/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1914

>Recent News
16 Million Celebration Event!

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Schedule for August:
7/31 - 8/8 Poacher's Day
8/9 - 8/15 Five Flowers of Fate
8/16 - 8/23 Guild War (Water)
8/24 - 8/30 Xeno Sagittarius
8/31 - ??? New Story Event

8/2 - Summer Livestream @20:00 JST
8/1 - 8/15 - 16 Million Celebration Event

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

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You're retarded if you wasted your spark before S.Medusa



>Izimir is kill soon



Just finished the event, what do we think about it?
Personally I thought it was pretty good, not near sky is blue level, but it was cool to see the eternals in events, even if they had their powerlevel nerfed.

>she rejects all of your advances

What do you think cuck?

What kind of garbage swimsuit is this?

Might as well wear her full armor.

How long do you think Sarasa spent recovering from the massive sunburns she got at the beach

Nice friends

How's my dirt team?
I still need cock and gayer but I'm working on Threo

I'm okay with this

>summer medusa is fire
>not even broken tier
Where are the broken characters?

Should I four star Naramaya or Summer Zoi first?

spark now or in a weeks' time

They (Read: Sarasa.) were told to hold back due to the locals being in such close prox. A ground zero would level an island so I'm not bothered by it.

Sorry, she will not be the OP like Zoi, you will only spark her for dickpicking.

Shit, only Korwa and Song's nice bods as the saving grace


fuck off back to plebbit

I can't stop thinking about Vira.

I can't believe Song almost got raped.



Pretty bad, honestly.

>in a week

OUR GUY spoke/10

>decide to blow the crystals I've been saving up for spark
>this happens

Guess I gotta switch this kusoge to japanese now.

What's strange about the Izmir censor is that it's the art only, her zurihole is still easily seen on her sprite

someone please host utkg

If S.Medusa is not broken, next user gonna eat his shit.


Small Sarasa

wait he did?

proud de arimasu!

considering you're water, sure, you could eat some literal dirt (s medusa shit)

Literally in the event intro. Keiji's been back for a while now.

Got the one where she eats squid?

Sarasa is cute!

grab Halle and titan
and make Axe Cosmos gird

Wait, am I seeing ice cream on Naru's boobs/legs ?

>Spills her food all over her tits
Wtf Naru

>got every summer character but charlotta
I'm going to have to spark her arent I

>albino going to the beach
She's going to need a lot of lotion for those burns

What does Izmir's butthole smell like

I'm rerolling right now and just got Lucifer. Is it good enough to start with?

>he wasn't here last summer
>he didn't notice this after being here for so long
choose one

They censor underboob cleavage and all the very slightly echi stuff in grandblues, but leave this homo stuff in? I wonder who could be behind this?


Beach sex with Sarasa!

First one

Why does Rackam keep missing summers?

It's Dangan Ronpa blood.

If only Naru was sword type instead of katana.

Will bea ever come back? How did Zeta took this

too busy being gay

He's probably doing maintenance on the Grancypher like the nerd he is.

He spends them inside with his boywife Noa

She'll be back during the annual new year society event.

>Beato isn't in the gacha because she actually died in Platinum Sky

Deepest lore.

Why does Carren acts like she is the leader? I'm pretty sure I'm the danchou here.

Noa who

But I rolled her last legfes.


>the Society recovers her corpse from the wreckage of her pod racer and resurrects her
>Vas, Zeta, and Eustace have to fight her

No. Make more accounts and see what you get with the 70 free rolls.

I finally got an SSR from my rerolls.

I see he is a 9.0 on the tier list and that he's only during preimum galas but is he good for a fresh new account for a new player?

I still have 1 preimum draw ticket left and I guess the 10 draw that everyone gets soon?

If it matters, my free SSR was Lady Grey.

can't wait to roll her tbqh


Would this be worth it? I rolled Eustace today and I noticed his weapon has a big Emnity boost. I have both Sarasa and Ayer so it seems like it'd be good even if I don't have Titan?

Why did the gacha give me a corpse?


I wish they did away with the niggercat events and had this for april instead.

how long do i have to wait for summer incest fanart

This needs to be censored. I can see her thighs.

That's a woman user.

Is Morrigna still have 150k reflect?

Unless you really like Apollo I'd suggest rerolling further as it takes quite a while before she becomes good

Not bad if you think she is cute and want to play dark. Keep the account and keep rerolling. Max out all 10 reroll accounts every day until legfest ends.


Also she's a fearbot that's only good on element.

Better make sure she produces some offspring before she kicks the bucket

No, it's not worth using without Titan. Also jesus dude, work on your fucking grid.

Hang onto the account for now but keep rerolling. She's not one of the better limiteds, but she's still a limited.

beatomourners when

This game is cancer.

Oh. Well I've been rerolling muted so I wouldn't know.

I've made over 30 accounts and this is the first SSR.

no, you need the primal multiplier

or at least alexiel


Shut it down!

Keep rolling on all of accounts during the free 10rolls.


>JinxKorwa doujin
ayy didn't expect this

Shit compared to Birdman/Cog, the real Granblue OTP.

>tfw she will die while giving birth
how do you feel about this?


If you don't mind not having Summer SSRs in your start dash, I have a fuckton of accounts I could give you.

F6FFA264 Apollo HL
Bring whatever

It's not fair bros

How do we save Ice Moo? She can't die, not like this.

I got my second Juutenshu