Veeky Forums humor thread!
Veeky Forums humor thread!
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What's the source on this? Car looks too new to be a cheap car challenge and I don't remember seeing this.
The car in the background looks like a Peugeot to me with that headlight and bumper shape, other than that no idea what episode/season/segment.
Stop being new
Found it.
Fuck off.
I wasn't talking about the treequinox part of that image
Lol OP trying again after nobody took his bait no matter how many times he bumped his shitty thread yesterday
>being this new
I've watched literally all of Top Gear three times, doesn't mean I remember every gag.
wheres the fucking humor?
Post the one where Veeky Forumstists compare shopping carts to driving cars
Jesus wept
Look up Toyota Cavalier
The JDM Cavalier will meet its match in the JDM Queen VW. The question is, who wins?
I know about it, dunno what happened to my other images of them
all this amount of faggots falling for bait
10/10 my dude kekd irl
He is literally made of liquid.
does that work?
I'm honestly not baiting. I recognise the Subaru that dude binned into a tree, I just didn't recognise the episode.
Sad day for you OP
OP is a sad sack of shit
Some one's salty about a thread
Maybe FWD wasn't a mistake.
Define "work"
That was a fucking fantastic thread. "Add a straw to a shop vac" "Magnet"
>The car in the background looks like a Peugeot to me
To you, yeah. It is Subaru Sti.
Wow thats fucking awesome
Who makes these?
BMW //M shit
its from the the episode where they let their moms test some hatchbacks
Never fear, the ausfags are here!
AU Falcon is best Falcon
Intech is the only tech I need
oh boy am I going to save this one
Just jpg my shit desu
australian here jpg is the only image format small enough to upload before the captcha times out
Exquisite image.
If I were the owner of that classic mustang(?) I would be proud to have my vehicle sacrificed for the sake of a spicy meme like this.
This post is mildly amusing, but don't encourage cancer please.
Ah, sorry cunt, carry on.
You guys are fucking idiots. He's asking about what top gear episode it is and talking about the yellow car, not equinox' subaru
It's not even bait, the people falling for it just have extremely poor reading comprehension.
Just the car and it'll blow it right out. Worls every time.
Nigga that's a 1967 Pontiac Tempest Le Mans GTO
Reeeeeeeeeeeeeee get off my board
Jesus Christ am I drunk?
>Just start the car and it'll blow it right out. Works every time.
for what purpose?
is this that guy from the last two bayformers movies?
thank god people stopped with the corvette gtr shitposting
Hurr! Grand Cherokee 4x4
>implying it wasn't alphonse samefaging and ban evading to make a thread every single day
I want to bolt the not holes and torque them to death even faster than other rotas