Alternate aegis looks amazing

I hope you newfagass doesn't start to be so entitled as to shit up the thread with your spamming A rank knowledge.

Need a concede at 75611.
Please and thank you.

Need a concede.

not that guy, but here's mine

Haven't tried it out against any real humans yet but it worked in story mode!

>playing haven aegis
>realise that here's no point to naoise anymore without spawn
he's not bad but I almost never feel the need to drop him

Is Nep shadow any good? I only need two more Neps and 2 Mordecai for this deck youtu.be/L0Rfbkr5LmQ
Seems kinda fun

I wish I wasn't poor so I could buy Haven, Blood and Shadow prebuilts.

But I've been here since DE. I never tried D-Shift until now since I always spent my vials on meme decks.

Post newest dshift dick. I want to fuck hag on ladder.

Ty mama forte.

Thanks mommy Forte.

I figured. The discordfags replying each other are driving me nuts.

Is mama forte a bot?

It's first impression. You will understand later why everyone hates D-shit
You bragging about your rank so much. I hope you not some NEET who achieved nothing except Master in SV



Why is Urias so based?

yeah basically the same as mine as well.

"almost" is better than "never". I definitely wouldn't play x3 copies of though, obviously.

>bragging about your rank
Oh, there you go. As I said, so damn entitled.

>Shadow is my favourite class
>Mordecai is my favourite card
>Nep shadow is my favourite deck because i can play him
>The sole existance of Eachtar prevents shadow from getting any good cards from now on, while killing the variety of the class
>Before you could play aggro, midrange, control, tyrant and atomy memes
>now unless you play eachtar you are putting yourself at disadvantage
>if you play Eachter you are instantly judged as a bandwagoner
Thank you.

Sorry, my little NEET friend, but I'm grandmaster

>Dimension Shift
Take another turn after this one. At the end of that turn, lose the game. Subtract 0 from the cost of this card.
Spellboost: Subtract 1 more
There, I fixed DShift

No. Use it in your pendant meme deck

So? The rest of your new circlejerk friends aren't.

Should I vial ALL grimnirs, or just 1?

Kill yourself mordefaggot.
You people have been whining for a fucking year now.

All, you lose nothing if you want to recraft them.

Why does control blood suck so much ass? Or why do I? I have no problem with the early game but where, are, the win cons.
And rest in pepperonis if you fight dshift, seraph, aegis, or got unlucky against a fast ramp. This last season I got to aa0 from c rank only playing cblood but the fun ends here I guess. Not that playing against midrange shadow, haven, or nblood was fun.
I started playing this game shortly after totg came out

Yeah you're actually right on the money. The deck I've done best with aside from Neutral is PTP just because you can sometimes high roll with it and win. The class is utter trash.

You can always just craft him again at no vial loss


Dshift is already "fixed", dumb hag.


>bragging about your rank

Why is Eris so cute when trembling?

So Eris' chapter still is lagging behind. What would they plan for her?

It's imbued into him by his pure bara-ness

It's almost like you cucks shed your integrity to play aggressive decks against each other which happen to have a preferred matchup against aegis so no shit. It's oppressive where it's not constantly being held down



>I nolifed to a rank anyone can grind to without being good

This is not bragging.

There you have it. Big Mama protectora.

Have fun playing against shadow every other game

I feel bad for Rowen.

>mfw lose to a guy running demonic storm

This line is unclear, do the Grimnir and Ouro from the prebuilt not give extra vials or is it only talking about the animated ones that can't even be liquefied in the first place?

Forest is dead. I have moved on from forest to dshift since it is the only consistently combo left.
>le roach super op
>le gobu pull too consistent for a combo deck
Kys roach falseflaggers. I am enjoying my dshift which can consistently go off on turn 8 and can't be stopped by a simple ward.

That's why you use "t. A/B/C/D/F rank as insult", right?

With aggro blood if it has face damage it's a viable tech.

Wow you are dumb

I'm still waiting for Sofiel card, Cygames.

You can't vial cards that have alternative card arts. You can still vial GURIMUNIRU and Ouro, but not Sybil.

pretty sure it's saying animated legendaries won't be able to be liquefied even if their stats/effects are changed in the future

t.roachfucker, this wouldn't have happened if KMR had nerfed your precious roach husbando in DE like he should've

People who complain about roach are those who can't rub their 2 brain cells together to play around imminent roach strike. They should all die.

Non-Roach players don't know the pain of auto-conceding to a turn 6 Death's Breath.