>Patch 4.05 Notes
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>Patch 4.05 Notes
>Live Letter Q&A
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Do not discuss or reply to him. Total ignorance.
does amber actually like poopies? PLEASE RESPOND THIS IS IMPORTANT
Does anyone play on louisoix
who cares about amber
>level to 70 on crafters/gathers solely by leves/collectibles
>have to do the story quests to unlock their true potential
>get all these obscure mats for garbage to hand in to NPCs
Fish yes, scary eyes.
post cute face 1 femras
no one's gonna carry your garbage ass
Sorry I play on Lamia
I have no idea why it gives me a boner.
This is really lewd looking.
Cause you imagine that she's giving head under the queue.
Subtle lewd screens are best
Would be even better if you know how to fucking crop. Fucking avatarfags.
salut gamers
>ded sever
la croissant
Everytime i see this dumb fucking cat I just want to punch my computer screen.
I wish she was on so I could try to get more voyeur shots.
More like comfy. It's not too crowded, but not too empty either. Plus I have yet to see any weirdo erping or drama in public chat here. Its mostly people looking for hunts, raids or fc invites. :3
All these anons on random Chaos servers, and not a single one on Cerberus. Feelsbadman
Post some Shisui.
hey gamers hey gamers hey gamers hey gamers hey gamers hey gamers hey gamers hey gamers hey gamers hey gamers hey gamers hey gamers hey gamers hey gamers hey gamers hey gamers hey gamers hey gamers hey gamers
How can these people have slutglam and not realize they look awful? Just because you're showing off skin doesn't mean you don't look like an idiot.
If this makes you fell better, if I played on Chaos I would probably go to Cerberus.
I'm reading about the calamity event again, and it seems like it was really cool. I would love to be able to play through it at least once.
whats up pimps
Am I going to need a date for the Moonfire Faire? I've never gone before.
Lizard daddies.
btw i'm a guy
Thanks for putting yugiri in the OP!
Roll To Get Shipped for a Moonfaire Date
00-01 Quentyn
02-03 Ippiki
04-05 Sabin
06-07 Ninii
08-09 Waffle
10-12 Tofu
13-14 El Suavador
15-16 Byooki
17-18 Harkenia
19-20 Hanna
21-22 Suro
23-24 Mahayana
25-26 Mumutsu
27-28 Black Steve
29-30 Algy
31-33 Paks
34-35 Harpuia
36-37 Ayase
38-39 Elk
40-41 K'is
42-43 Jaiba
44-45 Mute
46-47 Slithice
48-49 Sera
50-51 Vjera
52-53 Meracle
54-55 Abe
56-57 BG
58-59 Ceveth
60-61 Masha
62-63 Leukka
64-65 Cute Girl
66-67 Kellam
68-69 Momo
70-71 Kumfi
72-73 Rylai
74-75 Tolan
76-77 Rukira
78-79 Talia
80-81 Naandae
82-83 Angelus
84-85 Lei
86-87 Read
88-89 A'exis
90-91 A'lamahni
92-93 Laeka
94-95 Godspeed
96-97 Aldyet
98-99 Shanoa