/ss13g/ - spessmen on a spess station

Last Thread: Last time on /ss13g/ - spessmen on a spess station:
>long ass rounds
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>What is Space Station 13?

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>Pomf Serbian, main Veeky Forumsstation server

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>How do I connect to the servers?
Hit the cogwheel in the upper right corner of the BYOND hub and pick "Open Location"

>Veeky Forumsstation forum and logs

>Map renders collection: updated sometimes

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>How To Install BYOND: The Video Tutorial: The Movie


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first for space waifus

What does medbay appreciate more? Upgraded machines or trauma/burn kits and tools?

I hope you are joking

third for spess husbandos


red spacesuits > syndi hardsuits

What's wrong with me?

say Help [LAST_ASSAILANT] is killing me in [LOCATION]
Here is your new macro, use it wisely

Medbay, i love you and we've been together a long time but ive got my own stuff i want to do, i cant wait on you hand and foot.

The fact that you put those protruding tables by the bar counter

top 3 current husbandos go

Not the fact that I've spent three hours building a bar on the test serb?

>it took you three hours just to build that
Okay yeah that's bad too

nothing that's pretty good should of knocked down a few walls linking it to hallway though

one grille without windows, microwave not on a table and inaccessible anyway, one of the lights on the left is directly over a table


Maxime patton, Jamarion graham, Nevill Bamshoot

>Frank White
>Jackson Beckett
>Tohru Adachi



Frank White is the best husbando! Only a true man would permaban himself from playing spess in order to concentrate on real life!


>Jackson Beckett
otherwise reasonable list

>frank hasnt been back 2 days and is already self shilling


Upgrade cloner and give trauma kits if you want to do the minimum effort for maximum effect. Doing organ repairs without trauma kits is a pain because of the failure chance on bandages. If you want to do more, upgrade the sleeper next, it's got some nice benefits.
If you absolutely are only gonna pick one out of machines vs stuff, I'd say the machines. If they really want the trauma kits and whatnot they'll go hassle sci until they get 'em.

Happen to know what the upgrades do for the scanner/sleeper?

>2 days
I thought he returned just today, oh wow

I know for the sleeper they give out pepto which is great

>when someone says 'lmao why do you need trauma kits like just use a bandage haha'
I've seriously heard this from someone ingame when I asked science for trauma kits.
Fucker smashed me with a borer hammer for asking again. Scientists are cunts.


i don't do that
whenever i max out research i print 15 trauma and 15 burn kits for medbay alongside with cool surgery tools
not every scientist is a cunt

Sawbones broke my heart and I vow to defeat him

Scanner tier 2 reads bloodtype. Tier 3 reads all reagents.
Sleeper tier 2 dispenses imadazoline, inacusiate and tricord. Tier 3 has alkysine, tramadol and peptobismol.

You're welcome.

And of course the most important part of scanner tier 3 (or maybe 2 I'm not 100% sure), if you jump into it and say "Print" it will autoprint out your scan so that you can hop out and read it.

that's nice to know

Medbay will never appreciate anything, they dont even appreciate the fucking game or role they play in the game.

i wish johnny caldwell would force me into the brig showers and give me manual labour as punishment for my crime of looking at him

>tfw follow sec officers around
>just want them to fuck my ass

>Saronsen now plays on vore


why would i go there of all places

i dont even erp

No bullying.

how do i make a girl that looks like a lady

You don't have to ERP to go on Vore

dude looks like a lady lol

No one's going to judge you if you go there.

>Dream Daemon killing connection.
What does this mean and how do I fix it?

Could there be a more perfect, curvy waifu?

Pic related, to the left of the pink haired cockholster.

Why do turboniggers call "powergaming" on people stopping their extremely obvious wrongdoing?

>it's a "medical only exists for cryo and cloning episode"
I feel like if this describes your department everyone involved should be job banned

MoMMIs are not for interaction

i like this pic


because we're 'med RP' and no one knows what that means

we're low rp though

Medical doesn't exist for cryo and cloning.
It exists for cryo, cloning, and dispensing tricord.

Light RP.

/me leans into his microphone.
say "Wrong."

only weebs and furfags RP

you're not a weeb or a furfag
are you?

we are basically low rp, you can do whatever you want besides straight up murder as a non antag but you arent allowed to say "lol" in chat


this is a quality post, thanks for the giggle

t. kemonofag

>its an antag just kill everyone round
roleban people who do this

Are you feeling antagonized

I like anime and catgirls turn me on.
I also like roleplay.

Now fuck off

anyone got any tips for colonial marines?

Will most machines break if you shoot them with a gun?


Don't be the one in front, stand still alot so retards will find it hard to FF you.

That's about it when you play as a boot.

>Waaaaah someone is having fun killing everyone because they got antagonist!

Read the rules or go to bay, faggot.

If you're playing as a marine, use a shotgun, as its the only thing that does damage. Keep your squad's heavy weapon guy alive because you don't get a replacement and picking up his gun is a bannu.
Playing as a xeno, roll about til you hit ancient, then facefuck anything with huggers, watch out for mines.



>facefuck anything with huggers
Haven't played recently? That's been nerfed a lot. Can't even do it if you're not a drone caste.

>That guy crying in deadchat

what the fuck

Murphy's laws of combat
Don't bother with attachments unless you want a one handed shotgun or rifle
Hover over or right click on dark tiles
Hit weeds with your gun to clear them
You're allowed to use sandbags

Don't play drone unless you spawn on the ship or are asked to
Aim for the arms if you're a runner/hunter
Look for easy targets like medics or wounded

Remember when Reynard FUCKING KILLED ME?

He also went around breaking into people's labs throwing away supplies and threatening to kill people. Truly he dindu nuffin wrong.

Post logs or name

Somebody update the food list on the wiki

very outdated

Johnny Powkins

>Be positronic brain
>Constantly shittalk and annoy the carbon fucks
>Based changelings take me in and decide to make me their new AI

How will carbonfucks ever recover?

Johnny Powkin

lings x sillycons is the true OTP

Ah, finally removed that did they? Good to hear. Playing as a marine became awful over time, the admins kept chasing a high xenomorph win rate without looking at whether it was still fun.

I thought Xenos had no chance, when did they change it so Xenos can win before reverting it back?

Last I played xenos had health out the arse, nothing could deal significant damage to even a runner once it got to elite apart from explosives.

>Repeats REYNARD SHOT ME a couple hundred times

Last I played was like 2 months ago and I swear I never saw a marine victory without a obvious metarush straight away.

I played today and yesterday a few times and the marines seem to win alot more then before, like more then the xenos. They added some stupid anti-metarush barrier so it can't be that.

What're your best medbay stories/greentexts/screencaps?

Thanks doc

Thanks Doc

Coding a captain's yeoman/secretary/bodyguard/personal assistant/bridge officer job.

Give ideas.

I wish doctor's delight was green and purple instead of pink

it's useless

Its about as useless as IAA. Not looking to make a shift changing job.

very low ranking staff but with bridge access is neat

Putting a bridge guardpost next to the disk/captain's office and having someone to actively man it would be pretty nice.

We don't need more IAA-like useless roles though

Make the uniform a dress. Don't give any alternatives, regardless of gender.