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lmgtfy.com/?q=The Worst Icon

azirfag likes penis

Kled is cute, adorable, gorgeous, wonderful, awesome and perfect! He is my loving husband!

third for if you're not maining Teemo, you're doing something wrong.

I did it anons!

>Enemy comes to gank you
>You are playing vladimir

Apparently we live in a world where instead of counterbuilding an opponent we have to gut each and every single champion instead.

I want out.

look with your special eyes

it's plat 5 promos you retard


ADC with mobility is cancer

>Enemy comes to gank you
>It's not a tank
>They die

Fiora buffs when?

Nerfs were justified but they completely gutted her

Who will be leagues first homo champ?
Male or female?

Like Azir, Fiora is fundamentally just bad design that should forever be shitcanned until reworked.



*blocks your path*


We've had Taric for years.

Azir or Kayn
which is more fun?

I think it's funny that you posted an image of Gnar, since he basically invalidates all melee toplaners.

It's Kayn though. It's not confirmed weither or not he's gay or bi, but he love men and has a gay crush on Zed,
Klein confirmed it.

I wanna give Lulu a bowl of extra thicc noodles and as she slurping I put my shlong in her mouth with extra cream

Also friendly reminder to flame your teammates in the postgame lobby, after youve aquired youre honor

xth for Syndra

>SJW haircut

Do you like scaling Hyper-carries and a bit of a skill ceiling? Azir

Do you like someone strong now who can adapt to the situation at hand? Kayn

And another Rioter literally said he was joking so now no one fucking knows anymore whats going on.

>not the rose

azir no contest

>tfw added a egirl in a norms and had some fun with her in league

>take a paladin
>turn her into a dyke

i really would love someone to ask daniel z klein personally weither or not kayn is gay
he would probably answer on twitter

>has a gay crush on Zed
>has a gay crush on the middle aged man who groomed him
It really buys your brain a first class ticket on the thinking express

With the duskblade change, is lethality MF still objectively superior to crit MF?

>can adapt to suit your teams needs
>one is packing cc, damage and sustain
>one is packing slightly more damage but nothing else
>Riot thinks this allows for decision making

Why do people say Ahri is brain dead trash again

>Most skillshot reliant champion in the whole game
>Has conditional mobility that can be punished by a decent opponent
>Doesnt scale very well meaning she has to usually win lane
>Most of her power is in roaming which requires good game knowledge to be good at
>Bad waveclear
>Rather squishy but still has to get close



Bandle is a whale

What about More Mobility?


inb4 taric isnt gay its just a reddit meme
Hes not, he's omnisexual. He loves anything of beauty, no matter what.
Giant space octopus? Beautiful. Rare flower on a mountain? Beautiful.

His first crush was Garen though, but he wants to impregnate the Moon too

If I get stupid fed on Warwick, what's a fun damage build?

This is objectively true

>Most skillshot reliant champion in the whole game
If you hit E you hit your Q. W and R are targetted. Q has 2 parts that can hit.
>Has conditional mobility that can be punished by a decent opponent
She has 3 fucking dashes on a low cooldown
>Doesnt scale very well meaning she has to usually win lane
She scales really well, and winning lane is easy when you have no mana costs, free sustain and ms
>Most of her power is in roaming which requires good game knowledge to be good at
you could sit mid and waveclear and still have a decent shot, everyone is requried to roam these days
>Bad waveclear
>Rather squishy but still has to get close
not hard when you dont HAVE to get close and have 3 fucking dashes plus free Ms

heres the (you) youve been waiting for faggot

The difference is negligible, and losing the knockup is way more valuable than being able to move while casting the extended slow version.

>Most skillshot reliant champion in the whole game
>Has conditional mobility that can be punished by a decent opponent
Some dont have any at all
>Doesnt scale very well meaning she has to usually win lane
Like everyone except hypercarries
>Most of her power is in roaming which requires good game knowledge to be good at
Every assassin
>Bad waveclear
Lol no
>Rather squishy but still has to get close
90% of mages and assassins

Not an argument

why doesn't katarina attract as many sick outplay shitters as riven or yasuo
she's pretty mobile and looks hard to play optimally

Diana was intedended to be full on heretic including in sexual desires.
In a interview the designer of Diana said he intended for her to be lustful for Leona but Riot was pussied out because some countries like Russia still have problems with homophobia.

Besides that I think Lux x Jinx in the starguardian verse is literally canon because its a Ode to madoka magicka where the MC's where massive lesbo's.

reminds me of HoTS Johanna and how much better of a character she is than our Leona.

>>Most skillshot reliant champion in the whole game
That's not Vel'koz.

>He personally answers Azir is straight
>He personally would answer Kayn as gay

didnt need one

I like both
thats why its so hard to chose
I mean Azir seems fucking great
but kayns is a strong pick and kinda intersting
As in a fat lard?
or as in she spends way to much on digital goods that have no real value?
Not as edgy
Doesnt get featured in esports shit as much

>low cooldowns
Yes youre right that some champs have it worse but that doesnt mean Ahri is easy desu

idk, maybe because yasuo&co are available so why bother picking her when she's not as bad as them?
also there are pretty trashy kat mains too

>Reworking a rework

no one said anything about azir
who care about azir
are you that one azirfag desperately trying to his his heterosexuality on azir?

>Still not a SINGLE piece of fanart shipping diana with taric

this is criminal

>looks hard to play optimally
there you have it
>reworking a rework

Id argue Ahri is the easiest midlaner.
Yeah she has some tricks that expand her skillfloor, but its extremely easy to do well with her.

Most people say Annie. But annie has ACTUAL low range, her ult can be dodged more easily ever since last years update that added a minor delay, and annie has no inlane sustain, mediocre waveclear, NO mobility and often needs to hold onto her stun in matchups just so she can farm without getting all inned.

Meanwhile ahri gets free sustain and MS to avoid ganks out the ass, plus her charm is a free hit if youre getting engaged on.

I want to fill Poppy's uterus with my seed.

>Most skillshot reliant champion in the whole game
Not even close

>Has conditional mobility that can be punished by a decent opponent
All mobility is conditional, so I'm really not sure what point you're trying to make

>Doesnt scale very well meaning she has to usually win lane
And the champs that do scale really well tend to not be strong in lane, so once again what's your point?

>Most of her power is in roaming which requires good game knowledge to be good at
To say that roaming requires good game knowledge is a huge stretch

>Bad waveclear
This is just incorrect

>Rather squishy but still has to get close
All mages are squishy, and Ahri's abundance of mobility makes getting close easy.

If this is bait, you got me.

I just realized. This is how Riot decided to normalize the pedophilia in League.

Yordles are pretty much children.

But give them the "power" to appear much older?

You're still attracted to a kid, fyi.

smfh, sjw riot cucks normalizing pedophilia.

If you have the money, you can order the goods.

>power to appear much older
humans just cant percieve their actual form

This bait is so stale I'm not even gonna imagepost. You're not worth it.

>Bring up DZK announced his own champions sexuality previously
>Assume he'd do the same to another one

Are you retarded? Who are you even talking to?

lmgtfy.com/?q=The Worst Icon

>Reworking a rework

Are you the Hero?

xth for CLIMBING!
i will NEVER give up!


>humans can't perceive their actual form

and if you fuck their magic form

you're fucking a child.

checkmate, atheist.


she sounds perfect
but yasuo and riven are also hard to play optimally

No, I want to fug the hero.

Well, user isn't wrong. Proportions that of a child, wide facial features, that of a child, naive mind-set for a majority of them, Tristana, Poppy, Lulu, Ziggs.

If you wanna fuck a yordle and not be labelled as pedophile, fuck Heimerdinger.

>potential plat player

To don't reach that high elo if you're not AT LEAST above average intelligence.

>Proportions that of a child

But that's WRONG you fucking retard.

>Finally have enough champion shards to roll for a permament.
>Pray for it to either be Xayah or Rakan.

desu heimerdinger is pretty fucking sexy

Lulu is the only one that's actually a child though.

Your dumb fanart doesn't match how they actually look


Why not just use IP?


>forget image

i want poppy cock my gun if you catch my powerslide

This splash art is actually pretty cool



Drawn one better then faggot. Come on, I'm waiting. Oh, you can't can you? So stfu next time you want to criticize people who do shit better than you.

>no gunholding Lulu delete this images

Life is suffering

>Centuries old.
Lulu is the oldest hag in all of Bandle City.


I was wondering what was out there for him.

Mostly Voyeur and gay stuff




Xerath has the hardest to hit skillshots.

only lulu and gnar act like children.

Tristana and poppy act more like a teens
Veigar is just outright goofy
Kled and Himer and Corki are all old men

who even gives a fuck what they are
its a fucking image
a fictional character
if you hate lolis so much what the fuck are you even doing on Veeky Forums go to reddit faggot

Every fucking monday its this bait again

>underneath his lab coat heimer is actually ripped
I can imagine Heimerdinger being the kind of person that jerks off to gachimuchi