/ASX/ - Australian Stock Exchange General

Rock-[fucking]-Bottom Edition
>time to brainstorm a little

Weekly review:
>RMX & MLS holders still getting thunder fucked.
>Minor gains in certain weed stocks. >Telcos & Heath are stagnant.

Biz memes:
>GXY (yeh lol not anymore)
>the rest are shithouse let's be honest

On the bright side, large wave of Dividends upcoming.

Other urls found in this thread:


>mls holders thunderfucked
This triggers me. Mls has found good support at 0.08.

OP is just salty he bought in at 0.015

>Good support
Sure, if you ignore the data and rub shit in your eyes, MLS looks great.

Depends what price you got in at, 0.07-0.08 I think MLS should be fine for you.

I think RMX is going to become a bit of a shitfest after their credit raising and the new details in their announcement from a few days ago - I hope no one is still holding, thoughts?

I'm in at .010, so I'm in for the long haul now anyway. Considering averaging down when I get some more cash. I still think it's institutional fuckery, stop losses and retail panic rather than a leaky ship.

I'd recommend against averaging down with speculative stocks based on my own experiences, I haven't been following it that closely but I hope for you're sake you're right user.

I have some questions about tax and shares
Ive been dabbling in share trading for about 6 months. Im pretty much sitting about even now, although it tends to fluctuate up and down.
I dont want to fuck up my tax and get in shit
How do I know if I have to pay, How do I know if i can claim from losses?

What is your net gain from trading? If its even, you dont pay any tax

Fuck I hope there's plenty of coverage of pot stocks in the weekend news. I want Mum and Dad to go all in. I'm sitting on zld at .060, bought in at .055. I could've scooped maybe 350 bucks off but I'm praying that it's found resistance at around .060. Any opinions, if not on zld, pot stocks performance next week in general ?

Long term i see pot stocks being worthless. Bought into mxc at .03 and sold half of the shares at .06. I've got a sell order for the other half in at $1 so i have a bit of optimism. I defs WOULD NOT be buying in now. Too much hype

Dot.bong stocks are so hype and momentum driven. Just ride the waves with buy low and sell high.
Would love to enter MXC again but will wait til around 3-4c.

ETHI. Thoughts?

Get out

Morningstar sees Vocus (VOC) at a fair value of $7. Thoughts?

I brought the dip at ~ $3.80

Whats the next meme lads? Want to chuck a cheeky grand in.

Theres this mining penny stock that hasnt been getting much attention lately, its called MLS.
Check it out, IMO it ill BOOM anytime now

lol nice try m8

Im kinda new here, is this thread just for ASX talk or can we discuss other Veeky Forums topics?

Im 22 and have been working as a mining electrician for a number of years, im so over this industry. Im contemplating getting involved more in the engineering side, but really I just want out all together.
How difficult would it be for someone who has very little to no education in business, to buy and manage a franchise of some sort? Or start up my own business?


get in and there and buy it ya prick. It's obviously steady at .008.

ggg holders have a look at this

anyone got some good tech stocks to look at? sick of the meme miners

no drones

Claiming big numbers for uranium reserves. If they get greenlit, the uranium sector will not recover for decades, if ever.

AMD just got added to the SP500, so monday is 100% GAINZ

SAS. I keep telling yous and everytime it's all MSL GXY RMX ezy money just blaze faggots.

I was making a daily 400-600 bucks off speculation, a bit spooked after the trading halt.

I'm not. It sounds to me they're making deals with South America & see if the deal pull through - which I believe it will.
After all its better for poorer nations to use satellite instead of landline which get looted, damaged cause nigs wanna make $1 from selling scrap copper lines.

Now I regret selling out of AC8 at 0.800 on Friday, I was expecting this coming week to be cooling off so I could buy back in low again but that tweet might just keep the hype alive.
Still holding MXC but not expecting that to jump too much off that tweet/news.

Hello, Veeky Forumszybodies XD
I have $1000 of disposable money. What should I do with it?

I think I know what you mean but can you elaborate? The supply/bullishness from the mine's approval will make it so that the supply/demand is depleted in the future?

Depends which market you're going into.
Starting a business is fairly easy, stacks of retards do it, keeping it open for a year or more is the tough bit.

There's already a supply glut and uranium demand is not increasing because reactor shutdowns are occurring at the same rate as new builds.

Bet it all on black at the local casino. Or invest in MLS, same thing really.

Dont get me wrong, Im a very hard working individual, but I want to get off the tools and take more a white collar position.

>Starting a business is fairly easy, stacks of retards do it, keeping it open for a year or more is the tough bit.
Thats why I was thinking a franchise, for the systematisation.
I worked in fast food all through school, Id even go back to that if I owned the place

If you've got the motivation, I'd suggest you try the franchise first, learn the ropes of running an operation, then start your own when you've got the confidence and knowledge.
I know a couple of entrepreneurial types, the key seem to be people skills, negotiating with customers/supplers/employees etc to build connections and get the best value from them. You'll want a mentor or two who've already had successful business startups so you can check your progress.

Do tour research on franchises before signing up. Midas is a particularly dangerous one

What kind of franchise are you thinking about?

been riding GXY since like .34
Now would be a good time to buy if anyone wanted ins in my opinion.

Should be an interesting week ahead lads


Yeah good luck everyone hope you have a good week.


I know for sure that autism is on the rise. Thanks for the hot tip

Market's open.

>Holiday across half the country

Whats G8 gonna do today?

Hold me gently \biz\

I wish I didn't sell MMJ last week.
Oh well still made $1100, even though that woulda been $4K Today :(

Don't dwell on it, just live and learn.

Tomorrow's another day

I've held on to zld since my buy in @ .055. My feeling is that I wouldn't get in that cheap again. Glad I did, but anything could happen tomorrow.

Are there actually people in this thread who don't currently own MLS?
WHAT THE FUCK OS YOUR PROBLEM?? Do you not want to get rich?
Seriously, give me one good reason why you haven't bought MLS yet?

Someone keeps dumping @ .008. They definitely don't want to see mls at .009.

Don't own.

>Get rich
Not one person in her has gotten 'rich' and most people have lost money and are now 'LTH'

I don't enjoy the risk of resource stocks. Enjoy, hope it works out for you. I am entertained by the commentary

damn i made a lot of money off of MXC, but I'm salty af for selling at 0.073. Ah well. Time to reinvest in a diversified meme portfolio

>Not one person in her
in here*

SAS, it's a solid meme

>Not one person in her has gotten 'rich' and most people have lost money and are now 'LTH'
Yep, MLS is an expensive whore.

is this also an /ausfinance/ general?

would anyone give me a home loan when I only make $330 a week, with a $45k deposit?

Stage 1 of the SAS rocket has ceased thrust, awaiting stage 2 to engage, the latest announcement was a failed ignition sequence.

The lenders have plenty of calculators on their websites that will answer this very question

Sure, if your home costs around 90k. Where are you looking at buying? Why income so low? Neet? Autismo?

NEET casual storeman 16hr a week. And Adelaide so mid $200k - $300k for a 3 bedroom is around the mark

Am i doing it right?? 4 months since I started


Nice, post your portfolio.

How did you get 45K together?

You need to get those hours up mate

5 years of living with no bills and no social life

whats driving the pot stocks so high? its so speculative, i dono when it will stop.

how long can it last for

Anyone else been watching BML?
What do you think of their announcement this afternoon?

It seemed like a very non-update update. Or am I missing something?

Why the fuck did MXC spike like 40% today?

dono bruh im just hoping they spice another 900% and i get a massive pay out

I sold out at .075 on Friday, and then this bullshit happens
regret city boys

What do we think about pot stocks lads? Is there something to be gained?

look at the last two weeks. Hottest sector on ASX, who knows how long it lasts.

im betting my potential profit from selling now that they go up very high.

Ttw when 20 yo poorfag neet virgin with no friends.

How much capital do you have?
As for pot stocks, I posted Greg hunts tweet before, that may have built some more hype.
What's going on with ggg? It's really died in the arse. When are these people going to let us rape their motherland.

Do you want to make a change at least?

Whats the next big thing Veeky Forums please no rmx or mls

Anyone here hold any index funds?

It's really off topic and deserves its own thread, but franchises are illusionary especially retail franchises.
The product isn't what you sell over the counter but immigration visas etc
Franchises are playing with other people's money and at worst you'll go broke at Best Buy yourself a wage.

Why? What's wrong with RMX and MLS?

I unironically believe that RMX and MLS have found a bottom and are both a good boy at the prices they're currently trading at. Lithium and miners in general have been getting hammered lately and should bounce back soon, the sector hasn't been hit as badly as the declines have showed.

I'd recommend MLS over RMX however, get yourself a 13% gain from buying at 0.09 and selling at 0.10

A lot of $$ has left them for Cobalt and now pot stocks

Sounds like you know what you're talking about
Where is the money in small business then?

MLS's most recent announcement as underwhelming.

RMX did a dodgy capital raise as they heavily imposed that they were fully funded for drilling in a prior-announcement, the capital raise that they gave was also at quite a discount.

Out of the two I'd go with MLS, less moon potential but also significantly less risk. I have more trust in their management.

Fuck, I should have bought more pot stocks. I never go big on these things.

All pot stocks man. Everyone except ZLD. Which frustrated a little that i wasn't in that cause it jumped last week too

OK Boys, here comes the dot.bong stocks manipulation. Should we ride the waves?
I'm expecting constant daily drops of 10% or more on the SP.

Hoping for a massive dump though so I can re-enter MMJ around 40c or lower.

Just bought MLS because I'm a thrill seeker.

I've got 50% profit on zld, but I'm holding. We nearly hit 10 cents today; I'm confident that it won't dip below my buy in price tbqh. I made that bet last week and I was right. Don't forget there's still more announcements to come re the actual roll out of medical marijuana. That's sure to bump the price up.

Good man.

can't wait for it to to drop to 0.006 and and I get my first erection in 4 weeks so I can check if my ex wife still has my number blocked.

Someone recommend me more meme stocks. I'm looking at GGG but was hoping to get in at 0.115 but don't think it'll happen. I care very little about my life/money right now so buying stupid shit on very little reason.

Seriously, everyone should be looking into BML. You heard it here first

this might as well be chinese for me.

what should i read to get started?

Sounds like someone is having a feels attack. If you're drinking/drugging, stop right now. Go and organise some counseling. If you want to feel good about yourself, go and start an exercise program. Get those endorphins pumping.

Why is ggg being constantly drip fed at the buy in price? WTF does this mean?

Tfw losing money on SAS erry day despite good news from them

* current offer price

Just start googling the codes you see in this thread. Organise yourself a brokerage account. You'll probably end up with commsec but there are others available. Take /asx/ advice with a grain of salt.