/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

Previous: >[Fate/Grand Order Fes. 2017 ~2nd Anniversary~]
>There will be a quest named "Memorial Quest" in Chaldea Gate, clearing it will reward the players with their choice of "Heroic Spirit Formal Dress" Craft Essence from the 47 choices.
>Choices of the CEs also depend on the "Clear" status for each Singularity.

30 Jul-9 Aug: Sherlock Holmes (in all rate up)
2 Aug: Fuyuki, Orleans
3 Aug: Septem, Okeanos
4 Aug: London, America
5 Aug: Camelot, Babylonia
6 Aug: Shinjuku , Agartha
7 Aug: Da Vinci + 2016 Anniversary CE

>Strengthening Quest for 14 Servants.

>Guaranteed SSR Limited gacha

>English FGO has its own general for now, search /fgoalter/ in the catalog
>There are now costume options, Mashu is the only one available now
>Skill interludes for Astolfo and Arjuna, NP interlude for Geronimo, quartz interludes for Cu Alter, Jeanne Alter, David, Billy the Kid and Li Shuwen.
>Swimsuit versions for Nitocris, Nobunaga and Saber Alter have been revealed for the next Summer event


>Farming Guide


>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>Friendlist Spreadsheet (last reset: June 29)
Add yourself docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCq3eZgh3zlUtZ3G6Y-zzv1kaXt4GHuWVBRlV__V3Q3rC2Pg/viewform
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA

>Materials, experience and event AP simulators

>Alternate Servant/CE DB

Other urls found in this thread:


purple servants best servants

Does it actually feel good to be cummed inside?

I miss liz thread!

When are the paid quartz packages getting upgraded? They're not going to wait for the paid gacha to be over, are they?

>60 to 69
69 to 70 by a little bit

Even on triple chances, I'm still getting cucked by the level up gacha.
Why is this allowed?


>1 more day until event reveal

How do I cope?

I want to sleep with my mama ~

Is Cleo loves (You)? i know about her wanting to fuck you in valentine, but what's are her bond and ascension lines?

I've never experienced it before and never will, but scientifically I can say "no, it doesn't".


What did he mean by this?

Wait, do we get two gachas tomorrow (one for Fuyuki and one for Orleans) or do we get both of those servants in one gacha?

She likes you, but she also still likes Caesar despite him now being fat.


Both in 1


Identities revealed

This time without all the china shitposting


Say, should i try my shitty luck in France Gacha for Jeanne, or save my shit for the little chance of Summer Jeanne and Summer Raikou in the same time?

Now that we've outed cleofags as cucks, who's next?


The latter.

They already did adjust them.
Before the largest quartz package was 140, now it's 167.

You will always be second best to Caesar.

Jeanne really is too good for this shit series. Most of the Servants are to be honest.

Apoc was a true mistake.
Even /a/ acknowledges how meh it is.

Tell me about it. I swear it's rigged to piss you off.

>fionn finally getting buffed

it's been
84 years

What's his name again?

/a/ has always said how shit the novels were, so it comes as no surprise.

What if I find the best part about Cleo her cute relationship with Fat Caesar and she isn't my waifu?


>Even /a/ acknowledges how meh it is.
I hope you don't think this matters at all.
Apoc is trash but not for the reasons /a/ thinks it is.

I'd rather fuck Astolfo desu senpai

Jeanne is one of the bad parts though.

If you want Jannu wait for a better rate up.
You've probably got like a .2% chance to roll her with her sharing Rate Up with Seiba and Holmes.

What if I'm a Caesarfag?

she still want to fuck (You) tho.

It's one of the biggest doujin lies. Most girls can't even tell at all when you cum inside them.

She looks pretty pissed off.

She is forced to play of Sieg which is the problem

>Grailed Musashi and Scat
I'm surprised only one of your friends removed you

Gilgamesh is the alpha and Arthur the Omega(end) servants

The former, we get two.

Translate chinks

Is there even a chance for Summer Jeannu?

does this faggot ever posts the finished stuff?

Maybe for (you)


Doesn't say much considering she has to interact with Sieg, the worst part. He drags the cast down.

Wonfes is good civilization

Hm? Was this something they just added in the anniversary update?



Didn't you watch the anniversary stream? Atleast look at the news page.


Would have removed then re added you only to remove you again and screencap

This is my cute nurse.
She arrived for me when I rolled the Jew gacha.
She has been sitting there for a while, for finally she is progressing in her journey to become a doctor.
Say something nice about her.

>Be Riyo
>Can draw more detailed characters
>Get paid a shit ton by TM and Aniplex to draw the equivalent of doodles

Imagine being Riyo in 2014. Do you think he would see his shit getting this big?

I've been told they don't necessarily feel the semen being shot inside of them but they can sometimes feel how the dick twitches when it cums and/or the semen oozing around once it is inside of them.

You can't be this retarded.

Nah, I ended up missing it and I didn't see anything in the OP.
So you can pick daily mats now, that's nice I guess.

If the girl is already really wet then they probably won't notice.

Will he finally be good? Only time will tell

Pretty sure that's his primary style.

She's the only servant that can take the skies away from humanity and at the same time run a Russian Organized Crime outfit that has enough experience and skill to start World War III
She is also a highly skilled arms merchant and negotiator.

>try using the ticket
>it's 1 for 1

well that kinda sucks
better than nothing i guess

Referring to how he drew VR Gudako

>The ticket isn't for bones

Better than how it's been before though so not sure what you expected.

Hope his garbage Clairvoyance gets updated like EMIYA's.

>yfw it's a Scat buff

There's three gold Lancers on the list.

Kaguya sama when

Baby steps I guess

Needs two stage like MHXA.
Remove the RNG in his dodge, buff his clairvoyance.
His NP gain is also super shit.


>mongrel, don't come near me or I'll call for help
>Call for help, no one will come

I don't particularly care either way but there'd be nonstop shitposting for days.

Not him, but I thought we could exchange x tickets for a rare mat.

Not sure why you would think that if you read the news or any place that translates the news.

>like MHXA.
You mean Red Man?

All three are Scat's.
NP Interlude.
3rd skill buff (50% NP charge)
1st skill buff (remove RNG)

Needs a dodge on her heal so she can finally be good.

RNG on the dodge doesn't really matter to me since I already have him at level ten. I'd much rather have a clairvoyance buff.

I know, but Don't think he cares because he seems to do several comics in this same style.

Yeah, now get your free proof/fang/stinger

news when

Guan Yu 5* when lads?

LB the Ryuunosuke CE and turn her into a killer!

Why didn't you post the dude?

>she's still shit because no quick Merlin
inb4 the buffs turn her into a full fledged quick support

>it's 100% at level 10
Oh, never mind then.
Just give him a NP charge skill.

will riyo ever draw idolmaster fanart again

But what if I want more chains?

Big News in 14 hours when Sumanai gets buffed so hard he becomes 11.0 on the Memelist.

>tfw still need one to LB

>14 hours
how many 5 mins is that?

I wanna fap to something, post lewds

wait till it gives you the option for chains
