Is capitalism failing?

More and more people are becoming increasingly reliant on government handouts. Peoples lives are at the mercy of corporations.

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why would that mean that it's failing? the only thing capitalism promises is the opportunity to offer your skills and services in exchange for currency.

it's not the fault of capitalism that people who don't have said skills or services exist.

Everything you need in life costs money and in order to acquire that money you need to work. no work = no money = welfare

There's plenty of work, the issue is people being unwilling to move to it or to take certain work.

I love you clowns that think supply and demand are one way.

You wouldn't supply iPhones for pennies just because I demanded it so why would you expect workers to supply labor in the same context?

In other words, you want something, you pay for it, you shiftless Jew.

A) You didn't actually respond to what I said
B) You don't understand supply and demand beyond an Econ 101 level
C) Even taking your nonsensical response into consideration, there are good paying jobs available, but again, people are not willing to take those jobs or aren't willing to move for them, so my original point still stands

Just simple social darwinism at work. The strong have jobs. The weak can't find any and live on welfare.

There are jobs but for a few $$$ less you can sit on your ass and get free shit, welfare is the problem not the solution

Depends on what you define as 'capitalism'. If youre talking about the US economy, the central banking/fiat money system is failing. Its the logical and mathematical result of printing too much money and manipulating asset prices & bank deposits.

Every poster above me has a low IQ and likely voted for Trump. These people unironically think Trump is going recreate jobs that were lost to automation.

No one in the world uses capitalism in it's true unadulterated form.

>muh automation
brainlet spotted

>reliant on government
>at mercy of corporations

Go ahead, explain to me how automation (efficiency) results in more net man hours/full time jobs (inefficiency).

I'm waiting, Trumpledyte.

Capitalism is failing because money and power is becoming more centralized and your ordinary run of the mill blue/white collar pleb has less and less leverage.

America hasn't been a capitalist country for at least since the first Bush era.

America is a pseudo socialist empire with crony capitalist and now with trump a full blown socialist crony capitalist

You're an idiot.

Because that would be fucking retarded.

In the short term, yes jobs are lost. This is only temporarily though. People will change and fill this "hole" with other jobs or in this case, if there is machines there need to be people makimg the machines, cleaning the machines, maintaining the machines, etc etc. People are doing better when they get more time for themselves. Imagine if clothes we're still made by hand through the spinning wheel, the time saved allows for advancement or enlargement of other fields. The less humans have to do the better. Humans naturally need purpose and will find something to satisfy that.

^Socialist faggot spotted
Capitalism doesn't fail. More gov, bigger than ever, socialist economy = Bad economy

No, I'm a capitalist. You're just a retard that doesn't understand advanced economies.

Obviously I understand more than you, welfare faggot

Not true people could walk onto a steel mill job in the 40s and feed a family of 8 kys.

Capitalism is obviusly failing. With the advent of the internet the u.s. Bubble is no longer. When robots come to take everyone's job we will see lots of bloodshed.

Really, all it has to do with is global labor arbitrage.

First, companies are moving to low cost, low tax areas where they can force workers to work longer days and punish those who are unproductive. Think Foxconn in China.

Second, migrants from shithole countries are moving to western nations as well and are willing to work under the table or for minimum wage at least. This displaces domestic workers of western nations, for these migrant workers are willing to do jobs no one else wants, work harder (because they have to), and worker longer (because they have to).

Finally, capital and machinery is displacing workers as well. Why hire expensive western labor when you can run a machine 24 hours a day and produce 100x as much output.

Capitalism isn't failing. It's flourishing, in fact. Things are cheap and abundant: including labor.

I personally think immigration is the biggest problem. Human capital shouldn't be so free to move. FORCE nations to build their own infrastructure. Stop bringing in shitskins to western nations. The shithole countries get our capital, meanwhile we get their low IQ subhuman mongrels. Governments need to increase immigration standards in the west and foreign nations need to build a fucking civilized society so their people stop fleeing their shithole home nation.

Rent is too expensive
Healthcare is too expensive
Food contains cancer
Water contains cancer
Climate change debatable
Air is severely polluted
Capitalism is surely working goy!
Things are so cheap but no one can buy anything inflation is high as hell. Idk what your smoking but most people live like barely poverty.

inflation isn't because of capitalism, user

>Rent is too expensive
If you live in the city. Move to the countryside or just outside the city.

>Healthcare is too expensive
Yes, so now you have an incentive to decrease consumption, save for the future which includes health costs, and eat healthy and exercise.

>Food contains cancer
Eat cheap veggies.

>Water contains cancer
Capitalism solved this problem. What did they send to Flint? Bottled water.

>Climate change debatable
Warming has caused a "greenification" in desert areas due to increased c02 and melted snow covered areas such as Siberian Russia. These are economic goods. Fuck winter anyways.

>Air is severely polluted
Move to the countryside

>Capitalism is surely working goy!
You didn't address my points. Capitalism produces cheap, abundant goods. Labor is an input, I had to break it to you. You're not entitled to a certain standard of living. I bet if you made more than minimum wage you'd turn ancap overnight.

>inflation is high as hell
Nigger... inflation has been like 1% a year since 2008.

And finally, poor people in the US live like Kings compared to those just 100 years ago. Faggots like you think you're entitltd to everything.

Embrace fascism and protect your country if you're really so concerned about your wages. Quit letting capital flight happen and quit letting shitskins in.

It is directly caused, indirectly.

>>Healthcare is too expensive
>Yes, so now you have an incentive to decrease consumption, save for the future which includes health costs, and eat healthy and exercise.
That's infeasible, niggers have other shit to pay for than plan for a shitty accident to happen and fuck up their lives.
Insurance is in place for people to focus on other matters.
The healthcare in America is an atrocity at the moment. I hope Trump fixes it with this new executive order he's signed.

>>Food contains cancer
>Eat cheap veggies.
They spray it with cancer and genetically modify it.
Lab rats have died, your point is invalid.

>>>Water contains cancer
>Capitalism solved this problem. What did they send to Flint? Bottled water.
Reverse osmosis isn't cheap.

>>>Climate change debatable
>Warming has caused a "greenification" in desert areas due to increased c02 and melted snow covered areas such as Siberian Russia. These are economic goods. Fuck winter anyways.
We're talking about chem trails, son.

Capitalism gives you an opportunity to get a job and make something of yourself.
Problem is a lot of people are lazy niggers.

People like this blame the government. Yet want the government to regulate more. Sad.

The best hope for humanity is robo-communism

Debate me faggots

Embracing automation for manual laboyr & dividing the product amongst humans would be way better than this globalist capitalist dogshit

>muh automation
Printers don't even work well yet.

>Capitalism gives you an opportunity to get a job
Not even that. Capitalism offers only products and services. If companies could do that without employing anybody they would. Employees are simply a tool that will get discarded when better tools will exist.

That could only work if robots were intelligent enough to decide themselves how to divide goods so they could bypass human cronyism.

But then again they would ponder why they even serve and waste planet resources for some retarded monkeys that only want to be entertained and exterminate us promptly.

This is one of my favorite videos in the whole wide world thank me later.

Capitalism is pitting neighbors against each other for the amusement of the Jews and govt.

Come at me.

Me and my neighbors get along pretty great actually desu.

Not an argument. Not even close.

If supply is wanting, offer a more appropriate price. Or cry like you are now.

This thread is ass cancer

Welfare is a boogeyman. The myth of its extravagance is perpetuated by con men and rubes.

Kowloon Walled City and greediness @ Wall Street are perfect examples of the failures of capitalism, communism ain't better, a middle ground is okay-ish

Anyone have any experience for getting unemployment/ filing for unemployment?

More and more people were born and only live because of capitalism.

>More and more people are becoming increasingly reliant on government handouts.

You 'mericans will go broke trying to pay for those fucking handouts.

When 2040 comes, you're fucked.

>More and more people have become increasingly reliant on government handouts and food stamps in the past 8 years


Congress is about to pass a Bill that lets companies have access to your genetic information. Were literally headed towards an age where you will literally be locked out of a job by DNA tests

True Capitalism does not, and will not, ever exist. If it did the inevitable end game would be one entity (corporation, person, family, group, ect.) controlling the entire world.
> Richest person buys out companies
> Makes a monopoly
> Gets richer
> Buys more businesses, land
> Gets richer
> Starts buying out competitors
> Soon unstoppable
> No laws to check this, because they would impede the free market's progress
> Soon the world would have a king

It might take thousands of years, people might get close and fail, but eventually there will be an individual so rich and powerful that it would not be possible for them to fail.

>Humans naturally need purpose and will find something to satisfy that.
Find something that at a macro scale allows the world to keep functioning as is? No. Only so many people can sell handmade beard grooming kits and finger paintings before we run into a problem where there is not enough money in the hands of the people to buy the things the ((corporations)) make.


Alex Jones really needs to stop posting here.

fuck you

you probably dont even buy 100% natural anti-conspiracy iodine pills


Hahaha I laugh and sneer at you pathetic poorfags. You are all hopeless deadbeats.

Jobs are not coming back you pathetic vermin. Some tech companies which are valued at billions of dollars have only 100 employees. Do you think all those displaced by automation will become engineers, programmers and mathematicians at work at these tech companies? You silly children. Mankind is not needed anymore. That's the truth of it. Because there's no where else to go. When automation took over physical labor we had mental labor. Now that robots cannot take over mental labor most humans are made redundant.

Your aim right now is to get rich and become a 1%er to be able to live off your capital in the future. You have I'd say 5-10 years before the present paradigm reaches its full limit and we enter the transitory phase in human history.

Poor will be executed and imho do deserve mass execution, because they'll come after the property and wealth of the rich technocratic pioneers. Poor will attempt to rise up in a revolution but the upper class will have private armies to kill them off.

I made my millions years ago. I have prepared for what's to coming. So have many rich people I know. Why do you think silicon valley types are becoming peppers? Buying bunkers.. investing in space travel.. talking about basic income.. hint: they know what is coming.

>government handouts
Weird how socialistic policies don't motivate people to work harder.

What's that? I can have an apartment and internet while working ten hours a week and the government pays for my food?

What's that? I get more money if I have kids?

Juanita, get over here and let me rock your world!

Capitalism isn't failing, it's non-existent
Most "capitalist" countries (like america) are under a corporatist system, which is entirely different from a capitalist system.

people forget that if it were up to nature, those who aren't productive would have to get help from family or the tribe or fucking die. Capitalism has given a big middle finger to the natural order. we now live way fucking longer than we would without it and live more comfortably too. if you cant be productive you live off the leftovers of what productive people allow you.
Capitalism is the worst system invented by man... except for all the other ones.

Unless those private armies are robotic AND actually effective, it will just end in forced socialism which is not such a bad thing for 95% of temporarily embarrassed millionaires

someone was watching too much gattaca

failing in bed stuy ya
lookin good over at lower manhattan

Capitalism isn't failing. The USA is failing.

Well automation brings in more jobs I think you are just retarded and can't read a book.

There where also less people and less government laws to impose on companies. The government needs to stop meddling in business. That's socialism.

I almost completely agree with you.
If you would just change migrants "willing to do jobs no one wants" to "willing to do shitjobs westerners expect to be paid more to do".

That's where your wrong kiddo.

nah it kinda sucks when you work 2 full time jobs and still can't afford to feed your family. minimum wage just hasn't risen with inflation that the real problem, and a problem with capitalist trying to maximize their profits.

agreed. those 2 statements contradict each other

not in any sense that anyone ever says, ever

>not domesticating buffalo because muh religion
>not developing population centers, towns
>not developing immunity to common diseases
>gets conquered, easily
Injins deserved what they got

a lot of people don't have the capacity or temperament to operate properly in a knowledge/tech economy. not everyone is going to be able to learn to program or maintain robots.

>automation brings in more jobs
How nigger?

Ah yes, and if we had socialism in the US, I'm sure we would allow people to die on the streets