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this one is better.

Shyvana needs WHEN?

how do i convince shitter adcs to stop complaining when i take the cs they are intentionally ignoring which will be missed

I love Riven!!! She's my cute and perfect wife!!!

I like this one

>adc dies
>enemy tower has aout 200 health
>be jungler
>clear his 3 cs
>push way
>he's been pinging me like a madman
>goes afk

some people.

>Shyvana needs WHEN?
Shyvana needs better lore.

Shyvana's lore sucks and feels like it was rushed.

They should have made it like this one.

Friendly reminder to eat out your support!


I wanna cuddle Jinx

>tfw support main leveling a new account
>tfw unironically losing to silvers and bronzies because adc doesn't look at mini map or listen to pings

Huh, i guess supporting shitters really isn't a good idea after all. Good thing I can play top.


around what date do the summer kiddos leave ranked? i want to go back to climbing without the possibility of turboshitter children being on my team

Before Vi was going to be a Shyvana Jungle main.

Her lore is absolute shit.

I got the SKT skin to do just that.

>tfw run into a lulufag in the wild

School starts back mid next month. Season also ends soon however

the game is mostly luck at that elo

roll of the dice at champ select that you will have less retards than them


check my meme


Of course it's a black dragon

when does season end

oct/nov i think

Full tanks
Also according to Riot's recent data the most influential roles are mid > top > jungle > adc > support
It's up to you if you want to trust them

pre season

How is Kindred right now? From what little I've seen she seems like she's a shit pick. I'm also guessing the Lethality season isn't good for her either.

Give Vi builds please
, My custom page was good last season but now its pretty out of date.

blade of repick king

I wouldnt trust riot with their shitty data. It's support/adc/mid/jungle=top Though in low elo it really doesn't matter. Everything can trash people.

Why is Jinx/Sona such a boner inducing lane?

>enemy team is completely destroying us across the map
>they all group mid to seige
>we have an amazing poke comp so we hold them off and fuck their health bars
>for some reason they keep encouraging a fucking aram even though they're mostly melee
>we go from 2-12 to 25-16 in 10 minutes
>win the game

i mean i suppose that was easy enough
not very fun though

>Not MF/Sona

Warrior, triforce, boots, duskblade, Sterak's, GA.

>Why is Jinx/Sona such a boner inducing lane?
Because you know that one of them is getting bullied.

+4.5% movement speed quints, rush statikk shiv > triforce > phantom dancer and then build tank
boots are for pussies

>My silver surfer experience is more trustworthy than actual data

nami is NOT for eating

>implying im basing it off personal experience
>rank 1 player was a support TWICE in the same week
>being this retarded

Sona synergies well with Jinx and they have a massive foil dynamic as well as similar color palettes. someday I hope to do

Good picture. Granted I do headcanon Sona would be too nice to ever hurt Jinx and Jinx would be a little shit until she gets taught a lesson

>He doesn't run full gold runes when playing a coin support
What's your excuse?

She is for eating out

Comfy gfs yuri is the best!

Not enough IP yo

>failed gold 1 promos like 3x
>obscenely strange games every time, even though I'm given a free win as soon as the series starts
>literally 4v5s, actual intentional feeders, bizarre shit I honestly don't see very much
>reach promos again, last try before I fail this series, just need one win holy shit
>team picks Xerath support, Jinx, Lux mid (vs Kassadin), jungle Amumu
>fuck it, guess we lose this one too, might as well first time Yorick
>dominate my lane, destroy enemy ganks by killing them, we eventually win somehow
>I'm not even a top lane main

I hate this silly game.

Warrior, tiamat, triforce, titanic hydra, deadman's plate, duskblade or a tank item

She doesn't even have a pussy

how do they synergize well at alloutside of lane

Jinx needs pull and has a shitton of dmg
Sona offers no peel, some heals and next to no peel outside of her ult

jinx is better with babysitters like janna, lulu, or hard cc like alitar, braum

> slows now affect yasuo's E dash speed

am i crazy or would this basically fix him

>His E has a cooldown

there fixed

>still has windwall


>Yordle Yuri over slutTrist and shy Poppy

Absolute shit taste. Please rectify this immediately.

he uses mana

his passive is reworked

So, where does new Urgot fit into a team? He feels weird. He isn't really a proper initiator. He's not a tank until so deep in the game that it's usually over.... I dunno.

Is he just a big fat nigger you throw into the middle of the enemy team and spit out damage and be hard to get rid of and hope you get a clear shot of your ult at someone?

Do you have guqin Sona?


What was the biggest disappointment or letdown in League history? Was it Ao Shin slash Aurelion Sol?

He doesnt. At his current numbers he's not a good juggernaut. If Darius, Illaoi or even Mord manage to get onto someone, they fuck their world up. If midgame Urgot gets on you, he's just kinda there.

why the fuck did they rename him?

yasuo gets removed from the game
there fixed it for you

galio rework
yorick rework

As a lane its strong but its biggest weakness is indeed dive/displacement. Normally the healing and good use of movement speed as well a well timed ulti can be positive but if there's stuff like a Zed/Talon/Blitz it indeed can falter. I wouldn't say she's Jinx's number one support but she is decent with Jinx and can do a good amount despite the flaws.

I have ALL jinx skins and (minus sweetheart) all Sona skins but I kinda wanna be the Jinx

Find me a good Trist x Poppy pic and I'll do it right away. That's what I wanted put up but couldn't find anything.

>E now can stack up to 3 times (like Caitlyn W) and has a proper cooldown
There, I fixed him.

So much this. It's the most tilting thing about him by far. Yes, windwall is obscenely strong, but it isn't nearly as annoying as le infinite dashes to play around or lane against.

Yorick rework is great though

>greatest chess player of all time is an anti semite
>greatest director of all time was an anti semite
>greatest league player of all time______

>galio rework
Yep, this one was terrible I agree with y-
>yorick rework
Eat shit and die, nigger.

probably hates the chinese/japanese.

I don't know shit about bot lane but apparently Sona is Jinx' top 3 support according to champion.gg

So is Yorick the shittiest splitpusher in the game now? I just can't imagine why anyone would pick him over Nasus, Singed, Trynd, or Jax.

>champion gg

find a credible site

and even then, chances are sona is listed as top tier, because very few people play her so you get the >mains only type of thing

Because he changed so much over the course of his development that he's basically totally different than the original idea. I don't mind though, space dragons are way cooler and more unique than generic weeb dragons.

he split pushes harder then those champions and once he hits 6 you can't 1v1 him.

What is the best league music and why is it Burning Bright?

How come sometimes when I am walking home late at night I feel like I am somehow Vayne?

I do her tumble animation when she doesnt AA

also her ult running anymation

>greatest director of all time
Who would that be?

>play tahm into thresh
>adc gets hooked every time thresh Q is off cooldown
>adc gets devoured every time he gets hooked

every time

its only a matter of time before the thresh says something sassy in /all

t. diaper shitting splitpushers who'd rather click on towers all day instead of playing the game

Yeah. Lategame he's fucking abominable but until that point he just doesn't seem to..... do much specifically.

He's a fun jungler though.


>good splitpusher
I told myself I wasn't gonna bite this bait but you got me good as a hardcore, autistic yorick main.

>weeb dragons
>weeb is anything asian
You might be mentally retarded.

Oh well. Maybe if I ever get more boxes.

What will new evelynn look like?

>Taliyah W+ E's me
>lose 50~80% of my max hp from basic 2 abilities

good game lolbabs no really

gj DanZ

>he split pushes harder then those champions
no he doesn't

>once he hits 6 you can't 1v1 him
Trynd absolutely beats him 1v1 at 6. Nasus and Jax beat him late-game.

Spectated a sub-lvl30 game.

>Not using it as a FREE ENGAGE and then shitting on their ad carry.

Kubrick. But lots of them hate J**s.

I wish you luck in your endeavor

>im retarded and never faught a non-retarded yorick
Wew laddie.

>greatest director of all time was an anti semite
I know which chess player you're referring to but who's this?

Not me.

I just share the same opinion.


Also Yorick isn't hard to fight. Nasus outsustains him, Trynd outsustains him, and both of them shit damage down his throat.

I haven't played in a while, briefly picked the game up and I want to go for the seasonal rewards again.
I strongly prefer Top, Support as secondary, and I really only onetrick between Gnar and Thresh. Any other classes I can pick up that fit the current meta/these two champs? Cho seems good after the changes but I wouldn't know.

there is already a drawfag who drew a guess based off whats been teased

it seemed pretty close but I cant find it


>im mentally retarded and i dont play the game

That's not an argument you stupid fucking nigger, so I win.

It's actually pic related, followed by Here Comes Vi.

Burning Bright would be a close 3rd though because of comfy gfs~!