>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
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>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
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I like Fire Emblem!
I want Saber to fuck me
Is that Knoll cooking spaghetti?
Once again, just an FYI some guy from reddit made an app for the voting gauntlet that will wake you up if there's a bonus in the middle of the night. Might come in handy so you don't miss any bonus hours.
Sorry iOS users, Android only.
Micaiah slamming Sanaki with a staff.
That is indeed Knoll cooking spaghetti.
Reposting from last thread, first post ending in 5 decides if i kill my tharja for her tome. so my lilina+atk adquires T R U E P O W E R
Please post my adorable wife
Give her tome to Lilina
Don't do it user kun but kiss me instead
Fuck off, Gawain.
Young girls are naturally more desirable than older women. It's simple biology. Men who disagree do so simply to comply with societal norms. It's sad, really.
To explain, let me list some of the traits that men typically look for in the perfect girl.
The perfect girl
>is small
>is cute
>is pure
>is impressionable
>is soft
>is naive
>is innocent but has a natural curiosity for lewd things
>smells good (faint milk/crayon/fruit smell)
>will always look up to you
>will listen to you
>will trust you
>is interested in your hobbies
>doesn't care only about money
>will let you teach her all kinds of things
>likes to cuddle with you
>has perfect skin without blemishes
As you can see, all of those exclusively apply to younger girls. Also, they tend to have a slightly higher body temperature, which feels great when cuddling
Should I 5* him or start making him a 4*10?
Hit me with a smut idea and I'll write something short
Me fucking your waifu as you watch.
playing doctor with your best friend.
this but with my waifu instead
Female Corrin walks in on Forrest in the hot spring and realizes he has a penis.
Men are superior so the effort you made on your post was completely wasted.
Lukas and Python showering together
how many fists can tharja fit in her rancid cunt
Power has already spoken
Hector throwing Lilina at Roy while screaming "Go make me grandfather already"
alternatively florina and lyn watching
Veronica summons another Veronica and makes full use of her contract
I finally got my Frederick after all this time.
Hes +Atk-Hp, I feel so blessed...
I've sent home so many Freddies.
I hate you
Rinea walking in on Berkut and Fernand fucking.
Hi saber
Look at the times you fucking twat
Anyone joining team Robin want to add me? I need some more friends.
How are you planning to build him? Give him the poison dagger?
why did they choose so many plain and boring girls for summer
why don't they forecast ghb lineups anymore
that was a cool thing they did once
Is she always this good or did i get lucky?
what, they chose miccy too?
Depends on who your lead will be
I sure wish, buddy
youre a cutie
Is this the power of red dragons? Wow..
user's loss I guess, 28 defense wins sure were fun to look at this week.
>is small
What if I want a tall amazonian GF?
gg kiddo
here, have a free (you)
flying memes
I like Hana
I did it with horse memes.
>he doesn't have a flying meme team
would you fuck her a lot?
Horse memes.
Nowi is for breeding!
Gaius bros add me im only using him because I don’t have anyone else, Ike lead
Sharena catches the summoner sleeping and gives him an eager friendly blowjob while he's unconscious
Damn right she is, enjoy your cute walking nuke and witness the potential uselessness of Swordbreaker because with buffs she can comfortably one-shot through all arena DC swords
How do I beat archers with Flier Emblem?
I currently have healer maskcina but I have others I could switch her out for if you'd like.
kill them
I can't oneshot. Don't have Spring Camilla. I am currently running Michalis to tank and kill but he has problems against 3 or more archers.
This but with male Corrin instead.
Brave weapon/one shot with bladememes
A lucky idiot. Marisa is definitely the worst gba myrmidon and she needs those Swordmaster promotion gains.
Brave Axe/Lance+ and dragback/hit and run.
Kill them with Cordelia or one-shot them with Spring Camilla or Summer Corrin.
Convince me on which team to join tomorrow, Corrin or Robin?
Is kektor a good lead for lending out during voting gauntlet? My usual lead is summer tiki, but I may switch out to kektor if people want kektor.
Summer Corrin can't oneshot.
what Bskill is better for her nuke sempai? teach me your ways
just roll for Summer Corn, goy
Give cherche a brave axe
>leading with the unit you're on the team for
i hate people like you
Unless she's an oppai loli, she's shit
Corrin is cuter and stronger
is this the power of autism?
i neeeeeed
Thats fine, Im also going with a red against tiki
Should i go healslut Almond or Buff bot Eirika?
Not him but I put G Tomebreaker on mine
>he doesnt understand how bladetomes work
>loli is the body type of an adolescent girl
>"oppai lolis" are lolis
That's like saying that shotas are lolis.
i'm still salty being on team julia where i was paired with two other fucking julias against an all snacki team
>not going to bed right now if you're EST in order to wake up at 3 am
lmaoing@u scrubs
Reminder to keep him forever and always benched
I don't have Brave weapons. Do have Summer Corrin.
I can't use Blargblade because I don't have buffers. The only buffer I have is Summer Corrin, the rest are Goads.
This is one of the best thief designs in fire emblem, prove me wrong.
God I want to use this unit so bad
I genuinely love this Pegasus Knight design.