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>Patch 4.05 Notes
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Did all the threads get torched?
Post elezen!
Yeah. I wouldn't put it past mods and janitors to force a time-out from /xivg/ for a while.
Good mornin'. I'll have me two Steak-umms, please.
Even the last thread that was before 750 posts
Migrate, say no to desperate psychopath
The forced archival was interesting, though.
yeah, not sure why that happened
You get the meat, I'll start the fire
alive thread without that desperate attention whore
you mean the thread that's just talking about someone?
I fucking give up, what the fuck mods
Mods you fucking autists you pruned the wrong one what the fuck
wahts going on i want to play games
nby the way someone on aether wanna do ala mhigo
Liora must be VERY upset, migrate
Any sloots on hyperion?
>still doesn't link the last thread
dude, you're just getting everything pruned at this point.
>that feel when ada is a 10/10 trap
>never watch this video because assume laugh is gratingly obnoxious
>curious now
>it's actually funny
So which thread is the right one? Or is xivg finished?
Have another good sir!
What am I watching here
this thread is the wrong one, go to the one where op isn't showing off his or her shitty fucking character.
Not this one
No thread is the right one. We go now into the abyss.
Any thread you're in is the right thread!
this one hasn't been deleted
Can someone help me out on my NIN?
With ilvl 323 and i330 weapon I can't break past 4.2k dps on the dummy. No pots, shit food. I wanna know how to improve my rotation/skill usage rather than upgrading to more expensive buffs.
What kind of stupid-ass question is this.
I like when you give my ass a nice firm squeeze.
Is there any sort of EU community for this?
This one got pruned 3 times though
What's the DRG rotation at 60 and 70?
any image rotation guides?
just some lapsitting
new phone whodis
there's an entire EU datacenter located in germany (?)
Liora isn't even in game, it's not him
Awww, thx :3
I'm so confused, I think I will lay low for awhile until the mods have this straightened out.
Well, when the other thread that had quite a bit of posts gets pruned, I am not for sure where to post.
Look at top parses of NIN and videos of better NINs, see what they are doing that you aren't. Practice!
So is this general all NA?
theres a small vg community on odin
there's two omega linkshells i believe, and an FC
>I am not for sure where to post
>new phone whodis
I came to visit you yesterday
What the fuck is going on with xivg recently
So this this girl supposed to be a young woman? Teenager? XIV doesn't really have teenagers so I have no idea what she's really supposed to look like. Is she supposed to be this short?
Do I get to fuck her?
Oh. Anytime qt.
Chemo is off his meds again
S s someone's mad
T t thanks for the yugiri op
Y y ya, ur welcome
Fuckin lmao
why did you hurt akryn
desperate op
I did the FSH quest and I don't remember any of this.
One retard is upset about Liora making threads so he starts thread wars and spams the thread because he doesn't like the image in the OP despite nobody looking at it after like 10th post
Obviously you did the Fishing quests because you can't get to that point without doing them.
Dude, Liora made 4 threads in a row with 3 being pruned, come on, you must admit he actively participates in it
Has he sucked you off yet?
nobody would ever have issues if liora wasn't a constant sperg about showing off their not even mediocre midlander, maybe if he could post quality stuff every once in a while people wouldn't give so much of a shit
Someday, I'll be married.
>he thinks it's one person
>he thinks liora hasnt been doing anything wrong for the past month
post discarded, i fucking hate your friend too, call me a chain reporting chemo or something
There's two xivg FCs on Omega and a few linkshells.
one retard kept making generals early and mods kept pruning them. Then someone baked it at the right time and he derailed the thread anyway.
i've made two threads, one got pruned. i didn't even post in the other thread because it was posted after mine.
it's literally one guy, "liora" and the anti liora spammer
he won't stop soon because he has barneyfag tier autism
You're the worst thing to happen to this general. Ever. I actually had the catalogue open and saw your desperation first hand.
>Liora made 4 threads in a row with 3 being pruned
Where did you get these numbers? I've only seen two and we're posting in the second one.
Post full and post trap pics
stop samefagging
it's not our fault you have autistic friends
stop fucking talking to yourself you subhuman sack of shit
we only serve sushi here
if he cares about the thread so much, why wont he post something else but his avatar in the op
>at the right time
It was 23 seconds later than this thread.
There were literally 3 Liora threads, and 3 le one guy threads. You not seeing them doesn't make them imaginary.
Hahahah hahaha hahahaha hahhhhhhhh
>get called out for making up a fantasy scenario to spam a thread over
>y-youre the samefag
because he doesn't lmao
this is what happens when you cultivate an autistic server like balmung and then give it an anonymous place to post
He doesn't care, he only wants the attention it brings. Don't like the antagonism? Just Close Your Eyes Nigga Hahahaha Tyler Reaction Image Hahaha No One Looks At The Image Past 10 Posts Hahaha
Not everyone who disagrees with you is the same person
autism, more so than usual
you mean irl?
There's no marriages in XIVG.
I haven't been here in days. What happened?
Ahhhhhhahshahahaha holy fuck these losers are so mad
Is it possible to out dps other people as healer
I don't play healer but I don't ever wanna even hear about such a hell!!
If they are absolute shitters, then yes
I'm gonna tickle B'nhakas soft little ninja feet.
My mind boggles when he actually says he plans to keep it up through all of SB, I mean, according to what fucking metric is it considered a normal behavior
>"fight" for thread justice several days in a row
>staying up 20 hours a day trying to pin down their sleep schedule
Hey guys, I have the threads best interest in mind
I've seen a couple of npcs with big spiky manacles like Bowser would wear. Does anyone know off the top of their head what they're called?
did he really? what the fuck
xivg wasn't like this back in heavensward, what happened
If they are bad, yes.
Sadly, this is the case more often than not.
>XIV doesn't really have teenagers
Sleep schedule? The threads shit up at 7 AM PST sharp.
Is Aika the cutest c@ that posts?
whoa no, not in the thread