League of Legends General - /lolg/

GEMS edition

>Very Useful Links


>7.15 Patch Notes


>Champion and Skin Sales


Join us in the /lolg/ Official Stream, find the link on Eyosongive.us

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Armor of the fifth age is the only skin that should be used on Taric.

The best girl in this game is Tristana in casual housewear and there is nothing you can do to change it

xth for poppy

Darius is freelo until gold right?

Pool party is pretty good for a tongue-in-cheek funny skin though. The megaphone sound on his taunt is hilarious.

How do I make it so I can add old splash arts in the client?

wait holy shit


Post your recently played champions

>Very Useful Links
>Triumph.gg is dead
>Legends.gg is a twitter account with 0 posts


The OP is a shitpost, just ignore it

does anyone even look at those links, honestly

xth for Syndra

Wrong. Emerald is the best for that sweet LoTR aesthetic

What's going on in this pic?

TF is tied with Tristana and Jhin (he was free and I wanted to try him)


I agree user. Janna is very beautiful, in many ways.

She's elf beautiful.

What do you think about Xin Zhao mains?

Just gas me already.

im glad yall are contained to bronze and silver

Eagerly waiting for the rework, even if minor

Jhin isn't cancer. Lethality is.

If you were to choose between no more salty people and will then be replaced by more friendly and chill people but bad players still exist or there will be no more bad players but salty people and the things they do like going AFK is still a thing, which of the two would you pick?
Note:Your choice will not affect you. This only goes to everyone else.

Whats the dumbest shit you have ever heard anyone say in this game user?

I just walked in on my brother playing lucien and fucking murdering everything , and he says in chat "Braum can you stick with me please i need peel "

"Lucien I am not your bodyguard , you little faggot nigger"

> Saw him for the first 4mins in lane then he helped his duo jax top

Does anybody who happen to have a SG skin (not Jinx though!) wanna play some normals with me?

Don't ImThem me pls

>they still go AFK
Fuck that noise.

Hey guys I'm hardstuck on Challenger, how do I get out?

Damn it, I just got into game. I have all the SG skins

At some point in every competitive video game people forget to have fun.

Overwatch is the most recent example of this. And it goes all the way back to your little brother beating your ass in mortal kombat by button mashing.

>be Taric
>lane with Vayne
>she insists to take trades with Lucian and Leona because "she cannot farm"

>Strawpoll not made by darkness_dragon_wizard

Sorry JIDF, I'm not going to vote on that survey of yours.


this is retarded if every1 was good nobody would afk or int what is wrong with u


i WILL bully the lulu


he's not that shit

jhin. is. cute.

his work is cute!

xth for breast metal waifu

>New skins to an existing skin line

>every skin is 1350 RP, Ultimate, or Gemstone exclusive

Theyve done this for every skin since what, Taliyah? Its REALLY annoying at this point.

Hey that's my thing. Just playing friend. What do you like most about Poppy?

There are still some who has the "Follow what I say or else" attitude regardless if they are good (as well as their teammates) or not.

I know a friend of mine who has a tendency to do this.

why is shadow kayn so much better than darkin kayn even though darkin kayn seems objectively better

>tfw when you'll never have a full Star Guardian flex queue squad

>Piltovans wake up
>thread quality goes down

I have all the SG skins actually. IGN: Kazekiba

Post Master Yi related things

Why does no one play Ivern?

Wait what the fuck desu , is the hec skin exclusive to this event?

He doesn't work in soloq and even in comp he's kinda been gutted too much.

He got Riot'd and thus everyone abandoned him except Ivern mains

really shitty when you have a third world currency like canadabux too

shadow is better when youre ahead, darkin is better when youre behind imo.

>ahri, the person with something vayne related in her name, throws by ulting into 5 people
>lulu ? pings me for no reason
uh what

>posting that toxic fraud

I am the only one who thinks GP is overrated?

He takes too long to be relevant and he can be very unreliable if you aren't a god at him.

>buy sheen or hit 6
>be relevant

Nobody thinks GP is good right now. He hasn't been relevant since Trinity lost its crit

I have lux and janna
NA: kooba

I think there is a right answer to thins.

The number of games I've lost to simply bad people is probably roughly comparable to the number of games I've lost to people getting pissy and salty. So I might as well choose to have the bad people around who are nice, because the good but salty players make you lose games all the time too. So you might as well have them be nice.

>simplistic and shallow babby's first shooter
>their general is constantly people giving each other shit for which hero they play, even more than here with rivens or whatever
>when in reality it's all roughly equivalent, they just want to make themselves feel better

>be dotard since 2011
>based god icefraud's balance decisions over the past year have not been in my taste
>seriously considering investing in league of legends for the waifu-factor

is it worth it?

>He hasn't been relevant since Trinity lost its crit

>people below the rank of masters giving a shit about other peoples rank

Still has the issue of an ADC where if you missposition or get caught one time without flash, you can throw a lead or even lose the game.

Buff Leblanc so I can come back to this boring ass game

His build paths with arpen/lethality aren't nearly as nice as the old tri into IE

what did you play in doto? I could never get into that game because of how clunky it felt. League feels so much smoother.

Just try it

Reason why I switched from DOTA to LoL a long time ago is because LoL fixes/removes somethings that I don't like in DOTA (like secret shops and how the tower works) and it add things that interests me (like innate passives and jungle buffs)

>spending dust that couldve went to a champion unlock
please tell me you didn't fall for the mastery 6 and 7 meme

leblanc is strong right now just feels like shit to play because of all the retarded delay on her kit

>mfw been losing all day today in both ranked and normals
>feel like shit and feel like dropping garen and maokai from top lane even though i have seen some success in garen top
I hate being demotivated, lads. Shit blows.

I was a low 5k MMR shitter who played any solo lane I could get my hands on (mostly offlane) because my experience with support players in dota was awful. Favorite heroes are strong lane bullies and ones that go in and force teamfights to happen.

I'll try it, it's free after all, I'm just worried I'll sink a ton of hours into learning the game only to realize that it has the same development/balance issues that Dota has

>Streamers that put bgm while playing

Why can't everybody be like Boxer Pete? I don't want to fucking listen to your shitty music, if I wanted to listen to anything I'd put it up my fucking self god damn it.

If you want to force teamfights, you're in luck. Tanks are in the meta and all about going in. Toplane is your best bet. Also juggernauts are good for the lane bullying part but not as good at forcing fights. Darius, sion, and maokai might be something you're into

>tfw the streamer says "what are you doing?"

What champions have the highest burst damage and DPS right now?

I own every champ and have 4 Shards and 1.1k dust.
What else am I doing with it?

>It's a "all the streamers I used to watch just lazily (play) PUBG now episode

this shit is fucking cancer

Appreciate the suggestions user, I just want to go in and go hard. From what little research I've done, I would agree that the toplane in League is the most similar to the offlane in Dota, so that's probably where I'll embed myself.

I can tolerate her W's damage getting gutted because of her level 2 cheese but I lost count of how many time I got cucked late game trying to kill an ad carry because of this dumb ass sigil shit.

They need to nerf Annie's dumb ass because she cheeses you so hard at lvl 2.Turns out thae more you nerf other mid laners the stronger this little cunt keeps getting


what makes pubg better than every battle royale game that came before it

It actually works, that's it.

has the chance to get afkers increased as of late? out of the 20 games i played i had up to 9 games where there has been an afk resulting in an instant lose like the fucking remake system is useless what the fuck is going on it used to be a way lower chance than that

How would you guys fix Poppy?

I made a smurf account to try and one-trick Poppy to D5 (D3 on my main) but I am fucking hardstuck in P3 right now. While I do wholly acknowledge that there are games I could have played better, I honestly feel held back by the champion and it's gotten to where I actually feel like I'm trolling my team by picking her. Problems I've noticed:

1. Stun is WAY too fucking hard to land reliably. It's super short range, easily predictable, can be flashed out of, and when you do fuck it up, you usually end up in a really bad place and die. Or you help them escape.
2. Her mana costs are fucking ridiculous with extremely low mana regen. Webm related. Here's me playing with a sheen and mana crystal in my inventory, and still running out of mana after 3 spell rotations.
3. All her items are shit. What do you build first on Poppy? No one knows. Everything is viable, which in a way is saying that nothing is especially good. She has no power spikes if you build tank, but then falls off and becomes completely useless if you build damage.

What rank are you guys, how often do you play her, and what would you say her problems are?

>has the chance to get afkers increased as of late?

You act like Riot intentionally puts these people in your games, you're not that important user

this is clearly the classic /v/ strategy of hiding your autism behind a question, even if that question makes no sense. I'm not reading your fucking autistic blogpost faggot

kill yourself

>EU is so shit all their good teams are willing to lose all their fans and good players just to move to NA

Pray that another Poppy meta doesn't happen, user.

What makes Kha6 players so toxic?

Only you can ____ me, Summoner.

I'm a normals only shitter so my opinion really doesn't matter much. I think her biggest problem is like you said the short range of her E. I normally build Sun fire first so I can get my grasp stacks with my shield throw. Next I usually get a frozen fist for the cc/damage. Her mana regen is shit like you said but honestly I have only had issues with it when I stay too long when I should've backed post laning. During leaning you are completely right.

That's not the reason, dumb frogposter. Here's the actual reasons:

>NA has Riot backed marketing
>NA has a better regular season system
>"The applications are a result of the lack of communication to teams regarding the future of the European League Championship Series, sources said. The teams feel there is a clearer future to invest in North American League of Legends."
>"Sources said that it was unlikely any of these teams would be accepted by Riot Games, given their existing footholds and brand establishment in Europe."

they need a meatsack to blow cooldowns for them so they can spam their rotation

if nobody goes in for them soon their autism catches up and they engage alone and die 1v3 and its your fault

you cant call it bait and still reply to it seriously you fuckign shitters

i wish it was that simple but it has happened everytime i have been playing in my friends promo to plat but i thought they had more stricter punishments for when you afk so it deters afk just like how they handled being toxic

aka NA is better than EU
im glad we agree

People haven't been banning Kayn recently so I thought it was safe to just play him a few times but now every fucking game today people are banning him. Fucking why?

streamers are literally paid to play by the dev

make love to