/ink/ - splatoon general

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- Booru: booru.splatoon.ink/

> News
- The first Switch My Nintendo rewards are Splatoon 2 equipment (Japan exclusive so far) - New update patching exploit and tweaking special costs: en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/27028/p/897
- Dualie Squelchers added.
- The next NA/EU Splatfest is Mayo vs Ketchup has been announced. Join a team and scrub your Tees for 2000 coins each.

> Splatoon 2 Information (links + translated tweets)
- pastebin.com/h04p6aqy

- pastebin.com/1wPYkZc9

> Splatoon 2 Weapon Stats
- imgur.com/a/eV8p0
>S2 New weapon stats

>S2 Headgear
>S2 Shirts
>S2 Shoes

> Resources
- pastebin.com/6UaR6zHL

> Wiki
- splatoonwiki.org/

> User Stats
- splatoon.nintendo.net/

> if you want to add your friend code before splatoon goes out use this:
- docs.google.com/forms/u/0/d/e/1FAIpQLSfrpLqYcIcxHjNbeVoBql4HDGqUseArmbUePz71gXqBgHlHtA/viewform?usp=sf_link

> list of FC:
- docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1y-zt8u4va5GuDYnX_ToKfRUFRHu-1izMtE6ifaRK4II/edit?usp=sharing

Other urls found in this thread:


Bring back custom Splattershot Jr.

I want to horribly violate Callie so badly that she becomes a paranoid, whimpering mess for the rest of her life!

>news missing the exclusive stage for splatfest


>this still isn't in the OP

I am sincerely considering spending the 50k for this. I have a Parashooter right now, and it's Special Power Up, but this is fucking hilarious. All I would need is 30 chunks and I would have missiles forever.

Should I keep Special Power Up or should I opt for this new one? For the record, the one I ordered had THREE SCU subs - was hoping for good luck, got moderate luck.


twitter.com/SplatoonJP/status/892187279975882752 (embed)
If you see a shiny squid at the beginning of a match, that means they've been winning a lot of matches recently. I have literally never seen this before, has anyone else?

>still no news
op why
there's gonna be a splatfest exclusive map.

I saw it sometimes, no idea what it meant.
Thanks you.


I want her glasses as gear.

>CAPTCHA: Select all images with sunglasses

those joycon booster things look like they could be good, specifically making it way more comfy to use separated joycons if you got bigass hands

I've never seen it either and remain pretty skeptical about it

Please help me /ink/, you're my only hope.

Got the *official* LAN adapter but it won't connect. Used in on my own computer just fine (after a quick firmware update) so it's not the adapter or cord. But the switch keeps giving a 2110-1100 error, which means "not properly installed" according to their site but "installing" the damn thing is just taking it out and putting it back in. I even tried a 3rd party adapter and that didn't work either. NETGEAR R6400 router if that matters. Wireless works fine but drops me half my matches.

having your special super often is WAY better than having a slightly better special desu.

okay, I can forgive op for not including news but someone actually said to add the useful site to the op and it still wasn't added. why

I want to start some more discussion about the maps in this game and get a consensus on how people feel about them. I'm going to try to start off every new thread with a poll about a map. This time it is Musselforge Fitness
Please vote in the poll and reply with thoughts about the map. Why you feel the way you do, what weapons you think work well on it, what modes are fun on it, etc.

>the octos might have fucking nukes

I'd go for it, and if you have a special charge up ticket then you might not have to waste any chunks.

Yeah, I was wondering that, too.
When I first saw them I cared less about the battery life and more about if they would enhance hand-feel.
But I have a pro controller, so I didn't bother.

I trust you made the right choice /ink/?

for user!!

I am -not- risking my luck. I used a ticket earlier for Quick Jump, tried making a joke setup and still got Cold Blooded twice in a row followed by different abilities twice after.

How long does food last

Great idea. In fact, I think every squid in Inkopolis should get a pair of these super fresh shades.

Chunks can overwrite other abilities, so there's no risk involved, except for wasting a ticket.

I sure did, I'll feast on her blood when she gets her shit stomped
look for a date on the package

t. Octavio

20 games.
There will be a little icon keeping count for you.

I'd think nuclear weapon silos are more safely tucked away. Besides, they'd be more likely to repurpose them as energy sources. I wonder what the old cityspheres in Octo Valley used for power, considering they're scavenging Zapfish for the military effort.

...you're fucking kidding.

Nice try Octavio

>tfw your charger game is on point

I fucking love deleting people. I was a huge charger main in Splatoon 1 and even though I think they're good in this game, I'd been giving some other weapons some time and attention. Going back to instakilling people from outside their range of influence feels amazing though.
>First checkpoint is nearby
>Tower is moving towards me
>Throw down a splash wall
>Start splatting squiddos left and right
>Grab the freshly cleared tower
>Activate Suction Bomb Rush
>Ride and spam bombs until we're past mid and starting to approach the first checkpoint
Successfully reversing the entire momentum of the match feels amazing. Really, just being the only charger on the server feels amazing. Unless they've got a really aggressive rapid blaster.

Well, some datamining suggests that it might be possible for that to happen eventually. Maybe.

>implying hypnoshades could even hope to control Maries vastly superior brain.

>Implying she wouldn't just be merely pretending to be hypnotized, waiting for her chance to strike.

Love the underboob, though.

>tfw your Woomy freshness is just right
post your Woomy and be nice!

>Unless they've got a really aggressive rapid blaster.
that'd be me.

thanks, anons

A reminder that this is what you can expect from the Splatoon anime coming out in less than 2 weeks.

Good stuff user

asking again if anyone got that webm of the dude with a splosh-o-matic dodging a blaster while zig-zagging, it was posted here quite a few times during splatoon 1 times.

Is it just me or does the OP picture look like 360 kid? First thing I thought of seeing it.

Does anybody else just retreat from long fire-fights in ranked?


I'm learning some held charge tactics to handle fuckers like you.

>Notice that FUCKING rapid blaster is coming again
>Just as he rounds the corner for the flanking path he wants to shoot me from, I aim at the floor and charge a shot
>Squid up
>Wait for him to show his face

Watch out. True charger masters will start differentiating themselves by using this new mechanic to the fullest. I even wanna try to learn the Goo Tuber. 5 Seconds of held charge is fucking nuts.

I want S rank fags to stop shitting up my Turf War matches. Getting 20+ kills won't win you the match if you get splat in the last 30 seconds.

Why does it feel like I'm always fighting 3/4ths of the enemy team alone

>Octos find underground human base filled with tanks, missiles, helos, and plenty of real guns a la Metro 2033
>pretty much unlimited power from the reactor
>salmonids get the hitler treatment
>permanently splat millions of squids
>octos take their place as the successors to the humans

If everyone but me gets killed and I start getting pinged I feel like I owe to them to try and retreat to somewhere safe for them to jump to.

i know right?
i'm not good with it in turf war but it's so fucking satisfying
i'm scared to use it in ranked :(

The great thing about splatoon isn't splatting the enemy team, it's showing everyone on splatnet that I did.

Silly question but do new Splatnet items appear at the top or at the bottom of the list every two hours?

Also, reminder that the Camo Zip Hoodie with Ninja Squid goes out of stock in 30 minutes. The brand sucks, but if you like the shirt and the ability you can always use chunks on it.

>play slosher
>don't have the accuracy or speed to check every single ink puddle
>get raped by brushes
How boring.

it vibrates

lol can you imagine if splatoon ryona of inkling girls exists lol wouldn't that be weird or something haha

Yes, same time as when the stage rotation message shows up.

>Killing uppity shooters in close range with pinpoint accuracy

I don't even mean because of super jumping. I just getting bored and swimming away

>implying I won't use my splat bomb launcher to make you lose your spaghetti and miss
On an unrelated note goo tuber is the only charger you can be really aggressive with in splatoon 2 right now. It's pretty fun.

Killing three people in two seconds is an addicting feeling

For you

>at the top or at the bottom of the list

Okay fine, I'll just wait half an hour and figure it out myself. Christ I wish the people on this infernal image board had reading comprehension.

Oh shit didn't see the top or bottom part. New items show at the bottom.

If you guys aren't going to talk about the maps, please at least vote in the poll. I'd appreciate it


I'll wait for the squiffer to come back. I loved that thing.

I want to have sex with her in the missionary position with the lights off while holding hands with her!

Shouldn't take too long, they've been pumping out weapons pretty quickly so far.

Everybody, please post as many Octoling pictures as possible. It doesn't matter if its a screenshot or fanart or whatever, I just need more Octoling pictures.

How's single player coming along?

Muscle Forge is nice but it's still got Splatoon 2 syndrome where it's a little too cramped and busy.

Still like the central zone and how it all works in general though.


What does power level mean in random ranked?

Share sick squid wallpapers, squiddos?

Finished a week ago. Which Replica do you like using the most online? Splatling for me.


>absurdly paranoid with slots this time around
>think I can only chunk an open slot
>"surely he jestin'"
>pick random shirt


Thank you user.

I still haven't gone through all of it and I'm butthurt that the ending was spoiled for me.

>not completely shutting off communications with your friends and staying offline for weeks to avoid spoilers.

Hah, weak ass nerd.


See, I actually like that about the new maps. I loved the ones in the original, but my biggest complaint was that on the whole, there wasn't much terrain to take advantage of the movement mechanics. Plus, short range weapons could use all the help they can get. And I never feel cramped in the new game, but I can see where you are coming from. Both the original and this game have amazing map design overall, imo

Did dynamo get a huge damage nerf? Why is it so damn hard to kill with it now? Is this just a placebo?

I just brought them all but haven't tried them online yet. Probably do the hero shot first

>how come this bitch gets thumbs while I'm stuck with shitty suction cups

Me too, user. Me too.

"Reddit space" your post so we can read it m8


draw requests: SPAGHETTI EDITION

i got burned out working on a mom squid comic strip, so i need some random squids to doodle please. spaghettis preferred, but i might draw some woomys tonight too. thanks!

>reminder that the Camo Zip Hoodie with Ninja Squid goes out of stock in 30 minutes
a 3 slot with ninja squid is fucking great
not to mention it actually looks alright with the more military stuff like the boots and the beret

>can't look fresh for a whole week because I'm grinding chunks in the splatfest shirt

suction cups are better for gripping though.

>you're connection is preeeeeeetty suspicious, make sure you internet isn't busted


I felt a craving for ARMS today and I think Splatoon killed it. This lasted for five rounds.

I agree with you completely, Splatoon 2's maps don't have a single inch of wasted space

In what situation is Ninja Squid practical?


the average of everyones Matchmaking rank which is how you get sorted further amongs your rank, its invisible in ranked but during Splatfest you can see it and show it off. The higher ones are like 2k

Me on the left

Sorry. Should I repost it or wait til next thread, or come back to Mussleforge later?





God that's funny. I still deeply regret buying Arms. I opened it once and never again