How often does Veeky Forums follow the speed limit?
How often does Veeky Forums follow the speed limit?
On highways I generally go 5-10 miles above the speed limit. In town I will rarely ever go 5 over. Unless you are literally dying, there is no reason to drive at high speeds on public roads.
never, unless I'm in a school zone with cameras.
I'm always 5-10 over minus zones being 30mph or lower.
Most of the time in the car, not very often on the bike.
only when i'm stuck behind someone else
almost never
almost never
going 5-10 miles over the limit is such a dumb reason to be pulled over.
Highway limit is 140km/h, my car starts getting noisy at anything over 100km/h and vibrating violently at 120 so I don't do more than 100, which is good for my fuel economy.
In the city yes, unless its artificially low for no reason.
On the highway depends on traffic and road conditions but generally less than 10 over
On highways usually 5-15 over since my state has 65mph limits, but everyone does 70+ anyway and you’ll never get stopped if you’re under 75. Oh non-highways usually do the limit or 5 over if it’s safe.
In the cage I go over the limit on the highway and at or under on non highways. On the donorcycle, I do 55-60 on the highway because lol250, but 5-10 over on non-highway non-residential streets.
If someone is tailgating you, get out of the left lane. It's not your job to police how fast everyone is going.
>MFW my state's driving handbook tells you to pull over and let someone pass if they're aggressively tailgating you.
>MFW I do this too because if someone's gonna be an unsafe jackass I'd rather them be miles ahead of me anyway rather than right on my ass.
I go 60 max and am always under the speed limit
>mfw always 10 over
Im always speeding without really paying attention to it. I work nights so roads are usually fairly empty. I just drive with whatever I feel comfortable at.
I live in Chicago and the highways here are 55. used to be 55 state wide, not the boonies are 65 I think, and right outside Chicago its 60.
Anyway, everyone always drives 70-80mph. Today I was cruising at 80 passing most traffic, but every now and then someone drove decently past.
Literally no one goes the speed limit unless its some deranged old fucker, or some retard slowing down too early for an exit.
>being cuck'd by a sign
fuck no, I do what I want
Buttblasted soy boy detected
>How often does Veeky Forums follow the speed limit?
I did 30 mph over on my commute home.
Learn lane discipline you fucking cunt. In my state your supposed to pull over if there's a line of at least 5 cars behind you trying to pass you
100% of the time. Only niggers break the law.
>tfw live in a shit ass village and bit more than half an hour away from a decent city and cross the police only once or twice every 6 months on the road
>what speed limits?
this is why canada does in fact post minimum speeds, to avoid soyboy yankee numales like you clogging up the joint
>minimum speed limits
>you can get a ticket for going too slow
Why is Canada so shit and totalitarian?
because we have a country to keep functioning, unlike you yanks that have already failed and become a nation of shrieking tranny wastrels
Hardly ever unless I know a cop is around. I live in a rural town so I do much hooning as necessary to satisfy my stupid ass.
is that right.
>Canadian calling Americans soyboys
The DC beltway is posted 55. When traffic is light (very rarely unless late at night) everyone goes like 85.
I live in Los Angeles, so never. I get passed doing 100 on the 405 in the mornings.
On freeways, it doesn't matter. But I find that roads in my city are optimized for their speed limits, going any faster or slower causes inefficiencies.
I've done most of the 205 at 85 average during 1pm traffic. Fuck you people, can't give courtesy for shit
Wow, you're literally an old woman in the body of a chanfag
I try to go the same speed as the rest of the traffic. And around here, that's like 15 or 20 over.
But I like fucking with Hondafags trying to look kewl that fly by everyone in the left lane. I try to make it a point to show them how small they really are.
Blow me fag. I’m driving to get somewhere. Not because I want to be.
Never. Always going at least 30km over.
>live in the slowest driving city in BC
I always make sure to give cameras the finger
Reminder that speed limits are also outdated by like 60 years.
>How often does Veeky Forums follow the speed limit?
I can´t.
250 knots are beyond what my car can do...
While Veeky Forums's official passtime is larping as dagumi in their miatas in the snow, I like to larp as akio on the highway in my V6 accord.
Yet, with increasing car performance on average, there are still a great many accidents because people cannot see another car in front of them.
Just because I can take a 55km/h posted corner in a 100 zone at 100 in the dry, does not mean Mary J Blind can still make it at 40 in her shitmobile in the wet.
never unless i see a hwp or camera
Literally never
tire technology has massively improved as well, cars have way more grip than most drivers are aware of, even fat-ass SUVs.
As little as possible. I regularly go atleast 10 over.
The posted speed limit is set for drunk asian women in 40 year old station wagons. If neither of us are such people then you have no reason to be going exactly 60 miles an hour in a straight line.
Also daily reminder that insurance companies lobby to keep speed limits low because due to advances in crash safety (disintegrating cars), though you may survive unscathed in a high speed crash, your car will be totaled EVERY TIME, even for a fender bender (fender disintegrator), and insurance actually cares about the cost of your car and not the cost of your body
>get off my tail
Pull to the side or I will pass you illegally whenever it is safe to do so, double yellow be damned.
>inb4 i'm a cop
I'm a sportbike squid with a plate flipper.
>bootlicker: the speed limits are important, for safety and following the law and not being a nigger. i'm a white man and i know english so i know that it's a limit and not a minimum.
>cop: *lets everyone fly by at 10 over*
>cop: that's nice, kid
I live in Oregon so never. Police won't even acknowledge you unless you're doin ten over because even they speed too.
Always. The speed limits are pathetically low here in Vegas and even the local cops go 10-15 over. Not highway patrol though, fuck those cocksuckers
>tfw live in the countryside
>no cameras
>see a patrol car like once a month
I stay around it because overtaking opportunities (legal and not) are minimal and there are a lot of cyclists. I never drive below it while in traffic, and I will drive faster than it if conditions allow.
only when im in foreign countries because cops will pick you out of the bunch for having other plates
I'll generally be a good 10-20 over on a regular drive. A lot of times more. Only been pulled over once for doing 50 in a wide 25 road near uni and even then only a warning.
>see Terry, the 50 year old sherrif who's been on the force since he was 18.
>give him a nod while you pass going 15 over.