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FNN 17: respawn.com/frontier-news-network-07-18-2017-operation-frontier-shield
Operation Frontier Shield patch notes: forums.titanfall.com/en-us/discussion/13502/operation-frontier-shield-the-patch-notes
Aegis Rank upgrades detailed: i.imgur.com/KyOAzls.jpg

>Titanfall Spinoffs/Side Projects

Doomed Thread:

>Prime Titans are additionally modified versions of the six Titan chassis' employed in the Post-Demeter era.
What the fuck
Isn't the word "Prime" supposed to mean "the one that came first?"

Droz or Davis?
This is important

why not both?


Seriously? Not only did they misuse "prime", but wouldn't it make sense for the ones after the IMC lose their trade lines to be all shitty and the ones before to be all shiny?

That's one definition, the other is "The best possible quality." So they're like, peak performance Titans.

Anyway, what exactly levels weapons in FD? Is it solely Titan kills? Because I've genned my Thunderbolt twice, but not really seen much movement on anything that isn't a Titan.

not really

I got tired of them. Give me Spyglass.

Literally all I can think of for Drozvis selfie memes.

daily reminder

If you shoot a lot of grunts, your regular guns will level up. I've managed to level up the Mozambique up by chewing through the poor soldiers.


Aces. I'll have to take a run around with my Wingman some time, seeing as it's shit for PVP now.

reminder IMCucks didn't even make the gauntlet leader board

>Titanfall 2 only uses Second Gen square-headed Spectres
>No Gen 1 Spectre pilot model for simulacrums
What a fucking waste. Stim looks like a fucking ugly-ass box on legs with a tinier box for a head.

>firing salvo core into the air so i dont have to deal with the enemy legion shield
>a tone is literally standing ontop of it with its shield stacked on legions shield
this is some sick ass fucking shit

D... Do you mean the Militia-only Pilot's Gauntlet from the campaign?
The one for the Militia
Exclusively for militia
Only militia can try that particular gauntlet

>spend billions of dollars on a paper thin giant walking railgun


God I hate sarah, i hated sarah in the campaign, i hate sarah as a faction, and I hate looking at sarah.

if that's the case then why is a non-militia female(male) in first place?
I suppose you have no taste in women

Grunts, Spectres, Reapers and Stalkers are all good for leveling up Pilot weapons. Regular is typically the best to level up Pilot weapons since the higher difficulties dump Nuke Titans all over you even in early waves and it's a little overwhelming.
>Watching a group of Stalkers at first walk slowly then suddenly start sprinting like mad to the harvester

>pretty much unbeatable if it's 1v1

I wonder why.

>see her stood before me in the drop ship the next game

I fucking despise being put back in her shit show every regen and forgetting to switch.


Snipers gotta be mobile dude. It's a glass cannon, whawd you expect? My question is why did a 8 year old design the Frontier paint job? Northstar is missing a black/yellow sleek option.

Does insane difficulty give you a new shoulder emblem for the good goy warpaint?

I would honestly a slone or a ash before a sarah tbqh. Hopefully the 6-4 or the IMC replace her in the future
Her va is really awful

I'm a pure 1v1 northstar becuase pretty bullshit, she can freely rotate and the map while taking a bar from you every time you make a move. No one really knows though since there is no 1v1 titan mode, but trust me, while she seems somewhat underwhelming in regular play she becuase broken tier in a strict 1v1.

The Last Resort's emblem is a missed opportunity to have a palm tree + beach chair with a mushroom cloud in the background

Have the devs said how much longer they're planning on supporting the game with DLC?

The cheese wedge variety is actually in the campaign. Just dead, and in an out of the way place you probably passed several times.

The time travel mission?

Are they there? The mission I'm referring to is the Satellite mission with Richter. On the platform the Satellite you're fixing is, one of the walkways is littered with their corpses, you walk under it when passing through to the other side.

Honestly I think its a better idea financially to do a DLC pack every 2 months than make a whole new game. The gameplay on Titanfall 2 is tight, lots of people buy the packs, I could live on another year without seeing Titanfall 3.

>consistently score 3rd-4th in multiplayer
>play Frontier Defense
>consistently score 2-3 times higher than the person in the previous place
>always get first place

What is this feeling, /tfg/? Is this what its like to finally feel complete? To go fast?

>mfw Briggs is at the bottom of the Gauntlet, but she's still on the board. Thus even with her slow performance, she's still one of the top 10 militia pilots. The rest are even slower than her.
>mfw pissdrinkers eternally BTFO

>regularly top score in all gamemodes
>still do meh-tier 50% of the time in a tfg stack

nah you're just learning still

>I could live on another year without seeing Titanfall 3.

Well they've got their Star Wars game to finish before they even start on Titanfall 3, and they haven't even shown any of it yet.

It's 3 years away, minimum.

They best keep chucking DLC then. I'm content with throwing £20 every couple months for some skins and bits because they make a map or two every dlc release and make up new game modes.

On Frontier Defense release they said Aegis upgrades are only FD 'for now', so I see a OP Titan game mode coming, No Limits Titan Brawl or something.

>getting sexually attracted to other tfg pilots that are much better than you

>He complains about shitscan
>While using babby-tier granadier shit
How's it like not knowing how to get kills without splash damage?

I hate origin so much, I tried to buy TF2 and it tells me that my card can't be verified. Anyone else have this problem?

Back to back cancer and bait, it really shows the quality here.

Don't fall for it

If you don't use straight projectile weapons, you're a shitter. Get fucked.

>every pilot design is really good
>except grapple

>not liking republic commando grapple pilots
also why does a-wall have Velcro straps on his boots? Whats the extra arm for? Are stim+phase actually sentient or are they just mindless drones

A-Wall/Holo are too fat for laces, extra arm is for anything you use an extra arm for. BT uses his missile pods as arms, same design motif.

Stim and Phase are pilot consciousness saved on a hard drive and uploaded into a bot. Guess they're everything a pilot is, bar the flesh.

>Play MP after playing FD for days on end
>Do horribly, lose all skill, don't have any fun
>Only finding people who're better than me
I don't want this anymore.

>Stim and Phase are pilot consciousness saved on a hard drive and uploaded into a bot.
>you can save you consciousness to a drive and upload it
>you could upload yourself to two different bots
This could go many places all of which involve me fucking me

>you can save you consciousness to a drive and upload it
You can't. It's a copy of your memories, not of your soul. No matter how you try it, unless you put your own brain in a machine, all you'll get from copying is a clone. A copy.

awall and cloak have the robo-arm to grab shit they cant reach with their fuckhuge suit. The 2 robot pilots are generally accepted to be a brain in a jar connected to the robot. This is why they have clothes, fake hair, and fake tits, to offset the weirdness of being a robot

This is basically Soma

>t. phase/r97/arc shitter

>also why does a-wall have Velcro straps on his boots? Whats the extra arm for?

Because it looks like thick ass kevlar gaiters, which helps convey a sense of looking heavy like a demolitions suit.

>Whats the extra arm for?

AWall concept used to be a 'deep-space' engineering suit that eventually became a heavy pilot and IMC infantry captain. And actually trying to reach for a weapon mounted on your back with even light armor can be a bitch, imagine wearing a heavy engineering suit like the AWall.

Actually I use L-STAR.
You fucking faggot.

Who the fuck keeps their weapon on their back nowadays? Use a fucking sling and leave it under your arm at hip level.

I wish Cloak and A-Wall's designs were used for different abilities because I love the designs themselves. I don't particularly care for Cloak, and A-Wall is pretty much the antithesis of TF2's design.
Why did Respawn think "yes, this ability that forces you to sit in one spot in this game about constantly moving" was a good idea?

>implying souls exist
>implying we're more than our flesh and thought patterns
>implying implications
The simulacrums ARE the pilots, just with robo bodies. Same person, same thought patterns, dead but now alive in a new form.

try to mount a fucking thunderbolt or kraber onto your hip in a way that isn't really fucking annoying. The most logical reason is that most of the guns in the game are too bulky, so they just put them on the pilots back.

So how do you feel about the sidearms' nerfs ? I guess they're trying to increase the TTK but really, pistols nerfs ? Just bring back their damage.

Or you know what ? Keep the damage but make it so silencers have no damage penalty and perhaps don't deactive cloak.

>You can't. It's a copy of your memories, not of your soul. No matter how you try it, unless you put your own brain in a machine, all you'll get from copying is a clone. A copy.
I am perfectly ok with this for the scientific purposes I have in mind.

Opinions on the new skins ? I got the new G2 because gilded shit is dope but I'm not really feeling any of the Titan aegis skins.

Anyone that has to keep a secondary weapon that isn't a grenade launcher or handgun. Never mind a Pilot is fucking hopping around everywhere, a conventional sling would leave it flopping about.

>and A-Wall is pretty much the antithesis of TF2's design.

Because you're just bad with AWall. It's the epitome of shoot and scoot.

I wonder what happens to the originals after the new simulacrum is made. Can they go into retirement if they're in good enough shape? Is the new pilot willing to pay for that? Can you just get as many simulacrums as you can afford, and make even more money? But are they considered separate legal people from the first? Is there any obligation either way?

Does the scan process destroy the original brain?


>so how do you feel about...
Undo it all. Or at the very least buff the OG wingman, its the worst gun in the game now.

>silenced doesn't break cloak
This should be a thing. It should take a small amount of time off of cloak's duration though. Think firing a surpressed sidearm in Crysis 2. Also yeah no damage penalty for it, its not like you can put them on primaries anyway.

>Implying souls/consciousness don't exist
It can't just disappear when you die, because there is no reality without an observer.
Imagine yourself not existing. You can't see oblivion without eyes, can't hear it without ears, can't experience it at all without consciousness.
If it's not your brain in a machine, it's not you. It's a fucking copy of your personality. Have you any idea just how absurd the notion of you being two people at the same time in reality is? Shit doesn't fucking work like that. You don't become the machine your memories are transferred to.

>sidearm nerfs
completely unnecessary, respawn cannot go a single update without fucking up something. The Djibouti shooty, the pistol in the biggest need of a nerf, got slapped on the wrist while everything else got fucked

Yeah, the "sit still" ability is perfect for moving around.

Not everyone at respawn cares about muh fast
it's called Titanfall because it's about Titans

>Implying putting it on your back doesn't make it flop about
Its weigh and inertia doesn't magically disappear if you put it elsewhere.
There specific sling attachment techniques used as to not to let the weapon bonce around when you're moving, which is what soldiers in general are gonna be doing during ops, such as front chest carry/port arms.

you can go as fast as you want with cloak, and it's not like awall slows you down. You can throw it when you need it and then go somewhere else. It's an actual glowing 'kill me' sign, no intelligent person is going to stay behind it long

There are also magents on their back to keep the guns in place, you can even see them on the A-wall design Stop trying to inject realism into a game about giant robots launched from space at terminal velocity. I bet your favorite color is beige

>make several copies of yourself just incase you die or incase a copy dies
>everyone ends up surviving and you gota tag team your wife like its some never ending wrestling match
the future is here and i like it

Hey man, realism and logistics of fantasy worlds is fun. Some people like to science or compare things to real world stuff. It's fun to use your mind.

but apex predators r real

>it can't just disappear when you die
Yes, yes it can. Your consciousness is software and your brain is the hardware. What happens when you take a sledgehammer to an HDD? All data on it is lost irrevocably. Its the same thing. As for imagining yourself not existing, you can't. Because nonexistence implies that there is no you, therefore there is nothing to imagine. After death is much like before birth. Nothing.

Yes sure a simulacrum is a copy of a pilot's brain, not the original. But from the moment it's activated it believes itself to be just as much John Doe as John Doe does. Because its everything he is, its his very thoughts and experiences and existence. His brain believes it to be itself even if it's in a tin can.

Also assuming that the original human would die upon uploading his consciousness or whatever you want to call it Then the newly activated simulacrum would be the ONLY John Doe in existence. A copy of the original's brain sure, but a copy still has all the memories of the original and would believe it to be the original, especially if it knew its original body died during the upload or whatever

Really though, Respawn just needs to put out a lore book. Give us in depth concrete info on things like this.

I'm not injecting realism. I'm saying the mechanical claw on A-Wall/Cloak ruin the whole design for a stupid reason. They could just make it so the pilots pull their weapons underhand instead of trying to arc their arms over their heads to do so, so that ugly thing could be removed from the design.
It could at the very least stay wrapped around their neck when not in use like a robo-scarf of some sort but it just sticks out over their shoulder like a sore thumb, fuck.

I don't care for Cloak, it's mainly just for fucking with Titans, people with eyes can see you just fine. A-Wall is essentially stop and go when I could be constantly running around with anything else.

context behind op image? im gay and havent seen that before

>When it's the end of wave 3 and you're the only pilot with over 1000 points

Send help.

Please help friends

thats not a trap you fucking homosexual cunt

Just use paypal.

They didn't touch my RE so I'm ok with it

When is Bleeding Target going to draw more of the prime girls? I want to see edgy Northstar.

I want the voice actors to get off their fucking asses and give me the sultry yet bossy AI voice that Scorch deserves.

There's some lore bits in the Artbook so I'll have a peek when I get home. They're not deep lore/explanations.

>Your consciousness is software and your brain is the hardware
The concept of not existing is essentially impossible. You cannot experience not existing in any way or form unless your brain is actively translating what you see, hear and feel, or formulates dreams on its own when you're sleeping (which is also still a mystery to modern science).
This is evidenced by the fact that when you get knocked out cold, you "wake up" right after, as if you were out for just a moment. You don't experience the passage of time and its effects because you can't. Your consciousness can't experience it. This is also the reason why so many people freak out when they wake up from a coma. To them, days, weeks, months or even years felt like just a few moments of being unconscious. Do you remember not existing before the day you were born? Yeah, neither does anyone else.

There is way more to the human brain than a simple comparison to an HDD. It's not merely a storage device made of muscle and tissue. It's an array of sensors and memories with its very own thought process and the capability of reasoning, among many other things. In case you've forgotten, we don't even know half of its full potential and capabilities yet.

Back on the topic of simulacrums, if you're put on a bed and strapped to neurotransmitters that copy your memories and personality over to a robotic body, you won't suddenly die and be reborn a robot. You don't fucking die inadvertently for no reason just because your mind was copied. You'll still be human, only now you'll see a robot that behaves exactly like you getting up from his bed to your side. This is basic fucking logic. What you're proposing is not only impossible, but also very illogical.

Your consciousness will not simply disappear into oblivion, because basic laws of physics dictate that without an observer, there is no reality. If this statement was to be false, None of us would be here, aware that we're alive, discussing this matter at all.

>keep getting into hard mode FD with this redditor
>he plays like fucking trash every time
>watch as he walks his doomed legion over to a lone reaper and nuclear ejects
>pop the reaper with my railgun before he finishes
>he ejects and explodes for nothing
>there's three nuke titans and two scorches right behind the reaper
>"why did you do that"
>"because I was gonna die, I had zero health"
>"and zero targets"
>"would you rather I died??"

Literally on the booru.

so /tfg/ would you take the opportunity to become a simulacrum?

Since I have an incredible fear or death, yes, I would like to become an immortal robot man.

Fucking no. Simulacra are insane and have severe issues.

As someone who thought a lot about the matter of abandoning the flesh and becoming a robot, yes. But the only way to do so and still be myself is to put my own brain in the robotic body, because then I'd still be me, fully able to experience it first-hand.

I mean fuck getting killed in the Titanfall universe. I'd pray to be shot in the face.

Ash is a cute as well.

>you won't suddenly die and be reborn a robot. You don't fucking die inadvertently for no reason just because your mind was copied.
That bit carried the implication that whatever process they use to "copy", well, you. Also damages the tissues leading to brain death in the original body. So if that admittedly unfounded assumption is incorrect then no there would be no death from the process. We don't know for sure either way though because Respawn's been stingy with details on the deeper lore which I doubt they even really have figured out themselves

>Your consciousness will not simply disappear into oblivion, because basic laws of physics dictate that without an observer, there is no reality
You are not the only observer in existence. The world spins on and is observed by countless people and animals well after your death.

Possibly. Get Respawn to explain it all top to bottom and then maybe I'll give a definitive answer. There are too many unknowns.

What do you think you're gonna see when you die, excluding religious themes entirely? Darkness? You won't see any darkness, you don't have eyes to see it or a brain to understand what you're seeing. Imagine not being able to see absolutely anything, not even pitch black.
Think about it. It's impossible to even imagine "nothingness" without your consciousness being there to experience it and tell you "this is nothingness". You can't imagine what it'll look like because you're not there. This concept just doesn't and will never exist.
What you will see, presumably, is a brief period of nothingness before you're born as someone else entirely. A different entity that`s self-aware, no matter what kind. As random as it may sound, because your awareness that you exist cannot cease to exist. It's impossible to even picture it in your head.

>Copying your memories also damages the tissues leading to brain death in the original body
There`s no evidence of this possibility. Following your previous argument, an HDD doesn`t die when its contents are copied over to a new one.

>You are not the only observer in existence
What is reality to your consciousness if you don`t exist and can`t experience it? Non-existent. This, too, is a concept in physics.