/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

Previous: >[Fate/Grand Order Fes. 2017 ~2nd Anniversary~]
>There will be a quest named "Memorial Quest" in Chaldea Gate, clearing it will reward the players with their choice of "Heroic Spirit Formal Dress" Craft Essence from the 47 choices.
>Choices of the CEs also depend on the "Clear" status for each Singularity.

30 Jul-9 Aug: Sherlock Holmes (in all rate up)
2 Aug: Fuyuki, Orleans
3 Aug: Septem, Okeanos
4 Aug: London, America
5 Aug: Camelot, Babylonia
6 Aug: Shinjuku , Agartha
7 Aug: Da Vinci + 2016 Anniversary CE

>Strengthening Quest for 14 Servants.

>Guaranteed SSR Limited gacha

>English FGO has its own general for now, search /fgoalter/ in the catalog
>There are now costume options, Mashu is the only one available now
>Skill interludes for Astolfo and Arjuna, NP interlude for Geronimo, quartz interludes for Cu Alter, Jeanne Alter, David, Billy the Kid and Li Shuwen.
>Swimsuit versions for Nitocris, Nobunaga and Saber Alter have been revealed for the next Summer event


>Farming Guide


>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>Friendlist Spreadsheet (last reset: June 29)
Add yourself docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCq3eZgh3zlUtZ3G6Y-zzv1kaXt4GHuWVBRlV__V3Q3rC2Pg/viewform
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA

>Materials, experience and event AP simulators

>Alternate Servant/CE DB

Other urls found in this thread:


gil isnt great though, just a generic saberface

It's good to be back

ahh stop talking about holmes
there's only so much money I can drop in one day

>just a generic saberface

/SummerJannu/ thread.

Wasted 900 quartz. Got tamamo caster, karna and sherlock. I was aiming my dick at sherlock, got 2 more SSR, was it good????

Accurate representation of new player

So the announcement on 2nd august comes at JST 0000, together with the strengthening quests?

Or are they gonna do a livestream to announce the announcement again

Melt thread

>I was aiming my dick at sherlock
>got sherlock
of course

Is Sherlock /ourgirl/?

From /fgoalter/ with love
>Fate/Grand Order's Japanese team always wanted to put out an English release, but the primary motive came last year at Anime Expo 2016, when we saw so many Americans cosplaying Fate/Grand Order characters. So we realized that we needed to hurry up and get going on the English release.

You laughed at them, and this is the punishment you have earned.



someone have the lancelot anniversary ce? is the last that I need to complete the pokedex

Where is Melvin when we need him !
>implying Melvin truly love Lancelot and choose him.

Why (You) are naked?

Is apocrypha the worst thing that happened to fate?

Uhh Jetfags?

I'm the worst thing that's ever happened to Fate, thank you very much.

?For our final question, how will you handle events and releases that have already occurred in Japan? Will you copy the Japanese schedule or create modified events for English-speakers?

>Shiokawa: The basic idea is that we want English-speaking fans to have the same experience that Japanese fans had, so the order of events would try to follow the Japanese versions. Following this, we won't be able to do things in the exact same order, so the schedule may be modified.

Quick, start cosplaying the Alter Egos.
For authenticity, saw off your arms or legs and replace them with the prosthetics modeled after them.

>local kigurumi went berserk

Grand Avenger Cain
Grand Ruler Abraham
Grand Saber Michael
Grand Archer Prometheus
Grand Lancer Moses
Grand Rider Genghis Khan
Grand Caster Solomon
Grand Assassin King Hassan
Grand Berserker Samson
Grand Shielder Qin Shi Huang

Why is she so flat?

I think I saw a nip post a costume for Passionlip, and so far it looks good, especially the giant hand-claws thing. I wonder how she'll pull it off, though.

Why would Cain be a fucking avenger and not an assassin?

I'm sure this will come as a shock.
But jetfags doesn't even have lancelot.

Because (You) are a slut.

Were Beasts weak to something?

>900 SQ
>user on previous thread spent 1400 SQ.

How many SQ do you all spent on Sherlock Gacha?

>implying we don't already have grand assassin Cain

Aside from that, would Cain be impacted by the myth he is the ancestor of vampires ? Also, Grendel is supposed to be his descendant too.

My dick.

What are you putting as your message, /fgog/?



None because it's all going into the swimsuit banner for pic

I don't know I'm thinking of something happy and inspiring but I'm not happy right now so it's hard to come up with something

>dark nipples
Disgusting shit.

>could've had a voluptuous Lancer Seibah for Swimsuit event
>get Takeuchi's fetish doodles on waifubait Seibah instead

>Kawasumi: I think that my grand premise is that there is one Saber, which always refers back to Saber from Fate/stay night. You can add different elements to that, such as the Saber who discovers the joy of good food, or the Alter Saber who discovers junk food, but they all go back to the original Arturia Pendragon.
>Alter Saber who discovers junk food
>burgerland release

You guys

Check out Riyo's most recent comic.

seven tickets+30 quartz. I got him with the tickets but then I became greedy.

is Nero the Saber who discovers the joy of dicks


left or right?

A simple and revealing En avant !

>tfw evil cat will never look at you like that

I'll think of something.

Right. But get this thing out of the general. Apo is shit.

>the myth he is the ancestor of vampires
Isn't that just a WoD thing? I'm pretty sure vampires aren't mentioned in the Book of Genesis.

>Iwakami: To be honest, it's not really the sales from the game that matter so much as the expansion of the Fate fanbase. That's what we really want to see.

DoAfags BTFO

For King Hassan ?
None, it's just a very popular theory with a lot of hint.

>We will try to follow the Japanese version event release
>But we won't follow the Japanese version event release
So much for the NA players pushing the myth that they will get a summer event this year.

>Jeanne no co-
>Sieg and Astolfo there
I guess right.

They're willing to move small events going by Extella release, but will they start fucking with the big events? It would throw a monkey wrench into everyone planning their roles by the JP schedule.

Is there a Hakunon FES fan art or no?

>a lot of hint
Just that KH is old and worships Allah.

>tfw evil cat will never be in my rolls

>I'm pretty sure vampires aren't mentioned in the Book of Genesis.
They aren't but it's a popular myth often used.
Bible don't mention many demon/angel names in fact, most are apocryph. Vampire aren't in at all.

>Astolfo, Jeanne and Sieg

FP gacha

10.0 thread.

Well no, she's a virgin

black(ed) because red never did anything for me in this game
jannu known for saving my dumbass multiple times include the arturia alter challenge quest we have now

14 tickets and 600 SQ. Ended up with 1 Sherlock and 1 Rama. Hundreds of mana prisms though

Bryn strengthening will be her prana burst or her primordial rune?

>Old (older than Gil)
>God fanatic
>cursed to be recognised when approaching
>ability to kill anything would fit the first killer
probably forgot some.

>DW permanently made all daily quests cost 1/2 the AP they did before

Remind me again why people aren't satisfied with the anniversary improvements?

Don't worry wait until summer is over and the game will die a painful death

>implying grand ruler will be human

Primordial Rune is less useful overall so I'm hoping for that, but Prana Burst wouldn't be bad either
If primordial rune can give the enemy a debuff that marks them as beloved it would be cool

My hands are reaching bottom as I see this picture

tfw evil cat buffs never

user... Are you a newfags ? Di you never had 1/2 Ap ?

/v/eddit wants a free servant thinking that will make the game better

That's just temporary until 9th August, you retard.

Daily quests are only 1/2 ap until August 9th

>tfw NP2 and 35k bond points left
I'll get that bond CE soon. You'll get her user, don't give up.

I'd be fine with an animation update.

>2 quartz left
>no Sherlock
m-maybe next time

Are you literally me

is there another emulator that will work for fgo? memu seems to be broken

Did evil cat become a slut after she discovered Artemis was one?

Didn't notice the new thread.

Anyone care to chime in?

Did anyone else blow everything on Holmes and get a cute amazon instead

Stay on this general user, anytime I'll give an account with sherlock!

I spent 900 too, but unlike that guy Holmes was the only 5* I ended up with. Still worth it.

How would the Ultimate One skill work gameplaywise?

>get Sherlock
>suddenly get a bunch of friend request
>one of the request had Moriarty

who knows
remixos works for now

he's shit

>she's a virgin
user I...

Just 18 more Quartz than you and I think I should wait for some 2nd August news and Summer 2017 servants.

3 tickets since I'm saving for summer

There is something deeply wrong with his face

She realized her hips are made for breeding.

I think it would have been cool if DW had made it so Bryn would get some sort of buff if one or more Beloveds were in play on the field. Not just that her NP does bonus damage against a Beloved, instead maybe a skill or overcharge that buffs her attacks in some fashion for X number of turns if a Beloved is in play at the time.

So where is the mhxa quest located at? Is it in shinjuku cause i havnt beaten it yet

He has extreme baby face.

>Black team represented by the black rider, a random homunculus and the """""neutral""""" Ruler