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Hong Kong season has been delayed. Poland map has been canceled. GROM operators will be released together with HK and SK operators.

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goddamn twitch used to be ugly as fuck

>used to be

>was destroying everyone in my path yesterday
>can't hit shit today

4th for IQ is the ugliest thing ever designed for a game, and thats jsut from only being able to see the top half of her face. if you could see the bottom half she'd be twice as ugly

>playing fighting games on a controller
This just keeps getting worse, you're a stupid faggot.

ayo hol up so does that mean this shit confirmed now
i really hope it is.

>giving anyone shit for playing fighters with a controller
what the fuck are you gonna even say you fucking faggot everyone with just a speck of taste who plays fightans does so with a controller
the only people who don't are faggots who think m-muh pc master race is something completely exclusive and that controllers are the devil, and tryhard razerbois who play fightans with fightsticks, both of which should be culled on sight

t. pcfat

Just give me the new Ops Ubi.
Why did I buy this meme pass?

>hat the fuck are you gonna even say you fucking faggot everyone with just a speck of taste who plays fightans does so with a controller
>the only people who don't are faggots who think m-muh pc master race is something completely exclusive and that controllers are the devil
So you're admitting you don't actually play fighting games and have literally no clue what you're talking about, that's okay, but I don't see why you need to get so angry over it.

>lol silly u, clearly doesn't know what you're talking about
end yourself at your earliest convenience

twitch is my wife!

why is IQ so ugly

Where are the new ops

Some people have been worn down and are about to break. All it takes is one more dumb thing to set them off and tilt them.

And then there's some people who were born ready to yell at strangers because they failed.

>hes not doing the free alpha pack glitch on pc RIGHT NOW
What do you have to lose?


They banned people just for partying up with people who glitch TH for a little bit of extra renown. You think I'm going to risk getting banned for some stupid fucking skin I don't give a fuck about?

why u gay tho?

dont be a pussy nigga
explain nigga

>being this mad you got wrecked on an anonymous image board
Oh dear, you really need some help.

Alt-f4 on alpha pack screen after match and it will reroll the spinner. Have fun

That doesn't even make sense. Reroll when?

After match screen when you win a game

You know, I had an idea that was pretty much this, didn't bother testing it because I didn't feel like it, but god damnit, now a bunch of retards will be doing it and it will become bannable.

More important question, where did you hear about this?

Assuming you aren't bullshitting and this just costs me a pack.

> played one game and completely carried 14-3.
> whole team wants to stay together and bath in my glory again.
>mfw I came bottom of the board with 2 kills and accidentally killed the hostage one round.

3rd twitch best twitch



god i love strong women

You said alt-f4 you faggot.

I'd be surprised if they can't track how often you roll, by the way.

>let's get this video to a thousand likes
>eye-gouging low FOV

Fuck outta here.


he was joking & if you really thought that then you're new to the internet and shouldn't be playing mature-rated video games

No, he clearly fucked up you retard, and notice the prior post was "if you're not bullshitting". So no, no one believed it and you're an illiterate cunt.

didnt the fags who glitched renown use cheatengine?
whatever I'm still almost certain ubi will drop the hammer on whoever tries this.
hopefully this will lead to the cam fix along with the pack glitch so ubi at least sort of tries not to look like shameless shekel grasping juden.

Why are pcucks so angry all the time thats the last time i help you faggots

>server connection failure
>lose a rank
thanks ubi

>didnt the fags who glitched renown use cheatengine?
Yes, with battleye off, and at the time I told them they were retarded because there is no way Ubi can't check how much renown you got in what period of time as long as you log in at some point, assuming they can't check how you got it IE situations, since no one is legitimately getting a 20K score in situations.

For this you're literally rerolling something on their server, if they can't check how many times you rolled in X amount of time then I would be surprised.

Nigger I'm not shelling out for a stick when I can beat other stick users just fine with the default controller, and I know you're not talking about using a keyboard you autist.

>tfw didnt get banned for doing the renown glitch thing with cheatengine

How many dicks did you suck?

too many

see that's the difference:
>renown farming:
use external programs to modify values in the game - rightfully deemed illegal, breach of ToS
>alpha pack glitch:
uses no external programs, modifies no ingame values - and most importantly IT CAN BE VIABLY EXPLAINED AS COINCIDENCE, IT COULD JUST HAPPEN TO ANYONE.
Since when is using base functionalities of the underlieing OS a breach of ToS?
And additionally the renown was locally accumulated and then synched with the server, whereas the alpha pack thing happens with a live server connection. can't blame anyone but yourself for letting rerolls happen on YOUR server

Thats why i think it'll go unpunished. still not doing it personally

t. macie jay

>accidentally break one of jäger's thingies with a barricade because the fucking moron put it up in the middle of a door and i didn't even see it
>oh well, nothing to worry about
>continue doing my shit
>just type "no?"
>putting up mats
>someone kills me
>it was jäger
>ask what the fuck is wrong with him
>starts a votekick against me
>just leave because why put up with that shit
>my fucking face when

even though i just left without escalating it further, it still left a sour taste in my mouth
what the fuck is wrong with people?

I thought he died

>TFW you realize it's an undercover ubisoft employee who is the source of all of the detectable glitches/hacks so they can ban all the people who are willing to abuse them

>I wasn't able to get it in THIS video
>but it works guys

good artists never die

>Jager putting down his ads
I've yet to see a Jager that doesn't just roam and spawn peek without reinforcing or using his gadget


what are the siege OTPs?

ubisoft finds the bugs or adds them in then leaks them via undercover employees while also letting the people who work on battleye or fairfight or whatever what to look for

Are you saying cam glitchers won't be punished then?

This is a question, not an argument.

>grape and orange cereal
what the fuck.


funniest shit ever. nothing beats watching eceleb streamer cancers getting assraped


I legitimately think his art is improving. that or he traced this.
the fucking sushi roll shotshells will never not piss me off though.

Not him but I'm gonna assume if cam glitchers are reported eniguh they might get banned for it, I don't think it should be permanent though

>mfw reddit still upboats his shit no matter what


>pressure gauge not attached to the oxygen tank
>that fucking arm
>that milk splash
vek, my dude, you can do better than this

When's the next update ? Not the hong kong one but the better server one.

never ever goy
now buy more alpha packs

better servers? no clue
next update/maintenance? August 1st

>Thermite having that much hair and not having a high and tight

I'm new to this game.

I usually have about 50 ping. What the fuck is it with people peaking windows, and I can't even see them when they peak, but on their screen they do a full peak, and their right in my line of vision?

>neither of their hands are fucked up
literally one fucking job

if i posted proof theyd likely send a deathsquad out to kill me


netcode is ass
read the pastebin if you wish to learn more.

August 31st*

Peakers advantage is super fucking bad in this game because of netcode.

Main reason this game will never actually be taken seriously.

>he thinks he hasn't been on the hitlist the second he blew the whistle

>can't see shit out of a window because it's so dark
>can't see shit out of a window because it's so bright
Is there some magic graphics settings I can use so I can actually see things in this fucking game?

I have enough to buy blitz on sale
Should I?

No, it's fucked
It's getting fixed after operation health

I don't know man, those hands look pretty fucking fucked up to me. Just not burnt.

Siege's netcode is so bad that if you peek a window you see someone for a second before they see you, and higher ping gives you more time.
You'll see a lot of people playing in the wrong server (180+ ping) and playing 3 speeds to peek you faster

This. Every online fps has peakers advantage. Its just rainbow six has the worst peakers advantage known to mankind. To the point where its actually straight up a joke.


Are you?

>not wearing a usa bikini

its easy to know who's the inferior drawfag

yeah its campi

why would i? i know from Ubi themselfs that its the 1st

Welcome to siege where everyone that makes $ from it pretends its a skillful game and everyone else knows its 50/50 who wins thanks to crippling design flaws

>someone posts wannabe shad shit on reddit
>everyone gives unrelenting praise to it
>"lol look at this group of carebear fags lol no wonder his art never gets better"
>someone posts wannabe shad shit here

They also said first season starts in January and that they would have 60 tick rate servers months ago, and that there would be patches to fix large problems during Operation Health.

You not understanding someone making a joke that obvious makes you retarded.

Gee user it's almost if some people have different tastes

jaegers are retarded. even worse are the ones that put their things on walls that aren't reinforced.

i was talking about maintenance dipshit, not season or servers or "patches"
lern 2 reed

Home with their families, as you should too

What's the better thing, anyway, putting the thing on a wall or on the floor? Does it matter how far into the room the thing is or is it all about having line-of-sight to the grenade? I'm never quite sure how to place the suckers.

You really should take your own advice, you really are just embarrassing yourself at this point and the irony of your post is fucking palpable.


the 4th is the best

Oh shit, he's gone full Reddit, batten down the hatches boys.

>ranked is cheaters paradise again because 0 battleye updates for months
ty ubi