/fgoalter/ - Fate/Grand Order NA General

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- ["Nero Fest ~Colosseum of Victory~"]
Event Period: July 25, 2017 (Tue) 4:00 ~ August 03, 2017 (Thu) 3:59 UTC
General info: fate-go.cirnopedia.org/quest_event_us_20170725.php
Event drop rates: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1engRPRdkuIDawaxKYxkKz47gY0xc0ql7dKH1ecFCPqk

- The SR Voucher exchange Campaign is active until August 03

fgosimulator.webcrow.jp/ - Mats, EXP & AP sims for game-planning
- Chaldea Gate: Daily Quests - fate-go.cirnopedia.org/quest_daily_us.php
- Drop rates (click on the NA tab): docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
- Check the schedule and drops before asking in the thread

>[Miscellaneous stuff]
- Emulation got blocked with the most recent update (1.2.0)
- Master Mission - Complete Mission objectives each week to gain Saint Quartz fragments
- Rate ups on JP FGO: img.fireden.net/vg/image/1499/27/1499273270406.jpg
- Friendlist: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M8_ZNP-WinrDQvwckh6Q7DMK5Z8RSx7ZshXTLCaI4zo
- Add yourself to the list: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSctk0n_OdMusCdkzQPQu8AHD-3Drc0kXqHOmKWJDpY-VkHVEg/viewform

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I love Jeanne Alter!

I have done you all the favor of removing the sluts who have canonically taken dick from the banner list, as well as all men.

Please be advised, you may only roll for pure girls listed on this chart.



I'm in love again.

9 more years until the Tsukihime game

Add this to the OP OFFICIAL TIERLIST: grandorder.gamepress.gg/5-star-tier-list

How long before this shitty boring unrewarding event of Cancer is over? I can't wait to go back to the relatively more rewarding dailies. I can't believe I'd ever experience anything that made the fucking dailies feel like a good pay-off, but Nerofest did it.


I like Mashu's outfit more.

I hate the big ribbon so much.



Hopefully Naoko Takano will be dead from a preventable disease by then too and Nasu will just cut those awful fucking maids out of it altogether

>still no Reverse Scales

thank god I didn't roll Waver and don't need to go after the snake jewels too

Who level 70 Carmilla here?

>need like 50 dragon fangs
>have gotten 4
>I'll have to go back to fucking Thiers after nerofest ends

This game is AIDS

Okita is cute!

Now kiss

Waver doesn't need Snake Jewels retard

We still lost the entirety of July's tickets. These will count as August ones, while the ones we already got were released on June.

Apoloquartz when?

If you really loved her you'd be on 3rd ascension farming for a dragon scale right now

>don't even like okita
>tfw im gonna roll for her for my crit meme team

It's in 40 minutes.

>some retard will start putting this link in the upcoming OPs
I wish gamepress was blacklisted.


Stay out of Thiers. I just burned my entire overfilled AP bar in that shithole and got 3 Berserker Pieces, 2 Rider Gems, and not a single fucking fang. Just accept the inevitable death of this shit game. Why why why why why WHY WHY WHY ARE DRAGON FANGS NEEDED IN SUCH NUMBERS IF THEY DON'T DROP FOR SHIT

>tfw REALLY like Okita
>afraid to roll for her because nothing else I want will be on rate up with her

I don't want any of the rated up servants, should I use my summon tickets for the story rolls, or save them for Jack?

>Already clogged OP

Here is mine.

Her lvl 80 cost is out of this world. Why would they make it this high? Does she get massively more powerful?


Tell me more of your sweet little lies user.

save them, obviously. You dumb?

>afraid to roll for her because nothing else I want will be on rate up with her

their gacha simulator is actually better than that jp memesite
made 100 rolls and got two lancelots, evil cat and three kaleidos, sounds about right

Wish I could roll for her, but there's no way I'm not saving everything till Jeanne Alter

give me the rundown on the "DUDE" meme

>>tfw REALLY like Okita
>>afraid to roll for her because Jack



Spoken like a true gambler.

Yes, but I kind of want either stronger phantasms for the 3/4 stars I have, or one of the sabers, and I'm already saving quartz for Jack.

>Lancelot Lv 70 base ATK: 10197
>Lv 80: 10477
So he's effectively max level without having to 4th-ascend and I might as well level up his CE for stats if I cared that much. Splendid! Just missing out on dat card art really

There is another solution, you know.

This is my life right now. Fucking hell i've spend at least 500+ AP on this.

But where will Shiki watch TV then?

jack every thread until she can be adopted

>tfw my NP2 Carmilla is still at her 2nd Ascension

If only she was this cute, I'd actually be sad about choosing Stheno

waiting to get 11 scales since I also need to ascend gil

Child services would take your Jack if you dress her that way.

>that exp needed jump after hitting level 101


Mine is also NP2... She's the only 4* servant I rolled during Nerofest, and I already had her.

>Herakles isn't S+ rank
kek, your meme are weak

This is truly suffering, I want to ascend my dear flower

>Dragon Fangs

I needed 20 for Lily's and JETS ascensions, saturday I farmed 18 on Fuyuki (great cavern, alter spot) with only 200 AP and got lots of that black dust and saber pieces.
Best place I have found personally, haven't gotten any from Nero Fest.

>actually leveling Lily
You madman

60 at the moment.

After Nero I need to farm 4 Monuments and I'll get to to 70, assuming the next event isn't just a few days after.

>I farmed for common mats during Nerofest

wait for christmas faggot its only a problem if you are an impatient shit head

I'll go there on your word, because I'm a fucking idiot. Here's hoping it works out.

You'll get that stuff when you roll for what you want later. It's like a 0.5% - 0.7% chance to get a rate-up 5*, you'll need every roll you can get

Reminder to ascend your little flower so she doesn't get sad

>implying best daughteru will stay separated from mother

With NeroFest almost done. When we getting next event.

Best silver medal output? I want to buy the Gold EXP cards.

No, she deserves to stay at level 1.

>using Jeanne unironically

A couple hours after nerofest finishes, according to the event list

40 AP hands dumbass.


At least post a decent version. And you claim to love Lily?


>according to the event list

>muh memelist

I already emptied the shop (exp card, all the mats
including lores), only the CEs remain and I already got 1 from drops.

I actually plan to Grail her to 90 as soon as I can, but Saber monuments are a pain in the ass to farm without half AP

Try at least 50 or 100 AP, I need to farm some more too but Im using my AP right now to get the mythical Dragon Scales (need 1 more for lancelot)

When am I supposed to do story quests when I'm always doing the event or daily quests?

I just saved the pictures that one user posted. I had my dick in my hand so I was distracted and probably didn't see that one

>memelist before Merlin

post more. I want to ascend her now

I hate to agree with a Red man poster
But yeah.

I bought all the other mats. but still want a chance at a nightless rose bruv.

So ill hope that it drops while farming the EXP cards.

>tfw no Kaleidoscope
How do you lads deal with this

Then you farm fucking hands for cardds and not Nerofest for medals for cards.

Merlin isn't out in NA.

>Using Jeanne
Poor Lily's master is a dumb shitter.

The list before Merlin is unironically more accurate than the one after it (not including Strengthening Quests) because Merlin is a broken piece of shit. Shifting the entire tier list to revolve around him was a mistake.

Daily quests always come back around and story quests reward quartz as well as opportunities to farm for rarer mats as well as unlocks and grails. Do them when you need a change of pace.

>muh memelist

roll FP gacha for dragons meridians, LB it, boom, 50% starting NP
you did reroll for waver to make that work, didn't you?

I don't I hope I'll roll piece of 2030

If you don't at least try for Merlin you might actually be retarded. The list is fine, everyone should have him

>Got 2 Kaleidoscopes with tutorial roll.
>Merged them.
>Still haven't gotten the mistake to level 40.
It could be worse.


Bah I cant bare to look at this SHITTU

Why is Seibah above Mode Red amd Hunny Bunny?

Where did I say anything about not rolling for him? Are you an idiot? Do you read posts before you respond to them?

Use LB Dragons or Imaginary element.

Kinda glad all my luck has been towards CE since they make the game more fun to play. Hope you get a kscope soon.

Hunny Bunny fucking sucks is why.

Use the new tierlist

I got a (you), didn't I?