/dlg/ Duel Links General

Duel Links General #91

Fuck your shitty editions

Last Thread: Latest News
>The new main box is here, lots of Thunder and Machine support.
>Yami Marik is currently at the gate until August 3rd. You can unlock him to add to your LD collection.
>"Super" Mai will be in duel world early August. More details soon
>The Paradox Brothers will return to the gate mid August
>A "long awaited duelist" will be available to unlock at the end of August
>Restructor Revolution will be limited to 1 in August.

Useless (Duel) Links
>sites with good info on LDs, skills, deck lists, beginner guides, etc.

>android emulators

A few tips for new players
>Create and link a Konami ID to play on multiple devices and save your progress in case of a crash
>Turn your battery/power usage bar up to max in the settings menu for a smoother experience
>Decide on what deck you want to build before spending gems. If you're really unsure about what to buy, Crimson Kingdom has high attack 4-star monsters at low rarities
>It is advised not to pass stage 38 unless you want your auto duel win rate to plummet
>Level up Mai and Keith first to unlock Windstorm of Etaqua and Metalmorph
>Install the modded apk if you're sick of farming. Nobody's getting banned for it.

First for Red-Eyes is bullshit and Champion's Vigilance should be banned

Dont worry senpai.
We will get another Box and Event only tier 1 deck soon.

What about the CV and Barrel Dragon combo though?

Daily reminder that Hazy Flame Sphynx has been bugged for 26 days.

Daily reminder that you shouldn't spend money on the new booster pack. Fuck that shit.

Is there a deck you wish you could make work but you realize there is no way? I would like to make a deck with these type of cards but I know that it will just brick most of the time.

I opened ten packs and didn't get a single SR or UR. Now I don't feel like investing more gems. Are there any cards that are worth speding gems on this box?

You guys encounter those burning lands Tea decks.
They can be pretty rough

Is this a new meme?

This any good?

How can I make a deck around this card that doesn't brick?

>start up duel replay for free gems
>marik vs mako
>think i accidentally started dueling marik again
>realize it's just a replay
christ for a second i thought i was dueling marik with my non-farm deck

copy that one SDs masked beast deck and maybe add a bit more draw power
you can easily do so now with revival jams


>3 golden apples

Do I look like I'm made of gems?

Also Marik has yet to give me even one Revival Jam.

do you want the deck to work or not?

>tfw never got any good skills despite farming for months
fuck this drop rates

>X learned skill

>In the Draw Phase, instead of doing a normal draw, restores Life Points by 300. The skill can be used only three times per Duel.

Who thought this was a good idea? At least make it 1000.

Dicephoon is the only card worth getting.
This is a niche pack that doesn't have any staples or anything particular amazing. Only buy it if you want to play Ninjas, Frognarchs, Ice Barriers, XYZ, or Thunder. All of those decks are definitely usable and some are pretty affordable.

Doomdog Octhros searches it out. Soul Exchange lets you use your opponent's monsters to summon it. Caligo Claw Crow gives you a second monster barring that, or it can be used as ECon fodder. Don't forget it's a special summon so you can immediately bring it out.

>Dicephoon is the only card worth getting.

>he thinks memeborn frog is worth getting

lmao at your life famalam

I love how they limited it to 3 times too.

It's not usable right now. You can make an alright monarch deck, but that's it.

>set skreech/frog
>enemy summons pumpkin beatdown squad
>have to blow defensive cards you pulled to survive
>their next turn you're pretty fucked
I can't run searchers at all right now because of this

This deck is a lot of fun, but I need 2 more gearfrieds

no volcanic eruption?


you had it coming

Where's the Fenghuang?

Im missing 2 cards (one is a Joan that wont appear) but what should I change if I want to get REAL BIG?

With the 1000 bonus points right now I thought I would duel against level 40 Kaiba in hopes of getting some good cards but I can't even defeat him.

>has a 1900 ATK beater I can't get over with
>can summon a 2400 ATK monster in one turn
>can summon a 3000 ATK monster
>destroys any equip and field spells with twister
>takes control of my monsters with enemy controller
>lastly if I manage to summon a strong monster he just banishes it with DD Warrior

>not making a bakura fairy deck
baka desu senpai

Destiny Draw is your friend

uhhh huh

>All these retards shitting on Treeborn

Of course it's not broken right now it doesn't have all its support but why the fuck would you not load up on them now while you can for when they do get support? I make it a effort to try and get three copies of everything because you don't know what they'll add in that can make that card good

I remember when you retards were laughing at people for buying three red eyes from the card trader before the first super joey event, how is silver treating you idiots?

Paradox bros in 2 weeks, just save your keys. Though it took me over a month of farm to get Labyrinth Builder top drop so maybe you're doing it right.

>instead of spending your gems on cards you know are good spend them on card that could eventually become good if maybe they add support.
Also you can't compare a card from the trader to an UR from a big box.

but seriously you should try cards from the sky. it's good draw power in case you brick

>I make it a effort to try and get three copies of everything because you don't know what they'll add in that can make that card good

The pack isn't suddenly going away. There's no reason at all whatsoever yo blow your gems on a shit card in the hopes that it'll magically get support after some arbitrary amount of time.

>it takes time to realize, but this is a wonderful world you have found yourself in
>while on your own you aren't very strong, the power of magic here really levels out the playing field
>your new obidient cock sleeve is evidence of that fact
>once a brave fairy that would never retreat, she is now a souless husk with no will of her own
>you keep her soul however, and occasionally put it back in her body mid fuck, just so she knows what her new role in life is
>perhaps one day you will let her go, or maybe you will just sell her body and banish her soul. Depends on her attitude

>spend over 8000 gems
>40 packs left
>only missing hamstrat
did i fugg up? i want ninjas and creator really bad



>alt-right monarch


post yfw elegant mai drops windstorms


>yfw you realize it's a R card and will drop all the time

wouldn't be bad. windstorm isn't as great as it once was, but still very handy.

Are Trap of Board Eraser and Over Limit only available from EX Gems

She is dropping this ritual bird thing

How many hours still left in this season?

Could've bought them for just gold back then (5k and 2.5k), but them's the breaks for latefags.

Do you get to keep your EX-jewels after this event?

Oh, I started playing before they ever rotated cards out
Guess I just never bought them and forgot they existed

>Deck has 11 monsters
>First 7 cards in the duel are spells

Ok thanks


>x9 masked beast
>only one revival jam
wtf is this shit

What was the point even

Real question is when do they disappear do we have a 1 day grace period to go and sell the leftovers?

Also roughly hours until Marik leaves?

>when your opponent activates toon world + 1 reflector

Last time we had a 1-week grace period.

T-Frog would be better than Jam

The new card types aside what are some cards you are glad not having to worry about in Duel Links?

Thank god. They know what they are doing than, really enjoying this game desu

I can go to sleep now knowing they won't suddenly be gone

i can't solve the quiz with the 2 creators and 3 ninjas REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Doesn't seem like there was one since they haven't pulled any cards yet. However
>more cards
>rotation pool grows
>less and less chance to get cards you want

Kek try lab user it's better and faster and guaranteed 8k especially with the extra 1kAP

Flip the Ninja and kill one of the Creators, then summon Sasuke. Use Sasuke to kill the second creator, then attack with the other Ninja. Then activate the trap card to summon the Big Ninja, attack with him, then tribute the weak Ninja and banish Sasuke. Sacrifice the Big Ninja and then Sasuke will come back, allowing you to attack again with him.

Penguin Soldier

Is the whole Orichalcos Season worth watching?

>facing dragonshitter in Plat 3
>taking his damn time and taunting every single turn
>seriously wont shut the fuck up
>suddenly draw Poly
>awwwww shiet
>special summon woodland ×2
>tribute both to get Gearfried and Darkstorm in my hand
>poly Darkstorm and Gear to summon Superalloy
>summon Blazewing and equip it with Supervise
>sac Blazewing to special summon Gear and Darkstorm from graveyard
>use Darkstorms effect and clear his backrow
>mfw "Connection to opponent interrupted"
Dragons are the cancer and Geminis are the cure


Oh thanks.


>dragons are the cancer
He says with 2 dragons on his side of the field

>hunter dragon with mask in plat 3
they don't make em like they used to

Don't bully dragons. Only Red-Eyes is op.

I've got a playset of Exemplar, is there any meta deck that uses them?

Is it bad that I come here and have new fetishes awakened?

>Accidentally takes energy from his monster and gives it to mine


Andrew looks like the kind of guy that if you beat him in a duel you'd suddenly spot a shadowy figure with an axe following you down a dark alley.

it is fucking TERRIBLE
if anything, only the ridiculous duel with Dartz is funny because of Atem also throws the rule out of the fucking window after putting up with so much bullshit

Are there any duels worth watching?

Also what about Season 5?

tfw stuck in gold 1

Joey's duels vs one moron with equip armor cards is pretty cool and the next one he has against Mai
>Season 5
the Kaiba cup? that was pretty good actually in comparison, the whole thing was good, although full of QUALITY
best duel is obviously Kaiba vs Sieg


>reddit ranks arc-v, 5Ds and GX before Duel Monsters

Am I missing something? I thought Duel Monsters had the best characters and cards.

>Am I missing something?
Hmm. I wonder what


Also looking at DM as a whole it's pacing is ass and full of fillershit
I personally wouldn't rank them because most of them are incredibly different despite all being Yugioh shows

>.005 gems per duel

Gee....thanks konami

just stick with the manga
funny thing, the whole card thing was supposed to be for TWO CHAPTERS only, Kaz came up with the basic rules just in one night and shit, look what it has become

How come so many shitters in Gold have Mirror Wall and Sphere Kuriboh?

when the hell are you ever going to use more than one frog?

It's the last day of the season and those are defensive cards that people are commonly told to go for early

>ranking late
>typical 30 card retard
>go for lethal because what would they have to stop me
>sphere kuriboh
>remember that I don't even have a single one