/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

Previous:>[Fate/Grand Order Fes. 2017 ~2nd Anniversary~]
>There will be a quest named "Memorial Quest" in Chaldea Gate, clearing it will reward the players with their choice of "Heroic Spirit Formal Dress" Craft Essence from the 47 choices.
>Choices of the CEs also depend on the "Clear" status for each Singularity.

30 Jul-9 Aug: Sherlock Holmes (in all rate up)
2 Aug: Fuyuki, Orleans
3 Aug: Septem, Okeanos
4 Aug: London, America
5 Aug: Camelot, Babylonia
6 Aug: Shinjuku , Agartha
7 Aug: Da Vinci + 2016 Anniversary CE

>Strengthening Quest for 14 Servants.

>Guaranteed SSR Limited gacha

>English FGO has its own general for now, search /fgoalter/ in the catalog
>There are now costume options, Mashu is the only one available now
>Skill interludes for Astolfo and Arjuna, NP interlude for Geronimo, quartz interludes for Cu Alter, Jeanne Alter, David, Billy the Kid and Li Shuwen.
>Swimsuit versions for Nitocris, Nobunaga and Saber Alter have been revealed for the next Summer event


>Farming Guide


>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>Friendlist Spreadsheet (last reset: June 29)
Add yourself docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCq3eZgh3zlUtZ3G6Y-zzv1kaXt4GHuWVBRlV__V3Q3rC2Pg/viewform
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA

>Materials, experience and event AP simulators

>Alternate Servant/CE DB

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Alll these EOP hating on Musashi when they can't even read the dialogue. Fucking fake arguing kills generals you idiots. Treat all fake arguments as shitposting and ignore them if you aren't a retard.

10.0 thread.

gil is a useless reddit saberface

Post supports!

>any suggestions for a good CE for Holmes?

>Bringing shit from previous thread
We've talked about this

This, Musashi's character is actually pretty damn deep.

Sita when?

How mad will you be if the news are the summer 2017 event?




How would King Arthur have done in the 4th/5th HGWs?

This needs to be said every thread for slow but well meaning friends. They reply to these fake arguments because they aren't treating them as shitposting. We need to help guide them away from their mistakes.

I wouldn't be mad at all because that's in my expectations.

>that deermud

This, you need a deep understanding of the historical Musashi to truly appreciate the depth of Fate's interpretation.

Disappointment in 11 hours

Died like a bitch

ill be so mad that ill quit the nip fgo and go to eng fgo

>Tamamocucks getting THIS defensive


Why is he getting so attached guys? All I do is make him kill himself

I actually wanted this, but now that we have the leaks I feel the monkeys paw has closed a finger.

>You must be a Xfag to defend a character
Don't be an idiot user.

But アーサー王 was in the 4th and 5th HGWs?

I wonder if any of the Fragments Alters will get in as Servants or costumes, if they get into FGO at all?

Whatever you say, Tamamocuck.

So is Merlin never going on rate up again? I have 800 quartz saved for him

>One apple

Behold my shit taste

>I plan to do the same with his Saber version if they ever decide to release him...
>It's been 495 days since he was shown in the Murrica teaser

>The fake arguing continues
The only explanation is your shitposters shitposting against each other. Funposting will be the end of us all.

I keep asking that. I just want to throw the rest of my quartz at it for more copies of him and Holmes already.

アーサー王 was in the 1st and 2nd HGWs though?

DW would go out of business if everyone could get their own Memerlin.


But I'm not a Tamamocuck, heck, I consider her at the same league as Medb, I wouldn't waifu any of them not even if you pay me, but they're fun characters as enemies.

>grailed Taiga
>grailed Scat

Actually I wouldn't be but that isn't the """big news""" anyway

Instinct buff when?

I could also put Hijikata instead of Vlad. Dunno what CE he'd want.

The truth

gilgedditcuck is getting so steamed

Can't nerf him so the only option is never giving him a gacha again. Please understand.

Why are golden cookies so hard to farm?

Be patient, he'll come back whenever they feel like making money or as a bait just before they release the new gamebreaking 5*

Which one is supposed to be the good one? They both look like retards.

That's the point.

I just hope they make a full Prototype series first.

both are meant to be retards

The true truth

what if epic of remnant 3 is about musashi fawning over emiya because he is a pretty boy and can cook for her and this start a war because artoria is jealous?

>giving even a single shit about EMIYA

Boudica finally getting a buff where she's not just a shittier Mashu when?

Fuck off!
Musashi is for me alone!

me on the left

I've been spending all my AP on exp and QP, I should actually try to level my skills for the people on my support list

Do people even care about level skills?


this fag is counting the days... really?

very much so

Of course.


>the UBW scene where shirou kill berserker 7 times is based on his life
dumb secondary

How many 5* do you have? Are you a F2P or a whale?

Yeah they're pretty important.

They care if it's a good skill that gets even better when leveled, IE taunts, ATK up, Waver's skills, Merlin's skills, etc.



Whales will delete you first when they need space if you dont have properly leveled skills. Whales are really helpful when it comes to events so I try to get my skills leveled as much as possible.


dumb welfare poster

Unless I've refreshed multiple times I never use any servant without at least level 6 skills.

I have 8 and I'm F2P.


Dumb newfag. They already said to look forward to her ascension arts. So she would have to be the first welfare with changing art.


true f2p or false f2p?

only 6. F2P.

10 with an NP 2 Jeanne. I'm an f2p.

True, sometimes I have good luck where I get 2 5* with some tickets and 30 quartz while others I don't get anything with 200 quartz and all my tickets.

I only really care about them for difficult quests.
Most of the time I find CEs prioritize them having the CEs I want.

>three 3* servants
>a 2* servant
>one 4* and a pair of shitty 5*
The only reason to add you would be for Ozymandias

F2P except for jew gacha

so you never rolled a paid gacha?

if you did, you are a false f2p

More proofs when!!

Thanks for the account fag.

20, including two NP2s and one NP5. I've whaled, but none of the NP5 copies were gotten through whaling. I've also rolled a paid gacha three times.

Nightingale with 10/10/10 or np3 Herk with bond CE 10/4/4

Exactly, and I'll never will.

The final art counts for an Ascension art though.

Reminder Holmes is
>more handsome
than Moriarty.

Do you retards never get tired of this dumb meme?

>needing proofs
Litteraly how?


I have ten 5*
>karna, arjuna, Arthur, Ramses II, Sherlock, Nero bride, Jeanne Alter, Jack and Iskander
>Only use Karna, Nero, Ramses II and Sherlock

all except for Ozy and Sherlock were F2P

35 unique, 7NP2, 1NP3 whale

Reminder that they're both cool and cute.

2 paid gachas.

I would like him way more if not for his retarded trenchcoat made of belts.
c:warning kennedy