/r6g/ -Rainbow Six General

icy glare edition

(To find out why, read OP FAQ right below this, under "Which edition should I buy?" section)

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>Official News & Known Issues
Operation Health - Patch 2.21 is live.
Hong Kong season has been delayed. Poland map has been canceled. GROM operators will be released together with HK and SK operators.

Comeback victory:

I'm not a huge fan of black people

me too
it's bizarre that there's only two in the game though

IQ is a perfect goddess
she has really nice feet too!

i want to murder iq

someone needs to put an end to this...

>it's a level 17 insta locks jager, doesn't place ADS, doesn't reinforce and then dies within 30 seconds episode

i wouldn't mind so much but they seem to have this one on repeat

explain me how a p90 with like 33dmg per bullet do 92 dmg to the chest?

I wish she had a good gun.

i need play wtf where everyone to play

dont get baited by this fucking autist

>play against guy and he kicks the shit out of us
>next match he's on my team and he goes blitz every time
Man I have the worst solo queue luck.

>fuze shitter dies
>I have no drones left
>*voice chat silent*
>dropping through hatch on bomb
>*voice chat silent*
>*multiple weird AAAA screams in chat when I start planting*
>valk was on spot all this time
>it was overtime match point
This bullshit game is unplayable without full stack

I thought it would not get worse.


I'm sorry

Who is the ugliest operator?
(apart from iq, she's so ugly that all the other ops look beautiful compared to her)




Honestly? You ever seen Pulse's model? Fucker looks like a potato in sunglasses with a cardiac sensor.

>get disconnected from a game
>cant go back
>will eventually get deranked because ubisoft cant program the difference between leaving a game and getting disconnected

I hate life

I am having a rough morning.

thing is if they do that if people are gonna lose they could just unplug their internet and not suffer and penaltys for losing

Yeah I guess so

Guess I'll just blame my own shitty net

I wouldn't, I just got disconnected while at the main menu.

reminder that anyone who mains caveira is a degenerate

theres literally nothing worse than ash/jager mains

>maining an op

Looks like this new "glitch" with restarting alpha-pack wheel with alt+enter doesn't change anything, if you lost your roll, resetting it won't help (95% it's serverside)

>play solo TH as IQ for the charm
>go into a room
>terrorists yell "there he is!"

IQ confirmed as a girl (boy) by Ubisoft

Seems like the footfags are really fags_

yeah i dont think it changes anything
i alt+entered like 4 times with 30% chance and didnt get 1

>not maining ops in the year of our lord 2017








Prove it! Mira and Frost, not IQ and Ash okay! Praise Defenders!

August 29

Was operation health even helpful?


Are you saying one step matchmaking wasn't a help

So no one told you Siege was gonna be this way
Your team's a joke, game's broke, new content's D.O.A.

>there are people who play bomb instead o secure area
please stop playing siege if you do that

The only thing we got that wasn't promised/in works before Op Health were the new hitboxes.

Maybe they'll also get the tick rate and hitreg fix in before it's done, but I'm not hopeful.

Of course not, who sells a game based on truth?

And the sad truth is I have fun. Even in that picture, the other team agreed to pistols only and we had fun.

It's aggravating and it feels a lot like playing a f2p MOBA at times. But it is exciting and the game lets you be very creative.

It's the curse of Siege. The best worst game ever made.

What is the super 90

something that used to be much better

Defend this, /r6g/

Bandit mains are up there

I think he wants to be Friends.

"Used to be better" does not equal "bad"

I've been at Basic camp this summer for the Army so I haven't been around for it.

we wont, we aren't reddit.

some whiny little bitch pretending he knows about that kinda stuff

t. Ubisoft

the krauts atleast need to expose their giant earmuffs alongside their head
ash just gets to contest tight angles with nothing but a sliver of a pixel of headbox to see, let alone shoot at
it's outright bad character design, even for a static case
throw latency, hitreg issues and 3 speed movement into the mix and you get abspolute cancer

Not to mention her guns are god tier, so on top of being unhittable there's an 80% chance you'll die before she even shows up in your screen

It's ridiculous that this game has so many operators with great gadgets and great guns alongside operators with shit gadgets and shit guns.

It's true though.
The only reason this game's still going is because it's the only one in it's niche.

Convince me not to buy Capitao.
With actual, non-meme arguments.

enjoy being the only guy in the team confined to entering through predictable doorways


you cant breach anything

meant for

[heavy breathing]
More servers on south america, pls

please god this.

dont give those dweebs more servers

You can now get a match in 1 minute or less most of the time and at most, 3 minutes.

That alone gives them partial success. You can argue that it was supposed to be done already but frankly I'm just glad it works and we no longer have the joke tier matchmaking they had before.

The game still has a thousand issues. But not 1001.

>i dont want spics in my game
>but i dont want to give them a reason to stay in their own servers

Tsun tsun


you mean, non-br servers right?

i aint even an amerifat so i dont get them.

God yes
One around chile and one around peru like dota/lol do would solve so many issues

Sort of nice. I won't turn my nose up at a legendary skin but its not my favorite for the UMP

Would look better on an AK or FAL.

so when are 3 speeds getting nerfed?

I approve of this

>not maining Rook/Thermite and being a credit to your team

>play solo TH as IQ for the charm
>going into a room

Just allahuh ackbar bro.

>yay i'm gonna place in platinum!
>proceed to be on throw teams and lose the last 3
>gold 2
I miss playing 1v1 games where win or lose it was your victory and defeat to own.

Reminder that unless it says Multiplayer or win there's no need to actually do it just suicide as fast as possible.


>its two matches of 2vs5 in a row

I hope it'll be Season 3 or Season 3 mid reinforcement patch at least

is there seriously no site that has a list and pictures of the cosmetics in this game?
even deader games like payday 2 have this.

But what if i enjoy playing iq?

My condolences.

She aint that bad
I ended up replacing sledge with her

She isn't bad in comparison to Blitz.

She's bad in comparison to all the other ops. You only take IQ when they have a pulse/Valk that causes problems.

If the new operation wasn't even announced yet we're not getting it for weeks, are we

There's always a pulse or a valk on the other side in my games, so i always get a lot out of her

>you can now turn on/off your laser sight
>if your turn it off you don't get the bonus
>IQ can see you if you have the laser turn on


Kinda cool.
Would be a great buff to IQ.

>>IQ can see you if you have the laser turn on
Yes, but only if EMP grenades disable them too

The new season is literally coming in a few weeks though

I feel that it's a gamble. I'm grateful when it pays off but when it doesn't I wish we had someone with better utility.

At least she has grenades.

wouldnt she just counter shotguns since most people dont use laser sights on rifles or smgs

Its taking me forever to load into games, and I can't figure out why. Specifically its when everyone's picked their operators first round, that loading time is often a full minute after timer runs. uPlay is on the same drive as Siege, the drive isn't too full, and no other game does anything close to this. Anyone have insight?

>ace with pulse
>aim so bad I don't want to share it

IQ buff brainstorming time?
Okay, how about "can mark bombs/containers when she sees them through her gadget"?

How does tapping an injured person help them get up after they got shot many times?

I'm amazed this isn't a thing already, she even says stuff like "objective located"

>iq scanner
>counter shotguns
>being in detection range means being in kill range
>while carrying a pistol

>Attackers now have absolutely no reason not to slap laser sights on their guns for when they run in a room

It's a no from me user.